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The Enemy's Daughter

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She took another seat, handing him a plate.

  “Have you talked to your father?” he asked.

  “A couple of days ago. He won some kind of stock for a modeling firm. I’m not sure. I don’t follow everything he deals with.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Nah. Dad knows what he’s doing, and if he was having trouble or something bothered him, he’d call me.”

  “Are you close to your father?” Blue asked.

  “Yeah, I am. He’s all I have left, you know.”

  He nodded.

  Blue finished his food, and when the casserole had cooled down, she covered it with plastic wrap and placed it in the fridge. She’d probably take it to work tomorrow. One good thing about working, everything she baked and cooked didn’t go to waste. She took it into work for them to enjoy.

  “How are you feeling now?” he asked once they took their seats again in her living room.

  “I’m better. It’s always hard when I lose someone. My dad would try to get me to quit. He hates it when I cry.”

  Blue rested his arm across the back of the sofa and teased her hair. Resting her head against his hand, she smiled.

  “I don’t like you crying either. It’s … hard.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “Still, it was hard for me to see you cry, and not do something about that. I’ve never experienced something like that before.” He let out a breath. “You are certainly something, Bella.”

  “Tell me about yourself,” she said.


  “Yeah, what do you like? What do you hate? Do you like reading? Watching movies? What?” She took a sip of her wine.

  “I love drinking good wine, eating good food.”

  “Everyone likes that.”

  “Okay, to be honest, I work, a lot. I have this asshole boss. He likes to make his company the best it can be. You know?”

  “My dad always tells me that he has a responsibility to his employees. He has to be the best to make sure they are taken care of.”

  “Pretty much the same I guess.”

  “Is your boss a good man?” she asked. “Does he treat you well?”

  “Most of the time, until he has a deadline to meet.”

  Bella gasped as his finger trailed down her neck, crossing over her pulse. “Deadlines suck.”

  “They do, and when one is approaching, he goes all out until he gets what he wants.”

  “Sounds like such a beast.”

  “He is, believe me. A beast intent on getting whatever the hell he wants.” His finger moved down toward her breast where he circled her erect nipple. “Remove your shirt.”

  This had changed quickly. Rather than fight it, Bella leaned forward, putting her glass of wine down, and removing her shirt.

  She sat back, and he teased the edge of her red lacy bra.

  “Sexy.” He pushed the cup down, exposing her nipple. “This is what I want.” He closed the distance between them, and sucked on her nipple.

  Releasing a gasp, she watched as he flicked his tongue over the hard tip, and then using his teeth, bit down. He soothed out the small pain by sucking her nipple into his mouth.

  She moaned.

  “Feels good?” he asked, pulling away and cupping her breast.

  “Yes. It feels really good.”

  “Good, because I’m just getting started.” He flicked the catch on her bra, and both of her tits fell free. Blue cupped them, pressing them together. “How about we play a little?” he asked.


  She was done talking.

  Chapter Seven

  Alaric pressed Bella’s tits together and stroked his thumb across each nipple. They were so hard, and pretty much begging to be sucked and fucked. He wanted a taste of her so badly. His cock pressed against the front of his pants, wanting out and inside her.

  She reached out, and started to work on his shirt, revealing the ink that covered his arms and chest. When she had gotten him naked on Saturday she had been surprised by the ink that covered his body.

  Like he told her, he had once been young, and had a rebellious side. He’d not wanted to conform to anyone or anything. It was only as he got older that he’d accepted his role in life.

  She had giggled at the small rose at his hip, the only splash of color on his entire body. All of his other ink was black. The rose had been a drunken bet with Rex. On a later date, his friend had also lost another bet, so a tulip was on his hip.

  Once his shirt was off, she went for his pants, opening up the belt buckle. Standing up, he shoved his pants down, stepping out of them.

  Bella wrapped her fingers around his length, and started to work him from the base up to the root, then back down again. With her fingers, she rubbed the pre-cum all into the shaft. He stepped close, and she covered the tip with her mouth, working up and down the length, moaning.

  “Oh, fuck, Bella. That feels good. So damn good.” He pumped his hips, filling her mouth, and hitting the back of her throat. She swallowed him down, and pulled off, coating his dick with her saliva. “Get it nice and wet, babe. I’m going to fuck those tits.”

  She sucked his cock, and he grabbed her hair, holding her in place as he fucked her mouth. When he couldn’t stand it anymore, he forced her to stand up, and took care of her jeans, not caring about the small red mark around her waist from where the jeans had lain. She was all woman. Every single curve, he loved. Bella was everything he’d denied himself, and now she was like his drug. He wanted every part of her, and constantly needed one hit after another. It didn’t go away. The need only grew, consuming him with the need to have her every day.

  She stepped out of her jeans, and he pushed them to one side, removing her panties as he did so. He stood up once again, and cupped her pussy. Sliding a finger through her slit, he teased her wetness, finding her slick.

  “Oh, baby, you’re so fucking perfect. You’re already wet and ready for me.” Putting his finger to his lips, he made sure she was watching before sucking the digit inside. He moaned as the taste of her filled his entire mouth. “Perfect. I’m going to suck your pussy and have you screaming my name after I come all over these beauties.”

  He moved her toward the sofa and laid her down. Straddling her chest, he used a pillow to prop her head up, lifting her easily.

  Sliding his cock into her mouth, he got her to get him nice and wet. Pushing her tits together, he worked his cock between the mounds, getting the valley wet and ready for him.

  When she wasn’t slick enough, he put his cock back into her mouth.

  “This would be so much better if we had some lube.”

  “I do. It’s in my drawer beside my bed,” she said, surprising him.

  “Full of surprises, Bella.” He dropped a kiss to her lips, and left the sofa, heading into her room.

  The scent of her surrounded him, and he took a deep breath, enjoying the smell. She was fresh, and completely free. He never for a second thought he’d be a little envious of her. He was, and part of him wished for this to never end. He’d love to be Blue Patterson to her. Alaric Patterson had a reputation to protect, and a life to uphold. No matter what he wanted, there was no way there was ever going to be a future for the two of them. The very idea was ludicrous.

  He found the lube, and returned to her.

  Alaric paused as he watched her finger her fat, juicy pussy. The lips of her pussy were slightly open, and covered with her cream. The scent of her was heady in the air, and his mouth watered.

  “You better stop that, as otherwise I’m not going to lick that creamy pussy, and I know it’s what you want, isn’t it, baby?”

  She nodded, releasing a little moan. “Yes, it’s what I want.” Bella moved her hand away, and he caught it. Taking the two fingers she was using, he sucked her cream right off her digits.

  “You can’t let good pussy like that go to waste.”

  Straddling her chest, he squirted some of the lube out of the tube, and made a note
to buy some more. They were going to need it for when he took possession of her ass, which he would. Not a part of Bella was going to be untouched by him. He was going to own every single part of her.

  Smearing the cool gel over her tits, he made sure she was slick, and then used his fingers to spread the last over his cock.

  “Push those pretty tits together, babe.”

  Bella pressed her tits together, and he worked his cock between them. He groaned, and started to pump through the lube. Bella looked down, and every time his cock appeared, she would lick the tip, taking some of his pre-cum as he did.

  “So fucking perfect. You have got the best tits. Have I ever told you that?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “So pretty. So perfect.” He took over, pushing her tits together, and teasing the rock-hard nipples. “I’m going to make them dirty, baby. I’m going to splash my spunk all over them. Do you want that?”

  “Yes, yes, I do.”

  Pumping between her tits, Alaric gritted his teeth as he felt the first stirrings of his orgasm. He didn’t want to come so soon, but this was completely mind blowing. Her tits were real and soft. They were not fake, with no give to them.

  Thrusting between her breasts, Alaric let go, and pulled out, coating her chest with his cum. White splashes coated her breasts, and when one hit her mouth, she licked her lips, tasting him.

  “That is so fucking sexy,” he said.

  She bit her lip.

  “Now, it’s my turn,” he said, moving down to spread her legs open. Her cunt was already slick, glistening, and ready for his tongue, or his dick. Tonight, it was going to get his tongue. Sliding his tongue through her slit, he went down, going straight for her cunt and plunging inside.

  “Oh, Blue,” she said, screaming his name.

  Ignoring the twinge of guilt, he licked and sucked her pussy, wanting to give her pleasure unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

  She moaned his name, riding his face as he brought her to a screaming orgasm with his mouth and fingers. When it was over, he used his shirt to clean the cum off of her chest. He lay beside her, wrapping her in his arms.

  The sexual bliss disappeared, and in its place was something darker. He didn’t know what it was, but she had suffered today. That was still there, and she hadn’t talked about it.

  “Can I ask you for something?” she asked.

  “You can ask me for anything.”

  “Tonight, can you stay with me?” She looked up at him, her brown eyes so wide. When he’d gone to get the lube, she’d removed her glasses.

  “You want me to stay here?”

  “Please?” she asked. “If you don’t mind me asking. Do you?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “I won’t mind if you say no. I’ll understand.”

  He pressed a lip against her lip. “You really don’t have a lot of faith in men, do you?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve been let down by more men than I’ve not. I guess I’m used to it, and it’s what I expect.”

  He cupped her cheek, hating that she had been hurt in the past by some asshole.

  You’re going to hurt her as well, asshole. You’re going to hurt her the worst.

  Alaric licked his lips and stared at hers.

  What the fuck was happening to him?

  “Not all men are there to be assholes.”

  She smiled. “I’ve yet to find one that’s not. I won’t expect anything from you, Blue. I just, I don’t want to be alone, and I know Rebecca is busy, so it kind of just leaves me, you know. Or I go to Daddy, and he’ll try to convince me to quit. That, I don’t want to do.”

  “I’m going to stay, Bella. There was no question that I would stay. I care.” He did care, and that was a problem. He didn’t want to care, not right now. Not like this.

  He had already told her a couple of lies, and some half-truths. It didn’t make up for anything, but still. There was no coming back from this when she learned the truth. She would hate him, and he’d have to live with that.


  “You want to do what?” Blue asked.

  Bella chuckled and rubbed her hands together. “I want us to go Christmas shopping, and I also want you to be there when I put my tree and decorations up at my apartment.”

  “You’re really going to decorate your apartment?”

  “Yes. This is my favorite time of the year, and it was also my mom’s. I know she’d still want me to dig right in, and enjoy it. Also, I’ve got a bit of baking planned for this weekend. What do you say?” she asked.

  His arms were folded, and he looked a little grumpy. “Will anyone be joining us?”

  “Like who?”

  “Like your dad or Rebecca?”

  “Oh, no. Rebecca has a date this weekend, and my father is away. I think he’s gone to China—or is it Japan? It’s somewhere, and I’m alone. What do you say? Come on, I’d have done it every single day this week, but you’ve been meeting me like you have done tonight,” she said.

  It was Thursday evening. Blue had been there every single night, waiting for her. She was loving his attention, there was no denying it. Most of the time he took them to her place, and she cooked them dinner, which led into sex. Hot smoking sex, which she loved. There was no complaint from her.

  “Okay. We’ll go shopping, and I’ll help.”

  She clapped her hands. “Yay. I’m so glad.” Running to him, she jumped into his arms, giving a little squeal as he lifted her up, and placed her on the hood of the car. “Well, well, well, I didn’t expect that,” she said.

  “I aim to please, babe. Now, where do you want to go today?” he asked.

  “Today I’ve got to head to the mall. I ordered a gift for Rebecca, and seeing as she’s not with me, I’ve got time to collect and wrap it. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all. My car or yours?” he asked.

  “How about we both take our cars, and that way you can shop.”

  He paused, frowning.

  “You do shop for people, right? You have friends that you want to give gifts to? It’s the season for, you know, offering.”

  “Oh, yeah, I know what you mean. Of course. I’ve got lots of plans. I’m just not used to talking about it, you know?” he asked.

  She stared at him, and couldn’t help but wonder if he was lying.

  “If you’re really uncomfortable with this, tell me. I don’t want you to do something you hate.”

  “It’s nothing,” he said. “Honestly. Come on, let’s go.”

  She stepped up to him, and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you.”

  Before he could say or do anything, she went to her car, climbing inside. Starting up the motor, she put a call through to Rebecca.

  “Did you ask him?” Rebecca asked.

  “Yeah, I did. How is your date going?”

  “It’s going good. So far no axe murderer, and everything seems a little boring. Go, and enjoy this guy. He sounds awesome, and I hope to meet him soon.”

  “I hope you can as well. I think …”

  “What, Bella?” Rebecca asked.

  “I think I like him, and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.”

  She heard her friend sigh across the line. “Embrace it. We’re entering the season of goodwill and all. This is what you need, and he’s what you need right now. Enjoy it. Life is too damn short, and you know that.”

  Bella thought of her mother. “You’re right.”

  “So, what did you get me for Christmas?”

  “Never you mind.”

  Hanging up the phone, Bella couldn’t stop smiling. She was actually really happy. Entering the main parking for the mall, she parked, with Blue having to take a spot five cars away from her.

  He walked toward her, and offered his arm. “Shall we go together?”


  “What did you get for Rebecca?” he asked.

  “There’s a bag I saw her admiring in a catalogue a month ago. I ordere
d it then as it wasn’t due to come out until last week. I don’t even think she remembers it, but I’m hoping the moment she sees it, she will.”

  The mall was packed with people.

  She felt Blue tense, and they made their way toward the store where she ordered it.

  “Are you coming inside?” she asked.

  “Why not?”

  She left him alone, and went to the main customer desk. When the woman said she’d get to it, she turned around to find Blue talking to a woman. She watched for several seconds, and the woman was flirting. It was clear to see, and something twisted inside her. The woman, even from where she stood, was gorgeous. Of course she was.

  “Here you go,” the woman who was serving Bella said.

  “Sorry.” She checked it over, waited for it to be gift wrapped, and then looked to see if she could find Blue. He was standing right behind her. “Are you ready?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am.”

  Leaving the shop, Bella couldn’t let it slip. “Who was the woman?” she asked.

  “The woman?”

  Don’t do this, Blue. Please.

  She hoped he wasn’t like other men she’d known and been with.

  “I saw a woman flirting with you. Blonde hair, beautiful, and totally into you. She looked like she knew you.”

  “She’s an old girlfriend.”


  He stepped in front of her, stopping her from moving forward. “I want you to believe me.”

  “I do.”

  “You’re withdrawing from me.”

  “I want to go to a couple more stores. It’s fine, Blue. Honestly.”

  He cupped her cheeks and slammed his lips down on hers. She released a moan, and he plunged his tongue into her mouth. “There is no one but you. She wanted to go and have some fun. I told her I was taken. Did you see me leave with her?”


  “No. I was waiting for you. I know you’ve been let down in the past, but I’m here, babe. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She stared into his green eyes, and smiled. “I’m sorry. Wow, I’m never usually that crazy. I don’t know what it is you do to me.”

  “I know what you mean, babe. I’m the same.” He cupped her chin, and dropped a kiss to her lips. “Are we okay?”

  “Of course. We’re more than fine.” Right now she really needed to create some space between them so that she could figure out what the hell was wrong with her. “I just want to go and see if I can find something for you.”


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