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Where Love is Found

Page 3

by Tiya Rayne

  The stairs to the upstairs were straight ahead. To the immediate left of the stairs was the entrance to the huge kitchen. And just as you entered the house, on the left was the living room where my papa sat watching a basketball game in his Lazy Boy recliner. Uncle Kenny and Kenny Jr., were sitting on the long couch near the windows. Royce, my cousin Keva’s husband, was sitting on the love seat near the door. His wide hips took up over half the couch.

  “Papa, I brought your favorite,” I said, walking into the living room with Eli on my heels.

  “There goes my girl!” Papa let the legs down on his chair as he climbed out of his seat to give me a hug. I hugged him with one arm as I held the pie in the other hand.

  “What took you so long?” he asked, pulling back to look me over.

  His mahogany brown skin and almond shaped eyes were mirror images of mine.

  As far as looks went, I mostly favored my Papa and Nita. I shared the same high cheek bones and button nose as my mother. However, my full bow-shaped lips, diamond-shaped face, freckles and one dimple were all my own. Or they could be my biological fathers, hell if I know.

  “I had a little wreck.” I shrugged off the incident, but just thinking about Jackson brought a smile to my face.

  I was only smiling because he was funny.

  “A wreck?” my Papa shouted.

  “Duck, you didn’t mention a wreck?” Eli turned me around eyeing me all over like I was hiding a broken limb.

  “I’m fine,” I said to both men. “I ran into the back of someone. My car barely has a scratch, and the guy and I walked away fine.”

  Papa sighed. “Maybe you should talk to Quincy about some legal advice. I don’t want this man trying to sue you with false claims.”

  I thought about that, honestly I did. I do run a business, so I’m not naïve. That’s why I made sure to take pictures of Jackson’s car and mine before I left the scene, however, I didn’t think Jackson was that type of man. I’d only just met him, but he didn’t seem to be thinking of ways to cash in on me. He seemed to have had only one thing on his mind, and it damn sure wasn’t money.

  “Papa, I have lawyers I can seek council from. Plus, I wouldn’t ask Quincy’s non-client having ass to help me with my laundry.”

  Eli started laughing behind me. Papa only gave me that warning look about using curse words, but even that wasn’t as severe as he wanted it to be.

  “I heard that, Duck!” Quincy appeared in the doorway connecting the formal dining room to the living room.

  “Good!” I replied. “Let me go say hey to Grams and put this pie away.”

  “Hand me your keys so I can check out your car,” Eli stated.

  I handed over my keys as I headed in the direction towards the dining room.

  Approaching the door, Quincy stood in my way. His snake eyes watched me with too much interest to already be married to my cousin, Chante.

  I had an insatiable appetite for sex, and I had no qualms about fucking men in relationships. I honestly preferred you had a girlfriend, that way I knew your ass wouldn’t get attached and I could send you right back to her when I was done, but I drew the line at married men, and I would never dabble in my family.

  Quincy had his eyes on me from the moment Chante brought him home. Even after three years of marriage and a newborn, he still watched me. I ignored all his flirtatious smiles and unnecessary touches. I knew that all I had to do was give him a time and a place and he’d be waiting for me.

  Quincy wasn’t my type. It wasn’t because of his looks, trust me, the brother is fine. Tall, light-brown skin, low cut fade and just the right amount of facial hair with chestnut brown eyes, and the man could do damage to a damn suit. He was almost an uncanny twin to the actor Laz Alonso, but Quincy was trifling, and more importantly, he was married to my cousin.

  “Do you mind moving out of my way?” I asked when he still refused to let me pass.

  His whiskey colored eyes raked up and down my body, and it didn’t feel remotely as good as when Jackson did it earlier.

  That sleeze-ball smile hit his face, and he turned to the side to let me pass. I went to walk by him and he brushed his erection against my side with a smirk.

  “All you have to do is ask, Duck! And all of that could be yours.”

  I turned to him with a sneer. “From the feel of it, I’ll be short changed.”

  I didn’t give him time to reply as I strolled passed him through the dining room and into the kitchen.

  “Grams, I’m here!” I announced as I entered the kitchen.

  Both of my aunts and most of my cousins were already here helping Grams’ cook.

  “Uh-oh! She’s here, we better hide our men,” my unnecessarily loud cousin, Keisha, said with a sneer.

  I despised women like Keisha. She’s one of those females that thinks because she tries to have a relationship with the men she fucks, it makes her better than me. Every few months she has a new man sitting at Grams’ dinner table introducing him as her boyfriend. She’s a year younger than me with four kids and three baby daddies, but I’m the hoe. I had no problem admitting what I was, but how dare she pretend that she isn’t the same. I never brought men around my family. The only person they’ve ever met was Sean, but that was under dire circumstances. They had no idea who or how many men I’d actually slept with.

  “Trust me, Keisha, you have nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t touch anything you had between your legs, not even your jeans. Remember, I had to give you the money for that last prescription.”

  Keisha’s dark skin flushed as she stared at me. She swung her long lace-front off her shoulders and turned back to the macaroni she was boiling.

  That’s right, bitch, don’t come for me. I placed my cheese cake in the brand-new refrigerator and planted a kiss on Grams’ cheek.

  Sadie Rose was still a classic beauty, even at the ripe age of seventy-three. She was what black folks called “red bone”. In her younger years, she looked like Dorothy Dandridge—at least in my opinion. She’s a little heavier now, but still just as beautiful.

  “Is that a new wig?” I asked Grams as I grabbed a glass and poured some of her homemade lemonade.

  Grams touched her shoulder length curls. “No, Devin came over last Tuesday and put this in. I don’t know how I feel about it yet. You know I love my wigs.”

  I laughed. Nothing would keep Sadie Jefferies from her wigs. She’s worn wigs since I was in my teens.

  “I think it looks good, and I know Papa loves it. He don’t have to worry about it falling off when he’s pulling on it,” I said with a wink towards her.

  Grams laughed, and her face turned bright red.

  I don’t know why people think that once you got a certain age, you no longer enjoyed fucking. No matter how old I got, I would never stop spreading my legs. An orgasm still remained the best stress reliever. I got at least one every single day, two most days, either by my own hands or someone from my list. Like I said, my appetite was insatiable.

  “Hush your mouth, Duck!” Grams lightly scolded.

  “That was very rude and disrespectful, Charlice. I swear Nita didn’t teach you any manners.”

  As always, my Aunt Viv was ready to find any way she could to argue with me. Just the sound of me breathing irked that woman.

  “Does talking about sex bother you, Aunt Viv? Maybe if Uncle Walter was putting it down more, you wouldn’t be so uptight.”

  The kitchen was a mix of gasp and chuckles. They all knew I was right.

  “That’s enough, Duck!” Grams warned. “And Vivica, leave the girl alone. I wasn’t offended, and neither should you be. Your father and I still have a very healthy sex life.”

  “Ugh. Mama!” Vivica grimaced.

  Again, the kitchen filled with groans and laughter. I only smiled and gave Grams a high–five.

  “Still, Grams?” My cousin, Keva, started while placing the dressing in the oven. “You are a woman of God, you shouldn’t be discussing so freely what happens in your m
arried bed, and especially to someone like Duck. I pray for your salvation every night, cousin.”

  “That’s sweet, Keva, but maybe you should stop worrying about my salvation and ask the Lord to bring your edges back instead.”

  Grams tried to hold her laughter in as long as possible, but it only came out in bursts through her nose. Her reaction triggered everyone—except Keva and Aunt Viv.

  I didn’t know what caused my horrible relationship with my aunt, so I didn’t know how to fix it. Even if I did know how to salvage it, I doubt that I would. Why would I make amends with someone that held a grudge with a child?

  The food was nearly done by the time my favorite female cousin walked in the door.

  “Hey everybody!” Devin’s cheerful voice called out as she walked into the kitchen. Her three-year-old daughter, Naya, on her hip.

  Of all of Sadie and Charles’ grandkids, Devin and Eli were the only ones to inherit Grams’ light-brown eyes. Devin was beautiful inside and out. She had Grams’ light-brown skin, doe-shaped eyes, and the biggest heart ever. I’ve never met a more caring and loving person. She always went out of her way for others, and rarely was that same kindness ever returned to her.

  For instance, everyone in the family went to Devin to get their hair done, and I’m the only one, along with Grams, that actually paid her. I guarantee Keisha took her big watermelon head over there to get that custom-made lace front she had on, but I bet she didn’t pay Devin for her time and services. It made me angry that Devin allowed people to walk all over her. Whenever I was around, I made sure no one took advantage of her. Unfortunately, the biggest leech of her kindness, was her boyfriend, Miles.

  “Give me my God child,” I said, taking a sleeping Naya off her hip. “Should you be carrying her when you’re four months pregnant?”

  “Oh, stop worrying, Duck,” Grams said with a chuckle. “Your Uncle Ellis wasn’t even walking when I was pregnant with Joe. You’ll see when you have your first one.”

  Once again, my body did that subtle flinch at the mention of kids.

  “Please, Grams. You know Duck ain’t havin’ kids.” Keva laughed, and Keisha joined in.

  “Right, it’s hard to hoe with a baby on her hips.”

  “And you would know.” I directed my insult to Keisha.

  She had four kids, and it definitely didn’t stop her from sleeping around.

  “I’m not a hoe. I know who all my baby daddies are.”

  “Thanks to DNA.”

  Devin tried to hide her laughter behind her hand.

  “You always bringin’ up old stuff, Duck. I only got one DNA test, and he was--”

  “Ya’ll stop all that bickering.” Grams cut off the argument she knew was coming. “Duck, go on out there and tell them menfolk it’s time to eat.”

  I cut my grandmother some slack and headed towards the living room, leaving a fuming Keisha behind. Devin followed behind me.

  “Hey, Duck, I just want to say thanks again for the gift certificate for Miles Jr.” She rubbed her barely-there belly with pride.

  I hated that if this baby was a boy she was naming him after that asshole, but I didn’t say anything. I knew how badly she wanted this one to be a boy, I was hoping for another girl just so she couldn’t give her that dumbass name.

  “All my girls are saying how I don’t even need a baby shower with the amount you gave me. They think you gave me more this time than you did with Kylie and Naya.”

  I did. I always went all out for my God kids.

  “Don’t worry about it. You know I always got you. Although, if you would let me open that shop up for you like I want to, you could afford to do stuff like that yourself.”

  Devin looked down, and that sad look appeared. I knew she hated this subject. Part of Devin wanted that shop as much as I wanted it for her, but the other part wanted to keep her man happy.

  “Maybe one day,” she said, and her response brought me a little hope.

  The first time I offered to buy her shop and pay for cosmetology school, she was excited. She couldn’t even contain herself. Then she found out she was pregnant with Kylie, and after talking to limp dick, she turned it down every time I asked. Until today. Maybe my baby cousin was coming around.

  “You know my offer never expires, Dee.” I smiled as I repeated the words Jackson said earlier.

  I’m a little surprised my interest in him hasn’t worn off yet. It will soon. It always does.

  With one last encouraging smile to Devin, I headed into the living room to announce supper was ready.

  Fifteen minutes later, we were all sitting at the large dinner table surrounding Grams’ Sunday spread. Ham, fried chicken, green beans, macaroni and cheese, rice and gravy, homemade biscuits and dressing. The food trays were being passed around, and conversation was flowing. I was sitting between Devin and Eli like usual. Across from me was Kenny Jr. and on one side of him was Keisha’s new boyfriend of the month. Some gold tooth, baggy clothes, skinny dude with ashy knuckles. Seated at the head of the table in Grams’ usual spot was Pastor Murphy.

  The new pastor looked to be in his early forties. He was tall with a bald head and goatee, nice-looking with his cinnamon brown skin and white teeth. His wife looked about as homely as my cousin, Keva. She was an attractive woman. With a better wig and clothes to fit her full figure, she would be turning heads left and right.

  “Mr. Jefferies, I want to thank you for inviting us to your beautiful house for supper. It makes me so proud to have a man like you on the deacon board. I look down over that pulpit every Sunday I’ve been at the church and see you and your lovely family in the pews. You sure are bringing up your house in the right way,” Pastor Murphy praised as he scooped more green beans on his plate.

  My grandfather nodded proudly. He was proud of us, and it didn’t have anything to do with all of us going to church.

  Papa worked hard for his family. He was always a laid-back man. Grams was the disciplinarian of the house. However, when Papa spoke, you knew to listen. Even before I came to stay with them permanently at sixteen, I was always here. The first twelve years of my life were spent in this house before Nita finally got tired of sneaking out and moved into a place with Russell— the fireman.

  Pastor Murphy went on to say, “And how is Martin doing up there in California? It’s a hard road saving souls in a place so full of sin.”

  The biscuit I’d just bit into got lodged in my throat, and I started to choke. Eli pounded on my back like a damn drummer, and I was finally able to get the biscuit down.

  “You alright, Duck?” Eli asked

  “Mmhmm, it just went down wrong,” I said, taking a sip of my water.

  “You should be a pro at choking on things.” Keisha quipped.

  A few chuckles went around the table. The new boyfriend looked at me with a new spark of interest in his eyes while he ran his tongue over his lips like he might be LL Cool J. Homeboy was a far cry from LL.

  “At this point, her throat should be used to it,” Chante chimed in lowly.

  Keisha burst out laughing giving Chante a fist bump across the table. Quincy gave Chante a disapproving look, and she dropped her head like the submissive bitch that she was.

  “Hey! Ain’t nobody gon’ be talkin’ about my cousin.” Eli jumped in like he always did.

  He and I both knew I could handle these chicks.

  I opened my mouth to put them both in their place, but Grams stopped me.

  “Girls, not in front of company.”

  Yeah, she knew I was about to shame them. I smiled at Grams before taking another sip of my drink. I looked over at Keisha and tipped my glass to her, she had the right mind to look nervous. I could destroy her ass in one sentence, and bring shame to her and her new boyfriend.

  And Chante was really showing out. She hardly ever opened her mouth, let alone came for me. Usually Aunt Viv stepped in for her, but I wasn’t worried about Chante. If I told her how bad her husband wanted to taste my pussy, she would be having a
meltdown in a corner somewhere. With a simple yes, I had the ability to fuck up her little world.

  “Now, Charles,” Pastor Murphy said looking directly at me, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one at church?”

  I’ve said this before—I knew men. I knew men as well as I knew business, and I’m a fucking beast when it comes to business. So don’t think I’m being cocky or full of myself when I tell you, I knew the new pastor at Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist church, wanted to fuck me. The way his eyes crinkled around the edges when he stared back at me. From the way his lips slightly parted, even the way his pupils were now dilated, and it wasn’t from the taste of Grams’ buttermilk biscuits. His eyes dropped momentarily to the open buttons of my shirt before running back up to my face. I bet right now he had a hard-on in his tighty-whities

  “No, Pastor Murphy, you wouldn’t see Duck in church. She would probably catch fire,” Royce said jokingly.

  Despite me calling him a fat-ass and hand-pecked, I liked Royce—or Roy as we called him. He was the youth minister at the church, and that’s how Keva met him. He was as black as tires and had an ass fatter than mine. He liked to take cracks at me every now and again, but I always felt like his jokes were harmless. Besides, I couldn’t take him seriously. He married Keva and watched Keisha like her pussy hung the stars in the sky, and I knew for a fact, Keisha had sucked his dick before. I walked in on it, not something you ever wanted to witness.

  Neither had any idea I’d caught them, and the bitch had the nerve to call me a hoe, at least I didn’t fuck men that were married into the family.

  “The day Duck goes to church, is the day I know Jesus is on his way back,” Eli said and nudged me with his elbow into my side.

  I stuck out my tongue at him. Eli always got a pass with me. Besides, everyone knew I didn’t do organized religion.

  I did believe there was a higher being. Some one that deserved my prayers and to thank for the creations that we see around us. I definitely didn’t believe in that science bull shit, like some star shitted in outer space and suddenly mankind was created.


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