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Gavin's Submissives

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Don’t,” Gavin said.

  Staring up at his Master, Landon fought to do as he was bidden.

  “She’s got a big enough ass as it is. I was just trying to do you guys a favour. She’s more than a handful. I can keep her in line.”

  Landon went for him. Gavin held him back.

  “Don’t do it, Landon. He’s not worth it,” Heidi said, coming out of her house.

  He turned to watch her running down the steps. She stepped in front of him with a hand to his chest.

  “What have I told you about running, Heidi? Your fat fucking jiggles, and it’s repulsive.” Derek spun her around.

  “Don’t touch me,” Heidi said, pushing him away.

  Unprepared for the shove Derek fell on his ass. “You stupid, fucking, fat bitch.”

  She turned back to him.

  “Did he always talk to you like that?” Landon asked. Gavin was still restraining him.

  “Don’t, Landon. He’s not worth it. Please.”

  “Listen to our woman. If you don’t, I’ll make sure that cane felt like foam in comparison to what I’ll do to you.”

  Straining one final time, Landon relaxed. He wouldn’t do anything stupid.

  “I’m not worth it. I’m your fucking husband.”

  Before Landon could do anything, Derek was on his feet. Derek turned Heidi around and slammed his fist into her face. “You’ll do as your fucking told, you little slut.”

  Landon had never seen another man hit a woman. Growling in outrage, Landon broke free of Gavin.

  Gavin, however, was faster. He pushed Landon out of the way and started pummelling Derek.


  Heidi’s face hurt. Derek had never punched her before. There was the occasional slap, but nothing that left a lasting mark. Touching her face and lip she felt the blood from her split lip.

  Gavin threw Derek to the ground. Landon wrapped his arms around her lifting her up.

  “Baby, are you okay?” he asked.

  “My face hurts,” she said.

  She winced as the sudden movement made her head throb.

  “We need to report this to the sheriff, and that bastard can rot in a cell for a night,” Gavin said.

  “No, no sheriff or cops. Can we just get out of here? I’ve had enough of looking at him. He’s a piece of shit,” she said.

  “Baby, you need to talk to someone. He’s just assaulted you,” Landon said.

  “And Gavin beat the shit out of him. I’m not going to risk either of you being put away. Please, just this once, let me go home with you.”

  She couldn’t handle Gavin and Landon being hurt or put at risk because of her.

  Gavin stroked her hair, hesitating.

  “Please,” she said, pleading with him. She needed him to listen to her. Licking her lip she winced. Derek had split her lip.

  “Fuck. Fine, we’ll go home.”

  She handed the keys to his truck, which she’d kept in her pocket.

  Landon helped her into the truck then climbed in behind her.

  “That piece of shit deserves to be put away.”

  Rubbing her head, she curled up against her friend while Gavin drove. She couldn’t believe what had happened to her.

  “This is a nightmare,” she said.

  Landon stroked her back, soothing her in his own way.

  “I swear, Heidi, if I see him again I’ll fucking kill him.”

  “Gavin got to him first.” She smiled. Her two men protected her.

  “The vile things he was saying.” Gavin’s hands fisted on the steering wheel.

  “Don’t worry about it, Gavin. He’s said worse.”

  She shrugged, then groaned.

  They drove back to Landon’s house in silence. The sun was setting by the time they made it into the house.

  “This day has been exciting. I’m going to go and run a bath,” she said.

  Both men followed her up the stairs.

  “I can bathe on my own.”

  “And you will, but we’re going to get you settled first.” She sat on the toilet seat while her men fussed. Were they her men? She felt like they were her men. In the past two weeks Gavin had worked his way into her heart. Landon had always been in her heart.

  She smiled at both of them.

  “What are you thinking?” Landon asked.

  “I think I’m in love with both of you.” Heat filled her cheeks at her confession. Landon turned to face her.

  “I’ve been in love with you for ages. I’m pleased you’re finally catching up.” She laughed at his teasing. Turning her gaze to Gavin she waited for him to speak.

  He walked over to her, caressed her cheek then pulled her in close. “I’m falling for you as well, baby.”

  Heidi let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.” She chuckled.

  “You know what this means?” he asked, kissing her cheek.

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t know what this means.”

  “There’s no way we’re letting you go. You’re our woman, and as soon as we can we’re moving all your shit back in here,” Gavin said. Landon whooped. “This is for forever.” Gavin rested his head against hers.

  Her head throbbed from being punched in the face. “I’ve never been so happy.”

  Moving back to Creek Valley had been the best decision she’d made. Tucking some hair behind her ear, she climbed into the bath. Both of her men gave her the privacy she needed.

  She picked up the cloth then started to soap her body. Her head hurt, but everything else was fine. Heidi felt free. The feeling shocked her. She thought Derek had taken everything away from her. He’d taken her pride and dignity along with her respect. Now, for the first time in over five years she felt whole.

  Two men waited for her downstairs, and knowing they would do anything for her filled her with so much love.

  The future no longer felt lonely or terrifying. Her future waited for her to live it. She didn’t care about Gavin and Landon being lovers. Watching both men together was wonderful, and she hoped to be part of many of their sessions. Gavin had promised to care for her. His domination was welcomed. He’d explained his position as a Dom and what he could do for her. Everything he described from the punishment through to the pleasure sounded amazing.

  She really wanted to have a man take control but not in the way Derek had. Gavin loved her body. He didn’t spend every second of every day trying to find new ways to humiliate her. He’d promised to look out for her.

  Once she finished in the bath she wrapped a towel around her body then moved toward their bedroom. She stared at the rumpled bedding. They must have gone straight to her after their phone call. Resting her head against the wood she gasped as a hand touched her shoulder.

  “Your place is in this room,” Gavin said, pulling her back against him. His warmth surrounded her. She let out a breath. He handed her an aspirin and some water. “I figured you’d have a headache.”

  “Thank you,” she said, taking the pills and water.

  “I promised to take care of you. Your safety and health are my main priority.”

  “What about pleasure?” she asked, wishing pleasure was his main concern.

  He laughed. “Pleasure goes without saying. You’ll want for nothing in my arms and in Landon’s. I’ll take care of both of my subs.”

  She smiled. “We’re Gavin’s submissives?”

  “In every way.”

  Gavin kissed her temple. “I don’t remember you from before you left, but the way Landon described you, you sounded adorable, and now I think you’re sexy and amazing. I’m really pleased you came back.”

  “Me, too.”


  Gavin kissed her one final time then forced himself to walk away. Going without release earlier was starting to affect his position. He walked down the stairs to find Landon stood against the fridge with a cup in his hand.

  “How is our girl?” Landon asked.
br />   “She’s fine. Her head is hurting, but after the hit she took I wasn’t expecting her to start skipping and dancing.” He filled the cup on the counter with coffee then stood with his back against the counter. Staring at the younger man, Gavin felt his fears to settle. Landon had been telling the truth when he spoke of his mistake.

  His life was here with Landon and Heidi. Handling two different kinds of submissives would be a challenge; however, he was more than up for what lay ahead. He wanted to see confidence fill Heidi’s eyes when she looked at him. After seeing Derek in the flesh, Gavin was determined to give her back everything the bastard had taken from her. Her life, her will, and her independence would be hers once again.

  Landon was his man. He didn’t need to change anything about him or give him anything. Landon was perfect the way he was.

  “You’re thinking,” Landon said.

  “Are you worried?” Gavin smirked when Landon raised an eyebrow. “I’m thinking about Heidi. Seeing Derek and hearing what he said, I want more than anything to give her back everything he took. No man should have that kind of power over a woman, especially when they abuse it like Derek did.”

  “That man is scum. I can’t stand the sight of him.”

  “Together we can repair what he tried to break.” The phone interrupted his flow. Putting his cup on the counter, Gavin moved toward the phone. “Heidi is ours. We won’t let her be hurt again. I forbid it.”

  Gavin picked the phone up. “Hello,” he said.

  “Gavin Powell, you’re getting yourself into all kind of trouble,” Matt Dawson, the local sheriff and Gavin’s friend, said.

  “What kind of trouble are you thinking?” he asked, turning to Landon. He covered the mouthpiece and mouthed the words of who was on the phone.

  “I got a city boy here. He claims you assaulted him.”

  Heidi had been right. Derek intended to cause all kinds of trouble. “He assaulted my woman, Matt. I was protecting her and my man here, Landon.”

  “This stinks, Gavin. I don’t like troublemakers in my town.”

  “And I don’t like them hurting my woman,” Gavin said. Saying the words felt good. “Why don’t you come down here and assess the damage? I’m sure once you see what he’s done, everything will be settled.”

  He got off the phone several minutes later. “I’m going to get Heidi. Matt and a couple of his boys are in their way over here.”

  “I can’t believe that bastard is going to start with us.”

  “Keep yourself in check. Heidi doesn’t need this. She needs all of us,” Gavin said.

  He walked up the stairs. Heidi was drying her hair as he entered their room. “I’ll be down in a second,” she said.

  “The sheriff was on the phone. He’s on his way over here because Derek claims I assaulted him.”

  Heidi cursed. He moved toward her, pulling her against him. “Don’t worry.” The bruise on her face would tell Matt all he needed to know.

  “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe he’s being an asshole about this. I shouldn’t have let either of you get in the way.”

  Gavin caught her chin. He forced her to look at him. “Who am I?” he asked.

  “You’re Gavin,” she said, frowning.

  “Who am I to you?” He gave her a pointed look so she’d get his meaning.

  “You’re my Master. My Dom.”

  “That’s right. I take care of you. I don’t care about this. He’ll be here soon. The moment he sees you Derek won’t stand a chance.”

  She smiled. “I hope you’re right,” she said.

  “Baby, I’m always right.”

  He took her downstairs, and all three waited for the sheriff in the dining room. Landon made a fresh pot of coffee as Gavin let them in. He shook Matt’s hand. He liked the sheriff. The guy knew how to look after the town. He escorted them back to where Heidi sat.

  Gavin stared at her face. Her face told the whole story. From the way Matt tensed, the sheriff knew the whole story as well.

  They sat around the table. Heidi told them everything from the abuse to the final punch.

  “Gavin and Landon were only doing what they could to protect me, Sheriff. I swear, they wouldn’t hurt Derek without a reason.”

  Matt touched her face then shook his head. “I’m getting an idea of what happened, missy. I’m sorry for all this trouble. I bet you’ve got a monster headache,” he said.

  She laughed. “More than you can believe.”

  After several more minutes Gavin walked them out the door. The boys who’d come with him were climbing into the car. “I’m sorry you had to trek out here in the dark and all.”

  “Don’t worry about it. A man striking a woman like that is why I’m here. I’ve always hated men who use their fists, and that’s one of the reasons why. I fucking hate men like that. Reassure her. I’ll take care of her ex and make sure he doesn’t step foot in Creek Valley again.”

  Gavin shook his hand before closing the door. Heidi stood watching him. The wrap he’d given her slipped off her shoulder revealing her creamy skin.

  “Nothing bad is going to happen?” she asked.

  “No, nothing bad. Creek Valley is a brilliant place, understanding.”

  She let out a sigh. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go to bed. I’m pooped.”

  He chuckled. Shutting the house up, Gavin followed his two subs up the stairs. That night he and Landon slept either side of Heidi. She reached out for both of them through the night. Neither of them was favoured when it came to her.

  Chapter Nine

  Derek was forced out of Creek Valley. He’d come back to try to win Heidi back. The woman he’d moved in to replace Heidi didn’t put up with his bullshit. The woman also refused to cook and clean. He’d gone to Creek Valley with the intent of winning Heidi back. Matt Dawson discovered this during questioning and then came to tell Heidi to see if it influenced her decision about pressing charges. Landon hated hearing the revelation of why Derek had come back, but he enjoyed listening to the news when Matt Dawson came back to inform them that he’d forced the other man out of town. He’d threatened him with assault and battery. The other man decided to leave, and Matt had also told Heidi a restraining order was filed as well. Derek shouldn’t be darkening their door any time soon.

  After the incident with Derek, he and Gavin emptied out her house and put it up for sale. There was no way they were letting her out of their sight. They set up a desk inside Gavin’s office for her to work. Landon loved walking into the house knowing his woman would be waiting for him. She took up most of the cooking when Gavin was working the field. Most days the scent of baked bread, cookies, or some kind of cake wafted out of the house. The ranch hands loved the scents and even asked if they could take some of her baked goods home to give to their partners. Life had never been so good for him. Gavin had forgiven him, and he shared his bed with the two people he loved the most.

  When he wasn’t working on the ranch or running errands, Landon spent time training Heidi. Gavin warned him about what he expected from her. She didn’t need to be punished in the same way as Landon. The spanking with the cane and paddle were for him alone. Gavin used his palm with Heidi. She didn’t go without pleasure either. Their Master promised to give her pleasure every day, and he lived up to his promise.

  Landon loved those moments together. He would sit in the spare chair and watch as Gavin worked her body teasing and tormenting her. At first, he thought Heidi becoming one of Gavin’s subs would be impossible. Punishments were part of the Master and submissive role, but watching the way Gavin mastered her was pure bliss. He couldn’t believe he ever doubted her place in their life.

  He sat in the chair watching as she went over Gavin’s lap. His cock thickened at the sight of her ass on display. In a couple of months Gavin would turn thirty-six. Landon wanted to mark the occasion, and he’d been training her to give Gavin a gift he wouldn’t get in a shop.

  The first slap was light. Heidi squeaked,
and Gavin chuckled. Her ass was pale and beautiful.

  “I think it’s time for Landon to take a swipe,” Gavin said. He signalled for Landon to join them. For several sessions Gavin had asked for his assistance in punishing her. Together they would give Heidi exactly what she needed.

  He knelt beside them. Raising his palm, he slapped her ass. Her head turned toward him. Her eyes were glazed over. The lust in her eyes shining bright.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you.”

  They slapped her ass until her cheeks were bright red. Gavin helped her to her feet. Landon stayed on the floor kneeling at her feet. Her pussy was directly in front of him. Licking his lips Landon wanted a taste.

  “Open your legs,” Gavin said.

  Her thighs opened. Heidi was slowly gaining back her confidence under Gavin’s guidance. The man was a master in bringing out a person’s personality and needs.

  Her juicy clit winked at him. He waited for Gavin to give him permission to explore her body.

  “Lick her, Landon. Make our woman come.”

  Not needing a second instruction, Landon licked her clit. He suckled her into his mouth, relishing the taste of her on his tongue. Exploring her pussy, he slid his fingers inside her tight heat. Glancing up her body, he saw Gavin working her tits. He rubbed her nipples until they were rock hard points.

  Her moans shook her body. Adding a third finger into her cunt, Landon worked her until her cream coated his fingers.

  “I’m going to come,” she said.

  “Then let’s hear your cries of pleasure, Heidi. Give your Master your pleasure.”

  She screamed, shouting out words of love and lust.

  Her words were muffled by Gavin’s lips. Her body shook as Landon milked her body for every drop of cream.

  Gavin took her to the bed. Without a condom he forged inside her body. Landon watched as Gavin’s cock sank into the hilt inside her. Her pleasured cries made him wish he was the one with Gavin’s cock inside.

  “Her mouth is empty, Landon. I’m sure she’ll gladly relieve that ache.”

  This is what he loved. No matter what he was thinking or feeling, Gavin always knew. He wasn’t jealous of Heidi, but he could envy what she felt. Climbing onto the bed, Landon pressed the tip of his cock to her waiting lips. “Open up, baby.”


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