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Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 13

by Landish, Lauren

  “So what are we going to do now?” I asked softly, nuzzling against his chest.

  It didn’t matter if the whole world was after us. With Mason at my side, I felt like anything was possible.

  I looked up from my reverie when I realized he hadn’t replied. “Mason?”

  He side-eyed me. “Huh?”

  “I said what are we going to do now?”

  “Oh, I didn’t hear you. Well, we can’t stay here, that’s for sure. I think I’ll have my contact book us a hotel somewhere safe.”

  “Shadow?” I guessed.

  Mason nodded. “I haven’t talked to him since yesterday, but he’s been busy keeping someone off of our trail.”

  I rose on my elbow and raised an eyebrow. “Someone?”

  Something flashed across Mason’s eyes. “No one. Anonymous.”

  When Mason saw my face crumple, he pulled me close and delivered a kiss to my forehead. “Don’t worry, baby, everything will work out.” It was the first time he’d call me that word and despite being upset with him, I loved hearing it roll off of his tongue. Even still, I hated how he was being secretive, like there was something he wasn’t telling me.

  We laid there, and even despite the feeling that he wasn’t being completely honest, I felt more at home than I had in my entire life in his arms.

  Finally, I broke the silence. “Mason, why’d you never tell me your true feelings,” I asked. “All of this could’ve avoided if you would have just spoke up.”

  Mason wasn’t having it. “Don’t put all the blame on me. You have a mouth too. You could’ve just as easily told me.”

  “Gee, ya think? But you’re supposed to be the ladies man.” I joked.

  Mason laughed. “Better late than never, right? Besides, I did just give you the best dicking down you’ve ever had.”

  I made a face. “It’s not like I have anything to compare it to. For all I know, you could be an amateur.”

  “Oh yeah? Then you might want to consider a career in acting.” He raised his deep voice as high it would go, “Ohh yes, fuck me harder Mason!” His voice cracked liked a teenager on the last word and I had to laugh. “That ring any bells?”

  “You sound absolutely terrible!” I laughed.

  Mason winked at me.

  “But, no really, I asked first.”

  Mason’s expression turned serious. “Well, for one . . . I was scared.”

  I snorted with disbelief. “You? Scared? Please. I’ve seen the way you are around girls — it annoyed me to no end, in fact. You’ll have to do better than that.”

  “You’d be surprised,” Mason said quietly. “And second, I always thought you barely tolerated me, as in you liked being around me at first, but you seemed to get more and more bitchy.”

  “Well, why wouldn’t I? You were always doing something that pissed me off,” I explained. “Besides teasing me, you were always bringing home girls. Some of it was a feigned attempt to not let you on to my feelings, but I was angry at that.”

  “I’m sorry, Carly, but what was I supposed to do? You were my stepsister and I had no idea that there was any chance of us ever being together.”

  “So you screw a bunch of chicks instead of just being honest? How does that logic work?”

  “Even if we could’ve been together, our relationship wouldn’t have lasted sneaking behind our parent’s back. You know what would’ve happened the first time we got caught? They would’ve separated us, made us feel like we were disgusting human beings. We probably would’ve ended up hating each other.”

  I thought about how much my mom already made me feel bad about a multitude of things in my life and found myself agreeing. “I guess I see what you’re saying.”

  “Those other girls — they meant nothing to me,” he assured me, seeing me lost in thought. “Absolutely nothing. In fact, I always felt empty and disgusted afterward. It was like a void I could never fill.”

  His words touched me even though I should’ve been annoyed.

  “Yet you kept doing it?”

  Mason pursed his lips. “I was hoping that I’d eventually find someone who would erase what I felt for you, someone who could fill that hole. I never did.” Mason squeezed my arm gently. “In a way, I think part of my rebellion against dad had to do with me not being able to have you, my subconscious at work.”

  It amazed me to see the serious side of Mason when it came to expressing emotions. It was something I’d never seen him do. He always had some smart ass comment or joke to deflect.

  “Well have you found someone now?” I asked, giving him a firm kiss on the lips.

  “Now I have,” Mason affirmed, pulling me close and allowing me to nuzzle against his chest.

  In that moment, I didn’t care who was after Mason. The only thing that mattered to me was that I was once again safe in his arms.


  What the hell am I doing?

  I stared at the gentle rise and fall of Carly’s shoulders as she lightly snored against my chest. She’d fallen asleep shortly after our discussion, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  I was still in awe that we’d slept together. Even now, with her naked body pressed against mine, it was hard to believe.

  Sex with her was everything I thought it would be. When I’d penetrated her virgin hole, it felt familiar, like I was home. Like I was finally where I was supposed to be.

  The hole inside of me had been filled.

  But now I had another problem — crushing guilt.

  Not for sleeping with my stepsister. I didn’t give a rats ass about that anymore. I felt awful for the danger I’d put Carly in for my own selfish needs. On top of that, I’d taken her innocence and I wasn’t convinced we could have a future together. If it were any other girl, I wouldn’t give it a second thought.

  I can’t stay here, I thought. Carly will never be safe with me.

  Gently removing Carly’s arms from my chest, I slowly slipped out of bed. The floorboards creaked as I stepped on them and I froze, cringing.

  Carly let out a small snort in her sleep and mumbled something unintelligible before rolling over.

  I sighed with relief, hoping that I’d worn her out enough that she was in one of those deep sleeps. I stealthily continued, putting on my clothes and moving to the kitchen area. I grabbed a pen and scribbled out a note, instructions I wanted her to follow.

  Outside, I mounted my bike and moved it manually down the gravel driveway, not wanting to start the motor anywhere near the cabin in case it might wake her up. If Carly confronted me, I’m not sure if I’d have the willpower to leave.

  A heavy weight settled on my chest as I took one last look at the cabin. Fuck, I didn’t want to go — Carly would hate me. Shit, I hated myself.

  But I would hate myself more if I took Carly with me and something happened to her.

  At least I could take one last memory of Carly with me, the memory of being with Carly for her first time. And no matter where I ended up or what happened, no one could take that away from me.

  “I’m sorry,” I muttered.

  Walking the bike out to the road that led back to civilization, I hoped on, started the motor, and sped off into the night.


  I awoke with a start, a dreamy smile on my face, and looked around. The room was completely dark, letting me know that it was nightfall. I felt the bed around me and was met with emptiness.

  Mason was gone.

  I must’ve fallen asleep, I thought. And Mason probably got bored and went into the living room to watch TV.

  How he hadn’t fallen asleep right along with me, I had no idea. Having so much sex completely wiped me out, but then again, Mason had a lot of experience in that regard.

  The memory of our steamy encounters filled me with desire and happiness.

  And to think, I have that look forward to every day, I thought giddily.

  Still, I was worried that I was letting my elation of being with him blind me to the problems we faced. />
  Don’t worry about it, I told myself, not wanting my doubts to ruin the mood. I’m sure if we both work together, we’ll make it.

  I rolled out of bed and stretched, yawning lazily. The first step toward the dresser to grab some clothes had me grabbing at my side.


  I was sore as hell.

  Ignoring the discomfort, I walked over to the dresser and found my red silk negligee that I wore only when it was hot. I put it on, feeling the silky material rub against my flesh. I couldn’t wait to see Mason’s reaction to seeing me in it, though there would be no funny business, I was way too sore for another round.

  Grinning, I waltzed into the living room, expecting to see Mason’s jaw drop when he saw me.

  “Hey, bad boy—” my voice caught in my throat and I froze.

  Mason was nowhere to be seen.

  What the hell? I wondered. Where is he?

  Worried, I checked the bathroom. He wasn’t there. I came back into the living room, running my fingers through my hair. I bit my lower lip and looked around. Maybe he was outside. I was about to step out when I noticed a piece of paper sitting on the kitchen table.

  I walked over and picked it up, starting to feel a sickness in my stomach with each step.


  I know you’re going to hate me for this, but I had to leave. I know you’re cursing me right now and wanting to claw my eyes out, and I can’t even begin to convey the pain I feel at having to do this, but it’s the only way I feel that you’ll be safe.

  If you come on the run with me, all of this would have been for naught. The boon to your name and what it could do for your career would be useless. And while I know that won’t completely make you happy, at least you’ll be safe.

  Please remember what I asked of you. Give me a couple days head start and then contact the police. Tell them that I threatened your life and made you cooperate with me.

  I want you to know that I’ll cherish our time together for as long as I live.




  Should you need to contact me for any reason, I’ve included an emergency number you can use to leave me a message, but I’m hoping you will never have to use it.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head in denial. “No! He couldn’t have.”

  I clenched the paper in my hands, jumped up from the table and rushed outside. Mason’s bike was gone.

  The world seemed to spin around me as reality set in.

  He really was gone. Gone forever.

  I went to my knees with sudden crushing pain.

  “Mason!” I screamed.

  Chapter 16


  “I need a secure passage to Mexico,” I said, pacing back and forth in the small living room of Shadow’s apartment.

  He looked up from his screen and scratched at his chin, staring at me through his wide-rim spectacles. “You sure about that?”

  I stopped my pacing to regard my fellow hacker. Shadow, real name Peter Hall, was a scrawny little thing that fit a stereotypical hacker profile. Despite that, he was one of the best I knew, and was one of the few that I could actually call my friend.

  I’d went up to his house after I left from Carly’s, knowing he could give me up to date information on my trackers and help me with mobility.

  I nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be able to lay low for a while, get a plan together.”

  Shadow appeared thoughtful. “Hmmm. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “And I’m going to need you to help lead Maddy on a wild goose chase. As in, the complete opposite direction.”

  Shadow nodded. “I can do that.”

  “That goes for Anonymous too,” I added. “With how close Aubrey got, I don’t want to take any chances.”

  Shadow frowned. “Razor, you’re asking me to betray the people that I work with. I told you already that I don’t want to get involved in that.”

  “They’re basically one in the same. I know Maddy technically isn’t Anonymous anymore, but she still has friends that are. You’re already involved just by helping me anyway. Besides, they don’t deserve your loyalty anymore. Anonymous is more and more becoming associated as an online terrorist organization.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Shadow said thoughtfully. “The leadership is becoming just like the people we set out to expose. It’s made a lot of the hackers involved take more liberties, giving us a bad name. But still, it’s hard to turn my back on them.”

  “Well, it’s time to choose. It shouldn’t matter that I exposed the information on my own. If anything, all they should be angry at is not getting recognition for it. But what I saw from Aubrey, they don’t see it that way.”

  He let out a sigh and shook his head. “Fine, I’ll do what I can. Just know that I don’t like it. I have no problem fucking with Maddy though. That bitch is off her rocker.”

  I nodded. “What happened with her by the way? You said she was hot on my trail.”

  “Not exactly sure. I know I interrupted her and Andre’s tracking several times, but for the past few days, it’s been really quiet on their front.”

  “That’s not good,” I muttered. I knew without a doubt that when Madeline Bona was quiet, trouble soon followed. I hated that I’d ever met that crazy bitch. Even worse that I got involved with her.

  Shadow shook his head. “Nope, not at all. All I can hope to do is draw them out onto your fake trail.”

  “It’s going to have to be more than hope. I can’t afford her finding out about Carly.”

  Even speaking Carly’s name brought up fresh pain. I hated leaving her all alone. It was the hardest thing I’d ever done, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

  “Razor?” Shadow asked, breaking me out of my reverie.


  “You okay? You were just staring off into space.”

  “Oh. I was just thinking about what I was going to do next, you know, planning ahead.”

  He stared at me hard, not fooled. “You really care about this girl, don’t you?”

  “She’s my stepsister,” I explained. “Of course I do.” Obviously I wasn’t about to tell him all the little details about how I was in love with her.

  “I can see that.” Shadow turned his attention back to his computer screen. “Alright, well, I’ll do everything I can.”

  “Thanks man. I knew I could count on you.”

  Shadow gave me a toothy grin. “Although, my reasons for helping aren’t altogether altruistic.”

  I scowled. “Seriously? You really gonna do this now?”

  “Hell yeah I am. Why wouldn’t I? You’re a talented man, and I want to be able to call on you when I need it.”

  I sighed. I couldn’t believe this guy. But you know what they say — nothing in the world is free. “I should’ve known. What is it this time?”

  “It’s this fucking gaming company, Vetcom,” Shadow hissed with venom.


  “I just said they’re a gaming company! Well, I might, sorta, wanna hack into their database system.”

  “For what?”

  “Demand that they make changes to the game or else.”

  I quirked an eyebrow.

  “The latest expansion patch sucks ass and they took away all the cool abilities from my favorite class that I always play.”

  “Dude, you really need to get out sometime. Find you a girl or something.”

  “Hey! I’m serious!”

  There are far worse things in the world that could happen, I thought.

  “The nerd rage is strong.”

  “Screw you!” Shadow giggled, looking slightly embarrassed by his overreaction. “So can I depend on you to help me? I don’t mean right now — later on, if you don’t get caught, thrown in jail or killed that is.”

  “Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  Shadow grinned. “Don’t worry, I have faith in you.”

  “Sure you do.”

�m waiting for an answer, Razor.”

  I sighed. “Provided that I make it through this, yes I’ll help you.”

  Shadow smiled widely. “Good, ‘cause you owe me. Big time.”

  Chapter 17


  I fucking hate him. I fucking hate his guts.

  I was pacing the living room the next morning, my eyes red from having cried the entire night away.

  I felt horrible, like a worthless pile of shit.

  How could Mason abandon me like that after we had just shared something so beautiful together? And the way he left really bothered me, sneaking off while I was asleep and leaving a stupid letter behind to explain himself.

  How cowardly. How fucking cruel. If he was going to leave, he should’ve at least given me the chance to say goodbye.

  I had a phone number, but he told me to only call it if it was an emergency.

  I’m not going to call him and leave a message, I thought. He doesn’t deserve to hear me crying and begging him to come back.

  What I needed to do was forget Mason, forget that he ever waltzed back into my life and forget the feelings I thought I felt for him.

  Except that it was easier said than done. Especially after I’d just given my v-card away to him. And I saved it just for him too, and he took it and left. Just like I’m sure he’s done with plenty other girls.

  It made me feel like a used soiled rag.

  “I need to get my mind off of him,” I muttered, sniffing. My nose was stopped up from all the crying and it was never going to get better if I didn’t stop.

  I needed something, anything, to change my focus. I didn’t want to give Mason another second of my time.

  My eyes fell on my laptop. Mason told me stay away from it, at least for the time being. But he was gone now, and I didn’t have to listen to him anymore.

  Besides, I’d been itching to log on to see what my blog looked like ever since the video was uploaded and see what the general response was.


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