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Beautifully Decadent (Beautifully Damaged Book 3)

Page 31

by L. A. Fiore

  My hands slamming down on the desk had her jumping back in her chair. “So you gambled with Nat’s life so you could get payback.”

  “It wasn’t like that—”

  Dad’s voice shook the room. “It was exactly like that, but even more disgusting is you were the one who led Nicholas to Rafe. You baited your husband by telling him exactly where that disc was, knowing it was out of his reach. You enjoyed making him squirm, and you put your son and his friends in harm’s way. And who’s next in line to take over the company with your dad and husband out of the picture?”

  A sickening sensation soured my stomach that this woman, my mother, could be so calculating. “Is that true?”

  Her non-answer was all the answer I needed. The apple didn’t fall far from that tree. Bad enough, worse that my dad had to learn the truth about the woman he’d spent over half of his life loving.

  His pain was masked behind rage when he continued, “I tried to make allowances for you, giving up your son, leaving me, staying away, but you are a grown-ass woman. Your father may have played you, your husband as well, but you’re not stupid. They’re both behind bars and you’re sitting on top of an empire. So don’t try selling either of us the bullshit that you didn’t have a choice, that you feared for Rafe so you stayed with your husband. You had the choice; you made the wrong one. You wanted revenge more than you wanted your family. What little you did do for Rafe is totally canceled out by the harm you brought to Natalie and Avery.” He moved closer to Alexandra, his hand fisting as he struggled to control his rage. “I sought you out, asked you what was going on and if Rafe was in any real danger. You assured me he wasn’t. And you fucking knew it was lie, but it slid off your tongue with remarkable ease.”


  “The accident at the garage. I was distracted because I was talking to your mother. Josh got me a number because knowing the link this had to her family, after the break in at your place, I called her and asked her if we needed to be concerned and she lied. It’s a real kick in the ass to learn the woman you’ve spent your life in love with doesn’t even exist. At least now, I can put you where you belong, in the past and move on with my life.”

  Dad’s eyes shifted to me. “We’ve spent enough time in the sewer son, let’s go home.”

  Mom was hovering and as much as I loved my mom, I really could do without the hovering. I was back at Rafe’s, settled on the sofa. And like when Nat had been taken, the house was filled with people and food but unlike then, this was all about family and love and just exactly what we all needed. Well, all but Mom’s hovering. I was to rest, the doctor said I should slowly introduce walking, but considering I had someone playing around in my head, the side effects from the surgery were minimal. And still Mom hovered.

  “I’m fine, Mom.”

  “I know, but I need to do this. Need to be close until it sinks in that you are here and fine.”

  “I was lucky Nat had been in that room with me.” And I had been because when I started to crash, it happened really fast. Had Nat not been watching me like a hawk, I wouldn’t be sitting here with my mom doting on my every need.

  Mom stopped fluffing pillows, teary eyes looked into mine. “I know.”

  I already knew the answer but I asked it anyway. “Did Dad come to the hospital?”


  Mom looked about ready to level the house, she was furious. “Does he know?”

  “I called him when you were in surgery, left a message since I couldn’t get through.”

  “Nat was kidnapped, I had brain surgery. It’s been over a week and the man hasn’t visited or called?”

  “The man is an asshole.”

  As hard as I tried to see more in him, there really wasn’t more to him. He and Dolly deserved each other.

  “Nat and I are lucky we have you and Harold.”

  “Family doesn’t always have to be blood, sometimes the strongest bonds are forged from those not at all related to you.”

  Looking around the house, to the family we were lucky enough to be pulled into, she wasn’t wrong.

  “Where’s Nat?”

  “Walking Loki with Tyler.”

  “I like Tyler.”

  Mom smiled. “I like him too.”

  My cell buzzed and reaching for it, my heart leapt because it was my dad. “Hello.”



  “I heard you were in some kind of accident. Are you okay?” And though I was happy to hear from him, despite knowing better, he also sounded distracted like he was doing something else. Maybe I was being selfish, but when one of your daughters was kidnapped and the other needed brain surgery it deserved a father’s undivided attention, even if that attention only lasted a few minutes.

  “Are you busy?” I asked.

  “I’m always busy and since I have to now arrange a baby shower, I’m even busier.”

  Oh my God, he did not just try to guilt me because I wasn’t planning his wife’s baby shower in the same call he was apparently showing concern for my ‘little accident’. I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried.

  “I’m sorry, are you implying that I am somehow responsible for the fact that you have to plan the shower of the woman you got knocked up?”

  “Avery, don’t be rude.”

  “Do you realize that your one daughter was held against her will at gunpoint and your other daughter was tossed off a pier that resulted in an epidural hematoma that would have killed me if Nat hadn’t been there?”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Nat was held at gunpoint? Your mom didn’t mention that.”

  “Did she mention the hospital?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  I hadn’t realized I was now shouting and had gained the attention of everyone; I was too flabbergasted by my father’s callousness to even care. “I’m sorry, let me just make sure I have this right. Mom called you, even though she was experiencing the worst moment of her life, and because she didn’t detail it out for you why I was in the hospital, the fact that I was in the hospital didn’t warrant a visit or, dare I say, a phone call. I’m happy to hear that if you knew about the kidnapping that might have instigated a phone call, but it’s been eight days since my surgery and you call, distracted with something else, and being very half-assed about your concern for me while laying guilt on me because I don’t wish to be played by your social climbing, white-trash wife. Do I have this correct?”

  He was mad now, but not at himself. “I don’t like you speaking about my wife that way.”

  “And I don’t like that you weren’t here, didn’t drop everything to be with your children in their time of need. I don’t like your wife and I don’t like you either. I have spent my life trying to get you to notice me, but Nat’s right, I have to scrape you off because you will never notice me. I really do hope you get your head out of your ass for your new baby’s sake because you suck as a father. Harold has been way more of a father to Nat and me than you ever were. Hell, even Liam has been more a father to me and I just met the man. Get your act together because your new kid isn’t going to have the fabulous mother Nat and I did. Do it for that innocent baby who doesn’t ever need to know that her father is worthless and selfish because you and me, Dad, we’re done. Have a nice life, don’t call again.”

  Disconnecting the call, I threw my phone across the room. Mom settled on one side of me, Nat the other. Rafe stood across the room and though I could see he wanted to come to me, he deferred to my family.

  “You okay, honey?” Mom asked as she tucked my hair behind my ear.

  “He’s an asshole. A miserable, selfish asshole.”

  “Yes, he is.” Nat said, which had my attention shifting to her.

  “You were right.”

  “I usually am.”

  And despite being angrier than I’d ever been, my goofy sister made me laugh.

  Rafe and I were walking Loki. The house was filled with people and I loved having them there, but
this now, just the two of us, I craved it. He was even more attentive now than he’d been, which I didn’t think was possible. I understood. Nat and I had talked about the hospital and how I had just faded and fast. Rafe had witnessed that and putting myself in his shoes, I’d be acting exactly as he was now. It had been a month since the surgery and I had been very lucky. We’d resumed my walks with Loki just the other day and considering I had had brain surgery, my recover had been astounding. Due to the surgery, Jess and family postponed their trip and were coming later today. I couldn’t wait to see her. I vaguely remembered her in the hospital. Mom and Harold hadn’t left and Nat and Tyler were popping over all the time, it was like they had never left too.

  My hand was being held in Rafe’s strong one and if I moved too far from his side, he tugged me closer. Wishing to ease his mind, since I suspected his thoughts were on the scene in the hospital, I decided to tease him.

  “I’m grateful for this walk, I need the exercise. I fear my ass may have grown in the past month.” Even though I was teasing, there was a vein of truth in my words. I hadn’t curtailed my sweets consumption, but I hadn’t been moving around to help balance it out.

  He grinned, that wickedly, naughty grin I adored. “Your ass is perfect.”

  It wasn’t, but I loved that he thought so. My humor faded thinking about Alexandra. I’d gotten the cliff notes version and still I was livid that his mother had not only been complicit in what had happened but had set it all in motion. And even knowing that she meant nothing to Rafe, she had meant a great deal to Liam. How hard it had to be for him to realize the kind of person the woman he loved was.

  “I’m sorry about Alexandra, that she turned out to be no better than her father.”

  “I never gave her much thought, but it came as a blow to Dad. I think he’s dealing, probably better than I would in his shoes, but still. He’s wasted a lot of energy on her.”

  “Do you really think her end goal was to get the company?”

  “I do.”

  “Unbelievable, but on the bright side, it’s something else we have in common?”

  His head dipped, his eyes finding mine. “How so?”

  “We each have one kick-ass parent and one really awful parent.”

  He stopped walking and turned into me. Cradling my face in his hands, he just looked his fill. “Are you ever going to wear your hair down?”

  “Not while I’m bald in back.”

  “You aren’t bald. It’s the smallest area.”

  “My scalp is visible, I’m bald.”

  “Goof.” But as I watched, his easy smile vanished, his eyes looked haunted. “Seeing you in the hospital, watching as you slowly lost consciousness, the fear that I’d have a lifetime ahead of me learning to live without you.” He caressed my cheek with his thumb, “I love you, Avery. I think I might need to say that often for the next few months until the knot in my stomach eases and reality settles that you’re here and you’re fine.”

  Tears stung my eyes, happy tears because I had never felt as cherished as I did in that moment. He wiped away the one that rolled down my cheek. “Hearing you tell me you love me, repeatedly, yeah, let me work up an objection.”

  The memory had a smile touching his lips even as they lowered to brush over mine. “Cocoa. I love the way you smell. When we get the house back, I’ve still to make good on my promise.”

  I wasn’t following him because I was still caught in the magic of the moment. “What promise?”

  “We haven’t made love in the barn, or the garage. The dryer, when it’s on, could be fun.”

  Now I was feeling an entirely different kind of warmth. “I like this plan.”

  “It’s getting late. Let’s go home and I’ll make you an omelet.”

  That memory brought a smile to my face. “Sounds perfect.”

  “I had planned to do more with you, Jessica. I’m sorry I’m not much fun.”

  “Are you serious?” Jessica looked over at my sister as we swung on the swing Rafe had made me. “Did the doc take out part of her brain?”

  “I told him it wouldn’t make a difference, but he kept it intact.”

  “Nice.” I muttered even as I chuckled.

  Jess reached for my hand, “I shouldn’t joke. It isn’t funny.”

  “It’s a little funny.” I said.

  “How are you both? It all seems so unbelievable, terrifying and yet you look oddly calm.”

  “It was terrifying, all of it. I’ll be haunted for a good long time, but it’s over and everyone made it out okay.” Eventually the nightmares and the panic that came over me out of nowhere would stop, but Rafe didn’t let me deal alone, held me until I calmed. Made love to me when I woke in terror. I’d find my way with him.

  Nat rested her head on my shoulder. “We never had this kind of excitement at home.”

  “How’s Rafe?” Jess asked.

  “I think he’s okay. He doesn’t talk about it, outside of the danger I put myself in. I think he’s still trying to get his head around all of it—my downward spiral that nearly took me from him, Alexandra and how the reality of her is a huge disappointment for his dad.”

  “I really hoped for the happily-ever-after for them.” That surprised me because Nat wasn’t really a happily-ever-after kind of gal. She knew what I was thinking when she added, “Well, it would have been sweet. Rafe gets his mom, Liam gets the woman he loves.”

  “You’re right, it would have been, but she’s nowhere near good enough for Liam or Rafe.”

  Rafe appeared, strolling from his barn with Tyler.

  “I seriously get why you sit here.” Nat said. “What a view.”

  “Yes it is.”

  Rafe’s gaze caught mine, like he knew we were talking about him, and the look he gave me was similar to the one I’d seen Kit give Jess—unequivocal love. My heart was pounding so hard it really should have beat right out of my chest.

  “Damn, that is a great look.” Jess whispered. “Must be nice to have that look directed at you.”

  Her comment was so ridiculous my head jerked to her. “Are you serious? Do you know how many times I’ve watched Kit give you a similar look?”

  She did know; her smile conveyed both humor and sincerity. “I know. I’m just happy you have someone looking at you like that.”

  And then the gates opened. “Are you expecting someone?” Nat asked.


  A heartbeat later, Maleficent rolled up the drive with a big red bow on her.

  “Are you seeing this?” I asked, just to be sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me.

  “Boy gets serious points for that.” Nat said, then added, “No Spark. Thank Christ.”

  I elbowed her in the ribs.

  The man that drove Maleficent climbed out and strolled to me dangling the keys from his fingers. “Avery Collins?”



  It was unconsciously done, my hand raising to take them. My attention turned to Rafe who appeared at my side, his hands in the front pocket of his jeans, his focus on the car. “Did you buy me this car?”

  “I did.”

  Just when I thought I couldn’t love the man more. I loved the car; never had I received such a gift, made even more fabulous because Rafe gave it to me. And still it was a moral imperative that I give the man a hard time. “I was getting the basic model.”

  “And I wanted you to have this one. Don’t worry, I took your mom and she haggled a good price.”

  I tried to put my hands on my hips but with the cast, it didn’t look as effective. “Rafe McKenzie.”

  “Avery Collins. You love this car; you know that you do. I love you. I bought you the car. So shut up, kiss me and get in.”

  Nat and Jessica both howled—yes howled—with laughter. “Let’s go check on our boys, Jess.” Nat said, still laughing at me as she and Jessica headed inside.

  My feet wouldn’t move because even knowing Rafe loved me, having heard him sa
y it repeatedly since the ordeal, it still hit me right in the chest that all that was Rafe McKenzie loved me.

  Seeming to understand my temporary case of paralysis, he swept me into his arms. “Because of the cast, I’ll drive.”


  “Are you going to give me more grief about the car?”

  “No, I love it, more so because you bought it for me.”


  He settled me into the passenger seat, clicked on my belt, and then kissed me, long and hard. Once he folded himself behind the wheel, I had to admit he looked damn fine in this car. “You look good in this car.”

  The pad of his thumb brushed my lower lip, I nipped it with my teeth, and his eyes went from emerald to forest green in a heartbeat. “Not sure you’re ready to christen your car, but you keep looking at me like that and you’re going to have to be ready.”

  Oh my God, the thought of sex in this car with Rafe. I’d probably pull every muscle and dislocate a few things and yet that was now on the top of my to-do list.

  “Once everyone leaves, we are so having sex in this car, on this car, near this car.”

  “Fuck, now I’m hard.”

  “I need a shower and I can’t get my cast wet. After our ride, you could always help me.” I offered as I wiggled my eyebrows.

  Rafe growled. “Deal. Now let’s see what this baby can do.”

  Rafe was baking me a cake because I was craving something sweet. I offered to help; he said I needed to rest. Mom and Nat joined him as the three of them banged around in Rafe’s kitchen. Jessica sat with me while Kit and Aidan played catch with Harold and Tyler.

  I was getting restless, hated being idle. “I wish I could work, I hate not being able to get my hands dirty.”

  “Give yourself time, you’ve been through a lot. I’m sure your boss agrees.”

  “He does, Trace has been wonderful and my sous chefs are fantastic, handling things until I get back. I’m still going in for staff meetings and to set the menu but then my team makes it happen. Hopefully not too well that everyone will realize I’m not necessary.”


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