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Aimee Cupid (Angel Tweet Series)

Page 4

by Peggy McGee

  “Actually, I graduated last year with a combination of music and religious studies at Hope College also,” Luke answered.

  “Humph, small world, isn’t it?” Aimee kidded.

  “Are you here by yourself?” he continued.

  “I’m residing in an apartment above Krystal while my boyfriend is involved in mission work in Ecuador,” Aimee informed him, noticing his disappointment. But she was anxious to redirect his attention towards Krystal, who was now flirting with Brad.

  Finally, Aimee noticed Brad excusing himself since he had another appointment as Krystal wandered over.

  “There you are!” she exclaimed, “I didn’t see you come in.”

  “I’ve just been chatting with Luke here. He graduated from Hope College with a major in religion and music,” Aimee explained.

  “Oh, are you planning to become a minister?” Krystal asked.

  “Currently, I’m the music director, but someday I would like to become a youth minister. Though, I have to get in shape to keep up with all of the kids first,” he kidded.

  “Oh, so are you about ready to go?” Krystal asked Aimee.

  “Yes, anytime you are,” Aimee agreed. “Take care Luke.”

  “Yeah, you too.”


  On the short walk home, Aimee asked Krystal, “So, how did the free gym lesson go with you?”

  “Great, I hardly paid any attention. Brad is way beyond cute,” Krystal observed.

  “Yes, he does seem to be a nice guy, very popular with the girls though,” Aimee added.

  “Why do you say that?” Krystal queried.

  “It’s just that every time I see him, he’s around a different girl,” Aimee remarked.

  “That’s because it’s his job as a personal trainer,” Krystal responded.

  “Possibility, but it could be because he is good-looking too,” Aimee suggested. “Well, I better study. I picked up some information on programs and scholarships for you to look over at your leisure.”

  “Thanks, I was reconsidering though that I might want to go into nursing since it is a shorter program, depending if I want to become a LPN or a RN. Then, maybe I could work my way up to becoming a psychiatric nurse, so I can work in the social area too,” Krystal announced.

  “There’s definitely more scholarship opportunities in the medical field, so I’ll keep looking around,” Aimee promised. “Oh, by the way, I thought I would go to choir practice on Wednesday night. Would you like to join me?”

  “I don’t know. I think I’ll work out at the gym, but if I change my mind I’ll let you know,” Krystal expressed. “Okay then. See you around.”

  “Take care.”

  Aimee was a little discouraged by Krystal’s increasing obsession with Brad. Although he was a nice enough guy, he had way too many choices as to girls, and Aimee just feared that Krystal was setting herself up to be hurt all over again. Though, she knew she would have to let it all play out. In the meantime, she flipped on the TV and found an acceptable movie to watch until it was bedtime.

  Chapter Seven

  Aimee spent much of the week investigating possible scholarships in the medical field. She visited the local community college, asking questions and viewing bulletin boards outside the registrar’s office, eventually leaving with a handful of information.

  Afterwards, she decided to visit the mall and observed all the decorations revolving around Valentine’s Day. Although it was several weeks off, she relished the theme of love, especially since that was the meaning of her name in French. She realized that soon spring would be in the air which heightened everyone’s emotional well-being with the promise of warmer weather and new beginnings. She remembered how her mom would take her and her younger sister to buy new Easter clothes every year and then decorate the house with spring flowers, especially wonderful smelling hyacinths. Taking a big breath she could almost imagine the fragrance right now.

  It all brought back fond memories of wonderful times cut too short by her disease. She couldn’t help but to wonder how her mom was doing. She knew she wasn’t allowed to stray from her mission, but she was tempted to check it out. After all, she could be there and back again almost instantaneously. She finally decided she would think about it for a while before she attempted the excursion. In the meantime, she found a pretty angel necklace she couldn’t help but to purchase. It reminded her of the one her mother gave her on her last birthday.

  Taking the bus home, she looked around at the various people aboard. Most had their attention focused on their phones or other reading materials. A few were glancing dully outside at the accumulating snow. She only perceived boredom and sadness around her as no one said a word. Finally, their attention was diverted by a screaming toddler who was overtired and unknowingly had an ear infection. Aimee went over to sit by the harried mother as she attempted to calm the little boy as others just gave her a disgusted look.

  “What’s the matter,” Aimee asked the child attempting to divert his attention which seemed to work as he stopped crying and stared at her with curiosity.

  “He’s just overtired,” his mother quickly explained.

  “Or perhaps sick?” Aimee gently questioned.

  “He doesn’t have a fever,” his mother shrugged.

  “It’s a frustrating age when they can’t convey what is wrong with them,” Aimee empathized. “I just bet he is fussing because of an ear infection. That can be very painful at that age. I have an otoscope in my bag here. Would you mind if I take a peek?”

  “Anything that would help,” his mother agreed.

  Using her angel powers, she produced an otoscope and pretended to check the toddler’s ears.

  “Yep, unfortunately, he has a double ear infection. There’s a free clinic in a few stops that is open. Would you have time to take him in to get him some medicine?” Aimee asked.

  “Of course. Are you a nurse or something?” the mom asked, somewhat astonished.

  “Actually, a nursing student just returning from classes. That’s why I have some medical equipment with me,”

  Aimee explained believably.

  “Thank you. I didn’t know he was prone to ear infections. I just thought he was teething,” his mom confessed.

  “Yes, it is difficult with the first child to know these types of things,” Aimee concurred.

  “How did you know that?” she asked.

  “I just gathered it from our conversation,” Aimee explained. “Well, here is my stop. Blessed be to you both.”

  By the time Aimee exited the bus everyone was staring at her amazed. Some were even smiling. Hopefully, she thought, it would make everyone’s day just a bit brighter.

  Aimee loved the snow while most everyone else grumbled about it. She had fond memories of sleigh riding when she was younger. To her, it was beautiful, almost reminding her of Heaven in its purest white enveloping the world. She didn’t mind the cold either.

  To her, it was just wonderful to re-experience her senses once again. As she was glancing upward watching it fall in fluffy snowflakes, she heard a beeping sound and noticed it was Krystal.

  “Want a ride?” she called over.


  “It’s really getting cold and slick out there, isn’t it?” Krystal surmised.

  “Actually, I love fresh snow. It’s like a piece of Heaven surrounding us,” she observed.

  Krystal glanced at her strangely. “Seriously?” she asked.

  “Oh, sorry, so how was your day?” Aimee asked, eager to change the subject.

  “Typical boring routine,” Krystal replied.

  “I found some more scholarship applications for you,” Aimee offered, taking them from her satchel.

  “Wow, you’ve been busy. How do you find the time to do all this?” Krystal asked astounded.

  “It was a short day today at school,” Aimee conveyed.

  “Well, come on in for some hot chocolate and we can review them,” Krystal offered as they arrived home.
  Over the next hour, they both looked them over as they focused on one of them that looked promising.

  “Can you help me fill this out?” Krystal requested.

  “Of course, but how about tomorrow? Tonight I have choir practice,” Aimee suggested, hoping Krystal would come along. “Would you like to come?”

  “I’m really tired,” Krystal claimed.

  “Would you mind if I borrowed your brother’s guitar to take some lessons from Luke. I mean it’s free, and I think it would be fun to learn how to play,” Aimee inquired innocently.

  “I will have to ask my brother if he would mind. I’ll get back to you on that,” Krystal promised.

  “Thanks, I appreciate that. Well, I better go and get ready then,” Aimee expressed, somewhat despondent that Krystal still wasn’t taking the bait.

  Though, she knew she had to be patient; that everything would work out in its own time. In the meantime, she wanted to take advantage of all that she missed in her earthly lifetime.

  Chapter Eight

  The following weekend, Aimee assisted Krystal with filling out her scholarship application to the nursing program at the local community college.

  “Whew, that was quite a job!” Krystal exclaimed. “Thanks for your help.”

  “No problem,” Aimee responded, drawing upon her all-knowing abilities to tweak it just right for better results.

  “Up to going to the gym?” Krystal asked, “We still have a few more punches on our card to use.”

  “Definitely,” Aimee agreed, grabbing her sports bag.

  So, together they headed towards the gym, eagerly hopping on the treadmill to start off.

  “I wonder if Brad is here?” Krystal commented looking around hopefully.

  “I thought I saw him training with someone in the weight room area,” Aimee casually mentioned.

  “Humph, maybe I’ll check it out. Want to come along,” Krystal invited her.

  “No, you go ahead,” Aimee responded.

  Without looking back, Krystal took off around the corner, but it didn’t take long before she returned.

  “What’s the matter?” Aimee asked innocently.

  “He’s with a cute blonde, and I overheard him asking her out on a date,” Krystal reported dejectedly.

  “I’m sorry. That must have been a disappointment to you,” Aimee consoled her.

  Krystal shrugged. “You were right when you said I would have a lot of competition,” she concluded.

  “Not just you, but even the girl he currently is with,” Aimee maintained. “After all, he is considered a hunk.”

  “She’s like a model type herself,” Krystal conceded. “Well, I’m done. Want to stop for pizza on the way home?”

  “Sure, but it will take a whole lot of exercise to work it off,” Aimee reminded her.

  Krystal shrugged. “I don’t care. We’ve used up all our punches on the card. Maybe it’s time to pursue other things.”

  “Would you like to come and hear me sing in the choir tomorrow morning?” Aimee suggested hopefully.

  “Maybe. I really would like some guitar lessons. Perhaps, that’s next on my agenda,” Krystal conceded.

  Luke was really happy to see both girls, although Krystal preferred to sit on the pew near to where the choir was performing. Aimee did her best to modify her angelic voice to harmonize. At the end of the service the pastor made an announcement asking for prayers for Nathan and his family since he was recently diagnosed with leukemia and admitted to the hospital for treatment. Aimee offered up a special prayer for him, knowing that in due time all would be well with him.

  Afterwards during social hour, Luke approached them complimenting Aimee on her participation and inviting Krystal to join them.

  “Possibly,” she agreed. “I really would appreciate those guitar lessons.”

  “Absolutely,” Luke promised. “The best time for me would be immediately after choir practice Wednesday night.”

  Aimee smiled, realizing Luke’s strategy in ensuring Krystal’s participation in choir as a prerequisite to the lessons.

  “Yes, that will work I guess,” she acknowledged hesitantly.

  “Well then, I’ll see you both Wednesday night,” Luke remarked.

  “Thanks Luke,” Aimee smiled.

  Later that evening, Aimee received another visit from Michael.

  “How is it going?” Michael asked.

  “Better, I think, but I’m never sure. Love is rather complicated,” Aimee surmised.

  “Only because humans make it so,” Michael disclosed. “But, it all tends to work out eventually one way or the other.”


  “Do you have anything else on your mind?” Michael asked knowingly.

  Aimee sighed. “I was wondering if it is in the rules to visit my family while I’m here,” Aimee asked.

  “Actually, it’s not. I’m sure Celeste would not approve until the end of your mission. She wouldn’t want anything to distract you,” he conveyed.

  “Why do I have the feeling that not all is well with my family?” Aimee asked.

  “I didn’t say that,” Michael claimed. “Though, it would just be wise to finish this mission up before beginning another. That’s all.”

  “Oh,” Aimee said despondently.

  “It will be soon. Be patient,” he implied.

  “You know that is very hard for me,” Aimee countered.

  “You are in good company though. It is hard for most everybody,” Michael concurred. “Well, I’ll see you next week. Blessed be.”

  “Blessed be to you.”

  The following Wednesday, Krystal accompanied Aimee to choir practice. Aimee knew she was inwardly enjoying it with everyone so welcoming and joyful. But Krystal didn’t say anything.

  Afterwards, Luke as promised gave them an introductory lesson to the guitar. He had an extra one that Aimee borrowed while Krystal used her brothers. Aimee picked up the instructions quickly because she did have some experience with the harp, although Krystal needed much extra attention. That was perfectly fine since she seemed to be enjoying it.

  On the way home, Aimee noticed that Krystal seemed to be glowing. “That was fun,” she acknowledged.

  “Yes, you seem to be catching on fast,” Aimee observed.

  “Luke’s a good teacher,” Krystal explained.

  “Yes, he’s also a nice guy,” Aimee added as Krystal just nodded in agreement.

  “Perhaps we can get together to practice sometime, even though we will have to share the guitar. You seem to be a natural at it,” Krystal noticed.

  “Sure, anytime,” Aimee agreed.

  Chapter Nine

  Friday afternoon since Krystal didn’t have to work, they practiced the guitar, but more important they had a chance to talk.

  “You know, I guess I’m just afraid to become emotionally involved since I’ve been hurt so many times before,” Krystal confessed.

  “How is that?” Aimee inquired, hoping Krystal would disclose her inner feelings about her past.

  “I actually only have my brother now since my dad’s in jail, and my mom died from an overdose,” Krystal revealed.

  “It must have been hard to grow up in foster care,” Aimee acknowledged since she had only experienced total love and support from her family.

  “Yes, but I was very young, only four and my brother was seven at the time,” Krystal disclosed. “But they couldn’t keep us together, although we were allowed to visit often.”

  “How many homes were you in?” Aimee asked.

  “Five total. I was a good kid until I hit my teen years and then I rebelled. That’s when I was shifted around,” Krystal revealed. “I was always running away. For a while I was even kept in juvie because no one wanted me.”

  “Then what happened?” Aimee asked gently, knowing she needed to talk about it.

  “I was given one last chance with another family and since I hated both juvie and the streets, I behaved myself until I graduat
ed. Then, the social worker helped me to obtain the job I’m in and this apartment,” Krystal confessed, sighed and then continued, “But, I’ve never really experienced a family and the love that came with it. What about you?”

  “My family is very distant now, although they provide for my material needs,” Aimee responded succinctly.

  “Is that your dad who comes to visit you?” Krystal asked.

  “It’s my step-dad who visits when he is nearby for business,” she fibbed convincingly, “My mom is very busy with my younger siblings, but I’m looking forward to going home to visit them during spring break.”

  “Where is home?” Krystal asked.

  “Six hours away in the Chicago area,” Aimee continued and then changed the subject. “So, do you think you’ve healed enough to chance another relationship?”

  “I know I go about it all in the wrong ways. It’s hard to believe that anyone could totally love me,” Krystal admitted.

  “Why, you’ve got the personality and ability. You just lack the confidence,” Aimee observed.

  “I guess I’m afraid of being hurt again,” Krystal disclosed.

  “I can understand, but it seems love comes at the most unexpected time,” Aimee maintained. “What do you think about Luke?”

  “He’s a nice guy for sure, but…” Krystal began, although she didn’t finish.

  “I know, he’s definitely not a hunk for sure, but who knows, he has lots of potential to be one if he meets his goals in life,” Aimee commented. “That’s the problem with people our age; they always seem to judge by the cover and not by the content.”

  “Guilty as charge,” Krystal confessed.

  “Do you want to just have fun or have a forever love with family?” Aimee queried.

  “A forever love with family seems to be unobtainable to me for some reason,” Krystal proclaimed.

  “Not if you look for it in the right places. It’s out there, only to be recognized,” Aimee explained.

  “I guess so, but I’m just not ready to settle down quite yet. I need to learn how to love myself before I am able to love another. But I haven’t figured out just how to do that yet,” Krystal admitted.


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