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Indivisible Souls: Book 3 of the Bound4Ireland Series

Page 6

by Tricia Daniels

  Ethan takes a deep breath and nods. “I can cover it.”

  The other team starts to chuckle. “Okay, but let’s get this straight. I was betting that she strikes out… She has just said that she’s going to win the game. So, that means that she doesn’t just have to hit the ball… she needs to bring three runs home to win.”

  Scott walks out to the plate and hands Ethan his wallet. Ethan counts out his money and hands it to the obnoxious man to hold. “Alright, we win the game. I’ll pinch hit.”

  Olivia spins around shocked. “Oh hell no, you won’t!”

  “I agree. She made the bet so she has to hit.”

  “I’ve got this,” Olivia assures him. “Get off the diamond!”

  Ethan tenses and goes back to the dugout.

  The next two pitches are low and to the side. Olivia waits them out patiently, making Ethan pace nervously.

  “Would you just relax?” Rachel finally says, “It’s Olivia.”

  Ethan looks at her confused. “I don’t follow.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” Rachel asks exasperated.

  “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know, Rach,” Scott adds.

  The next pitch comes in fast. Ethan stands with his face pressed against the chain link backstop, holding his breath. “Know what? What are you two talking about?”

  The crack of the bat is almost deafening as Olivia connects with the ball. She drops the bat and heads toward first base. Everybody looks to the sky, watching the ball fly like a rocket past the outfield and over the fence. Mouths open and chins drop. Ethan shakes his head, making sure he’s awake. “What the fuck just happened?” he asks, as he watches Olivia take a leisurely jog around the bases behind the other runners.

  “Wow!” Rachel directs at Ethan. “You’re some kind of amazing.”

  “Rachel,” Scott warns.

  “Don’t even… Scott Parker. I can’t stand it another minute, and it needs to be said.”

  Scott looks at Ethan and grimaces. “Sorry, buddy. But she’s right.”

  “What needs to be said?”

  “When you’re with Olivia, do you ever talk to her? Or is it all about the fucking?” Rachel asks bluntly.

  “Ohhhhhhhhhh shit,” Scott says looking uncomfortable.

  Ethan’s eyes open wide, shocked. “Of course I talk to her.”

  “Really?” she says in disbelief.

  “Of course, I do,” Ethan defends.

  “Humph,” Rachel grunts. “She’s the woman you are madly in love with, the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.”

  “She’s having your baby,” Scott adds.

  Ethan flashes him an agitated look. “You’re not helping.”

  “Sorry.” Scott pretends to close the zipper across his lips.

  “What’s your point, Rachel?”

  Rachel growls, frustrated. “How the hell do you not know that Olivia has played women’s competitive baseball all her life? Not only that, but she went to university on a baseball scholarship!”

  A stunned look morphs across his face as he turns to watch Olivia cross home plate.

  Olivia winks at him, then turns and marches over to the mouthy man on the sideline.

  “I think I’ve been duped!” he exclaims as he holds out the cash.

  Olivia snatches it out of her hand and stuffs it in her bra. “Perhaps.” A grin lights up her face as she makes her way back to the team. She’s greeted with hugs and high-fives from her friends.

  Olivia hands Brandon the money. “Here, add this to the money for the charity.”

  “That’s our girl,” Brandon says, lifting her off the ground.

  Olivia squeals and struggles. “Put me down Brandon.”

  “Yes, Brandon… put her down. That’s my girl and my baby you’re manhandling.”

  Brandon lowers her to the ground and turns to look at Ethan. Then back at Olivia. “Baby? You’re having a baby?”

  Olivia wrinkles her nose, apologetically. “Surprise!” she says sheepishly. Brandon pulls her in for another big bear hug.

  “Gah! You’re squishing me!”

  Brandon lets her go and holds out his hand. “Congratulations, O’Connell. You’re a lucky bastard to catch this girl. Ohhhhh beer,” he says, as he hears the cooler open. “I’ll be right back.”

  Brandon bolts across the dugout, leaving them alone. Ethan raises his eyebrow. “Did you just donate my money to the charity?”

  Olivia grins playfully. “Mmhmm, I did.”

  “Well, you never stop amazing me, Miss James. At least now I know why you’re always throwing shit at me.”

  Chapter Six

  Rachel stands at Olivia’s office door and watches her stomp around her desk, banging things down heavily and grunting.

  “Whoa. What’s going on?”

  Olivia gives her a nasty look. “Really? Don’t even talk to me. It’s all your fault.” Olivia tosses stuff into a desk drawer and slams it loudly.

  “What did I do?” Rachel asks surprised.

  “You had to say something to O’Connell about him not knowing anything about me.”

  “Oh. That.” Rachel starts to snicker.

  “It’s not funny! Now he has it in his mind that he needs to spend time getting to know me, so he’s put the kibosh on sex.”

  “Well, that’s not a bad thing, Liv,” Rachel reasons.

  Olivia scowls. “No?” It’s been a week. A WEEK ! He won’t touch me. I’m going out of my mind.”

  Rachel throws her head back in laughter. “Good Lord, woman. Hadn’t you been three years without before you met O’Connell?”

  “Yes, but that was before. You don’t understand,” she says, pointing toward her stomach. “Pregnant… HORMONES!”

  Rachel continues to laugh. “It’s not funny,” Olivia insists. “He’s making me do date nights until he’s satisfied that there’s absolutely nothing else there is to know about me.”

  “I wish I felt sorry for you. It’s been weeks since my husband has had any interest. The closest I get to date night is when he texts me from the Tim Horton’s drive-thru to see if I want a donut.”

  “Pretty soon, I’m going to be huge and unattractive. I need to get as much in as I can before then.”

  “You’re killing me. I’m betting Ethan is the kind of guy who finds you even sexier while you’re pregnant.”

  “Well, I can’t help it. Did you see him in those grey baseball pants?” Olivia fans her face. “Oh Lord, I’ve got it bad.”

  “Apparently. Why are you in the office?”

  “I’m working on O’Connell’s project. I needed a distraction. I can’t stand being at his house another minute. Everything there smells like him and it makes me… gah. You know. Besides, I figured I better let Jeremiah know about the baby since Ethan outed me at the game.”

  “Good plan. When are you due?”

  “I’m not sure really. I’m thinking it happened just before we went to Ireland. Soooo, I’m guessing I’m about four to five weeks along. I haven’t had an ultrasound yet.”

  Rachel looks concerned. “They didn’t do one when you had the bleeding?”

  “I didn’t see anyone.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  Olivia looks away, avoiding Rachel’s disapproving look. “I have a great plan to erode Ethan’s self-control tonight.”

  Rachel looks down at her phone and turns to leave. “Nice try on the change of subject, but we’re going to finish this conversation later.”

  Ethan arrives home to find Olivia lying seductively on the couch, wearing a sexy negligee. He pauses, taking a very long look. Olivia beckons him with her finger. Reluctantly he moves toward her and sits on the edge. His eyes travel the length of her body and his hand reaches out to follow their perusal. There’s a hitch in his breath, as he gently brushes across every soft curve.

  Olivia holds back a triumphant smile as his hand travels up her body, slipping beneath the sheer fabric. He cups her breast beneath his palm and squ
eezes tightly, making her moan as he brushes his thumb across her nipple. He watches intently, pleased as it pebbles beneath his touch.

  He adjusts the way he’s sitting, relieving some of the pressure off his growing erection. “Go get ready for supper.”

  “What?” Olivia asks shocked

  “Nice try, but it’s not going to work. Go get dressed. We have reservations.” He looks at his watch. “In an hour.” Standing, he grabs her hand, and pulls her to her feet. “I’m going to hop in the shower.”

  “I’ll join you.”

  “No, you won’t,” he says, giving her ass a little swat. “You’re going to get dressed so you’re ready when I’m done.”

  “I’m not hungry for dinner.” Olivia pouts.

  Ethan laughs once. “You need to eat, Princess.”

  “I need to have sex.”

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you are more important to me than my cock.”

  “I can’t believe you’re saying that either.” She reaches for his zipper. “I think right now is an awesome time to be looking after your cock.”

  Ethan grabs her wrist. “The answer is still no!”

  Aggravated she looks into his eyes and growls before turning and stomping up the stairs.

  He waits until she reaches the top and slams the bedroom door, letting out a discontented breath. “Cold shower it is.” He looks to the heavens and grumbles, “Some days I think you hate me.”

  “Olivia!” Ethan hollers from the bottom of the stairs. “Let’s go.”

  She emerges from the bedroom, putting on her earrings as she starts down the stairs. “Don’t you rush me, Ethan O’Connell. You own the damn restaurant. I don’t even know why you make reservations, it’s not like they aren’t going to seat you.” She looks up when she reaches the landing, waiting for him to reply. Instead, he holds up her jacket. Turning, she slides her arms in and waits as he pulls it up over her shoulders. Very gently, he frees the curls that are trapped beneath the collar, running his fingers through them as they fall.

  Olivia sighs. He can be ruthless, difficult, and demanding at times, but there are moments like these: times when he’s quiet, gentle, and nurturing. These are the moments when he turns off the tenacious business persona and lets her see the softer side of him. This is the man that visits her dreams; the man with whom she shared a past life. The man who’s marked her soul so definitively that she’ll always be able to find her way home. “Stop being so charming, it’s annoying.” She waits for him to open the door and falls even further in love with his smile.

  “Is there any chance I can convince you to stop on the way for a little messing around in the Hellcat?” she asks, feeling hopeful.


  “Blow job on the way over there?”

  He cocks his head to the side and bites his lip. “Tempting, but no.”

  “That’s all I got. I give up.”

  “Good, because I’m not changing my mind, and I’m hungry.”

  John is waiting for them at the curb. He opens Olivia’s door and extends his hand to help her out.

  “Thank you, John.”

  “You’re quite welcome.”

  Olivia’s brow lowers in concern. “Are you okay?”

  John’s blue eyes don’t have their usual sparkle tonight. They look dark and heavy. The small lines around his eyes are usually the only visible evidence of his age, but tonight he looks worn. Weathered.

  Ethan rounds the front of the car and locks eyes with Olivia. Her concern is written all over her face.

  “What’s going on?”

  “When was the last time you gave John a day off?” she asks, troubled.

  “I’m fine,” John insists.

  “You don’t look fine, John.” She looks back to Ethan, waiting for an answer. “Well?”

  “To be honest, I don’t know.”

  “Olivia, I assure you that I’m fine. I was up late last night talking to Shannon. I just need to catch up on my sleep.”

  “Right.” Disbelief is evident in her tone. Ethan scratches his head and gives her a confused look. Unsure of what she wants him to do. She shakes her head, annoyed and starts walking toward the door. Ethan hands John the car keys and shrugs. Olivia slows her pace, allowing Ethan to pass her and open the door.

  Olivia proceeds to the table. She doesn’t need to be seated. She knows where. It’s always the same place: Ethan’s favorite spot. She stops, waiting for him to help her with her coat. When she turns to face him, she finds him staring.

  “What?” she asks curiously.

  “You look very beautiful tonight.”

  Olivia blushes and it’s a signal that goes straight to his cock. He takes his seat, fascinated by her glow.

  “Why are you sitting all the way over there?” She pouts.

  “So I can see your beautiful face better while we talk.”

  “Humph. I’d much rather you sit beside me.”

  “I bet.”

  “You’re really annoying.”

  “Good, at least I’m consistent.” Ethan smirks. “Besides, you seem a bit cranky, so in the interest of safety, I think it’s best to sit as far away as I can from your fork.”

  Olivia purses her lips, trying to hold back her laughter. When she can’t hold it any longer, she covers her mouth with her hand, trying to silence her snort.

  “So tell me about your childhood friends.”

  “Really? Are we doing this still?” she asks exasperated.

  “Yes, really. Everything about you is important. I shouldn’t have neglected discovering it all.”

  Olivia pinches her bottom lip between her thumb and forefinger, twisting it while she’s deep in thought. “Okay, I’ll tell you what. I’ll answer all your questions tonight on one condition.”

  Ethan rubs his hand over his chin. “I’m afraid to ask.”

  “You come over to this side of the booth and sit beside me.”

  Ethan hesitates. Not more than a few hours ago she laid, practically naked, waiting and hoping for him to ravage her body. The thought of it warms him. If he could be strong enough to turn her down then, sitting beside her should be easy enough.

  “Come on, Ethan.” Olivia complains. “I’m lonely over here all by myself.”

  “Oh, bloody hell. Not the pouty lip. Fine. Just don’t look at me like that anymore.” Getting to his feet, he moves to her side of the booth and waits for her to slide over to accommodate him. “Are you happy now?”

  “Hmmm. Not yet.” She taps her finger to her lips and puckers.

  “This had better not be a trick, woman. I’m wise to you,” he assures her.

  “Seriously. Nobody ever died from a little snogging.”

  Ethan raises a brow. “How about you never call it that again?”

  “Why?” she asks confused.

  “Because it sounds immature and childish. You’re a beautiful, sophisticated woman. When my lips touch yours, it’s a journey of desire and passion that no words can truly define adequately. To refer to that as snogging is barbaric.”

  Olivia sits silently, memorizing every little line and curve to his lips. Wishing they were on hers. Her face flushes pink, thinking about the other places she’d like for them to travel. When she brings her eyes up to Ethan’s, he’s looking at her intently, admiring her demure appearance.

  “Oh, that blush of yours,” he growls.

  Olivia smiles and looks down, escaping his gaze momentarily, so she can gather her thoughts. He tips her chin with his finger and leans in, torturing her with the gentlest brush of lips. As he pulls away, she chases him, trying to linger within the warmth of his breath. When she fails to reconnect with him, she opens her eyes and sees it. Exactly what he was just talking about: the look. The look that reflects his feelings right now. The one that words couldn’t possible describe adequately. It’s somewhere between elation and affliction. His hand slightly trembles when he lifts it to brush the hair away from her face and tuck it behind her ear. Butterfl
ies take flight inside her, and for a few moments, she’s certain that she’s forgotten how to breathe.

  They sit in silence for what seems like forever. Olivia reaches down and touches his thigh, caressing it tenderly. “So, what did you want to know?”

  Ethan stares, lost for words.

  “You have questions, right?”

  He tries to regain focus, with a quick shake of his head. “I believe I asked you to tell me about your childhood friends.”

  “Well, now you’re digging real deep.”

  “You promised to answer if I sat beside you.” He gestures between them. “Here I am. So answer.”

  Olivia lengthens her stroke from knee to groin. Ethan fidgets uncomfortably, taking in a sharp breath.

  “Well, I didn’t really have any friends as a child. I was really quiet and shy.”

  “I see. Nothing like you are now,” he teases, grinning until she launches a strategic attack. Knowing that she can’t be seen beneath the table she slides her hand firmly across his cock. Shocked, Ethan reaches down to take hold of her wrist, but it’s too late. He can’t stop his heightening arousal.

  “Behave,” he demands, redirecting her hand to her own lap.

  “Oh, I am behaving.” She bats her eyes, before leaning in and nipping at his neck. Ethan’s chest heaves with short excited breaths. With her elbow on the table, Olivia rests her chin in her palm, struggling to keep her own arousal behind the guise of a well-behaved young lady.

  Reaching over, she gently lifts his hand and places it on her knee. Adjusting her position, she leans back, slightly parting her legs, and then guides his hand between them. With all rational thought fleeting, Ethan turns to meet her lips, finally kissing her the way a girl should be kissed. His hand continues its journey under the hem of her dress, and across the warm soft skin of her thigh. In a split second, he’ll find out first hand that she’s not wearing any panties. She squirms, moaning softly against his lips.

  Ethan growls and then curses, “You’re a wicked, wicked woman.” He freezes at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

  Slowly they direct their attention to the waitress standing at the table. “Are you ready to order, Miss James, or do you need a few minutes?”


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