Book Read Free

Gavin's Submissives

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by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-446-7

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To my family, readers, and Evernight, without all of your support I wouldn't be able to write these books. Thank you so much as I love all of you.


  Creek Valley, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  “She should be coming in later today. Her house isn’t ready until Sunday, but I’ve said she can stay with us until she gets herself on her feet,” Landon Hunt said.

  Gavin Powell glanced across the dinner table at his lover and business partner. They’d been friends for years. In the last five years their friendship had turned to love. There was nowhere else he’d rather be than with Landon. “Are you sure she’s going to be okay with us?” he asked.

  He watched as his lover nodded. “She’s been through a pretty rough breakup. Derek was a fucking bastard to her. The divorce was final a week ago.”

  “I don’t mean about that. I mean with us.” Gavin pointed between them hoping Landon would understand what he was trying to say.

  “She knows we’re a couple.”

  “Do I need to take you over my knee?” Gavin asked. He knew when Landon was purposefully avoiding the obvious.

  “No, Sir.” Landon’s head bowed down in submission. Watching the blond curls fall over the other man’s brow, Gavin felt an answering pulse in his cock. He loved watching Landon’s submission. He’d trained Landon well, and their relationship grew deeper every day. The trust between them was important. Gavin refused to be a Dom to anyone without that vital piece of trust.

  “Now, answer my question. Does she know about us?” He asked the question again waiting for an answer.

  “No, she doesn’t. She remembers you from when she lived here.”

  “Do you think she’s a submissive? Answer that question properly. There’s no room in this relationship for two Doms.”

  Gavin watched as Landon licked his lips. The remembered feel of those lips wrapped around his shaft swept through him. His feelings for this man scared him. Never in all of his life had he been so connected to someone else. Before Landon, his relationships were about mutual satisfaction in the bedroom with little else to look forward to. Landon gave him everything he craved, love, respect, and above everything else, submission. Gavin had been a Dom for some time. Domination was part of his soul, and he couldn’t imagine living without it.

  “She’s a submissive. Her problem with Derek was the fact he didn’t know what to do with her. He was a cruel bastard and should be shot for the way he treated her.”

  Gavin had seen pictures of Heidi, and part of him looked forward to meeting her. They’d seen each other in passing when she’d lived in Creek Valley. The small town was a tourist attraction with the local waterfalls on the edge of the town. Several ranches brought work to the area along with a mall. They were a lucky town. There were so many small towns that weren’t so lucky.

  Heidi had left Creek Valley ten years ago when her parents up and left to go to the city. Landon had kept in touch with the young woman as they’d been good neighbouring friends even though there was a five year age gap between them. Gavin was ten years older than Heidi and only five years older than Landon. He was thirty-five and ready to settle down. Landon was the man he wanted, and according to him, Heidi would be the perfect woman to complement their life.

  “We’ll meet her at the airport. I’ll leave the introductions to you,” Gavin said. He picked up the morning paper and started to read about the local events. Summer was in full swing, and there was always something to look forward to. His summer looked pretty interesting. He’d reserve his opinion of Heidi for when they met. His memory wasn’t what it used to be.

  Landon finished his breakfast then went around the small kitchen putting away their dishes. Gavin knew their relationship helped the younger man to focus. Before he had come along, Landon had been lost and the ranch he owned falling apart at the seams. His folks’ passing had sent the younger man over the edge. He didn’t know what to do or how best to make it work. With Gavin throwing all of his power at the younger man, Landon was able to focus, and soon the ranch was a thriving business.

  If it wasn’t for his own experience, Gavin would have felt guilty for the way he’d taken over the running of the ranch. The property was all in Landon’s name. Gavin wasn’t a gold-digger, and there was no way he’d let the property go to anyone but his man.

  When the kitchen was spotless they made their way out of the house to check on the herd. Several of their workers were already herding the cattle. The few horses they owned were being groomed. Inhaling the fresh air, Gavin felt happy. Heidi was on her way home. His lover hadn’t been able to rest from the moment she’d called to inform him of the upcoming divorce. Landon was in love with the younger woman. Jealousy struck Gavin in the chest. He’d known early in their relationship that he wasn’t enough for Landon. A woman was necessary for their life to work.

  Gavin loved the soft heat of a woman, but he’d truly believed Landon was enough for him. Shrugging, he made his way out to the fields. He loved working outside. He’d never be the type of man confined to a desk sitting in front of a computer all day. Doing the books at night and keeping the overall running of the Hunt Ranch was enough for him.

  He hoped he and Heidi were enough to keep Landon stable. The younger man was easily distracted. Keeping his submission had been a challenge.

  Staring to where his man stood stroking a horse’s back, love filled Gavin’s chest. He’d do everything to guarantee his happiness. The love he felt for Landon startled him. He’d known from a young age about the attraction he had for other men, but he also loved women. Having the best of both worlds would be a dream come true. Being in a relationship with both a man and woman would be a challenge. He looked forward to exploring both.


  Heidi Larson rubbed her hands together. The late afternoon sun no longer provided enough heat, and goose-bumps erupted along her arms. She should have put something more suitable on. The thin summer dress she wore didn’t hide the excess weight she’d gained since the divorce. Derek enjoyed verbalising all of her faults.

  “You’re a fucking fat bitch.”

  “It’s like being married to a pig.”

  “No wonder I find other women. You’re too fat to fuck.”

  She tucked stray strands of hair behind her ear, wishing she could forget all the cruel words he used to say to her. Her weight was always a problem. Heidi lost cost of the number of diets she’d been on in the past five years.

  Picking up her bag, she moved toward the selection of seats in the far corner. She stayed near the window in the hope of spotting Landon. He’d promised to pick her up. The few possessions she owned were in her one suitcase. Derek took everything with him when he moved his woman into their apartment. She didn’t mind. The apartment had never lost the bachelor feel to it.

  Why did you marry the bastard?

  For the last three years she’d been married, she’d asked herself on a daily basis why
she put up with his shit. She hated him, or at least she’d come to hate him in the last year. When they first got married everything was perfect, but he’d quickly turned nasty.

  The weight gain couldn’t be stopped. Instead of starving herself when the nasty comments came out, she went straight for the chocolate and cream.

  Pressing a finger into her fleshy stomach, Heidi tried to suck her tummy in. Shaking her head, she stared out of the window.

  Rubbing her arms she tried to stop the chill from bothering her. Derek never bought her a sweater in all the winters they’d been together. He didn’t see the need to spend money when she was large enough to keep the heat inside her body.

  Tears filled her eyes as she recalled the spiteful things he used to say to her.

  Why didn’t she divorce him when the nasty words started?

  There was no excuse for his behaviour. He’d been a cruel person through and through. She shuddered as she remembered what it felt like to have him touch her. Derek never helped her to achieve orgasm. In fact, Derek usually climbed on top, thrust a little, and then grunted like a pig before moving away.

  She’d gone to the shower every time he fell asleep. His stench repulsed her, along with the feel of his seed on the insides of her thighs.

  Again, if he repulsed you this much, why did you stay?

  Heidi couldn’t answer her own questions. For the last few months she’d been questioning her sanity with regards to Derek. The moment the divorce came through she’d gone back to her own last name. Her parents wished she wasn’t moving back to Creek Valley. They’d left the small town behind to make a life for themselves in the city. She hated the city. She would always be a small town girl at heart.

  A black truck pulled into the only available parking spot. She watched as Landon climbed out followed by another man. Landon held her attention. His blond hair caught the sun, which made the short length look golden. His sparking blue eyes smiled at her. She held her hand up waving. He crashed through the doors. Before she got a chance to say anything, his arms were around her as he swung her up in the air.

  “Damn, girl, it’s so good to see you,” Landon said.

  She chuckled, holding onto him. “Put me down, you big oaf. You’ll pull your back out if you pick me up.”

  He didn’t let her go. His arms tightened around her waist.

  His blue eyes captured her making it hard for her to look away. “Please, Landon, I’m too heavy.”

  After several seconds he placed her on the floor. “Those city boys are too weak. You’re not heavy to me.” His lips were on hers in seconds.

  She didn’t have time to gasp or complain as he kissed her. Wrapping her hands around his neck, Heidi held on.

  “Enough, Landon.” The order came from a deep, masculine voice. Landon pulled away.

  He cupped her cheeks. “I’m so glad to have you home.”

  “It’s great to be home.”

  His touch heated her blood.

  Stop thinking about him like that, Heidi. He’s taken.

  “I want to introduce you to someone special.” Landon moved out of the way for her to see one of the tallest men she’d ever met. Where Landon was blond with blue eyes, this man was dark. His skin was tanned, and his hair was black. She’d never seen eyes that colour, so dark that they looked almost black.

  “This is Gavin Powell,” Landon said.

  Her mouth went dry as she looked at the man before her. “Hi.” She didn’t know what else to say to the man.

  Gavin moved forward. He took her hand, brushing a kiss to her knuckles. “It’s lovely to finally meet you.”

  Heat swamped her pussy. The instant arousal shocked her. She’d always had a crush on Landon, but her feelings for Gavin never entered her head. Heidi remembered him from living in Creek Valley. They’d never spoken when she lived there.

  Pulling her hand out of his, Heidi grabbed her suitcase. She needed to put as much distance between them as she could. Landon took the case from her.

  “Don’t even think I’d let you carry your case.” He walked out of the front doors leaving her alone with Gavin.

  “He’s bossy,” she said.

  “Not in the way you think.” Gavin offered her his hand. She stared at the length of his fingers wondering how they’d feel on her body. Licking her lips, she put her hand inside his. Rejecting his hand seemed petty, and she didn’t want to cause any problems with her first days back in town. Landon was far out of her reach. For one, she didn’t own a dick to keep him happy.

  She remembered the shock when he’d told her about his relationship with Gavin.

  “You make him happy,” she said, smiling.


  Landon placed her case in the back of the truck. He made sure to strap the case in place. Turning around he saw Gavin leading Heidi outside. His lover held her hand tightly in his. Gavin would be good for her. Her husband had done a number on her.

  He saw the way she held herself back. The sadness lurked in her eyes even when she smiled. He wanted to see her smile without fear. Staring down the length of her body he admired her added curves. Her tits were large. The dress she wore pushed them together giving her a cleavage he yearned to lick. The dress nipped in at the waist, highlighting her fleshy stomach and rounded curves. He looked forward to getting his hands on her full figured body. She’d be a pleasure to fuck.

  Many nights he’d woken up hard as rock after dreaming about being inside her. He was honest with Gavin. Loving the other man wasn’t a problem, but his feelings for Heidi never left. His love for her only got stronger with each day. Having her in his life was a dream come true. He’d known early in life his need for a man and a woman would be difficult to serve. Being with a woman wasn’t the only thing that did it for him. He loved being commanded by Gavin. The older man dominated him perfectly. Their relationship worked. Without Gavin and his orders in his life, Landon knew he’d lose control. He needed someone to tell him what to do. The orders had put focus in his life when there was once nothing. His parents’ death had scared the shit out of him. The responsibility scared him. He could handle the running of the ranch, but only if there was someone to take the focus off all of the other crap. Gavin provided him with that.

  He watched as Gavin helped her up in the truck. His hand snaked around her waist, hoisting her up. The dress moved up exposing more of her thighs. He wanted those legs wrapped around his waist as he pumped inside her. Getting her to agree to be their third would be the hardest part. She didn’t know about his preference for cock and a pussy.

  Growling in frustration, he stared at Gavin as he waited to climb in behind her.

  Gavin touched his arm giving the muscle a squeeze.

  What did the touch mean?

  Did he like Heidi?

  The other man didn’t remember her from when she lived in town. Shaking his head, Landon climbed in behind her. The contractors who were working on her house had been told to slow down work. He was happy to pay for the extra days it would cost them to get her house up to scratch. Landon wanted the excuse to have her at his ranch.

  “Am I staying with you two?” she asked.

  Gavin settled behind the wheel. He turned the engine over then pulled out of the airport. They had a good hour’s drive before making it back to the ranch.

  “The contractors have hit a snag in getting your house ready. It should be ready for Sunday, but they might hit another snag. You’re free to stay with us for however long you need,” Landon said. He took her hand in his.

  Her lemony scent filled the car, making his mouth water.

  “That’s okay. You can take me to the motel in town. I don’t want to intrude,” she said.

  Squeezing her hand, Landon shook his head. “You’re not intruding, and I’m not having you stay at some crummy motel. You’re staying with us.”

  Gavin didn’t complain, so he figured the other man wanted her with them as well.

  “Thank you for picking me up.”

’m sorry we were late. I needed to get changed.” He wanted to look his best when he saw her.

  She chuckled. The sound made his dick stiffen. He watched as Gavin stiffened at the sound. He couldn’t wait to get the other man alone and to know what he thought of the sweet Heidi. She was as sweet as he remembered. Her voice, her scent, drove him wild like they had done when they were younger. She’d been too young for him back then, but he’d found her sweet.

  “I bet you looked good in your work clothes.” She bumped his shoulder then tugged her hand out of his. He watched as she pulled her dress down her thigh.

  Again, he wondered what Derek had done to her. His memories of her were filled with the free natured girl she’d been. The woman before him was reserved and full of pain. He remembered when it was raining she’d been wearing a dress similar to the one she now wore. Instead of staying inside she’d run outside dancing in the rain and mud. Her giggles had been infectious. He remembered running with her getting dirty.

  Her parents threw a fit, but hearing her laugh was worth it. Where was that girl?

  If he ever saw Derek he’d wrap his hands around his throat and kill him. There were few things in this life that were precious. Heidi was precious and deserved to be treated with care.

  He didn’t care what he needed to do. From that day forward he’d treat her with care and love. Holding onto her hand, Landon made a promise to give her all the love she deserved. Before the year was over he’d have her dancing in the rain without a care in the world.

  The drive went by without another word. Heidi sat between them staring out of the window.

  Chapter Two

  Gavin pulled up outside the ranch’s back door. Most of their workers had already left. They’d told them early in the day to finish before three that afternoon. Only a few men were left. They were currently climbing behind the wheel of their trucks. Gavin gave them a wave then climbed out. He watched as Landon helped Heidi from the truck. Her dress rode up, and he caught a glimpse of her plain cotton panties. The quick glimpse was enough to get his blood boiling. She should be in silk thongs. Her full ass looked good enough to kiss and smack. Running a hand over his face, Gavin tried to gain control of his raging hormones. It wouldn’t do for him to lose control.


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