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Beautifully Decadent (Beautifully Damaged Book 3)

Page 28

by L. A. Fiore

  “We don’t know that. Did Avery sit with the sketch artist?”

  “Yeah, Josh hasn’t gotten the sketch yet, the guy got sidetracked. He’s sending it over now. We need to talk to Morton. That fucking prick is behind this or knows who is.”

  My legs went weak, my hand reaching out to keep my balance. Shock had kept me from connecting the dots last night. My legs were unsteady as I made my way back to Rafe’s room and reached for my phone.

  I called Jax and didn’t let him speak before asking, “Do you have anything new?”

  “No. When we do, you’ll be the first person I call. The detectives are running the scenarios. It hasn’t been ruled a kidnapping yet, but they’re leaning that way, which means they’ll be camped out in your house until this is over. Hang in there, we will find her.”

  After updating me on what they were doing, he ended the call but not before promising to call with updates.


  Rafe stood in the doorway. He looked terrible; when he realized I was crying, he looked gutted.

  “They took Nat for the disc?”

  His jaw clenched, the battle he fought for control over his rage was very easy to see. “I think so.”

  “So they’ll call.”


  “Why haven’t they?”

  “I don’t know. I will get your sister back, Avery. I swear to God, I will get her back.”

  “This isn’t your fault. You know that, right?”

  Stricken was how he looked now because he didn’t agree with me. “Rafe, you are not responsible for this.”

  He lost the battle, as his fury erupted like a geyser. “Your sister was taken, likely held at gunpoint, alone, terrified and with no idea what was happening or why and all because some fucks want something from me. And every time I think of yesterday and the banter between the two of you over a car, and someone took that moment and twisted it into a fucking nightmare. You were both pulled into Hell because of shit in my world. The fuck I am not responsible.”

  “You can’t do that to yourself.”

  “You are the most vivacious, feisty, brilliant light I’ve ever known. Your energy and thirst for life damn near blinds a person and last night that light was gone. My shit did that to you.” In a pained whisper, he added, “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  And then he was gone; the sound of the back door slamming closed followed shortly after. I followed after him, but was sidetracked seeing Tyler pacing the driveway, his phone to his ear. He saw me, held up a finger and finished his call. He disconnected as he walked over to me.

  “All of Nat’s surgeries have been canceled. I feel so fucking useless.”

  “There’s nothing we can do. We just have to wait.”

  “The cops called me. Not even sure how they got my number, but they want me to look at some mugshots to see if anyone looks familiar, if I remember any of them around Nat. They’re grabbing at straws, but at least I’m doing something.”

  I reached for Tyler’s hand, his immediately closed tightly around mine. “We will get her back.”

  “She’s a tough cookie, your sister, but she has got to be terrified. I can’t stand the thought of her alone and afraid and I’m unable to go to her.”

  “You’re here and when we get her back, you are the one she’ll want comforting her.”

  “If something happens here, call me.”

  “I will and you do the same.”

  He nodded and walked to his car. He was determined to do what he could and I loved that. I also loved that he was here, that he dropped everything for the woman he loved.

  Rafe stood on the other side of the living room. Shortly after his eruption, Trace and Lucien arrived along with Josh. They were strategizing and though I didn’t know the details of their plan, they were at least forming one. Rafe hadn’t spoken to me since that moment in his room. It broke my heart that he was carrying a burden he had no business carrying, but I also knew trying to talk reason into him when his temper was up would be completely pointless.

  Having to tell Mom about Nat had been hard, but my mom didn’t freak out. She asked questions, wanted to know what was happening, even demanded Jax’s number so she could pepper him with questions. She and Harold would be arriving any minute.

  Ember, Darcy and the gang arrived a short time ago. The counters in the kitchen were suddenly loaded with trays of food; those big coffeemakers ran along the one wall, paper cups, creamers and sugar next to them. Bizarre how in times of crisis people brought food. Logically, I understood the reasoning behind it, but eating was the last thing on my mind.

  I could panic, felt a good attack coming on, but that wouldn’t help Nat, so I sat there staring at the wall.

  The sound of a familiar horn had the tears that were brimming my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. Mom was here. Jumping up from my spot, I ran out the door and down the drive just as they were parking. I reached her side; she jumped out and pulled me into a hug.

  “She’s going to be okay.” And that was Mom, strong and solid.

  Sobs that I had held in for hours, burst out of me now that my mom was here. She held me closer. Harold wrapped us both in his arms, and there we stayed for a long time. When we finally disengaged, Rafe was there. And if I thought he looked broken before, he was now shattered.

  Mom being mom pulled him in and held him close. “I wish we were meeting under better circumstances, but it’s wonderful to finally meet you.”

  Rafe’s arms moved around her, his eyes closed and a single tear rolled down his cheek. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  Seeing big, strong Rafe cry had a sob ripping from my throat even as Mom held him closer. But it was Harold who pulled us back from our emotional brink. “We don’t know everything, but we know enough. This isn’t your fault, son, and putting that on yourself is foolish and unproductive. We’ll get her back and we’ll do it together.” Harold could always be counted on to be the voice of reason. “Let’s get inside and then you can fill us in.”

  Introductions were made before Mom, Harold and I settled in the living room.

  “Now tell us exactly what happened.” Harold asked.

  “I called Nat and mentioned I was thinking about getting a new car. She came right away, you know how long she’s wanted me to do just that.”

  Both nodded, I continued.

  “We went to the dealership and after, Nat and I went to lunch at a café just down the street from Clover.” And it was while replaying the events from yesterday, that I remembered the odd sensation of being watched that day a few weeks back and in that same very café.

  “Oh my God.” My tears fell harder.”

  “What?” Mom asked.

  “A couple weeks ago, I had the weird feeling that I was being watched while in that café. It freaked me out at the time, but I didn’t experience it again so I forgot all about it. But I took Nat there. Maybe they saw us together, realized who she was. If we had gone somewhere else, maybe they wouldn’t have taken her. It’s my fault.”

  Rafe grabbed me, pulled me from the sofa, trapping me against his chest. “Don’t you fucking put that on yourself. You didn’t do anything. If they were watching even then, they already knew about your sister. I should have taken the threat more seriously. The blame falls solely on me, not you.”

  It was Mom who spoke and she sounded fierce, fiercer than I’d ever heard her sound. “And don’t you put that shit on you, Rafe McKenzie. Do you understand? I will not have you blaming yourself for any of this.”

  God, I loved my mom. Rafe didn’t let me go, but his muscles loosened, his expression conflicted when he said, “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now, if I understand this correctly, you think Nat might have been taken because somebody wants something they think you have?” Mom asked.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I think.”

  “So why haven’t they called to make their demand?” Mom asked exactly what I had.

  Rafe replied to her as he had to me. �
�I don’t know.”

  “Tyler’s here too.”

  Mom’s focus turned to me. “He is?”

  “He’s at the station. The cops wanted him to look at pictures.”

  “Whoever took Nat, it sounds as if they were not a part of Nat’s world.” Mom wasn’t wrong.

  “The cops are apparently working several angles.”

  Ember appeared. “Can I get you coffee?”

  “I’ll come with you, I need to keep busy.” Before she followed Ember into the kitchen, she reached for Rafe’s hand and squeezed it. Rafe released me, but it was how he did it, like he was letting me go, that had me grabbing his hand. “Mom’s right.”

  “It was my job to keep you safe and by extension your sister. I failed.”

  He pulled from me and walked away.

  “Come sit, Avery.” Harold said and feeling nothing but numb, I did as he asked.

  “He’s hurting, kid. A man like that, something like this happening on his watch, he needs time.”

  “It isn’t his fault.”

  “It is to him. You’ve got to respect how he feels and let him deal with it how he needs to.”

  I didn’t agree with Rafe putting this on himself, but I respected and loved him, so I’d give him the time he needed. “Okay.”

  Harold pulled me closer and there we sat, waiting for the call I feared receiving and feared even more not receiving.

  It was over an hour later, when the call finally came and on Rafe’s house number. Any doubts that Nat’s kidnapping was tied to the stuff with Liam evaporated. Unlike the detectives who were still running the scenarios, Josh played the odds and had set up a recording device on the line. Rafe put the call on speaker.

  “I believe I have your attention.”

  Mom’s hand grabbed mine hearing that sinister voice.

  “Where’s Natalie?” Rafe demanded.

  “She’s here. Unharmed. She’ll stay that way if you bring me the disc. It is in that house and I want it.”

  “How do you know the disc is here?”

  “A reliable source.” Though he sounded even more ominous mentioning his reliable source. “You have twenty-four hours. Call me at this number when you’ve found it. I know you’ve involved the cops, but you come alone or she dies.”

  Josh whispered to Rafe. “We need proof of life. Get Natalie on the phone.” Mom gasped, I held her hand tighter.

  “I want to talk to Natalie.”

  “I thought you would.”

  Nat’s voice came over the line. I had never heard her sound as she did. Mom’s breath caught as her tears fell harder. “I’m okay. He too—

  Natalie cried out as she was abruptly pulled off the line. I jumped up from my spot on the sofa. “You’re going to die for this, you bastard.”

  “Ah, Avery.” Chills moved through me hearing him say my name. “Use that anger and find me what I want. The clock is ticking.”

  The line went dead.

  “What’s the plan?” Mom demanded, which immediately had everyone talking at once. I left, walked out of the room and right outside. I couldn’t get the sound of her voice out of my head. My wacky sister who feared nothing was terrified.

  “I’ll get her back.”

  Turning to Rafe, he stood just out of my reach—the distance intentional. And the warmth I had grown so accustomed to, no longer shone in his eyes. And even understanding why he was acting as he was, I resented him for pulling away from me when I needed him the most.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to see my grandfather. Trace will stay here.”

  “Why? I’d rather him and the others having your back. If someone needs to stay let it be Josh. We need someone to liaise with the cops and Mom and I are not up to the task.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah.” I sensed he wanted to say more, but he didn’t.

  There was so much I wanted to say to him, but since no one else had penetrated his thick skull, I didn’t hold out much hope I’d be any more successful. And I hated the distance that existed between us, but breaking down that wall wasn’t going to happen until Nat’s return.

  “Be careful.” I whispered.

  He made a move toward me, but stopped himself. “I’ll bring her home.” And then he turned and walked away.

  I walked inside shortly after Rafe; Harold was standing toe-to-toe with him. “I’m coming with you.”

  “Maybe you should stay here.”

  “No, that’s my daughter. I’m coming.”

  My heart warmed, even as tears filled my eyes, hearing him say that because he was our father—the best one there was. I moved right into him and wrapped him in my arms. “I love you, Harold.”

  He held me tight. “We’ll get her back.”

  “I know you will.”

  We watched as the men filed out of the room and hysteria edged my words. “We have to find that disc.”

  Ember spoke from the doorway. “I’ll take the dining room.”

  “I’ve got the kitchen,” Darcy said.

  Josh pulled out his cell. “I’ll call the detectives and then I’ll take the living room.”

  Looking at Mom, she said, “We’ll take the upstairs.”

  “What’s the plan?” Trace asked as we made our way into the building that housed the headquarters for Morton Shipping. And I was thankful for the question because thinking about Avery—the look of her last night and this morning, the heartache and despair—was like a knife to the heart. My shit had done that to her.

  “What, punching the fucker in the face isn’t an option?” Dad asked.

  “Not if we need answers.” Trace replied.

  My cell went off, glancing at the screen it was Josh. “What do you have?”

  “I just got the sketch and you aren’t going to believe it. It’s Nicholas Titus, your mom’s husband.”

  I stopped walking and put the phone on speaker. “I’m listening.”

  “I’ve been looking into Morton Shipping and when it was formed there were three initial investors, Morton, Titus and a man by the name of Dominic Bennett. From what I’ve learned he was the one to persuade those in power to see things in the way that benefited Morton Shipping. In other words, he was the muscle, a real hothead. Not long after the company started turning a profit, Dominic Bennett turned up dead.”


  “Yeah. Morton is retiring and before he does, he’s taking the company public, which he stands to gain a load of money. As does Titus.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  I think it was either Morton or Titus who took out Dominic and I would guess the idea of that leaking right when the company is about to bring in a shitload of money is making the killer very nervous. That disc, I’m guessing, points to the killer.”

  Fuck. And that killer, or one of his goons, now had Natalie.

  “The house is swarming with cops, I have yet to share this with them since they’ll go all in. I’m not getting the sense subtlety is big with the two detectives on point.”

  “Keep it to yourself a bit longer, at least until we’re done with Morton.”

  He sounded almost jovial when he said, “Considering how late to the game these detectives are, stringing them along will be my pleasure.”

  Brynn Morton was not at all what I was expecting. The powerhouse I thought we’d be confronting was instead a man of average height and build. His dark hair had long ago gone gray and his hazel eyes had circles under them. He looked tired, jaundice and it was clear to me he was dying.

  Dad was on point because he had waited a long time to come face-to-face with this man. And even with death knocking at his door, the man was still a prick.

  “Liam McKenzie. I didn’t expect to see you scratching at my door again.”

  Dad strolled into the man’s office; dropping down in one of the leather chairs across from him and kicked his feet up on the antique walnut desk.

  “You know, you will have to atone for your sin
s when you die and from the look of you, that’s not far off.”

  Hatred stared back at Dad; he didn’t even flinch.

  “I heard you’re taking the company public. Do you hear that, Rafe? Maybe you and your friends should grab a piece of that pie. Keep the company in the family, so to speak.”

  “Never.” Brynn hissed, the action bringing on a coughing fit.

  “Publicly traded, you don’t really have a say.” Lucien said and pulled out his phone. “I’ve got to get my guy on that.”

  “What the hell do you want?” Brynn snarled before he broke out into another coughing fit.

  “Well, I want to hear from the horse’s mouth why you set me up to go to prison but before we get to that, what do you know about Dominic Bennett?”

  Fear flashed across the old man’s face, quick but definite. “Nothing.”

  “Really, so the fact that he was your partner, you’ve forgotten that? He’s dead, by the way. Has been for a really long time. What I didn’t know, walking in here, was which of you killed him.”

  Brynn paled. Dad didn’t even take a breath.

  “Here’s my theory. You’re an arrogant son of a bitch who used your own daughter to form a relationship with Nicholas Titus, a financial genius. A man who, after marrying your daughter, has been heading up your financial interests. You brought on another man, to help pave the way for your company. His methods were likely illegal, which makes Dominic showing up dead not a real big surprise. You don’t need those skeletons in your closet. One of you killed him and the other knew about it. Now the company is going public and having that kind of secret hanging over your head, especially when you stand to make a hell of a lot of money, would break a weaker man. Since you’re dying, I’m guessing Titus killed Dominic. If you had, your secret would have gone with you to the grave. You were keeping Titus on a leash by holding the evidence of his crime over his head with that disc. So my question, what happened to the disc? How’d you fumble that so badly, holding all the power in your hands and letting it slip through your fingers? Your daughter is a hell of lot smarter than you gave her credit for.”


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