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Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 7

by Landish, Lauren

  Pausing mid pen-stroke, she looked up at me, and caught me staring. She flashed me a pretty smile, unaware of the deep pile of shit that I just dragged her into.

  I gave her my most charming grin that belied the sticky predicament we were now in.

  “Sorry, Carly,” I whispered as she went back to writing even faster than before, “but shit’s about to get real.”

  Chapter 8


  “What’s going on?” Carly asked, glancing over at me with concern as I drove her Ford Focus down the highway toward James University.

  I kept my eyes on the road. “What do you mean?”

  “That call you made — you found out something, didn’t you? Something bad.” She was staring at me intently, accusation in her eyes.

  “Nothing that I didn’t already know,” I lied.

  Carly scowled at me with suspicion. “Don’t insult me, Mason. I’m not stupid. I know you. You’re trying to act all cool and collected, but something’s wrong.”

  I swallowed. “Just that some detectives interviewed dad.”

  Even over the hum of the motor, I heard the sharp intake of her breath. “And?”

  “And nothing. My source didn’t know what came of it. He definitely doesn’t know anything about me, and you said he didn’t know where you’re living. But I have a feeling if he knew where I was, he’d give me up in a heartbeat.”

  “Brian wouldn’t do that.”

  I snorted. “You have no idea what he’s capable of.”

  “I know he has a temper, but I don’t think he’d ever give up his own son.” Carly stared at me. “Who is your source?” she asked, changing the subject. She obviously was uncomfortable with the way I was talking about my dad. “And how does he know?”

  “Someone who walks in the shadows.”

  Carly scowled. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “His code name is Shadow.”

  “And does Shadow have a real name?”

  “We don’t use real names in that world, Carly.” A large truck whizzed by in the next lane over, rattling the car. “Besides, if I told you his real name, would it change anything? You don’t know him.”

  “Ugh, no it wouldn’t . . . but you don’t have to be such an ass about it.” Carly averted her eyes and looked out of her window. We were coming up on an intersection change. “I just don’t want to be kept in the dark about anything, given the situation we are in.”

  I switched lanes. An impatient driver was tailgating us and I didn’t feel like speeding anymore than I already was. “I’m sorry,” I said, softening my tone. “I’m just really on edge about all of this. I really think . . .” I couldn’t get the words out.

  Carly turned her gaze back on me, studying me intently. “You think what?”

  Fuck it. Might as well admit it. Carly deserved that much at least.

  I set my jaw. “I think I made a huge mistake involving you in this.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Because of everything — you could be charged for helping me. And then there’s whoever that is behind the coverup . . . whether it’s the mayor himself or someone else. To top it off, there’s Anonymous . . .”

  And Maddy.

  I saw no reason to tell Carly about the crazy bitch and further confuse her, though. I could only hope that Shadow did his part.

  Carly’s forehead creased into a frown. “Anonymous? Is that who you were talking about who has eyes everywhere and are watching you?”


  “Why didn’t you tell me that from the get-go?”

  “Because I didn’t want to scare you.”

  “And let me guess, you’re still a part of this group?”

  “Not anymore.”

  After glaring at me for several moments, Carly shook her head angrily and let out a frustrated sigh.

  “I just don’t want to see you hurt,” I told her, quick to deflect her anger. “I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to you.”

  Carly’s features softened, surprising me. “Don’t worry about me. To tell the truth, I feel safe with you around, always have.” She lowered her head a little, as if embarrassed to have admitted it.

  “Shut up,” I said jokingly, unsure if she was just fucking with me. “I always thought you were annoyed for having to put up with me.”

  “Seriously. I never told you but,” Carly continued as if she couldn’t help herself, “the day you pulled me out of that pond? Something changed that day.”

  Warmth flowed through my chest at Carly’s words. Though I always tried to be the best stepbrother I could, I never knew if Carly liked me or hated me at times because of her bitchy demeanor.

  “I remember that day,” I said softly, the image of holding her in my arms flashing in front of me. Carly had been so vulnerable that day, splashing around in the water so helplessly. Yet, when I pulled her out of the muddy water, all dirty and slimy, I thought I’d never seen anything so beautiful in life. “I don’t know what you were thinking.”

  “Well, what did you expect? I wanted so badly to get you back.”

  I chuckled. “You got me back alright! Slipped and fell your clumsy little ass in the dirty water. And you cried like a little bitch for whose help? Me!”

  Carly slapped me playfully on the arm. “Hey now. You might have those ripped muscles, but I’ll sucker punch you while you’re driving.”

  “Do it. I bet you hit like a bitch too!”

  Carly continued to stare at me, and then she laughed. “I’ll pass. I don’t want to end up road kill just because you want to prove that you have a big dick.”

  “But I do have a big dick.”

  Just for you.

  Carly blushed furiously, at a lost for words — just the reaction I was looking for.

  I grinned at her embarrassment. Despite our grim situation, it almost felt like old times again where we used to play and laugh and then I’d ruin the moment by saying something inappropriate that would cause her to turn as red as a rose.

  “So anyway,” Carly said, clearing her throat uncomfortably, her tone turning serious. “Don’t worry about me. I trust you, okay? I’m with you on this, no matter what happens.”

  “Shit, where is the real Carly at? The Carly I used to know would never give me the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Well besides the obvious benefit to my career and Ashley Collins’ killer being brought to justice, I’d rather not see you on the news dead in some ditch. I’m not sure how much help I’ll be, but I’m going to try.” Carly placed a hand on my thigh, rubbing it gently. “Besides, I think you’re doing the right thing.”

  Fuck. Carly’s gentle hand on my thigh was doing crazy things to my body. I never got excited just from physical contact — that was fifteen-year-old teenage boy virgin type shit. But I couldn’t stop the heat that was spreading through my abs and down my happy trail and into my suddenly throbbing cock.

  Is she doing this shit on purpose? I wondered. She’s practically got her hands on my balls!

  “I hope you’re right,” I said hoarsely, trying to concentrate on the road and praying that Carly didn’t notice the growing bulge in my pants.

  “I know I am,” Carly said softly, removing her hand. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice my problem, or she did a good job pretending not to notice. She was probably trying to get revenge for embarrassing her. “Rosemary deserves closure and Bradley needs to be brought to justice. I mean, who else is going to see that he pays for his crime? He has powerful allies trying to cover it up!”

  I always knew that she was strong-willed, but seeing her determination even in the face of danger filled me with overwhelming pride. Though I do think she was being a bit naive — she had no idea what kind of danger she could be in.


  “I’ve got a lock on Razor,” Andre announced, looking up from his laptop where moments ago he’d been banging on the keyboard like a madman.

  I stopped pacing the living
room of my apartment, relief sweeping through my breasts. Finally I could confront Razor. Finally, I could make him pay for humiliating me and ruining my life.

  I’ll make him beg for forgiveness, I thought darkly, before I make him beg for his life.

  The thought of turning that cocky smile of his into a mask of fear filled me with joy. Oh how wonderful it would be to get him back. Revenge would be oh so sweet. Sweet as cherry pie with fucking whip cream on top.

  “Good,” I growled, “you finally did something useful in your life. Let’s go.” I moved toward the door, filled with giddy excitement. On the way, I’d relish thinking about all the ways I’d torture him.

  Andre ignored my insult, which was wise. I was ready to kill anything that defied me. “Wait,” he said, stopping me dead in my tracks.

  I scowled darkly, bunching my palms into fists as I turned to regard Andre. “What?” I hissed venomously.

  He turned his gaze back to his laptop screen. “He’s near James University. It’s fifty miles away. It’ll take us at least an hour to get there even if we speed. He’ll be long gone by then,” Andre explained.

  Rage filled me, nearly blinding my vision. “Then make sure he doesn’t leave,” I yelled. “You fucking idiot!”

  “Jesus, Maddy, chill the fuck out!” Andre snapped. “The landlord already threatened to kick you out for ranting and raving.”

  “Screw that wrinkled, old hag!” I snarled. “She needs to learn to mind her own fucking business!”

  “More like you need to take a Xanax,” Andre retorted, rubbing at his temples, “or a few Prozac or somethin’, so my ears can get a break from all your screeching. My head feels like it’s about to explode right now.”

  The only thing stopping me from rushing forward and pounding Andre’s homely face in, was the fact I’d seen him break the legs of more than one muscle-bound thug. Besides, even though I didn’t act it sometimes, he was my friend. But I’ll manipulate and use my friends if it means I can get retribution on Razor.

  “How can we delay him until we get there?” I said, my tone much softer.

  Andre studied me for a moment as if weary of my sudden calm and then scratched at the fresh stubble shading his jaw. “Let me check . . .” He turned his attention back to his laptop and tapped away for several moments and then stopped, a frown creasing his face.

  “What?” I asked.

  “He’s gone.”

  Anger threatened to overcome me once again, but this time, I was ready for it.

  “How?” I asked coolly.

  Andre seemed amazed by my self-control. “He may still be there, but I can’t know for sure. Someone must be helping him.”

  I arched a delicate eyebrow inquisitively. “Who the hell would be helping him?”

  “I’m not sure . . .” Andre squinted at his screen, typing in several more commands. “If I had to guess . . . Shadow,” he said.

  “Shadow?” I asked, confused. “Why would that limp-dick nerd want to interfere with us?”

  Andre shrugged. “I don’t know, but as far as I know, he’s one of the only Anonymous members that Razor would trust.”

  I thought back to the many conversations we’d had. “You know what? I bet you’re right.”

  Andre shook his head. “The founders definitely aren’t going to like that. I heard they’re out for Razor for that footage he recovered — you know, about that murdered prostitute?”

  I’d heard about that, some local politician getting off on murdering vagabond whores. The story didn’t interest me much, and I didn’t understand what the fuss was all about.

  As far as I was concerned, stuff like that always happened and there was no use getting worked up about it. The world was a cruel a place for a woman and sometimes the only way to survive was to use your wits, brain, and be just as cruel yourself.

  I’d never be caught dead in a back alley with a man in the wee hours of morning, so the dead woman obviously was an idiot . . . and a weak one at that. She deserved no sympathy from me.

  “Yeah,” I replied. “Why is Razor refusing to give it up anyway?”

  “You know, him. He’s a rebel. He probably thinks he’s doing what’s right.”

  I snorted and rolled my eyes. “How hypocritical.”

  “Anyway, Shadow’s attempts to stop us from going after him is just a minor annoyance. He’ll be a pest, but it won’t stop me from tracking him down.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Andre nodded confidently. “Trust me. He has a lot of people looking for him. He’s going to get desperate, and he’ll make a mistake.”

  “You better hope so,” I warned, walking over to the window to look out onto the street. It was mid-afternoon and the area was bustling with business. “Because if I don’t get to sink my claws into him before someone else gets a hold of him, you’ll be sorry.”

  Chapter 9


  “Remember, we’re just here to get in and get out,” Mason warned me as we walked onto the university’s campus, speaking furtively close to my ear. He’d donned a gray hoodie, claiming he didn’t want to be seen on camera, and had it pulled low over his face. It made him look ominous and incredibly sexy. Meanwhile, I wore a pink skirt and a white blouse, with white rhinestone sandals adorning my feet, my strawberry blonde hair pulled back into a girly ponytail. “Don’t speak to anyone.”

  I shivered at his hot breath on my neck. He was so close to me that I almost felt like I was melting.

  “Do you understand?” he asked me, looking around the campus, but keeping his head low before turning his gaze back on my face.

  Slowly, I nodded, trying desperately to stay focused.

  Mason studied me for a moment and then nodded. “Good.”

  He grabbed my hand and began pulling me along toward the campus library.

  It was weird. Though I graduated not long ago, it felt eerie to be back on a campus with Mason at my side. Seeing all the college students milling about and the scenery brought back memories of fraternities, sororities, and wild parties — though it was something that I rarely engaged in.

  I’d refrained from that for the most part, content with engrossing myself deep into my studies. It just wasn’t me.

  Beyond wanting to do well in school, deep down, I continued to hold out hope that I’d someday be with Mason, forgoing the wild parties and, a lot of times, drunken sex.

  “It feels weird to be back on campus,” I said as we walked past a couple who were chatting, giggling and carrying on.

  Mason kept his head low. “If that makes you feel weird, how does abetting a fugitive feel?”

  I snapped my gaze around on him. “You’re not a fugitive.”

  Mason snorted. “I’m not? I stole footage from secure servers. You know what that makes me? A fucking criminal. Even if Mayor Bradley gets what he deserves, I could get jail time.”

  I shook my head as we crossed an intersection that had a fountain in the center with a bunch of students lounging around it. “No way,” I said as we sidestepped the crowd and continued on. “You’re doing the right thing. There would be public outrage if they tried to charge you.”

  Mason grinned. “I’m touched. I never knew you thought so highly of me, Carly. I should quit now while I’m ahead.”

  “Stop it,” I growled.

  Mason chuckled. “Anyway, you know as well as I do that the courts aren’t going to see it that way. They’ll make an example of me, especially with Anonymous sometimes being involved in some shady shit. I could be wrong . . . but I wouldn’t hold your breath.”

  “They won’t make an example of you,” I said determinedly. “I’ll make sure of it, if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Mason tossed me a wry smile from beneath his hood. “You kill me, Carly, all determined and shit. But don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  We reached the library steps a minute later and Mason pulled me aside at the entrance for a last warning.

  “Remember,” he said, his deep vo
ice low and ominous sounding, “don’t talk to anyone. I need you on the lookout. Come get me if you see anything suspicious.”

  “Can you please stop that? You’re making me nervous as hell. I wouldn’t even know what looked ‘suspicious’ anyway.”

  Mason was being more uptight than I was. But I suppose he had a right to be. He knew more of what we were dealing with than I did.

  He gave me a look and walked over and opened the library door, motioning for me to enter first. “Seriously. Remember what I said. Anonymous has eyes everywhere.”

  It was a chore to not roll my eyes as I walked inside. I knew these so-called hackers were a powerful group, but Mason made it seem like they wielded power that you would see in one of those fake action movies, where they tap into security cameras everywhere and can see everything.

  It was hush in the library with groups of students sitting at tables, huddled in study groups. It was a familiar sight for me, as the library had been like a second home when I was slaving away for my degree.

  Mason made a beeline, following the signs to the computer room, which was near the back of the library.

  “Keep watch for anything unusual. Trust no one,” Mason warned, glancing around the library as we reached the entrance to the room. With a doorless entry and glass for walls, you could see right in. There were several students inside, two girls and one guy engrossed with pecking away at their keyboards. “I’ll try to be fast as possible. Twenty minutes at most.”

  Giving me one last warning look, Mason entered the room and sat down at a computer that was furthest from the other students and then began typing.

  His fingers flew so fast across the keyboard that they were just one big blur.

  “Okay,” I muttered to no one in particular. “I’ll go sit and watch for the boogeyman.” Looking around, I doubted we had anything to worry about here. But when we left, that might be another story.

  I walked over to a row of shelves where I could pretend to browse books, but still keep my eye on the library and Mason.


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