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Scavenge (Smoldering #1.5)

Page 2

by Tiffany Aleman

  Until Later,


  Joyful tears stream down my face as I stare at his incredible gift. An overwhelming sense of the love I have for this man surges through me, and the next thing I know, my phone is in my hand and I’m calling him via FaceTime. I can’t help myself. I pray he’s available. On the third ring, he answers. As his image appears on the screen, I grin at him.

  “I don’t know how you did it, or how you coerced Jen into helping you, but I love you so much, and thank you.”

  Riley chuckles at my exuberance. “So, I take it you found my note in the drawer?” He’s in his flight uniform and my eyes follow his movements, the way the material clings to his broad chest, as he leans back in his chair.

  “I did.” I nod. “Which, by the way, was a mess.” I laugh.

  “I know. I left it that way on purpose. I knew it’d drive you crazy and you’d feel the need to fold the shirts. What did you think of the note?” he asks, his eyebrow raised in question.

  “Well,” I wipe away the remaining tears before taking a deep breath, “I was scared to look at it at first.”


  “Honestly, I thought it might be some other woman’s phone number.” I shrug, embarrassed by my insecurities.

  Of course, my comment catches him off guard because he’s no longer smiling or leaning back relaxed. He leans forward, concerned by my answer. “I’m sorry that I’ve given you a reason to think that,” he says, his voice soft and sincere.

  “I know. Can we not talk about any of that, please? I want to leave the past where it belongs. We’ve come a long way since then, and I just… I want to create new, happier memories.”

  He nods. “Okay. So tell me, did you look in the closet?”

  The reminder of the seashells brings a smile to my face. I lean back against the doorframe and stretch my legs out in front of me, relaxing. “Who said you aren’t romantic?” I ask. Reaching into the box, I pick up one of the shells and hold it up for him to see. “You even went so far as to add little adjectives on them,” I croon. “You really think all these things about me?”

  “That, and so much more,” he says.

  I stare at him on my screen and see the adoration he has for me. It shows in his eyes, in his smile, in everything he does for me, and I know deep down I am the luckiest woman in the world.

  “How was your nig–” A loud, explosive sound through the speaker of my phone cuts off my words.

  Fear paralyzes me.

  “Babe, I have to go,” Riley rushes, his attention no longer on me but on what’s happening over there. He turns back to the camera, his eyes wide, and I see the dread taking hold of him. “I love you, Kelsey. Always remember that,” he says before another loud bang sounds out and the call disconnects.

  The phone slips from my hand, but in my numbness, I don’t realize it. My heartbeat, faster than a herd on the move, drowns out any noises around me. The sound of blood rushing through my body pounds in my ears, and all I can think is I didn’t get to tell him I love him back. How will he know?

  Oh. My. God.

  What just happened?

  Is he okay?

  Is he alive?

  I’m pulled from my depressing thoughts by an incessant ringing sound until I recognize it’s my phone. Detached from everything, I reach for it only for it to stop and start ringing all over again.

  My eyes close for a brief second at the name on the screen, and I pray it’s not as bad as what my mind is conjuring up right now.

  “Hel…Hello?” I answer with a broken whisper.

  “They’ve been attacked and it’s not good,” are the last words I hear before a world of darkness swallows my vision and takes me under.

  “Kels.” It’s a soft voice, but I barely hear it. My eyes are heavy as I try to blink them open and my head hurts. “Kels, I need you to wake up for me.”

  After a few more attempts at trying to pry my eyes open, they finally listen to me, and I’m greeted by two concerned faces. Jen’s eyes hold a sadness I’ve never seen before, and Candace looks ashen. I look around and see I’m lying on my and Riley’s bed. “What…” I croak out. I clear my throat before trying again. “What happened?” My eyes flicker over their faces and just like that; it all comes crashing back to me. The sound of the explosion. Riley’s last words. Another explosion. The call disconnecting. Hearing the words, it’s not good. Everything going dark.

  In a panic, I shove myself up, forcing Candace and Jen away from me. “It was you on the phone.” I look at Candace. It’s not a question. It’s a statement. My eyes widen and I feel traitorous tears begin to leak out of the corners.

  “It was,” Candace answers, her voice filled with sadness. “I was already on my way over to surprise you, and then I got the call. The other side of the FOB.” With raised eyebrows, I implore her to elaborate what that means. “Forward operating base, where Riley and Brad are currently at, was attacked only a few minutes before I called you. Another spouse was on the phone with her husband when everything happened. She called me immediately.”

  “Are they okay?” It’s the only question I can seem to ask, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle her answer if it’s not what I want to hear.

  “As far as I know, yes,” she whispers.

  All at once, a million pounds of pressure lift off my chest and relief floods me like a barren, drought-stricken desert receiving its first rain in months. The tears come even harder as I pull my two best friends to me, hugging them tightly. They wrap their arms around me, and we sit there for what feels like hours, in our own ways, thanking God for keeping Riley and Brad safe. I release them from my clutches and lean back to wipe the tears from my eyes.

  “I am so sorry. For some damn reason, I can’t seem to quit crying. If it’s not the seashells, then it’s fucking bombs.” I shake my head and try to clear the last thought.

  “Look.” Candace’s voice is soft yet stern and it’s gains my attention. She reaches for my hands and squeezes them gently. “Things like what happened today will happen again, and often, and we probably won’t be able to talk to them for at least twenty-four hours. Unfortunately, today you found out the hard way. But I need to know you can handle this. Riley needs to know you can handle this. So can you grow some kind of a backbone, please?” she asks sweetly, batting her eyelashes. Her silliness brings her desired reaction. I laugh.

  “You’re right. And yeah, I can.” I take a deep breath and push my hair out of my face.

  “Good.” She tugs me into another hug and murmurs, “You’re strong, Kels. I believe in you. Riley believes in you. Now believe in yourself.” Pulling back, she adds with a smile, “And for the love of all that is all holy, will you please stop crying?”

  We break out into giggles, and when Jen joins in with us, I point at her. “And you.” I scold. “Don’t think Riley didn’t tell me what you’ve done for him. But I want to know how you pulled it off?”

  Jen looks down at her nails, a mischievous smile stretching across her face. “I’m a fucking ninja. Didn’t you know?” she jokes and all three of us burst into fits of laughter.

  Wiping a stray tear from under my eye, I look at her and can’t help but snicker again. My cheeks ache and my stomach is beginning to hurt, and as uncomfortable as it is, it also feels really good to laugh like this. It’s been so long, it seems like.

  “Thank you, guys. Really. I needed this, and thanks for coming to check on me.” My eyes find Jen’s and I beam at her. “And thank you for helping him. I know you two haven’t always seen eye to eye, but it really means a lot to me.”

  “Wait. What is she helping him with?” Candace asks, confused.

  “And for the record, I look at Riley like he’s an annoying older brother,” Jen clarifies.

  “What is she helping him with?” Candace asks again, and I can tell she’s trying not to get irritated.

  I rush into the closet to find my seashells. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I hand the box to Candace
and watch as a slow smile spreads across her face. “Riley did this for you?” she asks.

  I nod. “With this one’s help.” I nudge Jen in the arm with my elbow. “He’s been keeping tabs on me. She told him when I was moving in and everything. Riley had her write me these amazing little notes and then those.” I wave to the box of shells.

  “That’s good, Kels. He knew this was going to be hard on you, and he’s trying to help you get through it the only way he knows how.” Candace smiles at me, and I can tell she’s trying not to cry.

  “Do you ever cry?” I ask. “I mean, it seems like all I do is cry…” I shrug. “I don’t know. I was just wondering. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

  “I do,” Candace offers in a soft voice. “I guess, for me, it’s different because I’ve been with Brad since high school. I’ve survived basic training, his schooling, two deployments, and numerous trainings. I just have to look at deployments like an extended training session. That’s how I get through it.”

  “Well, I’m all for this sappy shit, ladies, but I need to use the bathroom,” Jen interrupts, successfully pulling Candace and me out of our sad moods, and causing the both of us to laugh at her.

  As the door clicks shut behind Jen, I ask, “How did you find me?”

  “Like I said, I was already on my way over to congratulate you on the move, and then I got the call.” She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “Something just told me that you already knew. I called Jen and asked her to meet me over here. Brad and I have had a key to Riley’s house for a couple of years now, so when I got here, I let myself in. I called for you a couple of times. When you didn’t answer, that’s when I went looking for you.” The ache she feels is written on her face. “I found you in the closet, passed out.”

  I offer her a sad smile and I can feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment as I reach out and squeeze her arm. “I’m sorry you had to find me like that.”

  “You really scared me, Kels. You wouldn’t wake up.” She shrugs off her fear. “When Jen got here, we moved you to the bed, and you woke up not long after that.”

  I put my head in my hands and rub my forehead. “Damn. I didn’t know, and again, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine, but if you’re gonna pass out, please do it on the bed. You’re heavy at dead weight.” She laughs trying to lighten the mood.

  I laugh and poke her in the ribs. “Bitch.”


  “There is no reason for you to have all this shit,” Jen says as we go through the boxes in the kitchen. “You didn’t even cook at our place. What in the hell makes you think you’ll do it here?”

  “Shut up. I can cook.” I chuckle and slap at her hand as she reaches over and attempts to take a strainer out of my hand.

  “Macaroni and cheese do not count,” Jen retorts, brandishing a wooden spoon as if it was a sword.

  “Really? You can’t cook?” Candace asks around a mouthful of pizza.

  Just as I open my mouth, Jen cuts me off. “Pasta salad from a box doesn’t count either.”

  I shoot her a piercing glare. “So what if I can’t cook? I’ve survived haven’t I, and I don’t always eat fast food.”

  Jen shakes her head as she starts to laugh. “Panera Bread is still fast food.”

  “At least it’s not McDonalds,” I defend.

  “You’ve got me there,” she replies, still laughing.

  “Kels, we have got to rectify that situation. What are you going to do when Riley comes home from overseas? That man is going to want a home cooked meal, and I know he can’t cook,” Candace states with a smirk on her face.

  I roll my eyes at her and Jen. “Just so you know, Riley made an amazing dinner for us before he left.”

  “Did you even have a chance to eat it?” They ask in unison, and I answer with a shrug. No we didn’t, we made love instead.

  My eyes flicker to the clock on the stove. I can’t believe it’s been six hours since everything happened with Riley. There have been fleeting moments where he’s crossed my mind, but I’ve pushed them back. Like Candace said, I need to be strong for him. I need to prove to him, but more importantly, to myself that I can handle these separations. After all, it is part of the package that comes with him. I think back to how he said he’s not sure the Army is his dream anymore. I know for a fact, he’d be lost without his career. He is the epitome of what it means to be a soldier, and he’s damn good at it, too. I know it’s been said you can’t have your cake and eat it, too, but I’d like us to be able to prove that cliché wrong. I’d like us to beat the odds.

  “You know,” I state. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt for me to take some cooking classes.”

  “Ohhhh… we could all take one together. I’ve always wanted to do something like that,” Candace says. Her eyes light up, and a smile graces her face, and I can tell she’s really excited about the idea.

  We both turn to look at Jen expectantly, and by the sour look on her face, I can tell she abhors the whole idea. She sighs loudly and rolls her eyes. “Fine. I’m in.”

  “Good. Tomorrow, I’ll look online and find one and get us all set up,” Candace states before taking another bite of her pizza.

  “How are you not full?” I ask, feeling like I might be sick for her. I swear it’s like her fifth piece of pizza.

  She waves her hand dismissively in the air. “I could eat a whole medium by myself.”

  “Where the hell does it go?” Jen asks, her eyes big and disbelieving. “If I ate like that, I’d have hips and ass for days.”

  “I work out plenty. I’m allowed to indulge every now and then. And when I do, it’s always with pizza,” she states.

  I swear, watching her, it’s like I see lust in her eyes, and it has nothing to do with her husband. The thought alone makes me laugh out loud.

  I look to Jen before looking back at Candace, still laughing. “It’s like she’s trying to seduce the crust.” My comment has Jen laughing with me. Candace gives us both a pointed look.

  “Be jealous, wenches. Be very jealous.”

  The bell above the door chimes as I walk into one of the places I miss most. Nothing has changed. The décor still looks the same. The sun shines through the windows, blanketing the worn leather booths. An old, familiar face peeks out from behind the kitchen, and I smile back at him. After everything that happened yesterday, I decided to get out of the house and leave the rest of my unpacking until later today.

  “Well, well, well… Look who has finally come to her senses and decided to come back to work,” Dante says before sweeping me up into a hug. A wide smile takes over my face when I hear his voice.

  I hug him back, holding him tight against me. “I missed you, too, smartass.”

  Dante pulls back, his hands gripping my shoulders as he holds me at arm’s length. “How are you?” The concern in his tone tugs at something deep within me, but I push it away and smile up at him. He was there when I met Riley. He experienced my whirlwind romance that swept me up and flipped my world upside down. Then he was there when my world came crashing down around me. I may not have seen him much, and that’s my fault, but we have talked so he knows what’s going on. I’ve told Dante everything. He knows about me going for my nursing license, me moving in with Riley, and the deployment.

  “I’m good.” And for once, I’m actually starting to believe it’s true.

  He smiles at me before straightening and dropping his hands from my shoulders. “Did you come to get your job back?”

  “No.” I laugh, shaking my head. “I came in to see you. It’s been too long.”

  “Well, you had to go and get a love life, so all you can do is blame yourself really.”

  I know he’s only joking, but a part of me realizes he’s right. I should visit more often. I had given up on a whole other part of my life when things between Riley and I went south. And now that we’re back together, I still haven’t stopped to think about how anyone else is doing. I’ve been fixated on my own mis
ery, on missing Riley.

  “I’ll make more of an effort to visit with you. Maybe we can go out to dinner tomorrow night?” I jab him in the side with my elbow, wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

  The smile falls from his face. “I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad.” The remorse in his voice catches me off guard.

  I grab his arm. “I know. But it’s true. You’re my friend, and we should hang out more.”

  Dante rubs at the stubble on his chin. “Let me look at the schedule, and I’ll call you so we can set something up. But what brought you in today, seriously?”

  “Well, I’m hungry, and I’ve heard there’s an amazing cook here that whips up the best grilled cheese on this side of the interstate.”


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