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The Gazing Globe

Page 11

by Candace Sams

  "So she couldn't stand the fact that my mother and my father fell in love7" Blain turned to face the woods and leaned back as close to Afton as his wings would allow.

  "Yes Freyja was very strict, even cruel Many were said to have feared her She was predisposed to practicing the very blackest kind of magic Shayla challenged her for the right to lead the Order Had Shayla lost that challenge, Freyja would have had her put to death But Freyja was the one who died Their struggle was that fierce "

  "So Shayla took Freyja's place by force?"

  "Yes It had to be that way Freyja was intent on keeping the leadership and power at all costs You see, whoever is Sorceress may choose who succeeds her Sometimes that's someone within her own bloodline Most Sorceresses in the past have chosen their successor based upon strength of character, wisdom, and the ability to lead with equity, regardless of blood ties With Freyja, it was exactly the opposite She only wanted the power for herself To keep that power, she'd have probably mated with any Druid just to get a daughter who could rule after her Someone she could control In that way, she would have kept some kind of power for a very long time, or influenced our laws through her own bloodline It's said she bragged about doing just such a thing You might say her belief in ruling incorporated a kind of nepotism She would have killed a great many in the Order with her dark ambition There are horrible stories about her "

  "But how did such an evil woman get control in the first place >"

  Afton shrugged. "Freyja was chosen by the Sorceress before her. She deceived everyone into believing she was good and just. Some say she was a wonderful person at one time, but the dark side was always in her blood, and she eventually chose it over the powers of good and light. There were those who fought on her side, but they were evil as well. And they were killed during a battle which ensued as Freyja and Shayla fought."

  "Is it true Freyja would have killed my parents if she'd found them?" Blain's voice was dangerously soft.

  "She would have killed them and you. Even though you were nothing but an innocent child." Afton ran her hand through Blain's long hair. The thought of anyone hurting him was abhorrent to her.

  Blain turned to face her. "I want to see the Order and meet these people. It must have almost killed my parents to have left their world and run here. They must have constantly hidden everything from everyone. The same way they hid everything about themselves from me. I remember traveling a lot. It seemed we never stayed anywhere very long until we got here."

  "Something about this place must have made your parents want to stay. I can't imagine having grown up outside the Order. Especially since Shayla began to rule. She's wise and fair in all things, Blain. She would never have threatened your parents in such a way that they'd feel compelled to run or be forever parted from one another. She's much more open-minded and equitable. But she can be provoked."

  "You were afraid the other day when you told me more about who I was. You were actually trembling," Blain said, remembering how he'd felt the need to protect her.

  Shayla wanted to expose you to your heritage. It was her place to do so, not mine. I don't really believe she would ever do me physical harm, but there are things she could make me do when we get home that are quite odious. Certain chores I don't like. I've quite overstepped my boundaries, and she'll be furious." She sighed and pushed her hair back.

  "It was my fault for goading you. If I'd known you weren't feeding me a load of malarkey, I'd have been a damned site more patient."

  "Are you really all right with this, Blain?" She gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

  "It's part of me. How can I deny it? I'm only sorry my parents felt they had to run all of their lives or be persecuted for loving one another. It seems no matter what world it is, some things don't change."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Whether it's in this alternate world called the Order or in the one I learned to call reality, people are still prejudiced. Do you think your people will accept me, Afton? Will their old beliefs keep me from learning more about the Order, or will I be hunted the way my parents were?"

  "No, Blain!" Afton knelt beside him. "Shayla would never allow any of those past prejudices to harm or restrict you. She came here to bring you back, to give you the chance to know what your heritage is. No one will counter her wishes."

  He placed a hand alongside Afton's face. "Do you think it will be that easy, honey? Do you think Shayla can change people's feelings just by telling them to think differently? I'm from the outside world, after all."

  Afton covered his hand with one of hers. What could she say to assure him of something she wasn't so certain about herself.

  Before she could come up with an answer, he sighed and said, "I'd better try to change back into human form. Heaven help me if I can't."

  "I don't know how to help you do it, Blain. I don't have shape shifting abilities."

  He took a deep breath and slowly released it. "Then I'm on my own."

  Blain stood and backed away from Afton. His heart was beating so hard he was sure she must hear it. If he couldn't change back, his future would be limited to hiding on the farm. There would be no escape for him anywhere. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. In his mind, a picture formed of his human half. Heaviness engulfed him, like a weight being placed on his entire body. It was so difficult to bear that he fell to his knees.

  The next thing he heard was Afton's voice calling to him and telling him that everything was over. He opened his eyes and tried to focus. Without his fairy alter ego's night vision, everything was black as onyx around him.

  "Blain, it worked. You're back the way you were before. You did it!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

  "It feels like something's pulling me into the ground," he moaned.

  "That's probably because you aren't yet used to what's happening to you. Fairies are air creatures. They have the ability to fly for very short distances, and they're stronger than humans."

  "Fly? Why didn't you tell me that earlier?"

  "I was afraid you'd try it and get hurt. You need to be with your own kind before attempting something like that. Now, we have to get back to the house. If Shayla or Hugh wake up and find us missing, we'll be in for it."

  "Hugh won't mind. He's used to me being out at odd hours."

  "With Rhiannon?" Afton asked. She stood up and threw Blain his clothing then turned so he could dress.

  "Yeah. Hugh told you all about my relationship with her, didn't he?"

  Afton shrugged and tried to act as though that particular subject was of no concern. "He mentioned something about her."

  Blain continued to dress. Afton probably thought he was chasing after her and having Rhi on the side. At the moment, however, there were more pressing problems to deal with than his love life. And finding out he was a fairy was pretty pressing.

  Afton wrung her hands and let out a long breath. "Shayla will have a piece of me for this."

  Blain finished buttoning up his shirt and put his hands on her shoulders, turning her to face him." Don't worry, Afton. We won't tell her anything about it."

  "She's going to know, Blain. You can't hide something like this from the Sorceress "

  "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it Right now, let's take my truck and get back to the farm I'll turn off the lights and coast up to the house so we won't bring attention to ourselves "

  When he tried to walk, the heaviness he felt caused him to stumble With Afton's help, he made it to the truck They made the short drive in silence Afton didn't seem any more anxious to discuss what had happened than he It was too overwhelming at the moment

  By the time they got back to the farmhouse, he almost felt like his old self again He wondered what his life was going to be like from now on He'd sprouted wings like a dragonfly' What was next?

  Before they got out of the truck, Blain put an index finger to his lips to warn Afton to be quiet They carefully opened the car doors and made it to the porch, but t
hen the lights came on inside the house

  "Oh, no' Shayla's awake," Afton whispered

  "We'll just have to make something up, then "

  "That won't work She'll sense something's wrong and grill us both with questions until our feelings give us away " Afton shoved her hair back, and an idea suddenly popped into her head She turned to Blain, stood on tiptoe and pulled him down to her level

  "What the " Blain began.

  Afton kissed him as hard as she could. To steady himself against the unexpected embrace, Blain wrapped his arms around her Afton could sense his complete confusion, but she kept kissing him all the same

  "What are you two up to?" Shayla asked as she opened the front door and glared at them.

  Afton broke away from the kiss and pushed herself away from Blain "Uh sorry, Shayla. We were just uh,"

  "I can see what you were doing, young lady Get up to your room this minute," she ordered, her gaze lowering to the hem of Afton's torn Druid robe

  Afton nodded and started to walk away, but Blain grabbed her arm to stop her. "Look, Shayla, I don't know what kind of hold you have over Afton, but you can't just order her around like that. She's a grown woman. She has every right to be out with me or anyone else she chooses. She doesn't have to answer to you."

  "Don't test me, Blain McTavish. I'm not in the mood," Shayla responded, angrily.

  "Blain, stop," Afton placed a hand on his chest. "It's all right. I'll see you in the morning."

  Shayla waited until Afton walked into the house. Then, she stepped out onto the porch. "What have you two done?" she asked.

  Blain saw the queenly arch of her brow and decided to do what Afton had and retreat. "I don't want to discuss this with you. It's between Afton and me. Now, If you don't mind, I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

  Blain walked to his room, but he'd never felt less like sleeping in his entire life. Everything that had happened suddenly hit him in the face like a wall of cold water. He was a damned fairy! Things like him weren't supposed to exist. What other creatures existed that he knew nothing about? And what in the world was that act Afton had staged? If it was to throw Shayla off, it was debatable whether it worked. But it had certainly thrown him for a loop. He could still feel her lips against his. A second more and he would have been responding quite ardently.

  But that kind of relationship would only cause more confusion. Everything in his world was in chaos. How could he go on living a normal life with the kind of knowledge he now possessed? According to what Afton had told him, mingling with other members of this so-called Order was acceptable. Mingling with anyone outside it might get him killed. That meant any normal plans he'd made for himself were out of the question. So what was he supposed to do now?


  By Friday morning, Afton despaired of getting to see Blain alone. Both Shayla and Hugh watched her like beady-eyed owls. Obviously, they knew something had happened, but hadn't yet figured out what. The Solstice would be upon them by Saturday. Both of them would know then what she'd done with her conjuring.

  As afraid as she was, she was conscious of the fact that a few of her powers had never been so strong. And that left her with a feeling of elation. Back in England, she had never been able to complete the ritual vision circle. Yet she'd done it for Blain. It had drained her, but she'd still accomplished the task. What was different here that gave her the necessary focus she hadn't had back home? She believed it wasn't the place so much as the person who'd been involved.

  She was walking away from the herb garden and into the woods when the sensation of being watched came over her.

  "Afton, it's me," Blain said as he stepped from behind a large bush. "I finally gave Hugh the slip by telling him Shayla needed something done in the kitchen. Where's Shayla?"

  "When they met in the hallway to talk, I slipped out the front door toward the woods." She paused to look behind her No one was following either of them. "So you're the reason I was able to get out of the house?"

  "Yeah. The two of them are bound and determined to keep you and me from being alone. I can't figure out why." Blain ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

  "I wasn't aware they were watching you, too. I'm sorry. I'm afraid it's my fault."

  "What do you mean?"

  "When I kissed you the way I did, I knew you'd radiate confusion and surprise. Shayla picked up on that instead of what we'd been doing in the woods. She dislikes it when she thinks people are hiding things."

  "So the kiss was just a diversion?" He felt a twinge of disappointment.

  "Yes. Shayla has extraordinary powers, and I didn't feel like answering her questions."

  "I still don't know why they're following us like hunting dogs. What have we done that's so wrong?"

  "If I were Shayla and didn't know whether you'd accept your place m the Order, I wouldn't want you becoming involved with someone who was a member of it," Afton explained.

  "Like you?" he asked.


  "Well this crap has got to stop! I've only tolerated Hugh following me as long as he has because I know he respects Shayla and takes orders from her. But this is my land, and they're in my house. You and I are adults, and they'd better get used to leaving us alone."

  "Blain, please don't anger Shayla. You don't know what she's capable of. She's been far more lenient than I've ever known her to be. Don't push her." Afton put her hand on Blain's arm and gazed pleadingly into his eyes.

  "If she's the fair and just leader you've told me she is, then she should be able to handle the truth. I'm going in that house right now and let her know that I'm fully aware of who and what I am."

  "Then you' d better know the rest as well," Afton said softly.

  Blain regarded her suspiciously. "What else is there?"

  "She and Hugh think someone's after you. And so do I."

  "Do you want to explain what that's supposed to mean?" Blain crossed his arms over his chest and scowled.

  "When Hugh found you, he contacted Shayla. He convinced her to wait a few weeks before coming to meet you herself. Hugh wanted to get to know you, to see how much your parents had told you about your heritage and whether you'd be receptive to finding out about the Order. In the time between meeting you and Shayla's arrival, he learned that someone was trying to harm you."

  "Along with everything else that's happened, I'm supposed to have some kind of enemy? Why? I've never done anything to anyone." Blain held his hands out in frustration.

  "Do you remember feeling tired? As if something was draining your energy? Do you remember passing out on the floor of your room?"

  Blain turned his back on her and ran his hands through his hair. Of course he remembered those things, though he'd attributed it to too much physical labor and a deteriorating mental state. It also occurred to him that many of those physical problems left soon after the two English women invaded his life. But, conversely, his mental anxiety had grown.

  He turned back to face her "Was someone using magic on me? Is that what you're saying?"

  "Yes. We found evidence of black magic being conjured, and you're not safe yet" Afton moved closer to him. "You found that same evidence I saw you burning some of it one day."

  He sighed in frustration. "What else?"

  "Hugh and Shayla think someone may be using this evil magic either out of revenge or because they're trying to gain control of your blended powers. It may be that someone knows what you are."

  "Except for the ability to turn into a damned fairy, as if that isn't enough, I don't know that I have any powers. And how could anybody know what I was before I did?" He paused to think. "I don't know why I'd have any enemies. This is all too crazy." He began to pace. "Why didn't Hugh tell me any of this sooner? Why didn't you7"

  "You said it yourself. You wouldn't have believed us I had to take you into the woods and conjure a vision circle before you'd understand. I think you would have eventually denied what you'd seen if not for the fact that your body changed."

>   "Tell me one more thing." He pulled her to him. "Have you, Shayla and Hugh had something to do with the disappearance of the weakness I've been suffering?"

  She nodded "We've been putting herbs into your food and placing objects around the farm to keep you and your livestock safe "

  "That's why I've been finding branches of yew, ash and oak on the stall doors in the barn, and why you gave me the amethyst, isn't it?"

  Afton saw his hand touch something beneath his shirt and knew he wore the pouch containing the fairy stone "Yes The night you passed out, we found a lock of your hair bound with a black thread in your room Someone was trying to place a binding spell on you, and they needed something very personal to make the spell work. Obviously, whoever is doing this has access to your property. They can come and go as they please, and they can mask their powers from us. But Shayla believes they can't do so forever."

  Blain wasn't sure if he wanted to believe any of what she was saying. But how could he not believe? The evidence that magic existed was undeniable. All he had to do was remember sprouting wings in the woods.

  "I still don't see what anyone could gain by harming me. I'm not even sure who I am anymore. After finally getting one whole hour of sleep, I woke up wondering what was and wasn't real. I don't understand anything," he said as he sat upon a nearby rock and placed his head in his hands.

  Afton could see that everything was beginning to overwhelm him, and she wondered just how much he could take before the control he'd exhibited deserted him. She moved closer to him and pulled him into her embrace. It was a gesture of concern and friendship. But Blain responded by hugging her back with an urgency born of fear. He might be a strong hulking figure of a man, but his life was drastically changing minute by minute. All she wanted to do was comfort him in some small way and let him know he wasn't alone. It comforted her to know he wore the fairy stone she'd given him. It would help protect him as well as calm him a little.

  Blain clung to Afton. The world and all its realities were rapidly disappearing and being replaced by magic, ethereal forest creatures and things best left in dreams and nightmares. One of them could be out to destroy him. He couldn't fight what he didn't know, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know any more than he already did. He buried his head against Afton's chest and let her sweet presence fill him with a little peace.


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