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Bound by Steel

Page 5

by Connie Lafortune

  Lyra chuckles when I close the door behind us. Dropping my arm, I head into the kitchen. “Are you hungry, precious?”

  “Ravenous.” She flicks her hand dispassionately. “Go get dressed, I got this today.”

  After tugging on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, I blow out a pent up breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. I’m grateful Lyra didn’t ask me any more about my irrational behavior. I’m not sure what I would have told her under the circumstances. She’s never asked about Bella and I’m hoping she never does.

  Until I sit down at the table and she whispers, “Ryker. Who’s Bella?”

  Fuckity, fuck fuck fuck!


  His unwavering gaze shreds me from the inside out. He’s angry. And I wish more than anything that I could take it back, but I can’t. “I-I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.” I quickly turn around so my back’s facing him because, really, he looks displeased. Ryker’s eyes are blacker than they’ve ever been and I’m wondering if he’s not the devil incarnate. And I wouldn’t be surprised anymore if his fire-breathing dragon came to life and burnt me to a crisp right where I’m standing. So much for a quiet, peaceful breakfast. Way to go, Lyra.

  “You’re right, it’s none of your business.” I flinch as he quickly pushes away from the table. Scraping the chair across the tiled kitchen floor in the process. “I’d appreciate it if you’d let Cody in when she returns,” he snaps before storming into his office.

  Me and my big mouth. Not only have I lost my appetite, now I’m crying like a scolded child. What the hell’s wrong with me? In less than two months I’ve been reduced to a sniveling idiot. I’m better than this.

  After letting Cody back inside, I head into the library. I’m in no mood to read a romance novel so I grab my notebook and open it up to my very first entry. I have to bite back the tears as I begin reading…

  I yearn to feel the sun on my face and to breathe the crisp winter air. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen the light of day and I feel much like a withering flower would feel without sunshine or water. I miss Gage and my family so, so much. I can’t help wondering if they’re out there looking for me. Gage, where are you? I need you! Please, find me. Please! My injuries have healed over time but there’s a constant ache in my heart that simply won’t go away. I am alone. Unless you want me to acknowledge the arrogant bastard who’s holding me captive in a snowy mountain cabin. Never!

  Now, I flip back to last night’s entry and my heart splinters into tiny little fragments that lie at my feet.

  The monster I once thought he was has disappeared. Now all I can focus on is the complicated man that is Ryker Steel. He’s sad, lonely, and maybe a little bit broken. But I won’t fool myself into believing I can fix him because he has too many scars. Too many for even me to heal. In fact, sometimes I think I can feel the weight of them crushing my chest. Pulling me so far under, I’m drowning in his pain. Why is this happening to me? I’m afraid if I answer that question honestly, I’d have to admit I’m falling for him. His pain has now become mine…

  My mother would refer to it as Stockholm Syndrome. It was a significant topic of conversation around our house for months. Especially when she was doing research for an article in The New York Times. I wonder what the hell she’d think of her daughter now. God, if she only knew.

  Time passes one tick at a time, and I’m so absorbed in reading my journal that I don’t hear him enter the room. I feel him instead. Ryker has never, ever, invaded my space while I’m in here. Slamming the notebook, I glance up to see him frowning. Unconsciously, I brace myself for what’s to come.

  One hand combs through his hair while the other clutches the doorframe. He seems nervous and that’s so unlike the assertive man I’ve come to know. It makes me edgy.

  “I’ve decided to spend the night in town. Can I trust you to stay by yourself, or should I handcuff you to my bed?”

  My heart flutters. I’m not certain if it’s the mention of the handcuffs or the reason why he’s going that has me in such turmoil. And why should I care whether he stays or goes? I know why, because I don’t want to be left alone. I’m afraid and I hate feeling weak. And I’m even more ashamed when his gaze finally lands on mine and I whisper, “Please don’t go.”

  “I’ll be home in less than twenty-four hours, precious. Just be thankful I’m letting you choose between handcuffs or your freedom. What will it be?”

  I remember all too well what happened the last time I tried to escape. So I wipe away a stray tear and lift my chin in defiance. “Freedom.”

  Chapter Ten


  Lyra’s sad hazel eyes are begging me to stay. But I can’t. Because this is a test. To see if she can be trusted. Hawk insisted on it and since he’s still my boss, I have to comply. He was quick to remind me that Lyra is my responsibility now. As far as I’m concerned she has been since day one.

  After throwing some clean clothes and a few personal items in my overnight bag, I head downstairs. She’s brooding on the couch and something inside of me thaws. Oh, for fuck’s sake! This is also one of the reasons why I have to get the hell out of here. Precious makes me feel things I shouldn’t be allowed to feel. Ever.

  “Cody. Come.” Lyra’s head turns as I squat down. “You’re staying with Lyra, understand?” She barks once and glances at Lyra. “Good girl. Go.” Cody gives me a few wet kisses before plopping down by Lyra’s feet.

  As I reach out to open the front door, she cautions, “Make sure you double up on those condoms, Ryker. I don’t want any creepy crawly things in my bed, besides you.” I can’t help chuckling when I close and lock the door behind me. If she only knew this was a test instead of a quest to get laid. Would she be livid or pleased? Truthfully, maybe a little of both.

  When Hawk suggested I do this ASAP, I called The Pleasure Palace to make an appointment with Sonia. Imagine my disappointment when they told me she was already booked up for the week. I know if I had talked to her directly she would have cancelled one of her clients in a heartbeat. That woman would do anything for me. I mean anything.

  So I’m going to spend the night in my hotel room. Alone. If it were a five-star hotel with room service and a maid, I might not be so disheartened. Unfortunately for me, it’s a seedy motel with those annoying neon lights that flash on and off. All goddamn night long. Which will assuredly make me one grumpy bastard first thing in the morning. I’ll desperately need coffee, so I make a mental note to punch it into my GPS so I can find the nearest donut hole in the morning.

  When I pull into the parking lot of the rundown motel and only see two other cars, I’m appalled. Since they rent by the hour, I’m sure the parking lot will be full when the hookers start walking the beat. Great! I’m sure the walls are so paper-thin I’ll be hearing the headboards banging all night long. I actually use the hem of my shirt to grab ahold of the doorknob before entering the office. Because Lyra’s words come back to haunt me. Creepy crawlies. Now I have a mental picture of cockroaches and bedbugs crawling over me as I sleep. Wonderful.

  To top it all off, there’s a sweaty, overweight man behind the counter who hasn’t bathed or shaved in probably a week. I know this firsthand because he smells of onions and cigars. Either that or something done died in here. I am so going to kill Hawk with my bare hands the next time I see him!

  “By the hour or the day?” the clerk asks before his bloodshot eyes greet mine. Fabulous!

  “I have a reservation. Jonathan Day, just for tonight.” I don’t bother pulling out my fake ID because really, why would he care.

  He throws a key on the counter and flips around the log book so I can sign in. “You’re in room thirteen and the tabs been paid already. Be out by ten a.m. or I’ll charge the credit card for another day.” I don’t bother wasting my breath to let him know I’ll be long gone by then. I grab the key, rush outside and breathe deeply, filling my lungs with crisp, clean air. It gets worse the moment I place the key inside the lock and push open the sticky door.
Stains line the carpet as far as I can see. The bed is a pit of despair and the bathroom is uninhabitable. Suddenly, all I want is Lyra’s sweet scent wrapped around me in my nice clean bed. Unfortunately, it’s not happening tonight.

  I don’t bother undressing or taking off my shoes. I just lean against the rickety old headboard and grab my laptop out of my overnight bag. Now, let’s see what precious is up to tonight. Lyra has no clue about the cameras in every room. It’s for my own protection, but I’m sure she would be livid if she knew. Once I’ve put in my password and adjusted the Wi-Fi settings, I sit back and wait. And there she is…

  She’s in my bed, with one hand shoved between her thighs. Precious is masturbating! Damn if my cock doesn’t twitch at the sight of her rubbing one out. She’s covered from the waist down but I’m instantly hard when her thumb and forefinger pull and pinch at her taut nipple. While her hand works at breakneck speed beneath the sheets. I’m so fucking turned on that I’m unzipped in two point two and I’m fisting my cock. Pre-cum at the ready. So I quickly pick up my pace to match hers and by the time she throws her head back and parts her lips, I’m right there with her.

  My back hurts and my neck is stiff when I wake up the following morning. I fell asleep, sitting up in bed with my arms crossed and my head bent at an odd angle. After working out the kinks in my neck and back, I slam the door to motel hell and stride into the office. According to the lopsided kitty clock hanging on the wall, it is six a.m. when I toss my keys onto Mr. Sweaty’s desk. Without a word, I slam the door behind me and throw my bag into the front seat of my SUV. After picking up my large black coffee with two turbo shots, I hightail it out of there. With one goal in mind: a scalding hot shower.

  The minute I open the door, Cody’s right there to greet me. Lyra, on the other hand, is a no-show. No problem. I’m not up for conversation right at the moment. For some reason, the drive home made me tense and restless. Normally, it calms me. Not a happening thing today.

  After throwing my bag on the bed and taking a change of clothes, I head back downstairs, just as Lyra strolls out of the library. Shit! I was hoping to avoid her after what I witnessed last night. Instantly, our gazes lock and neither of us dares to breathe. Tension fills the room, so thick and clawing it’s suffocating. Then she makes it worse by speaking. “You look like hell, Ryker. Is Sonia too much of a woman for you to satisfy?”

  I have two choices: walk away or tell her the truth. In two long strides I’m invading her personal space. When she tries to take a step back, I restrain her by wrapping my arms around her. She’s secure, with her arms pinned at her sides. “I didn’t go into town to get laid, precious. Although, if Sonia had been available, I would have made her my top priority. It was just a business trip. So beware, Lyra, I’m just as sexually frustrated today as I was the day I found you. And since you refuse to help me out, I’m off to take matters into my own hands.” I lightly brush my lips along her jawline before releasing her. Lyra sways like a reed on a windy day as I try hiding a shit-eating grin. Whether she wants to admit it or not, I arouse her.

  After I’ve washed all the creepy crawlies off of me from the hotel room, I rest my hands against the glassy tile. Letting the heat from the piping hot water seep into my weary bones. Once I’ve had enough, I wrap my hand around my thickening cock. Stroking. As my heart kicks up a notch when Lyra’s image invades my thoughts. And when the bathroom door suddenly bursts wide open, she’s no longer in my mind, she’s standing in the fucking bathroom. Watching me.


  My feet have a mind of their own when I step inside the bathroom. Unfortunately, it takes my brain a minute or two to play catch up. I don’t care. Not when I can still feel his warm lips skimming along my jaw. I want to be here. God help me, I do. My heart flutters when the steam begins to evaporate. Revealing a muscular physique through the clear curtain. I’m captivated as I witness the water ripple and caress over every taut muscle on his beautiful body. Confirming what I already knew. The water loves the feel of his skin just as much as I do.

  I’m nervous, so I start counting.

  One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three…

  I inhale sharply when Ryker’s head snaps up. While his smoldering gaze locks me in place. He doesn’t flinch, or miss a beat as he continues to pleasure himself. Watching me. Watching him. I desperately want to go to him, but I’m afraid he’ll reject me. He must sense my indecision, so he opens the curtain. Letting me make this irrevocable choice. And I know once I’ve crossed the line, there’s no turning back.

  My heart’s beating out of my chest when I slowly inch my way inside. I’m hesitant whereas Ryker exudes confidence. So he reaches for my hand and helps me take that final step. Our gaze never wavers as he pulls me into the shower, clothes and all. My body has never reacted like this with anyone. Ever. Not even Gage. Like I’m on fire from the inside out. Ryker’s sexual dominance frightens me. So much so that it causes me to blow out a breath before a whimper catches in my throat.

  What the hell am I doing?

  He doesn’t say a word when he pulls my shirt over my head. Or when he pulls my panties down around my ankles. And his eyes never leave mine until I’m naked and fully exposed for his scrutinizing stare. I desperately want to cover myself up but he grabs my wrists and holds them firmly in his grasp. I can’t watch as he begins his thorough examination, so I cast my gaze downwards and become fixated on his length, his girth, and...

  Holy mother of god! His cock is pierced.

  I’m in way over my head with this man. “What is that?”

  I shiver when his husky voice whispers in my ear, “It’s called an apadravya, and it’s for your pleasure. Do you want me, precious?”

  Yes… yes… yes… yes…yes! God, yes!

  A voice I don’t even recognize whispers, “Yes, I do.” Was that me?

  His laugh is so deep and sensual that it makes my clit throb. When he tucks two fingers beneath my chin and tries to persuade me to look up at him, I wonder if he likes what he sees.

  Ryker’s dark gaze is my undoing when he struggles to speak. “What made you change your mind Lyra? I need to know.”

  Should I tell him the truth? Something tells me if I don’t, he would know. “I don’t want you going into town to seek pleasure, when I’m here. With you.”

  He tilts his head to the side as he contemplates what I’ve said. I have to swallow down the lump in my throat while I wait. “You’d be wise not to surrender to me, precious, until you hear my stipulations. If you accept my offer, then we can continue. If not…” he shrugs.

  I’m breathless when he picks up the soap in his skillful hands and begins lathering my body. All thoughts cease to exist as he washes me in all of my intimate places. Am I feeling guilty? Absolutely. Will I regret it tomorrow? Possibly. But, if Ryker and I are in this for the long haul, why not. We are two consenting adults with one goal in mind. Release.

  Ryker reaches around to turn off the water just as it becomes tepid. Then he quickly grabs his towel and proceeds to wrap it around me. At this point, I think I’d agree to just about anything this man could give me, and then some. I’ve just tied the towel over the swell of my breasts when I notice the hunger in his gaze. Without a doubt, the sexual attraction I feel for this man is extremely volatile.

  “Are you ready to hear what I have to offer?” When I nod, his thumb sweeps across those sexy-as-sin lips. Repressing a smile? With one quick flick of his wrist, my towel is down around my ankles. And before I have a chance to catch my breath, my back’s pressed tightly against his chest. My body’s pulsating with need, when he splays his large hands across my abdomen. All the while, his thumbs stroke over the soft outline of my breasts. “This is the way I will take you, precious. From behind. I do not do missionary because I will not kiss you, stare into your eyes, or whisper words of love. But I can promise you this: I will sate your hunger, quench your thirst and fulfill your every desire. And when I allow you to come, it will be the most satisfying release you wi
ll have ever experienced. So tell me, are you in or out?”

  I don’t hesitate. “I’m in.” I know the second those words leave my lips, I just sold my soul to the devil. But it’s too late to change my mind when he scoops me up in his arms and carries me up the stairs. I’m still trying to convince myself a physical relationship is better than nothing when he lays me down on the bed. I know there’s no way I could live without some kind of connection on a daily basis for the next few months, or god forbid, years. It would break me.

  My breath hitches when Ryker slowly blankets me with his body, covering every inch of my small frame. His erection is thick and hard against my thigh. And my heart pitter-patters like a frightened bird when his penetrating stare locks on mine. “Do you trust me, precious?”

  Everything my father preached to me about men goes flying out the window as a whispered, “Yes” expels from my lips. Daddy would be so disappointed in me. Not to mention, Gage, my mother, and my best friend, Kennedy. Please, forgive me!

  “Lyra, are you listening to me?” When I nod, a silent tear makes its fateful escape. Abandoned. Forgotten. Just like me… “Good. Now I need you to feel me…”

  After closing my eyes, I begin exploring this fine specimen of a man. Although, I know this is wrong on so many levels, I can appreciate all the hard work he’s done to keep his body fit. My hands seem to have a mind of their own as they glide up his sinewy forearms. Skim over his biceps. Slide down his flexing pectorals before fondling his defined six-pack. Slipping my arms around his slim waist, I skim my hands along his lean hips. Then hesitantly run them up and over his tight ass, before ending the journey with my fingertips dancing along his broad back. When my eyes flutter open I can see how affected he is by my thorough exploration.

  “That was very stimulating, precious, but if you had let me finish I was going to tell you to feel me with your mind and body, not with your hands.”

  What? He said he wanted me to feel? Dammit! He’s right, I never gave him the chance to finish his sentence before my roaming hands took over. I’m so damned embarrassed that I quickly cover my face with my ‘wandering’ hands.


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