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Indivisible Souls: Book 3 of the Bound4Ireland Series

Page 18

by Tricia Daniels

  “Take the Zagato.”

  “The what?” she says shocked.

  “The Zagato. The key fob is hanging in the front hallway.”

  “It must be really important if you’re letting me drive your car.”

  “It is. I’ll send the location of the restaurant to the navigation system in the car.” His voice becomes low, troubled. “Go…now. Don’t waste any time.”

  “Okay, I’ll go change.”

  “NO!” He yells. “Are you listening to me? Just leave now.”

  Olivia looks down at her costume. “Okay, Ethan. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Thank you,” he says relieved. “I have to go, they’re looking for me.”

  “I’m on my way.” Olivia slips the key fob off the hook in the hallway and locks the door behind her. She shivers when she hits the cold night air and hurries to the car park. She can’t help but feel a little excited as she unlocks the doors and disables the alarm. She’s waited a long time to get her hands on this car. She settles into the driver’s seat and closes her eyes as the engine comes to life. It purrs when she puts it in gear, making her heart flutter. Her thoughts move to Ethan and the urgency of his request. Her foot presses harder on the gas. She can hear the change in compression, sense the release of the clutch as gears glide and shift, unleashing the powerful engine. As she pushes the speed well past the limit, she feels the roar of the engine deep in her chest. She’s not going to let him down today.

  Suddenly, from out of nowhere sirens and flashing lights pull up behind her.

  “Shit.” She gears down and pulls over. She has no idea just how fast she was going. She’s more worried about getting to Ethan than she is about a ticket. She gets anxious: it seems like forever before the Guard gets out of the car. She gets out her phone, about to text Ethan when a knock on the window makes her jump.

  She gasps, and holds her hand to her chest, trying to catch her breath.

  “Roll down the window, please.”

  Olivia recognizes the familiar voice. “You scared the hell out of me.” She rolls the window down, and is met with his stoic expression.

  “Hi, Trevor.” She gives him a warm smile, but it does nothing to change his expression.

  “Hello, Olivia. Do you have any idea how fast you were going?”

  “Not really. I’m on my way to meet Ethan and.”

  “Can I see your driver’s license please?”

  “Oh.” Olivia gets nervous, something isn’t right. She reaches into her purse and pulls out her wallet. “Don’t make fun of me, it’s a horrible picture.”

  He takes it from her and shines his flashlight on it, then shines it in on her. Olivia becomes embarrassed when he raises his eyebrows in shock. “It’s Halloween.” She reminds him. “Ethan called and needed some paperwork…”

  “This is a Canadian driver’s license. It’s not valid here.”

  “What? We checked it all out. I’m only here short term, so I didn’t need an international license they said.”

  “Driving without a proper license is a criminal offense,” he states seriously.

  “You’re kidding me, right? Trevor, it’s me…Olivia.”

  “Wait right here, I’ll be back.”

  He leaves her hanging and goes back to the cruiser. Olivia grabs her phone. She needs to let Ethan know what’s going on.

  Olivia: I have bad news. I’ve been pulled over.

  Ethan: Are you okay?

  Olivia: No. I’m terrified.

  Her phone rings.

  “What’s going on?

  “Trevor apparently needs to get laid. He’s really miserable. It’s like he doesn’t know who I am. He pulled me over for speeding, now he’s saying my license isn’t valid.”

  “I know that mood. Don’t piss him off.”

  “Ethan, I’m freaking out a little. What should I do?”

  “Do you trust me?”


  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Then just do what Trevor says and you’ll be fine.”

  “I have to go, he’s coming back to the car.”

  She tries smiling again, as he approaches the window but it doesn’t improve his mood any. “I’ve talked to my partner, and we’ve decided that we are going to let the speeding infraction go, this time.”

  Olivia lets out the breath she was holding. “Thank you.”

  “But I’m afraid that we’ll have to book you for driving with this license,” he says regretfully.

  “What? You’re not serious? You’re arresting me?”

  “I’m completely serious. We can’t have Canadians just driving around willy-nilly without the proper documentation.”

  “Trevor, please call Ethan. He can come get me, and we’ll get the proper license tomorrow. I promise.”

  “No, Olivia. I’m sorry. The law is the law.”

  “I can’t believe this.” She tries to hold it together but she starts to get upset.

  “My partner will be over in a moment to read you your rights.”

  Her face turns red and tears form in her eyes. She looks over at her phone; she should let him know what’s going on. He’s going to be furious. She dials his number but it goes straight to voicemail.

  The broad, muscular chest of Trevor’s partner stands at the window. “Can you step out of the car, Miss?”

  Olivia blinks her eyes rapidly then tenses.

  “Miss? Can you step out of the car, please?”

  “Son of a bitch,” she whispers under her breath.

  He pulls the handle and opens the door. The cool air causes goose bumps to form on her skin. He extends his hand, helping her out.

  “Jesus,” he murmurs when he gets a look at what she’s wearing. A ghost of a smile curls at the corner of his lips. “Turn around and place your hands on the vehicle.”

  She hesitates, giving him a wicked stare.

  “Do it now,” he says in an authoritative tone.

  Olivia turns and places her palms on the window. He puts his hand on her back and holds her against the cold metal of the car. “You left the house wearing this?” he whispers in her ear.

  She turns over her shoulder to look at him. “You said I didn’t have time to change.”

  “And you didn’t think about grabbing a coat to throw on over it?”

  Olivia closes her eyes, feeling stupid. “You’re an asshole.”

  He grins and kicks at her feet. “Spread those legs, Little Red Riding Hood. I need to check you for concealed weapons.”

  “Really? We’re doing this?” Olivia grunts, as she tries to turn around, and he secures her where she is.

  “Really. Don’t move.” He pats her down roughly, running his gloved hands completely from her ankle to the very top of her thigh. “They’re fishnet stockings,” she protests. “There’s nothing concealed in them. I couldn’t conceal anything in them if I wanted to because they are FISH NET STOCKINGS.”

  “Keep shooting off your mouth like that. I’ll find a way to keep you quiet.”

  “Oh? Tape? Ball gag? Cock?”

  “I think the last option. Hands on top of your head,” he growls, moving forward and pinning her against the car with his heavy body.

  “Is that a gun in your pocket, Officer? Or are you just happy to see me?” She squirms beneath him as he grasps her breasts and squeezes them tightly. The heat of his body begins to warm her. Feeling his way down her body, he lifts the hem of the very short costume and slides his hand between her legs. “Looks like you’re the one who’s happy to see me. Let’s get you home.”

  “I’m not being arrested?”

  “Oh, you are. You’re being placed under house arrest. Ethan takes the cuffs out of his pocket and smiles at her reaction. “I’m going to cuff your hands in front of you, so you’re more comfortable in the car.” Opening the passenger side door, he helps her in, then waves to Trevor before climbing in beside her.

  “How long have you been planning thi

  “For some time now.”

  “You really freaked me out.”


  “Good?” she says, shocked

  “Yes. Good. Do you have any idea how fast you were driving?”

  “I have a fair idea.” She hides a mischievous smile.

  “I know exactly how fast you were going. We had a hard time catching up to you.”


  Ethan glances sideways and keeps his mouth shut.

  “That’s why you let me take the Zagato. You knew you’d catch me speeding.”

  “Should we talk about that right now? About how you’ve, yet again, put yourself in danger?”

  “I’m going to go with, NO.”

  “Good choice.” He smirks.

  Olivia sits back in her seat, fiddling with the handcuffs. “You’re smoking hot in that uniform.”

  Ethan’s chest plumes out. “Oh?”

  Olivia adjusts her position, trying to turn sideways. She reaches across his lap with cuff bound hands.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Looking for your, umm…billy club.” She lowers his zipper and rubs her hand across it, making it spring to life.

  “This is a little awkward. Can you take the cuffs off?”

  “Nope. Figure it out.”

  Determined not to fail, she undoes her seatbelt and kneels sideways in her seat.

  “Did we not just talk about putting yourself in danger.”

  “Shhh. I’m figuring it out.” Leaning forward she grasps him in one hand and strokes. She fidgets with the button on his trousers and tries to gain better access but she has no room to maneuver.

  “Stupid console,” she complains.

  “I agree.”

  No matter how she tries to go about it, she finds an obstacle in her way. Finally, she frees him from his trousers and manages to get both hands around him.

  “Clever girl,” he says, pleased.

  She strokes with gentle pressure from base to tip, until he hardens completely. Balancing over the console, she leans forward, running her tongue along the slit, and licking the precum that’s starting to glisten there.

  “Fuck,” Ethan moans. He gently places his hand on the top of her head, and combs his fingers through her hair. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this…but you need to stop now. We’re home.”

  He tucks himself in and opens her door. When she gets out, she holds up her hands. He raises a questioning brown.

  “Aren’t you going to take them off now?”

  “Oh, hell no.”

  “You’re going to make me walk up to the flat wearing these?”

  “Yes, I am. One hundred and eighty kilometers per hour! And you were still accelerating.”

  They manage to make it to the front door of the flat without running into anybody. The moment the door closes behind them a familiar voice calls over the banister.

  “Is that you, Ethan?”

  Olivia stops in her tracks. “No. no. no.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Malloy. It’s us.”

  “It’s kind of late, dear,” she says, climbing down a few stairs. She looks at Olivia, shocked.

  “Hi, Mrs. Malloy,” Olivia says embarrassed.

  “Are you enjoying Halloween, dear?”

  “Yes. Yes, I am.”

  “Good, because you can’t go dressing like a hussy after the baby is born. It wouldn’t be right.”

  Ethan starts to chuckle and is met with a sharp elbow to the ribs. “Doh! Good night, Mrs. Malloy.”

  “Good night, dear. Let me know if you need help with those cuffs. I have a spare key in my dresser.”

  Olivia’s chin drops and she blinks rapidly.

  “Oh for heavens sakes, don’t look so shocked. I’m old… I’m not dead,” she says, as she makes her way back to her flat.

  Olivia holds her hand over her mouth. When she hears the door close, she turns to meet with Ethan’s troubled look. “I’m never going to get that image out of mind.”

  She grimaces. “I think I just spit up a little in my mouth.”

  He shakes his head, trying to free himself from that thought. Olivia starts up the stairs, and from a few steps below, he has a very nice view of her costume and what’s beneath it.

  He catches up to her at the top of the steps and spins her around, backing her up until she’s pressed flat against the door. “Let’s get you inside, Little Red Riding Hood. I’m going to show you what happens when you get caught by the Big Bad Wolf.”

  The door springs open and the chase is on. Olivia bolts down the hallway, trying to get away. She laughs when he quickly catches up and scoops her into his arms. She lifts her cuffed hands and hangs them over his head as carries her into their room. He gently lowers her to the ground beside the bed and undoes her cuffs. “I’ll put these here for later. In case you have trouble staying still.”

  “That’s not fair. You know I can’t keep still.”

  “I know.” Grinning, he places the cuffs on the nightstand, conveniently within reach.

  He claims her lips in a searing kiss, only letting her up for air when she pushes against his chest. “Do you know what I think?”

  He kisses down her throat and across to her shoulder. “What do you think?” he asks between kisses.

  “I think that ‘I’ want to be in charge, tonight,” she pants, trying to catch her breath.

  His kisses stop abruptly, but his lips stay pressed against her skin. “Hmmm, I’m not sure I like that idea.” He unzips his trousers and slides them down to his hips, relieving some of the pressure off his rock hard erection.

  “Come on, Ireland. It’ll be fun for a change.” She wiggles out of her costume, letting it fall to the floor and plops herself backward onto the edge of the bed. Ethan doesn’t say a word, only watches as she let her knees fall open exposing herself to him. He licks his lips hungrily as he studies every inch of her.

  Olivia makes her demand. “Don’t come up for air until I tell you to.”

  Ethan plays along. When he reaches for her panties, she grabs his wrists.

  “Oh no you don’t. No hands. Use your teeth.”

  He holds back an amused grin and presses his mouth against her, nibbling and grasping the material with his teeth and peeling it downward.

  “I think I want you on your back, Mr. James.”

  Ethan looks up, unimpressed. “Now you’ve gone too far.”

  She smirks. “Well, you can’t blame a girl for trying.”

  “No, but you can spank her.”

  “Lucky for me, I’m in charge tonight,” she reminds him.

  She taps the bed beside her. “Let’s go, on your back.”

  Ethan does as he’s told, and she rewards him with a passionate kiss, running her fingers through his hair. She climbs on top and lowers herself on him, groaning as he slides all the way in. She rides him, pulling away and then sliding him back in. She varies her pace, slowly down to a languid thrust, sliding him all the way in, and pressing herself against his pelvic bone. He lets out small moans of pleasure and it makes her smile. He reaches up to grasp her hips but she stops him. “No touching.”

  She leans back, changing the angle and forcing him against her G-spot. Perspiration dots her brow as she picks up the pace, thrusting in a hungry rhythm. Her breasts jiggle and sway with her movements. Ethan reaches out to grasp them, but she grabs his wrists. “Maybe I need to use those handcuffs on you? Put your hands over your head. No touching!”

  He growls, way out of his comfort zone, but does as he’s told. She squeezes and thrusts, riding his cock until she brings him to the edge. When she reaches up and takes hold of her own nipples, twisting them, letting out a whimper, he can’t stand it anymore. “Fuck this!” He grabs her and flips her over. He climbs her, his mouth biting and nibbling along the way. She yelps as he nips at her tender nipples. He spread her legs with his knees and slides in. Her hands grip into the flesh of his back as he pumps hard, making her body lurch. As hi
s hips crash against hers, she cries out, consumed by an intense orgasm.

  As they lay, side-by-side, twitching and trying to recover, Olivia grasps the pillow and hits him in the head.

  “Ouch! What was that for?”

  “Really? Just ONCE, you couldn’t let me be in control?” she says aggravated.

  Ethan reaches for her but she pulls away. He sighs and moves closer, wrapping his arms around her. She squirms, trying to get away but he tightens his grip. “Listen to me.”


  “Don’t be angry with me.”

  Annoyed, she sucks air through her teeth, making a sound.

  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just make that rude noise. Turn around and look at me please.”


  His tone gets soft, gentle. “Please.”

  She sighs, and gives in, turning in his arms.

  Ethan smiles, and playfully brushes the hair away from her face. “Everything I do, I do for you. Everything I am, I am because of you. I will give you all of me. Just close your eyes and wish it. There’s nothing that I’d deny you. I’d say that makes you in complete control of me at all times.”

  There’s a loud knock at the door.

  “If that’s Mrs. Malloy with her spare handcuff key, I swear, I’ll lose my shit.”

  Ethan laughs, and kisses her on the forehead.

  The knocking becomes louder, more persistent.

  Ethan gets to his feet and pulls on his pants. “This time of night, something’s wrong.”

  Alarmed, Olivia grabs a robe and wraps it around herself and follows him to the door.

  Ethan tugs a t-shirt over his head as he pulls open the door. An uneasy feeling washes over them.

  “Hey, Mac. Is everything okay?”

  “Can we come in?” Shooter asks, looking uncomfortable.

  Ethan stands to the side and flashes Olivia a nervous look.

  “If this is about the uniform, you didn’t need to make a house call. I planned to return it first thing in the morning.”

  “That’s not why we’re here.” Mac says regretfully.

  “Oh? If it’s about the noise…”

  “I’m really sorry, Ethan.” Shooter says, sympathetically.

  “What’s going on, guys?”


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