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Murder So Sweet (A Sweet Cove Mystery Book 2)

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by J A Whiting

  “I didn’t ever spend much time back there. Mr. Finch liked to work alone. But I’ll go see.” Courtney glanced at Angie, and her sister came up beside her. Courtney took Angie’s hand and the two of them stepped into the back room.

  A police officer was photographing the scene and another officer spoke into a phone. The EMTs stood off to the side talking. Courtney moved gingerly about the space being careful not to get too close to Mr. Finch’s body.

  The candy maker had a small built-in desk against the wall just inside the entrance to the work room. A shelf above the desk was lined with books. Courtney moved around the room, glancing at the pots and pans, the marble counter, the appliances and candy making tools. The girls opened the walk-in refrigerator, and then they looked over the items in the storage room. Nothing seemed out of place.

  Courtney turned to Chief Martin. “Everything looks the same as it always does.”

  “Okay, thanks for checking.” The chief gestured to the doorway and the girls returned to the front room.

  Just as she stepped over the threshold, Courtney’s face clouded. She took a backwards step into the work room and turned her head to Mr. Finch’s desk. A thought played at the back of her mind, and then floated away. Courtney shrugged a shoulder.

  “Anything missing or out of place?” Chief Martin asked.

  “I’m not sure.” Courtney took another quick look around the back room. “I knew better than to touch Mr. Finch’s things. I never asked questions except what I needed to know to run the front of the store.” An odd tingling sensation ran over Courtney’s skin. She looked back at the dead body.

  “Thanks, Courtney.” The chief ushered the sisters to the front door of the shop. “You girls can go now, but I’ll probably need to talk to you again later.”

  “Chief.” An officer called from the sidewalk.

  A slender, slightly stooped, elderly man dressed in a cardigan sweater stood next to the officer. He leaned on a cane, his face pinched with worry.

  The officer said, “This man says he’s Thaddeus Finch’s brother.”

  Chapter 3

  Chief Martin hurried to speak with the man who claimed to be Mr. Finch’s brother and Courtney and Angie headed back to the Victorian.

  Courtney kept her voice down. “Who would murder him? Nothing seemed to be stolen. Was it a robbery that got interrupted?”

  “Who could have interrupted it?” Angie pondered. “Not us. He looked like he’d been dead for a while. Do you know what time Mr. Finch usually got to the store?”

  “He was always early. I think he got there around 7am or 7:30am every day.”

  “And you get to work at 8:30,” Angie said. “That leaves an hour or so that someone could have attacked him.”

  “Maybe a delivery person?” Courtney asked.

  “It could have been. I wonder if maybe it wasn’t a robbery at all. It could have been someone who was angry at him, had a grudge against him. He sure wasn’t popular in town.” Angie was trying to think of any scenario that might fit. “There might have been a business disagreement with somebody.”

  “Well, it must have been quite a disagreement.” Thinking of Mr. Finch’s stab wound, Courtney unconsciously moved her hand to her abdomen. “I can’t believe he’s dead. Murdered.”

  They turned onto the brick walkway that led to the front steps of the Victorian. “Wait until Jenna and Ellie hear this,” Angie said.

  “Tell Euclid,” Courtney suggested, only half kidding that the cat should be consulted. “He solved Professor Linden’s murder.”

  “Maybe the chief should deputize him. He can be the first deputy cat in history.” Angie smiled, remembering how Euclid saved her from drinking poisoned tea by leaping at her and knocking the mug to the floor. “We should bring Euclid to the crime scene and see what he can discover.”

  The front door opened and Ellie stepped onto the porch with Attorney Ford. They shook hands and Ford came down the porch steps carrying his briefcase. He nodded at Courtney and Angie as he passed them.

  Ellie gave Courtney a puzzled look. “You’re home? I thought you were going to the candy shop. Why aren’t you at work?”

  Courtney walked up onto the porch. “We need to tell you something. It isn’t good.”

  Ellie’s eyes widened. “Oh, no.” After last month’s murder of Professor Linden, she’d been hoping to settle into a comfortable rhythm running the bed and breakfast with no troubles and no worries to interfere.

  Angie came up the steps behind Courtney. “Where’s Jenna? We can tell you both at the same time.”

  Ellie held her hands together and squeezed them. She was the family worrier. Her sisters teased her that if worrying ever became an Olympic sport then she would win the gold medal. “Jenna’s working in her shop.”

  They headed along the wraparound porch to the rear of the Victorian where Jenna used one of the rooms to design and construct her jewelry. She ran an internet business selling her pieces and also had two cases of her designs at the front of the shop for walk-in sales. Jenna was hunched over her table near the windows using a tool to close a clasp on a necklace. Euclid, their giant orange cat, was curled up asleep on a corner of the desk. Jenna and the cat glanced up when they heard the girls come in.

  “Hey. What’s up?” Jenna’s light brown hair was in a braid hanging over her shoulder. Euclid stood up and stretched. Jenna smiled at her sisters, but it quickly faded when she saw the looks on their faces. “What’s happened now?”

  “Exactly.” Ellie sat in a chair next to Jenna waiting for the bad news.

  Courtney rubbed at her forehead and temples. “Mr. Finch is dead. We found him. Murdered.”

  “What?” Jenna nearly leaped from her chair.

  Ellie’s hand cradled the side of her face. “Not another murder. How can this be?”

  Angie sat on the small sofa that Jenna had placed near the entrance to her shop. “I walked Courtney to work this morning. When we got there, the place was quiet. The front door was unlocked. We went in.”

  Courtney sat down next to Angie. “I looked in the back room. He was on the floor, bleeding.”

  “He’d been stabbed,” Angie said.

  Jenna and Ellie both gasped.

  “What on earth?” Ellie clutched the arms of her chair.

  “Are there suspects?” Jenna put her jewelry tool down next to the necklace she was putting together.

  Angie and Courtney shrugged. Euclid walked over and jumped onto Courtney’s lap.

  “Finch was a foul tempered creature.” Jenna was thinking out loud. “Maybe he rubbed someone the wrong way?”

  Ellie gave Jenna an exasperated look. “Well, he must have rubbed someone the wrong way. He’s been murdered.”

  Jenna got up and started pacing. “It could have been a robber. Some nut. It doesn’t have to be someone with a grudge against him.” She turned to her sisters. “The killer doesn’t have to be someone living in Sweet Cove this time. Maybe the killer is long gone.” She hoped, anyway.

  Ellie sighed. “Two killings in just over a month. I hope this isn’t going to scare tourists off from coming here this summer. It could kill the town’s economy.”

  Courtney scratched Euclid’s cheeks. “Kill the economy? Poor choice of words, Sis.” She leaned against the sofa back. “Maybe it will actually draw people to town. Lots of people love murder mysteries.”

  Ellie rolled her eyes.

  “Was anything missing from the candy store?” Jenna asked. “Was money stolen?”

  “It didn’t seem like it,” Angie said.

  Courtney ran her hand over Euclid’s luxurious fur. “Everything seemed to be in place. The money in the cash register looked untouched. I didn’t notice anything missing in the shop.”

  Euclid’s hazel green eyes made contact with Courtney.

  “I wonder if someone stole something I didn’t notice.” Courtney had a faraway look on her face.

  “Maybe it was someone with a grudge against Finch?” Angie won

  “A grudge?” Ellie had a look of disbelief. “Would someone murder a person over some stupid grudge?”

  “I guess people have killed for less.” Angie gave Courtney’s shoulder a squeeze and stood up. “Chief Martin said he’d probably want to talk with us again later. Maybe he’ll have some ideas about what happened.” She looked over at Ellie. “How did it go with Attorney Ford?”

  “It went well. He gave me some good information. I have a folder with things I want to go over with all of you. See if you think it’s a good idea to incorporate the business. And I never let Ford out of my sight. He had another appointment so I didn’t get to pursue why he was in the house the night Professor Linden died.” Ellie stood and moved to the doorway that led to the hall. “I need to get back to the dining room to see to the guests.” She glanced at Courtney. “I guess you need a new job now. Want to help me with the B and B duties?”

  Courtney followed Ellie into the hall. “Yes, anything to get my mind off of seeing Mr. Finch with a knife sticking out of his gut.”

  Angie winced at the image. She moved over to stand near Jenna’s work table, her face serious. She kept her voice low. “You know, I wonder if Courtney is developing powers.”

  Jenna’s eyebrows went up. “What do you mean?”

  “When we got close to the shop this morning, I could almost feel something coming off of her, some kind of energy. She seemed, I don’t know, like hyper aware. She seemed to sense that something was wrong.”

  “Could it just have been her intuition?”

  “It’s possible.” Angie looked out the window, thinking. “But it seemed more than that. I think I felt something similar when Lisa tried to poison me.”

  Jenna sat in her chair and fiddled with a tool on her desk. “Courtney told us that Nana said we would probably develop powers as we get older. Maybe Courtney’s powers are bubbling up.” Jenna turned and eyed Euclid still curled comfortably on the sofa. “Do you ever get the feeling that cat knows stuff?”

  Euclid raised his head like he was interested in what Angie’s answer would be.

  “All the time,” Angie replied.

  The sisters stared at the big orange cat as he placed his head on his paws and closed his eyes.

  Just then, Courtney hurried back into Jenna’s shop from the hallway. “You won’t believe who’s checking into the B and B.”

  Chapter 4

  Jenna and Angie asked in unison. “Who is it?”

  “Mr. Finch’s brother.”

  “He’s here?” Angie moved to the doorway where Courtney stood.

  “Yeah.” Courtney turned and started out of the room. “You better come into the dining room because Ellie looks like she’s about to faint.”

  Jenna chuckled as Angie followed Courtney down the hallway and into the foyer. Ellie and Mr. Finch were sitting side by side at the dining table. He was filling in his information on the check-in card. He lifted his head and adjusted his glasses when he heard the girls come in.

  His mouth opened in surprise. “You? Weren’t you both at the candy shop?”

  “You’re Mr. Finch’s brother?” Angie moved to shake his hand. “I’m Angie Roseland, Ellie’s sister.”

  “I’m Victor Finch.”

  Ellie was pale. “This is our sister, Courtney.”

  Courtney nodded. “I worked for your brother. Part time. I just started about a week ago.” She shook hands with the man. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you.” The man mumbled. “I’m in shock.” Worry lines creased his forehead.

  “Can I get you some tea?” Courtney offered.

  “Oh, yes, please. I would appreciate that.” The old man placed his glasses on the table.

  Angie sat down across from Finch and Courtney headed for the kitchen to get the tea.

  “Are you from nearby?” Angie asked.

  The man gave a vigorous shake of his head. “My, no. I live in California. I’ve never been to the east coast. Thaddeus and I grew up in Chicago.”

  “When I took Mr. Finch’s reservation, I didn’t connect him to the candy store Mr. Finch.” Ellie’s shaky fingers reached for Finch’s credit card where he had placed it on the table. “I’ll just go run this through. I’ll be right back.” She went into the small den off of the hallway that she was using as her office.

  “Were you the one who found my brother?” Mr. Finch’s hands shook and he placed them in his lap.

  Angie nodded. “I was walking Courtney to work. We both found your brother. I called the police.”

  Mr. Finch let out a long sigh. “It’s ironic, really.” He made eye contact with Angie. “Thaddeus and I…we’ve been estranged. For a very long time.” He looked down at his hands. “I came to try to patch things up between us.” He gave Angie a small wistful smile. “I guess I waited just a day too long.”

  “I’m sorry. It must be very hard for you. Did you just arrive in town today?”

  “Yes. This morning.” Mr. Finch glanced about the room. “You have a lovely home here.”

  “Thank you,” Angie said. “We’ve only recently moved in.”

  Courtney returned with a tray. She placed the teapot, cups, small plates, spoons, a creamer and sugar bowl on the table. “Here are some apple squares Angie made this morning.” She put the plate of treats in the center of the table and moved to the hutch where she removed some linen napkins and put one in front of everyone’s place. Courtney poured tea into each person’s cup.

  When Ellie came back and sat down, Angie asked Mr. Finch, “How did your brother end up in Sweet Cove?”

  Mr. Finch had a blank expression on his face. He blinked a few times. “I have no idea. I only recently found out he lived here.”

  “You hadn’t kept in touch?” Ellie lifted her tea cup to her lips.

  “No. Sadly.” Finch took a bite of his apple square and nodded to Angie. “You’re a very good baker.”

  Angie thanked him. They made idle chit chat while they drank their tea.

  Finch lifted his napkin to his lips. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to go up and lie down for a little while.”

  Ellie stood up. “I have your key. I’ll show you to your room.” She walked to the foyer and picked up Finch’s small suitcase, gestured for him to follow her, and they started up the staircase.

  Once they were out of earshot, Courtney leaned forward. “Do you think he killed his brother?”

  Angie’s eyes widened. “How could he? He’s old. He doesn’t seem very strong.”

  “Does it take a lot of strength to stab someone? What if he took Mr. Finch by surprise?”

  “I don’t know.” Angie had never considered such a thing, but maybe with a sharp knife, strength wouldn’t be a requirement.

  Courtney glanced over her shoulder to be sure Finch wasn’t coming back downstairs. “It’s a coincidence isn’t it? The brothers haven’t seen each other for forever.” She pointed upstairs. “Then this Mr. Finch shows up, and the other Mr. Finch, dead Finch, gets killed.”

  “It is suspicious.” Angie thought for a moment. “But it would be stupid to do such a thing. Show up out of the blue and your brother suddenly dies? And if he did kill him, why would he hang around here? Why not just take off?”

  Courtney leaned back in her chair. “Maybe he came for something, but can’t find it, so he’s hanging around.” Her deep blue eyes grew wide. “What if he’s after something? Who knows what? Dead Finch’s house? The candy store? His bank account? Dead Finch must have lots of money since he’s been so successful.”

  The doorbell rang and Courtney rose to answer it.

  Their friend Tom stepped inside. “Hey, Courtney. Angie.”

  Angie went over to greet Tom. He owned a construction and renovation business. He was going to do the renovations on the Victorian to house Angie’s bake shop once she received the money from the inheritance.

  “I was passing by. I want to take some more measurements for that door you want installed upstairs.”
  “Oh, yeah?” Angie eyed him with suspicion. “Jenna’s in her shop.” Tom and Jenna had been flirting with each other for over a month.

  Tom’s cheeks flushed a tiny bit pink. “I didn’t just come by to see Jenna.”

  “Right.” Courtney called from the dining room where she was clearing the dishes from the table. She gave Tom a sly wink.

  Angie took Tom’s arm and herded him down the hallway towards Jenna’s work room. “You heard about Mr. Finch?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Angie told Tom that Finch had been murdered and that his brother had just checked in to the B and B.

  “Another murder in town?” Tom stood still, flabbergasted. “What’s going on?”

  “I know, huh?” Angie ran her hand over her hair. “They’ll be changing the town’s name to Murder So Sweet Cove.”

  A look of horror passed over Tom’s face. “Dear God.”

  They started walking down the hallway. “You want a coffee?” Angie asked.

  “That’d be great. I sure miss going to your shop every morning.” Tom had been a regular at Angie’s Sweet Dreams Bake Shop before she had to close it.

  “Would you like a piece of pecan pie to go with the coffee?” Angie headed into the kitchen.

  “You bet I would.” Tom smiled and rubbed his tummy. “I’m glad I stopped by.”

  Angie grinned. “I’ll bring it to you. Go see Jenna.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Tom winked. He headed to the end of the hall and into Jenna’s shop.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, Angie and Courtney loaded the trunk of Angie’s car with cakes and pies. While she was waiting for the inheritance money to come through so that the renovations on the Victorian could begin to outfit her café, Angie had contracted with several restaurants in town to provide them with desserts, muffins, and breakfast breads. She couldn’t wait until her bake shop could open in part of the Victorian, but in the mean time, she could keep herself busy baking for town establishments.

  “You sure you don’t need help with the deliveries?” Courtney slammed the trunk. “I’m sure Ellie can manage without me for an hour or two.”


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