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Gavin's Submissives

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Stroking both of their hair, Gavin encouraged them with moans and grunts.

  “He’s going to come soon,” Landon said, warning her.

  When he got to the brink of his release, he tugged on Landon’s ear. Landon took control. Taking hold of his cock he worked the length with his hand. He grunted as his release came over him. Gavin opened his eyes, watching as the first spurt of his seed coated Heidi’s breasts. She gasped then moaned.

  The image she portrayed would be forever imbedded on his mind.

  Covering Landon’s hand with his own he stopped the movement. Cupping Heidi’s cheek, Gavin dropped a kiss to her lips. “Thank you.”

  “Now comes the fun part,” Landon said. He dropped his head to her chest and licked Gavin’s semen from her breasts. She giggled.

  Grabbing a cloth from the chair, Gavin wiped his seed off her chest.

  “We’re not finished yet,” he said.

  Taking her hand, he helped her onto the bed. Landon lay beside them. “That was amazing,” she said.

  “I should be the one saying those words.”

  She chuckled.

  “I want to hear that sound from you more often.”

  Her laughter stopped.

  Running a hand over her body he touched Landon’s cock. “I believe Landon has been waiting a long time to be with you. I wish to watch as he makes love to you.”

  Gavin nodded at Landon. He watched the couple. The first time they were with Heidi, Landon should make love to her first. The love inside Landon was potent. The younger man clearly loved her and would take care of her.

  Brushing his lips to hers, Gavin moved out of the way. He stayed on the bed. His cock lay flaccid against his thigh. At that moment he couldn’t do anything but watch.

  Landon covered her lips with his. “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time with you.”

  The words struck Gavin’s chest. Before he’d met Heidi, Gavin had intended to keep the two apart. Now, watching the two together, he couldn’t believe he’d been nervous. He loved Landon and cared for Heidi. Gavin knew it wouldn’t be long before his caring turned to love. There was something about her that called to him. He needed to take care of her. His feelings for her were already strengthening with every second together. They’d not known each other for long, yet she was in his bed and life.

  He possessed two subs. Gavin looked forward to the future with Landon and Heidi. She was submissive, and the thought of another guy touching her annoyed him. Derek was an asshole, and it was just another thing about Landon he’d be thankful for.


  Kissing Heidi’s sweet lips was a dream come true. She opened to him inviting him inside. Plunging his tongue into her sweetness, Landon climbed over her body. Her tits pressed against his chest. Each full curve invited him to touch. Gavin reached out stroking her body.

  “You were right,” Gavin said.

  He smiled. Landon was right most of the time.

  His ass ached from his punishment. Running his hands down her body, he cupped her ass thrusting against her.

  “I love you,” he said.

  She smiled up at him. No words came from her lips. He didn’t expect any.

  Brushing her lips with his, he touched her wetness. Her pussy was slick with cream. Breaking the kiss, Landon stared down her body. Grabbing his cock, he ran the tip through her slit, coating the head with cream.

  “Use some of this the first time.” Gavin handed him some lube. He flicked the cap off spreading a generous amount on his cock. He smeared some of the lube onto her pussy. Using his fingers, he coated her cunt.

  “Why are you putting lube on?” she asked.

  “I don’t wish to hurt you. I’m big, and you’re tight.”

  He pressed the head of his cock inside her. The tip sank easily into her tight pussy, the lube he’d applied helping him inside.

  She nibbled on her lip.

  “You’re tight,” he said.

  Her hands went to his arms. Her nails sank into his flesh.

  “Let her take you,” Gavin said.

  Pulling out of her pussy, Landon went to his back. He lifted Heidi over him. “Take me inside you.”

  She stroked his shaft, pressing the tip against her pussy. Her hands rested on his stomach. Slowly, Heidi eased down. All the time Landon wanted to grip her hips and force his way inside her tight, wet heat.

  “She controls the pace,” Gavin said.

  Without his Master instructing him, Landon would have lost it. The need inside him was too strong.

  Gripping her hips, Landon ground down on his teeth. She lifted off his shaft then eased down. The pace she took was slow. Gavin moved from his side. He watched as his lover moved behind her. He batted Landon’s hands out of the way. “Look at what you’re doing to him. He needs you to go faster. His cock is rock hard. He’s taken a spanking, a paddling, and sucked my cock. He needs release, and you’re the one in control of that, Heidi.”

  She gasped arching against Gavin. “What do I do?”

  “Ride his cock.”

  Gavin lifted her hips then slammed her down on his cock. Landon groaned, fisting the sheet beneath him. There was no control over what he was doing. Every time he reached for her to take control, Gavin slapped his hands away.

  Her cries mingled with his.

  Soon, Heidi took over, riding his cock. Her tits bounced with every thrust. She rode his body taking him deep inside.

  His climax wasn’t far. Gavin reached down her body to stroke her clit. “He’s close. Look at his eyes.”

  Her eyes were on his. Heidi’s eyes were dilated, and her pussy fluttered around his cock.

  Growling, Landon grabbed her hips and drove up into her pussy. He tightened his grip as his cock jerked. His release pulsed out of him into her body. Her pussy contracted around his shaft as she drove onto him. She collapsed over him.

  Turning her onto her side, Landon pulled out of her body.

  “My turn,” Gavin said.

  He stroked her cheek as Gavin took her body. She lay on her side staring at Landon. Her hand rested inside Gavin’s. This felt right to Landon, having his woman and his man together in the same bed.

  “Feel him inside you. His cock is so big and perfect,” Landon said.

  After Gavin came, Heidi fell asleep between them. Her warm breath brushed the fine hairs on his chest. Landon stroked the fallen strands of hair off her face. She looked so peaceful in sleep.

  “She’s perfect,” Gavin said.

  Turning to look at the older man, Landon saw the love shining on Gavin’s face. The other man might not know it yet, but he was falling for Heidi as well.

  “She’s what we’ve been missing.”

  “I’m going to be truthful with you, Landon. When you first told me about her I was jealous. I didn’t want a third and would have kept her away from you. I’m pleased I never did. She’s perfect.” Gavin pressed a kiss to her shoulder. She sighed, settling in between them.

  “That asshole hurt her. I won’t let anyone hurt her, Gavin, not even you.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Gavin asked.

  Staring at her sleeping face Landon made up his mind. “I love you, Gavin. You’re my Master and the only man I’ll ever have in my bed. But she’s been part of my world since I can remember. The only reason she left was because of her parents. I want you in my life, but I want her. She comes first no matter what. I love you, and I love her. Don’t make me choose.”

  “I think you’ve already chosen.”

  Landon shook his head. “No, this will work with all three of us. I know it will. She needs you just like I need you.”

  “What if it’s not enough?” Gavin asked.

  “I can’t give her up.”

  Gavin stayed silent. “But you can give me up?”

  Landon thought about the question. He loved the man before him, but if it came down to giving Heidi up or Gavin, he knew Gavin would be the one he let go. The truth was hard to swallow.

  “I need to take a walk,” Gavin said. Landon watched the older man climb out of the bed. Part of him wanted to call him back while another did not. He held Heidi tight against him. No matter what happened Heidi would come first.


  The following morning Heidi woke alone. She stretched her arms above her head feeling the delightful aches of being well loved. Derek never left her feeling so complete. Both Gavin and Landon gave her what she needed.

  She went to the bathroom before going to her room to change into a summer dress. Walking down the stairs she found Gavin and Landon sat at the table. She frowned when she saw the distance between them. There was a scowl on Gavin’s face. Landon looked pale.

  “Morning,” she said. Anxiety caught up to her as they stared at her. Gavin’s gaze softened, but he didn’t speak.

  “Morning,” Landon said. He moved toward her, kissed her lips. “I’ll be back tonight. Take care, and don’t scare me.” He kissed her again before leaving.

  Heidi watched the door close. She sat opposite Gavin waiting for him to say something.

  He didn’t.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  Gavin looked at her. His gaze felt like he was trying to search for something important.

  “You really have no idea?” he asked.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  He laughed. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He stood.

  “Please, don’t leave like this.”

  Ignoring her words, he made his way outside. She sat at the table unsure what to do. Last night hadn’t been a dream, had it? When lunch time came Gavin and Landon came in. Neither of them spoke to the other. She watched their lack of interaction from the sink. Landon didn’t get lunch for Gavin or speak to him. They walked out separately. Something had happened since last night.

  Her ignorance scared her.

  This is what you do.

  Cutting off the words, she walked up the steps later that evening and took a bath. When the door opened for the evening she wandered down in some baggy pants and shirt. Gavin and Landon were treating each other like total strangers.

  She watched from the doorway.

  What happened to the couple she’d witnessed less than twenty-four hours ago?

  They take you to bed, and now they can’t stand the sight of one another.

  Biting her lip, she walked into the room.

  Gavin didn’t look up while Landon did.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “Nothing’s going on, baby.”

  “Bullshit. Last night you couldn’t keep your hands off each other, and the distance between you is obvious. I see it. What’s going on?” She looked between them waiting for them to spill the details.

  “What’s happened, Heidi, is simple. Landon let me know my place in the scheme of things. I thought I meant more to him than I actually do,” Gavin said, standing.


  “Before you turned up I meant something to him. If he couldn’t have you he’d deal with second best. I’m second best. If Landon has you then he doesn’t want me.”

  She saw the guilt on Landon’s face. “It’s true what he’s saying?”

  “I always loved you, Heidi.”

  “No, that’s not what I asked. Is what Gavin saying true?”


  Heidi shook her head. “No, this can’t be true. You guys promised me you’d take care of me. I didn’t expect this to happen.”

  “Don’t worry, Heidi. This is not the first time I’ve been passed over, and I imagine it won’t be the last.”

  He moved toward her. Gavin cupped her cheek. “I thought with you it could work. I was wrong.”

  Gavin moved away, and then she saw the packed cases. “You’re leaving?”

  “I’m not wanted here. I’m not going to play the third wheel.”

  She couldn’t believe what was happening.

  The door slammed behind Gavin. The sound of his truck starting up filled the air.

  Turning back to Landon she stared at him.

  “You’re going to let him go?” she asked.

  “It was never meant to be.”

  Shaking her head, Heidi backed out of the kitchen. She couldn’t handle this. Moving to her room, she grabbed her empty case then started filling it.

  “What are you doing?” Landon asked. He stood in her bedroom doorway.

  “I’m going to my house. I don’t care if it’s not ready.”

  “You don’t have to go,” Landon said.

  “Don’t I? From where I’m standing I need to get away from you. Derek was right. I ruin everything I touch.”

  “Don’t mention him.” Landon yelled at her.

  Throwing her underwear into the suitcase lying open on the bed she turned on Landon. “Don’t mention him? He’s fucking right, Landon. I came here to be with you. You were in love with Gavin. I never expected to come between you two. I refuse to come between you two.” She threw the last few items of clothing into the case, went to the phone, and called a cab.

  “You don’t need to do this,” Landon said.

  Picking her case up, she walked down the stairs. “I need to do this. I can’t believe you told Gavin he was second best. That man loves you. I never want to come between you two.”

  “I was being truthful.”

  The cab pulled up outside. She handed the driver her case.

  “Please, don’t go,” Landon said.

  Turning to him she saw the pain in his eyes. “I think you need to have a long think, Landon. Tomorrow you’re going to wake up without Gavin or me in that house. When you wake up I want you to think how that feels. You broke Gavin’s heart. I didn’t think you were heartless.”

  “I told him the truth.”

  “No, you told him you were making do with him. You were cruel, and you’re not the man I thought you were if you could do something so nasty.”

  She turned on her heel and climbed into the back. Heidi gave the driver the address to her house. Ignoring her friend she rested her head against the back seat. She never expected to cause so much trouble.

  The driver dropped her at the address she’d given. Staring at the old house she used to live in, guilt filled her heart.

  Chapter Six

  The following day Landon woke up alone. The house was silent, and there was not a single sound coming from the kitchen where Gavin usually spent the morning. Landon lay in the bed silent and alone. The words he’d spoken to Gavin and to Heidi came back to haunt him. Throwing the duvet off his body he padded toward the bathroom. On the way he opened Heidi’s door. The bed was unmade, and there wasn’t a single sign to let him know she’d once slept in the bed.

  Closing the door, he made his way to the bathroom and stared at his reflection.

  “I think you need to have a long think, Landon. Tomorrow you’re going to wake up without Gavin or me in that house. When you wake up I want you to think how that feels. You broke Gavin’s heart. I didn’t think you were heartless.”

  Her words filled his head. He repeated them over and over until he could no longer stand it. Tightening his hand into a fist, Landon hit the mirror shattering his reflection.

  “You’re an asshole.” He spoke the words aloud, wishing there was some way to take back what he’d done.

  Blood dripped from his hand. He quickly bound his hand up before heading back to his room. Changing into fresh clothes, he grabbed the keys to his spare truck then made his way into town. The only place open was the diner. For a Sunday the small town was filling up with tourists. The summer season was helping the local economy. He walked around everyone not caring about their stares. He went straight to the motor car repair shop, which was owned by Luther Clark. He’d be the only guy Gavin would go to.

  Luther always opened his shop on a Sunday. Landon rounded the corner and saw his bottom half sticking out the side of a car.

  “Hey, Luther, have you seen Gavin?” he asked.

  The n
oise under the car stopped. Seconds later a pair of green eyes glared at him. “Yeah, he spent the night. What’s it to you?”

  Clearly the other man knew what he’d said to Gavin. “I need to speak with him. I made a mistake.”

  “You sure as hell did make a mistake. I’m really disappointed in you, Landon. I thought you were a much better man than that.”

  Running his fingers through his hair, Landon felt the shame of his actions. “You and I both. I made a mistake, and I need to make it right.”

  Luther stood to his full height. “I don’t trust you.”

  Letting out an angry growl, Landon moved closer. “Look, Heidi came back all right. I don’t know what came over me, and I blurted my mouth off.”

  “Both of them left you?” Luther asked.

  Waking up that morning without either of them had been a nightmare. It wasn’t about loving Gavin or Heidi more. Both of them meant everything to him. He loved them with equal measure.

  “I don’t know what to say to you, Luther. They both left. Heidi couldn’t believe what I’d done. They’ve both gone.”

  “I remember Heidi. Sounds to me she’s still the brain box between the two of you.”

  He frowned. “Where are they?” Landon asked.

  “Heidi came around here looking to find a car. She saw Gavin, and they both walked over to the diner about thirty minutes ago. She’s turned into a real looker.”

  Turning back to the diner, Landon couldn’t see inside because of the sun shining on the windows.

  “They’re both pissed at you.”

  “They should be. I was an asshole. Thanks, Luther.” He left the other man and made his way straight over to the diner. The door lay open. The heat of the day was already making him sweat. Several locals were eating breakfast along with a couple of tourists. He spotted Gavin and Heidi in the back booth.

  Neither noticed him. Landon stared at the two. They looked relaxed with each other in the small booth. He was tempted to turn away and leave them.

  Where does that get you?

  Waking up without either of them was already a nightmare. Squaring his shoulders, Landon headed toward their booth.


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