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Indivisible Souls: Book 3 of the Bound4Ireland Series

Page 23

by Tricia Daniels

  Adam opens the door into the lobby and makes sure the coast is clear. As they turn the corner toward the service elevators, Mona is waiting.

  She waves them in and closes the door.

  “Good morning, Mr. O’Connell,” she says politely.

  “Not so far, Mona.” He frowns.

  She sighs. “It’s not going to get any better once you get up there,” she warns. “There’s been whispering and closed door meetings for a few hours already.”

  “I expect nothing less. I suspect that J.P. Lebeau is likely the unnamed source.”

  “I believe your suspicions are correct. But no one knows for sure. The public relations people are waiting for you this morning.”

  “Thank you, Mona.”

  “I’ll keep my ear to the wall, Ethan. I’ll let you know what I find out.”

  “I don’t want to get you into any trouble.”

  “Pfft. I can’t stand that kid. Arrogant little shit.”

  The elevator comes to a stop at the penthouse, the heavy metal doors sliding open slowly and revealing the bright blue Aurora Technologies trademark on the wall. There’s an eerie quiet in the normally hectic foyer this morning. Mona takes her place at her desk and nods her head toward the hallway. “They’re down there.”

  Ethan swallows hard, trying to prepare himself for whatever waits. He can get through this. He just has to control his temper. He’s received several texts from John, reminding him to do so. He steps into the room full of human resources staff and the head of public relations. They all look up and stare, as if words elude them. After an awkward silence, Ethan speaks. “I suppose you’re trying to figure out what to do about me.”

  “Come in and take a seat, Mr. O’Connell. Close the door behind you.”

  Later that afternoon, Olivia leaves Officer Kessler’s office feeling like she’s just walked through an episode of The Twilight Zone. She has no idea how any of this could have happened, but the evidence is definitive. She joins John in the waiting area looking confused.

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, fine.”

  “Ethan’s right. You’re a horrible liar.”

  “I’m just trying to get my head around it,” she says feeling daunted.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

  “Not right now, really.”

  Something captures John’s attention and he looks up at the TV mounted in the corner. Standing on the nearest chair, he turns up the volume.

  Aurora Technologies released this statement early this morning. “In light of the current accusations and in consideration of our reputation and good standing, Aurora Technologies has suspended Mr. O’Connell from his role of Senior VP of International Sales, until further notice. We have made sure that he has the best legal team available to him and hope for a quick and favorable resolution of the charges. Effective today, Mr. J.P. Lebeau will take over as acting Vice President…”


  “Double fuck. Where is he? Why didn’t he call? He must have known about that before it aired.”

  “I don’t know. I’ll track him down. Don’t get yourself upset.” He guides her toward the car, with his phone to his ear. “Travis, talk to me. What the fuck is going on?” Keeping a careful eye on their surroundings, he folds Olivia into the car and locks her in. “He’s at the gym, blowing off a little steam,” he says, sliding into the driver’s seat beside her. “The boys will stay with him and bring him home shortly. It’s probably best he gets it out of his system.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  John turns onto the rough dirt road toward Ethan’s home. He growls when the barrage of news vans come in to sight.

  “Why don’t we try my place?”

  John drives past the driveway and turns at the next intersection, and heads back in to town, ensuring that they aren’t being followed. Olivia’s street is quiet. He cautiously checks the laneway and side streets for any reporters laying in wait. It looks like the coast is clear. He walks close behind her, ushering her safely to the door, and protecting her as if she was some important movie star. Inside he does the rounds, making sure doors and windows are locked and curtains are drawn tight. Olivia changes into something more comfortable and heads to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, while John hovers over her. Everywhere she moves, he’s only a half step away.

  “Down, boy,” she jokes, after bumping into him at every turn. “I’m not going to be swarmed by reporters in the middle of my kitchen.”

  John scratches the back of his neck. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m going to go lay down for a little bit. Make sure he wakes me when he gets home.” Heading upstairs, she carefully steps around the rolled remnants of carpet and industrial size buckets of paint. Both spare bedrooms are still in shambles. The only room that’s been reconstructed and put back together is her own. She takes a small breath and sits down on the side of the bed. She can do this.

  It seems as if she’s only just drifted off to sleep when her phone springs to life. She reaches for it, blindly, still half asleep.


  “I told you. It wasn’t me.”

  Olivia’s eyes spring open in horror. A shadow creeps across the room, making her jump to her feet. “SAM!” She looks behind the curtain and in the closet, making sure she’s alone. “How did you get this number?”

  “Doesn’t matter how.”

  “I had it changed after you called me in Nova Scotia.”

  “Anybody can be found, if you know where to look.”

  “Why? Why are you doing this to me? And how did you get into my house?”

  “I wasn’t in your house.”

  “You completely trashed it.”

  “I wasn’t in your fucking house.”

  “Then who was?” she asks, starting to tremble.

  “You’ve got the wrong guy.”

  “Please. I need to put an end to this. I need to move on.”

  “As do I.”

  “Please, don’t ever call me again.”

  John comes flying into the room, nearly hitting her with the door as he flings it open in a panic. “What’s going on?”

  She tries to calm her racing heart as she stuffs her phone in her pocket. “Nothing.”

  “Who were you talking to?”

  “Nobody important.”

  John cocks his head to the side. “You’d be sadly mistaken if you think that I don’t have the ability to trace your incoming calls.”

  Olivia clenches her jaw. “Awesome. Strangely enough that doesn’t surprise me.”

  “Who was it?”

  “It was Sam.”

  “And you were going to keep that from me, why?” he says aggravated.

  “I don’t know.”

  “That answer is not acceptable.”

  “Oh? When did you and I get married? Last time I checked you are NOT my husband.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m the man your husband pays to keep you safe. We’ve had this conversation before. Do NOT keep things from me that prevent me from doing my job.”

  “Fine!” she says, stomping down the stairs. She stops in the living room, pulls back the curtain, and is surprised by the darkness. “John? What time is it?”

  John tips his phone. “Almost six o’clock.”

  “Where’s Ethan?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Olivia sits on the couch and curls her legs underneath her, while John paces the floor with his phone to his ear.

  He continually dials numbers until someone answers.

  “Where are you? You have got to be kidding me. That’s not a good idea, Travis.”

  Olivia sits up, concerned.

  “How many has he had? Jesus, get him out of there soon.” Agitated he sits on the chair across the room.

  “I’m worried about him, John.”

  “So am I.”

  “I know that he hasn’t told me everything. He tries to protect me from the stress
. He’s going to implode.”

  “I was hoping going to the gym and punching things would have helped.”

  “He’s bar hopping downtown, isn’t he?”

  John nods. “He told Travis not to tell me.” He tosses his phone onto the stool and holds his head in his hand. “You two are like spoiled overgrown children. I hope to God, Shannon doesn’t want to have kids, because I don’t think I can do it. Not after dealing with you two.”

  Olivia frowns. There’s no argument to be had here. “I’m sorry, John. I promise, we’ll get our shit together. But right now, I need you to go get him.”

  “He’s with Travis and Adam. He’ll be fine.”

  “No, he won’t, John. He needs you. You’re the only one he’ll listen to. The only one I trust to look after him. If he’s not going to come home, I need you to be with him.”

  John looks torn. “And leave you here alone? That’s not going to happen.”

  “Have Travis come here to stay with me. You take his place. Ethan will be fine if you leave him with Adam for an hour. Travis has been stuck with me before. He knows how…charming I can be.”

  John gives it some serious thought.

  “Please, John. Ethan needs you right now. If you don’t go, I will.”

  He flashes her an unimpressed look.

  “You’d be sadly mistaken,” she begins in a mocking tone, “if you think for one minute that I won’t.”

  John picks up his phone. “Travis, there’s going to be a change in the game plan.”

  An hour later, John orchestrates a changing of the guard.

  “Don’t let her bully you,” he advises Travis.

  Olivia looks over the burly bodyguard, standing in front of her. He widens his stance and crosses his arms. Baffled at the suggestion, she stares at the tattoos stretched around his tensed, bulging biceps. “How is it that you think that’s even possible?”

  Travis quirks a grin. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got her number. She won’t be outsmarting me twice,” he assures John.

  “Debatable,” she whispers under her breath.

  John rolls his eyes and opens the door, muttering as he closes it behind him. “First thing in the morning, I’m booking a vasectomy.”

  “What’s that about?” Travis asks, giving her a strange look.

  Olivia flashes him a whimsical grin. “I have no idea.”

  Travis turns and walks into the living room. Olivia wrinkles her nose then starts to snicker. “Nice man-bun, dude.”

  “You like it?” he asks seriously

  “Ummm. No.”

  “Get me another Jameson. Wait… make it a double.”

  “Make it a water,” John corrects.

  “McCabe? What are you doing here?”

  “Keeping an eye on you. Apparently St. Claire can’t follow instructions.”

  Adam holds his hand up in the air. “Hey! I did my best.”

  “He did,” Ethan agrees. “I threatened to relieve him of his job.”

  “Well, there’s your first mistake.”

  “What’s that?” Adam asks curiously.

  “You can get another job. But if his wife finds out that you let him keep drinking, she’ll relieve you of your balls.”

  Ethan laughs out loud. “That’s true!” He slaps Adam on the back. “Have you ever met my wife?”

  Adam shakes his head, no.

  “She’s one scary bitch.” Ethan holds his finger to his mouth. “Shh, don’t tell her I said that, or I won’t have any balls either.”

  “Fuck me.” John lets out an embittered sigh. “Let’s get you sobered up, so I can take you home.”

  A flashy redhead, arrives at his side. John raises an eyebrow at her appearance.

  “Right after the next song, I promised this lovely girl a dance.”

  “Okay.” John agrees. “Then we straighten up.”

  “He’s the fun police,” Ethan announces, as he leads her by the hand to the dance floor.

  Adam shakes his head. “Holy fuck.”

  “Let him burn some of that off on the dance floor, and then we need to get him home.”

  John watches closely as Ethan’s movements start to slow. “Keep a close eye on him, Adam. He bottoms out fast when he’s drinking. Fun time turns to fight time, in the blink of an eye.”

  Adam acknowledges and moves to the other side of the room, watching for any possible problems that could arise from that angle. Three songs later Ethan arrives back at the bar, agitated at the crowd and the people bumping into him. Adam moves in front of him, clearing the path. John heads him off at the pass and hands him a glass of water. The redhead stands at his side, looking dejected. “Are you going to buy me another drink?” she asks, crossing her arms.

  “No he’s not,” John answers.

  “I thought we could spend some time together,” she says to Ethan, running her hand down his chest.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.” He holds up his left hand. “I’m married.”

  “I don’t think she cares, as long as you’re paying,” Adam interjects. Ethan looks at John.

  “You do know that she’s a hooker, right?”

  “Of course,” he lies, feeling a little foolish.

  “Be honest with me, Travis,” Olivia pleads. “How is he, really?”

  “Not good. The look on his face, while he was gathering his personal belongings and escorted out of the building, was brutal.”

  “Ohhhhh no. And at the bar?”

  “He was feeling no pain by the time I left. But he was in good spirits.”

  “Well, if he’s drinking whiskey, that won’t last long.” She picks up her phone and texts John. Not happy with his answer, she gets to her feet and paces. She stops, mid step and smiles.

  “Uh oh. What are you up to?” Travis asks nervously.

  “I know how to get my husband to come home.” She dials Ethan’s number but it goes to voicemail. She growls angrily and sends another text to John.

  Magically her phone rings. She looks at Travis and smiles as she answers.

  “Well, well. It’s my long lost husband.”

  “Hello, Love.”


  “Are you well?”

  “I am. Are you?”

  “I stopped for a drink with the boys.”

  “I heard.”

  Ethan has a thought and confusion glides across his face. “Wait... Are you there alone? John was supposed to stay with you.”

  “Travis is here.”

  “You’re not lying to me, are you?”

  Olivia takes a picture of Travis standing at the window and texts it to him. “So, did you get lost, or did you just forget to come home?”

  “I just needed to unwind a little.”

  “I know how to help you unwind.”

  “I doubt that’s going to work tonight.”

  “I bet it will. So, how about you come home now?” she says impatiently.


  “Now! Or I’ll get in your souped up V8 and come get you.”

  “Listen, woman. Don’t give me a hard time.”

  “See you in about half an hour.” She hangs up the phone and snickers at Travis’s shocked look.

  “There’s no way we can make it downtown in half an hour.”

  “Oh, there is no we,” she says amused. “He knows very well that I can do it, in the Hellcat. Don’t answer your phone.”

  “What?” It vibrates in his hand and he looks down at the display.

  “Don’t answer it. I know it’s him.”

  “He’ll skin me alive if you show up there.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Travis. He just needs to think I will.” She holds her finger in the air when his phone stops ringing. Instantly hers starts to rings again.


  “How many times have I warned you not to hang up on me?”

  “Naughty girls should be spanked.”

  “You’re very lucky that I’m not there right now, or I’d deal with your beha

  “I’ve heard that before. You’re all talk and no discipline, Ireland.” Defiantly she hangs up again. “Relax,” she says, as Travis gets to his feet, looking uncomfortable and reading a message that just came in on his phone.

  “Well?” she asks, her lips already forming into a triumphant grin.

  “He says not to let you out of the house, he’s on his way home.”

  The door swings open an hour later. Ethan makes his way into the room, with his usual commanding presence. “You.” He points at Travis. “Stand guard, outside.”

  Without hesitation, Travis heads for the door.

  Ethan unbuttons his cuffs and meticulously folds them back, one at a time.

  Olivia’s heart flutters as he crosses the room toward her. “You do remember how to find your way home, after all,” she says, getting to her feet.

  Ethan takes hold of her wrist as he passes and pulls her with him to the couch.

  “What are you doing?”

  He sits on the couch directly in front of her. “Naughty girls should be spanked, remember?”

  “I was just messing with you, to make you come home.”

  “Well, it worked. I’m home. This is how I’m going to unwind.”

  Excitement rushes through her bloodstream. She didn’t think that he’d actually do it. Ethan grabs hold of her pants and edges them down. His chest expands as he slides them over her hips, and the black track pants fall to the floor, leaving her standing in front of him, in her white panties. He grabs her wrists and in one fluid movement pulls her down over his knees. She squirms, trying to make herself comfortable as the rigid muscle of his thighs press against her stomach.

  “This reminds me of Halloween,” she says, slightly amused.

  “How so?”

  “Your… um… billy club is poking into me.”

  “Lift up,” he instructs, tucking a pillow beneath her. “Now bend over and keep your ass in the air.”

  Olivia folds herself over the pillow, using it to cushion the baby. Ethan’s hand comes down firmly on her ass. She lunges forward, unprepared for the first impact.


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