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The Chimera Jar: The Aegis of Merlin Book 3

Page 6

by James E. Wisher

  She caught him staring and grinned. “We don’t want just anyone to have access to the portal chambers.”

  The ride down took less than a minute. The doors opened on a long corridor. She motioned him out. “Just follow the hall to the central chamber then go through the black door. The boss is waiting for you.”

  Conryu stepped out and the door shut behind him. He blew out a sigh and started down the empty hall. Stupid wizards and their creepy hangouts. It felt like at least a hundred yards before the hall opened into a round chamber with six doors, one for each element.

  The black door wasn’t even like a painted black, it was more like the absence of all light and Conryu found he didn’t want to touch it.

  “Don’t be such a coward,” Prime muttered around his arm.

  “Be quiet. No one’s supposed to know about you.”

  The door didn’t have a handle so Conryu reached out to give it a shove. When his fingers were six inches away a burst of dark energy leapt from his hand to the door. It didn’t so much swing open as fade away.

  Inside was an almost empty room with a circle carved into the stone floor nearly identical to the one from his awakening. Standing beside it was a woman in gray robes, her white hair pulled up into a severe bun. She held her hands clasped behind her back and stared at him with green eyes as hard as gems. Her wrinkles weren’t quite as deep as Mrs. Umbra’s, but it was a near thing.

  “Conryu Koda.”

  He nodded and stepped into the room. His instincts said not to show this one any fear. If she caught so much as a hint of weakness he was doomed. “Malice Kincade, nice to meet you. Your granddaughter’s in my class.”

  “I know. I know everything about you. I haven’t decided whether you’re the greatest threat this world has ever known, its best hope for the future, or both.”

  Conryu cocked his head. “Why would I be either? I have no ambitions beyond a hope, a vain one it seems, to live a quiet life. As long as the world leaves me alone, I’m content to return the favor.”

  “A man without ambition, how unusual. Perhaps you’ll grow into it or maybe you’ll be manipulated into serving the ambitions of others. Whatever the case, know this: if you become a threat I’ll see you dead.”

  “Great. Maybe next time you people need some breaking done you should call someone else. You think I can’t find a better way to spend my Sunday? And by the way, you should be nicer to Kelsie. She’s a sweetheart and you and her mother both seem to stress her out. She’s doing her best.”

  “Her best isn’t good enough. She’s a Kincade.”

  Conryu waited for more, but Malice seemed to consider that all the explanation required and in her mind maybe it was.

  “In any case,” Malice continued, “it’s no concern of yours.”

  “You’re wrong. Kelsie’s my friend and I don’t wish to see her in pain.”

  Malice glared at him and he glared right back. Conryu refused to let the vicious old woman intimidate him.

  She finally looked away and moved closer to the circle. “Enough of this useless banter. You have a task to perform. The circle will carry you to the border of Hell. Call Cerberus and ride him to the end of the path. You’ll emerge in the Sentinel City Department’s portal chamber.”

  Conryu held up his forearm. “What’s to stop Lucifer and the Dark Lady from interfering?”

  “The path is warded against demons. Cerberus will only be able to enter because of your connection. Now go.”

  Conryu stepped into the circle. Malice took a clear crystal key on a thong out from around her neck and touched the edge of the circle.

  Everything went black. He blinked and once again found himself a step from Hell.

  Conryu looked around at vast amounts of nothing and sighed. It would be okay with him if he never had to come back here.


  A pool of darkness gathered beside him and in moments the demon dog formed a body half again as big as a horse. All three heads panted, their tongues hanging out. The center head leaned down and licked him.

  “Good to see you too. Crouch down so I can climb on, please.” Cerberus lay down on his belly and Conryu leapt up onto his broad back. “We’d best be on our way before any unwelcome guests arrive.”

  Cerberus whined and his body trembled under Conryu.

  “What is it?”

  “Back again, mortal?” a familiar, deep voice said. Lucifer emerged from the endless darkness, the demon shining with his own inner light. He held the massive trident over one shoulder like Paul Bunyan with his ax.

  Conryu didn’t want to get into a discussion with the demon. “I’m just passing through. Come on, Cerberus.”

  The demon dog set out at a trot that soon accelerated into a full run. Lucifer kept pace easily. “No need to rush off, boy.”

  Conryu ignored him, drawing a rumbling growl from Lucifer. The trident rose and plunged down at them.

  Conryu flinched, but it struck an invisible barrier a foot above his head. He blew out a sigh. Malice hadn’t lied about the ward anyway.

  Lucifer hammered the barrier several more times with equally futile results. “The Department of Magic’s wards are as impressive as always. Wouldn’t you prefer make a contract with me rather than that puppy?”

  Cerberus’s left-hand head growled, but Lucifer ignored it. Conryu ignored the demon’s looming presence. It felt like they were covering vast distances with each stride. Hopefully they would reach the exit soon.

  “Come now, be reasonable. If I were to contract with you I could lend you a portion of my power. Strong as you are now, teamed with me you’d be invincible. You can’t ask for more than that.”

  Conryu finally looked at Lucifer. “Until you decide to betray me? I’ve been warned about your nature. You weren’t christened the Prince of Lies for nothing. I don’t trust you and I can’t very well team up with someone I don’t trust. Cerberus has proven himself a loyal partner and that’s worth more than raw power.”

  Up ahead a light appeared. That had to be the exit gate.

  “Deny me, boy, and Hell will never be a safe place for you. Every time you enter I’ll be waiting. One of these days you’ll make a mistake and when you do I’ll rip the screaming soul from your body and drag it down to the darkest pit I can find.” With that final threat Lucifer vanished.

  Cerberus’s right head looked back at him and whined.

  “Yeah, he’s a real charmer. Don’t worry, we’ll be extra careful.” Cerberus came to a stop six feet from the disk of light and lay down to let Conryu climb off his back. He patted the demon dog on his flank. “Thanks for the ride.”

  Conryu stepped into the light and left Hell behind.

  Lady Raven reclined on the soft velvet of her couch and sighed. In the five months since she’d been forced to abandon two of her identities she’d turned her lair… She smiled to herself. Calling the place a lair made her sound like a witch in a storybook. Hideout perhaps? No, that carried a sort of gangster feel. Redoubt perhaps, that had a properly secure sound to it.

  She turned her head to regard Iron Skull’s reanimated body. It stood silently against the stone wall. “What do you think? Shall we call this our redoubt?”

  Of course the Faceless One occupying the body was incapable of responding. It simply stared straight ahead with its empty black gaze. Though powerful and obedient, her new servants weren’t much for company. Six more months and she could leave her dingy temporary home for a place befitting a newly risen Hierarch.

  She’d sensed it when the weakling Department wizards approached her hidden boxes along with their feeble attempts to dispel her wards. They were both pathetic, but she gave them credit for at least hunting the boxes down. She’d harbored doubts that they were capable of that much. Terra and Clair had even been kind enough to add an extra layer of protection to her hiding places.

  How frustrating it must be for the Department to know the locations and still be totally powerless to do anything. She almost la
ughed aloud, but instead sighed. She should summon a familiar to share her victory with. It was terribly unsatisfying having no one but undead to whom she could gloat.

  The familiar tug from her mask drew Lady Raven’s attention to the end table in the corner of her lounge. It wasn’t time for the monthly report, she’d just spoken to her superiors last week. She rolled off her couch, walked over, and grabbed the mask. What did they want?

  A door in the left-hand wall led to her new casting chamber. She entered and sealed it behind her. When she reached the casting circle in the center of the room she cleared her mind and slipped the mask on.

  Lady Raven was instantly taken to the meeting place where she found only Lady Wolf waiting. She’d never been summoned by less than the full group. “Hierarch?”

  “Your hiding places are compromised. The boxes must be moved at once.”

  “As I said last week, the Department wizards are powerless to damage my wards. I assure you the artifacts are in no danger.”

  “They’ve summoned the abomination. Are you so confident your defenses will hold against his power?”

  Lady Raven swallowed. If the boy was coming he’d destroy her wards in a second. “I’ll move them at once. May I ask how you learned of his arrival?”

  “Our agent in Central alerted us. He’s traveling by dark portal if he isn’t there already. Your time is short, Lady Raven. Do not fail us.”

  Lady Wolf vanished and she was alone in her casting chamber. Conryu Koda again. The boy wizard was turning into the bane of her existence. Fortunately she’d made arrangements for just such an emergency. Five months was a long time to prepare and she hadn’t spent all her time on interior decorating.

  When he arrived at the first location she’d have a surprise waiting for him and his friends.

  Conryu stepped out of the light, leaving Lucifer and Cerberus behind. When his vision cleared he found himself in a chamber very similar to the one in Central. The black disk he was standing on had the exact same rune pattern.

  “Conryu! This way.”

  He spun and found Mr. Kane waving to him from beside the room’s only door. Terra and Lin were with him. Conryu jogged over. The moment he cleared the dark circle the power vanished. Though he knew Lucifer couldn’t break through the wards he felt a good deal better now that the portal had closed.

  He reached Mr. Kane and the little group hustled through the door. “I trust your trip went smoothly.”

  “I’m not sure smoothly is the word I’d use, but I made it.” Conryu followed Mr. Kane to the nearby elevators with Lin and Terra bringing up the rear. “So you need me to break some more wards?”

  “Yes. The team finally tracked down all five boxes, but we can’t access them.”

  “How strong are the wards?” Conryu asked as they rode the elevator upstairs.

  “I estimate twice as strong as the one you broke for us last time,” Terra said.

  Conryu nodded. That shouldn’t cause him any problems.

  Prime wriggled free of his grasp and flew up to look Terra in the eye. “What did you do with the necroplasma?”

  “It’s still in my casting chamber trapped in the spell circle. I’ll figure out how best to deal with it once we’ve collected Mercia’s gifts.”

  The doors opened and they stepped out into the lobby. “I’ll leave you with Lin and Terra. Thanks again for your help, Conryu.” Mr. Kane started back into the elevator.

  “Will I have a chance to visit my parents?”

  “I don’t think so. We need to get you back to school ASAP. Dean Blane called me after you left. I’ve made arrangements for an engine to be sent to the academy.”

  Conryu frowned at that. He’d planned to choose the motor himself and he needed his tools. Terra grabbed his sleeve and pulled him toward the exit, not giving him a chance to complain. “We don’t have time to waste on idle chatter. The longer those boxes remain in place the more opportunity for something to go wrong.”

  Mr. Kane waved as he was dragged away. Conryu freed himself from Terra’s grasp and followed her and Lin in a more dignified posture. They stepped out into the bright morning sun.

  A tan four-door Department sedan idled by the curb. Lin slipped behind the wheel and Terra sat beside him leaving Conryu stuck in the back seat. At least with Lin driving Conryu didn’t fear for his life.

  They pulled out and headed east toward the docks. Conryu stared out the window. It was good to be home, even if only for a day.

  “I never understood you humans’ fondness for your home towns.” Prime settled on the seat beside him. “It’s not like demons pine for home every time some wizard summons us.”

  “You live in Hell. Who’d be eager to return there?”

  “Good point. Lucifer certainly didn’t seem pleased to see you again.”

  “No kidding. We have to figure out how to remove his name from my arm, the Dark Lady’s too. Not that I wouldn’t mind seeing her again.”

  “Did she leave a lingering enchantment on you?” Prime flew up and looked him all over.

  Conryu was pretty sure the only enchantment she left was in his overactive imagination.

  Terra looked back at him. “What’s this about seeing Lucifer?”

  “He tried to kill me again on my way here, but the wards held. I was just saying I need to get his brand off my arm so he won’t be able to tell the moment I enter a portal.”

  “I noticed some fluctuations in the magic while we were waiting for you. That must have been what I detected. You seem rather calm considering you were almost killed by the devil.”

  “Yeah, well, I wasn’t anywhere near this calm the first time. So do you want me to do a proper breaking or just use Dispel?”

  “Dispel,” Terra answered at once. “I want every bit of magic in the vicinity wiped out.”

  “I chanted the spell five times before releasing it once and negated every spell within sixty yards. Will that be enough?”

  She stared at him for a moment. “That should do it.” She turned back around, muttering, but he couldn’t make out what she said.

  Half an hour later Lin pulled in beside a chain link fence with a door in it. Beyond the fence was a flat expanse of concrete with a gully running through it. Conryu said, “Reveal.” The culvert at the end of the gully lit up. Maybe that was the wrong way to describe the inky black lines running everywhere, but that was how he thought of it.

  “I take it the box is down there.”

  “Yes. Mercia left it on a living pedestal along with a bunch of zombies to guard it.” Terra opened her door and climbed out. Conryu and Lin joined her with Prime bringing up the rear.

  “Speaking of the zombies,” Lin said. “I spoke to my contacts at the morgue. They were all killed by a single stab wound to the chest. Missing persons is trying to match them to any outstanding cases.”

  “They must have been Mercia’s sacrifices.” Terra shook her head and led the way over to the culvert.

  They stopped well back and Conryu eyed the dark opening. It certainly looked like a place you’d hide a dark magic artifact. “Shall I get on with it?”

  “Please. Hurl your spell as deep into the culvert as you can. Don’t hold back as we may not have a second chance.”

  Don’t hold back. There was something he didn’t hear very often. Conryu crossed his wrists and fingers and began the chant. When he hit five repetitions and the dark sphere was as big as a pumpkin he hurled it at the opening.

  Seconds later a wash of dark magic shot out of the culvert, dissipating five feet from them. The wards were gone and he was about to ask where they were headed next when a flash of power burst from the opening.

  Shrill screams came from the culvert followed a moment later by a pair of black-winged demons just like the ones that had tried to attack him last summer. The demons flew into the air and spat dark energy at Terra.

  She hurled flames and the two energies negated each other. Conryu cast, “Cloak of Darkness!” and dark magic covered both h
imself and Prime.

  Lin drew his pistol and put half a clip into the rightmost demon. If the creature felt the bullets it gave no sign, though it did turn to look at Lin. It opened its fang-filled mouth.

  Conryu crossed his fingers and raised a hand. The moment dark energy shot from the demon’s mouth he shouted, “Break!”

  A sphere of dark energy streaked from his hand and negated the blast.

  “Thanks.” Lin put his gun away and turned towards Conryu. “What can I do?”

  “Not a thing,” Prime said. “Only magic can hurt demons.”

  Lin looked hopefully at Conryu. “Sorry, Sarge, they don’t teach offensive spells to first-year students.”

  Terra was busy exchanging blasts with the first demon leaving the second to focus on him and Lin. Conryu negated another attack. At least the demon hadn’t gotten it in its head to fly down and tear them apart.

  “Prime, how do we stop them?”

  “You could banish them. I have the spell here.” Prime started to flip to the proper page.

  The spell Mrs. Umbra had used took half a minute to cast and he hadn’t even recognized a quarter of the words she used. No way could he memorize and cast such a complex spell under these circumstances.

  “That’s no good. All I really need is to make them stop attacking.”

  They ran from another blast. The concrete steamed where the dark energy touched it.

  “Try commanding them,” Prime said. “A powerful dark wizard can sometimes dominate a demon if they focus all their will on it.”

  “Your will makes the magic happen, not the words or gestures,” Conryu muttered.

  That’s what Mrs. Umbra had said. It was time to test that theory.

  He focused his mind on the demons and having them cease attacking. “Stop!” he shouted in Infernal.

  Both demons shuddered and twitched, but their mouths shut and they stopped breathing those dark blasts. Terra ran over to join them.


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