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Bound by Steel

Page 3

by Connie Lafortune

  He’s changed since he went into his office this morning. And his unwavering gaze makes me uneasy. “What’s wrong?” I ask. “Do you—”

  He cuts me off immediately. “Lyra, meet me downstairs in twenty minutes. We need to talk and you’re not going to like what I have to tell you.”

  What the hell? Now, I have a million and one questions. My mind’s spinning out of control as he grabs his clothes and heads downstairs. I’ll give him his damn twenty minutes and then he’ll answer every, single, one of my questions.

  I’m sitting on the couch when he finally walks out of the bathroom. Exactly twenty minutes later. If nothing else, he’s punctual. He’s wearing faded jeans and a black T-shirt that hugs his body like a second skin. And once again, he’s barefoot. I’ve yet to see him wear any kind of footwear. Strange. Once he’s seated he rests his leg on the opposite thigh. Ryker looks apprehensive when he finally glances up at me.

  “I’m going to be as blunt as possible, Lyra. You’re going to have a lot of questions that I can’t answer right now.” I’m on pins and needles, waiting for him to continue. “Because I chose to save your life that day, you belong to me now. In due course, your family will come to believe you perished up on the mountain. Do you understand what that means, precious? You will never be able to see your family, your friends or your boyfriend. Ever again. So consider this the first day of the rest of your life.”

  What? Is this some kind of sick joke? He can’t be serious! Can he? Unless he wants to keep me for his own nefarious reasons? Without hesitating, I jump off the couch and hurl myself in his direction. Scratching, punching and biting to no avail. Until all I can feel is a tiny little prick in my neck and his warm breath as he whispers, “Sleep, precious. Sleep.”

  Chapter Five


  It hadn’t been my intention to sedate her. But I had the syringe ready to go, just in case. And I’m grateful I did. Now, it’s been almost two hours since I gave her the Ketamine. The date rape drug of choice. Which is one of the easiest drugs to get out on the street. I know for certain this vial is not dangerous because I got it from Hawk. So, I’ve just been sitting here, waiting for her to wake up. And once she does, I’m sure there will be hell to pay. Lyra might appear small and fragile, but I know she’s a little hellcat.

  Just when I decide to make sure she’s still breathing, she stirs. So I lean forward, with my elbows on my knees. Since my eyes have already adjusted to the darkness of the room, I focus on her.




  The light of the moon is peeking through the curtains, illuminating her small frame. When a strangled moan escapes her parted lips, Lyra instantly touches the spot where I sedated her. And after her eyes have adjusted to the darkness, they hatefully lock onto mine. “You won’t get away with this, Mr. Steel. As soon as the weather clears, my family will find me. You can bet your life on it.”

  You see, hope is a funny thing. When it’s snatched away from us, we give up. We accept it, without question. So I won’t tell Lyra that Hawk’s already destroyed any evidence as to her whereabouts. Hell, what kind of monster would I be if I took away her only chance at revenge?

  I steeple my fingers calmly, as she struggles to sit up. Her eyes haven’t drifted from mine for an instant, and I must say I’m impressed. Usually, I’m quite intimidating. I must be losing my touch.

  Once she’s settled against the headboard, she begins to enlighten me. “Since you’re holding me here against my will, Mr. Steel, I’d like to get a few things out in the open. You’ve already made it quite clear that I’m not voluptuous enough to satisfy your needs, so can I trust you not to rape me in the middle of the night?”

  I’m so infuriated by her asinine question that I hadn’t realized I’d pinned her to the mattress. I hesitate and her hand connects with my jaw. I’ll give her that one, but I’ll be damned if I’ll give her another. Immediately, I wrap my hands around her delicate wrists and press them to the sheets. By the pained look on her face, I’m sure that smack to my jaw hurt her a hell-of-a-lot more than it could ever hurt me.

  Why does my chest suddenly constrict when I see tears tumbling down her cheeks? I tell myself it’s a knee-jerk reaction and I quickly bury it deep down inside. Where it belongs.

  “You never answered my question, Mr. Steel,” she states.

  She gasps when I rest her hands against my thighs. Then I lean in so close I can feel her breath against my lips. “I don’t have to force anyone to satisfy me, precious. They eagerly await my visits in the hope that I will choose them. Maybe one day you will, too. And if you don’t, it’s your loss.” I’m instantly hard as her tongue slides across her bottom lip. Quickly, I release her hands before climbing off the bed.

  Closing my eyes, I take in a few deep breaths. Trying to compose myself. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”


  Back for what? So he can stick me with another needle? Using the corner of my shirt, I wipe away my tears and dab at my runny nose. I’m a mess. And to top it all off, my hand’s swollen from punching the bastard in the face. Right now I would give just about anything to soak in a hot tub and scrub away this feeling of trepidation.

  I’ve always considered myself a strong and independent woman, but I don’t know how much of this I can withstand. Just the thought of not seeing Gage or my family ever again wrecks me. I have to stop thinking like that and concentrate on how I’m going to escape. Somehow. Someway. I will get the fuck out of here.

  I sit up and throw my legs over the side of the bed, just as Ryker swaggers up the stairs. The room begins to spin at my sudden movement and I have to close my eyes until it passes. I feel the heat emanating off of him before the bed dips beside me.

  “Let me see your hand, Lyra.”

  He’s patiently waiting when I open my eyes. I reluctantly hold out my hand for him to see. And I’m stunned when he places it on his thigh and gently covers it with an ice pack. “Contrary to what you believe, Lyra, I’m not the enemy. For what it’s worth, I’m actually one of the good guys. I could have easily let you die out there. All alone. But I chose to bring you into my home and let you live. So you see, either way you would’ve lost your free will.”

  What he’s saying doesn’t make sense to me. Why can’t he bring me home once the weather cooperates? I suppose I’ll never know if I don’t ask. “Why can’t I go home, Ryker?”

  He’s quiet, pensive, and I’m afraid he won’t answer me. Finally, he says, “If I tell you why you can’t go home, I’d have to kill you. I can’t do that, precious. So let’s suffice it to say we’re stuck with each other until the day we die.”

  Straightaway, I’m off the bed and pacing about the room. I can feel his eyes tracking my every move and it infuriates me. Since I don’t want him to sedate me ever again, I make sure to take deep breaths and pray this calms me down. Once my pulse slows, I retort, “You can’t hold me here against my will, Mr. Steel. That’s kidnapping. When they find me they will lock you up and throw away the key. And I will be the very first one to celebrate your imprisonment.”

  Before I can get another word out, Cody comes bounding up the stairs with her teeth bared. She immediately places her body between her master and me. Apparently, I’d raised my voice and hadn’t realized I’d done so. Now the dog thinks I’m threatening Ryker. I’d laugh if I wasn’t so pissed.

  “Cody, sit!” he commands. His predatory gaze lands on mine. “The last thing I was looking for was a houseguest, precious. I like flying solo. So I’ll make you a deal—you stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours. Agreed?” I nod as he begins walking away. What choice do I have? He stops and turns around with his arms folded across his chest. “Before I came upstairs to bring you your ice, I ran a hot bath for you. You might want to take advantage of it before it gets too cold.” With that said, he heads downstairs with Cody tagging behind.

  For a brief moment, my heart squeezes inside my chest.
He ran me a bath. Isn’t this what I yearned for only minutes ago? He’s trying to make me comfortable in his home and I’m fighting him every step of the way. There’s so much that I don’t understand and maybe I never will, but he’s right. For now, I’ll stay out of his way and plan my escape.

  After grabbing some clean clothes, I quickly head downstairs to enjoy my bath. From this moment on, I’m going to try and find comfort in the little things he’s willing to give me.

  Chapter Six


  It’s been so long since I’ve been so close to a woman who’s just stepped out of the bath. I find myself breathing her in and filling my lungs with her intoxicating scent. Is there something narcissistic about the fact that she’s used my shampoo and body wash? Perhaps, but Lyra has an underlying scent that’s pure woman.

  When she slips beneath the covers I become instantly hard. It’s unfortunate, because now I’m going to have to take another cold shower with Rosie Palm. God, my hand has seen more action lately than when I was a horny teenager. And it doesn’t help when I think of Sonia on her knees with her lips wrapped around my…

  “Ryker, are you awake?” I struggle to breathe when Lyra’s hand unexpectedly lands on my shoulder.


  “What’s wrong, precious?” She blows out an exasperated breath at my term of endearment and I can’t help chuckling.

  “I wanted to thank you for running me a bath. It was very thoughtful of you. And for the delicious dinner.”

  “Don’t read too much into it, Lyra. We both have to eat, so I just kept yours warm while you enjoyed your bath.” You would think with all this useless banter my dick would have shriveled up and died. It has not. So I am going to end this conversation once and for all. Then I’m going to stroke one out in the shower as I think of Sonia doing what she does best. Satisfying me.

  As soon as I throw back the covers, she asks, “Where are you going?”

  “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that curiosity killed the cat, precious?” She frowns. I know I should just drop it, but I never said I was an angel. I watch as her eyes widen the moment I approach her side. You’d have to be blind not to notice the bulge in my boxers even in the darkened room. I grab myself as I bend down to her eye level. “Would you like to take care of this for me, Lyra?” She swallows down hard and quickly shakes her head. “No? I didn’t think so. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.” If she only knew how good I could make her feel, she just might have taken me up on my offer.

  My intention was to fantasize about Sonia in the shower. Well, that didn’t fucking happen! Instead, I pictured Lyra on her knees with my cock in her mouth. Her pretty pink tongue teasing me, licking me until I came in a heated frenzy.


  What is wrong with me? I shouldn’t have to ask myself that question. I know what’s wrong. She looks so much like my Bella, it makes my chest ache. But I’m not going down that road. I can’t. And I won’t. It’s much too painful…

  I’m mesmerized as I watch her small frame pirouette across the open stage. Around and around she dances. Her passion is so severe that I feel it creep down into the depths of my soul. I am captivated by this little slip of a girl taking command of the stage. Isabella is breathtaking as Eurydice from the opera Orpheus and Eurydice. She’s Cole’s cousin, and the only reason we came here on a Friday night. Otherwise, he and I would be out getting laid.

  I had no idea what the opera was about, but I clap the loudest once the performers take a bow. I place my fingers between my teeth and give Isabella a few shrill whistles for good measure. With a stupid grin plastered across my face.

  After the show, we hang back until the crowd thins. Then we make our way up to the stage. She’s standing in the midst of dozens of roses, looking flushed and beautiful as she spots her cousin. “Cole, I can’t believe you came!” She floats down the steps and flings herself into his arms. I hang back as he spins her around several times before placing her back on her feet.

  “Bella, there’s someone here I’d like you to meet. This is my best friend I’m always talking about, Ryker.”

  The moment those hazel eyes land on mine, I fall deeply in love. And there is no doubt in my mind, she will be my wife someday.


  Something wakes me up out of a sound sleep, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. When I roll onto my side, I realize I’m alone. I’m guessing Ryker never came back to bed after he took care of his little ‘problem.’ Well, I shouldn’t call it little because it sure as hell looked a lot bigger than anything I’ve ever seen before. Sorry, Gage. I’ve always said it’s not the size of the wave but the motion of the ocean.

  The hairs on the back of my neck prickle when I hear Cody whining downstairs. She’s never done that since I arrived. So I cautiously make my way to the head of the stairs and peek over the railing. It appears she has to go outside, and I have no idea where Ryker is. It couldn’t hurt for me to let her out. Could it? As far as I’m concerned, it sure beats having to clean up the mess on the floor.

  When I start heading downstairs, Cody meets me half way. Then she begins prancing back and forth the second I hit the landing. “Okay, okay. I’m coming. Please, please, please, don’t run away or your master will kill me,” I whisper. After opening the door, I quickly close it to keep out the cold.

  My breath catches when I spin around and see Ryker lying on the couch. One arm thrown haphazardly over his eyes and the other is fisted by his side. He doesn’t look like a monster. So what the hell happened in his past to make him act like one?

  I’m not sure how long Cody will be outside, so I decide to curl up in the chair and wait for her. I’ve just wrapped the afghan around me to keep warm when Ryker begins talking in his sleep. It’s muffled so I can’t make out a word he’s saying. Until he screams, “Bella! No…no…no…no…Fuck, Nooooo!” My heart’s pounding out of my chest as he bolts upright, his breathing ragged. He looks so lost and broken when he whispers, “Bella?”

  Who’s Bella? Slowly, I get up from the chair and approach him. Once he realizes I’m there, he holds up his hands. “Go to bed, Lyra.”

  Immediately, I freeze. “I let Cody out. I—I was waiting for her.” Dammit! I haven’t stuttered in years. Now I can’t stop!

  “I’ll let her in when she’s ready. Go on up to bed.” I can tell he’s slowly losing patience with me by the ticking of his jaw.

  “Goodnight, Ryker.”

  He doesn’t utter a sound. He simply nods. I’m not sure if he’s upset because he let her name slip or if he’s embarrassed by it. Regardless, I climb the stairs like a good little girl, but I don’t go to bed. I sit on the floor behind the banister so he can’t see me. And I keep tabs on Ryker as he buries his face in his hands. I have no clue who Bella is, but one thing’s for certain—she must have broken his heart.

  Not long after, Cody begins barking. As soon as Ryker opens the door she comes bounding in. He talks to her, pets her and calms her down before he disappears into the bathroom. When he returns, he lies back down on the couch and lets Cody rest her head on her master’s lap.

  I’m guessing Ryker will be spending the night downstairs. I suppose I should be pleased that I have the whole bed to myself. Maybe he was afraid to have another nightmare and he didn’t want to wake me. Yeah, right. I’m sure it has more to do with wanting some space. It’s obvious he wants to be alone. I, on the other hand, crave companionship. A real conversation between two adults. Unfortunately, I don’t think Ryker’s the person to give it to me. Which makes me miss Gage all the more. Now it’s my turn for the waterworks. God, it’s only been a few days. How am I supposed to live the rest of my life without the man I love, without my family and my friends? I can’t and I won’t. Tomorrow, I will start plotting my escape.

  Chapter Seven



  Since my nightmare about a month ago, Lyra and I have been coexisting fairly well. She ne
ver once mentioned anything to me about that night. So we pretend it never happened. It’s not something I want to talk about, let alone share with her. So we’ve been taking turns sleeping on the couch so we can have our privacy. Actually, I prefer it that way.

  Unfortunately, our supplies are dwindling fast. Which means I’ll have to go into town soon. I hate that I have to leave Lyra behind, but I have no other choice. Cody will keep her company. She’ll be her ‘watch dog.’ If Lyra is stupid enough to try and leave, she won’t get too far. The snow is deep and blinding and she would get lost within a mile of the cabin. I suppose if this happens, all my worries would disappear.

  Lyra spends the majority of her time in the library. She came across a few notebooks and asked me if she could have them. Truthfully, I’d forgotten they were even there. So she devotes all of her time to writing. Her head bent, filling page after page. I’d like to think she’s writing about yours truly, but that would be presumptuous of me. Whatever it is, it keeps her occupied and out of my hair.

  However, I spend my day fighting with my boss. He is none too pleased that I haven’t gotten rid of my excess baggage—Lyra. I’ve told him time and time again that this will never happen. Hawk thinks I’ve made her my sex slave. Whatever! He can think what he damn well pleases. I know for a fact that I’m not getting any. Nada, zilch, zippo. That is why I will be staying in town overnight. I can’t wait to be deep inside that wet and willing woman. Just the thought of Sonia has me hard as fucking steel. No pun intended.

  Now that my work is done for the day, I need to blow off some steam. After I change into my workout clothes, I head into the gym and stop short. Lyra is running on the treadmill. Hmm, I know she uses the equipment, but normally it’s after I go to bed. Could it be her way of dealing with her sexual frustration? For all I know, she could be fingering herself in the shower, but I highly doubt it.

  I try to pretend she doesn’t exist when I walk into the room. Which is kind of hard to do when she’s looking all flushed and sweaty. Especially when she’s sporting a tank top and wearing a pair of skimpy shorts that barely cover her ass. Shit! I have to stifle down a groan as I walk over to my bag. I’m hoping if I can concentrate long enough on my kickboxing, I’ll be able to get my mind out of the gutter.


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