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The Gazing Globe

Page 21

by Candace Sams

  Later that day, he retrieved his battle axe from its forest resting place. He went to the clearing where he was sure he'd be seen. There, he practiced with it and every other weapon he could get his hands on. He wanted to make sure that if anyone was thinking of challenging him for Afton, they'd think twice about doing so. Lore had told him these fights were no longer to the death, but he wanted to establish his abilities publicly.

  It was three in the afternoon when he had the sudden urge to either fight or run. It was like some switch inside him had been flipped to survival mode. Lore and others of the fairy faction stormed from the woods, but he knew they were coming before they ever got to his location. The doomsday feeling came back and crashed down on him like a wall. It was so overpowering he almost sank to the ground with the weight of it. This was what he'd been waiting for. The horrendous event had finally arrived. That certain evil he had sensed so many times before crawled through the forest like a disease. But as the instinct to protect flooded him, he pulled himself together and prepared to fight. He knew he could kill if he had to. He saw the fairies were all carrying the same kinds of weapons he'd been practicing with, but this was no practice. It was real.

  "Blain, come quickly," Lore called and motioned to him. "Something's happened on the far side of the forest. Pluck's been injured. We need everyone there."

  Without pausing, Blain picked up his axe and followed the other fairies. Their faces were filled with trepidation They were rapidly joined by other factions of creatures, and it took all of them several hours to get to Pluck's location The growth was thick in some places and the paths were very narrow. Some of the fairies were able to use their wings and glide short distances over the most difficult parts where thickets and thorns grew He even mimicked them and was able to do so as well But centuries of never using such powers had genetically weakened them all Flying even a short distance seemed to sap the fairies' strength more than walking did, so they stuck to the earth most of the time

  As they moved on, he finally got up the courage to ask someone about Pluck. But no one seemed to know what had happened Lore didn't look as if he were in any mood to talk about anything. The man's face was a mask of fury and rage. Apparently, whatever had taken place wasn't an accident. Blain could have told them that. It had to do with the blackness that was now invading their forest home He only hoped friendly little Pluck was all right.

  When they finally reached the other side of the woods, Blain saw the O'Malley family standing in a circle. Afton was on her knees beside a small figure in the grass Concern for her caused him to push his way forward.

  What he saw sickened him. Kind little Pluck lay in the grass, a large, bloody gash in his chest. But the bleeding seemed to have stopped

  "Pluck. Oh, Pluck," Afton cried.

  "Did anyone see what happened?" Lore searched the faces in the growing crowd.

  "Pluck was guarding the northern entrance to the forest I went to the west I heard him cry out and found him like this," Gawain explained. "I would have moved him, but he was in too much pain I thought it best to leave him where he could rest rather than risk making him worse."

  "The Sorceress is here, let her pass," someone in the crowd announced.

  The crowd parted, and Shayla and Hugh walked forward. Shayla knelt beside Afton and placed a hand on Pluck's chest

  "He's alive. You did the right thing in letting him rest against the earth, Gawain. Remaining in contact with it renewed some of his strength and stopped the bleeding. Had you moved him when he was first injured, he would have died," Shayla explained as she gently stroked the unconscious elf's cheek.

  "He's been resting for some time. Will it be safe to move him now?" Gawain asked.

  "We'll have to. Something tells me he won't be secure in this place much longer. Take him to the nearest cottage." Shayla looked around the woods and pulled her cloak tightly around her body.

  Gawain moved forward and lifted the small man. Blain watched him walk away, wondering what could possibly have happened to have hurt Pluck so seriously. But he knew it had something to do with the dark presence he sensed. Who could hurt a man, then move away so that a Druid couldn't have seen or heard anything? Pluck's elf powers, whatever those were, hadn't helped him avoid this injury.

  Shayla pulled Afton to her. "I want you to concentrate. You're the person Pluck most cares for. Together, you and I might be able to sense what happened."

  "You know this was no ordinary mishap, Sorceress. Someone attacked him." Lore glanced around the area. Searching for any clue.

  "Yes. But we must be certain before any Blaine is assigned," Shayla warned.

  Suddenly, Blain felt sick. Weakness engulfed him. It was the same feeling he'd had when he'd been hexed back in New England. He shook his head to fight off the feeling, but it became more intense as the seconds passed. He would have said something about the sickness, but it was an impairment he didn't want to display in front of these people, particularly under the present circumstances. Pluck was hurt and that needed to be addressed before his own physical problems. He could, however, relate what he knew to be most important.

  "Someone was here, Shayla. Someone with powers like those used on me back in the States," Blain said.

  Everyone turned to look at him. Shayla walked to where he stood. "Tell me," she commanded.

  "Whoever it was, they're still nearby. I can feel it." He knew he was connected with whoever this presence was. The others weren't. Despite his illness, they needed him to stay strong.

  Without waiting another second, Shayla began to take action. "Fairies, take the northern path and search every clearing and glen. Those of the Druid factions go to the west and take Gawain with you after he has seen to Pluck. Everyone else spread out to the east and south. We meet back here when the search is complete. If anyone finds anything, relay a signal through the woods immediately. Take no chances. Hugh, you and Afton stay with me and Blain," Shayla ordered.

  At her bidding, the entire assemblage moved in their assigned directions. Blain could see raw anger in their faces. That anyone would attack and hurt Pluck so grievously was inhuman. He felt angry himself. The little man had only been guarding. Who would want to hurt him?

  "I know now that Hannah Biddies wasn't the only enemy you had," Shayla told him.

  "Even if that's true, how could anyone have found me here?" If the elf had been hurt because of him, then no one around him would be safe. And that included Afton.

  Shayla took Blain's arm. "Someone with the kind of black powers we're speaking of could find you anywhere if they wanted you badly enough. And, for a time, they could hide their presence from us. How do you feel? And don't try to hide anything from me."

  Blain shook his head. "Like someone or something's sapping my strength again."

  Afton moved beside him and took one of his hands in hers. He looked into her eyes and saw tears of pain for Pluck and concern for him.

  "Don't worry, Afton. Whoever hurt Pluck will pay. I promise!"

  "Come with us, Blain. We need to get to the center of the forest again. We're too close to the edge here. Outsiders might see us," Shayla explained.

  They trudged back the length of the forest, to the large clearing. Even though hours had gone by, the feeling of weakness was increasing. He tried to shake it, but it was getting worse. The evil power attacking him was stronger and more crushing than anything he'd felt back in Maine. He tried to keep Afton from knowing how bad off he was, but she wouldn't be fooled.

  "Please stop, Shayla. Blain can't take much more." Afton wrapped one arm around Blain's waist as he leaned against a tree.

  "I.. .can...go on," Blain gasped.

  "Don't be daft, lad, you're shivering. We'll stop here. Lass, start us a fire, will you?" Hugh asked as he took Afton's place to support Blain. Then he took Blain's battle axe and leaned it against a nearby tree.

  As Hugh helped Blain to the ground, Shayla placed a hand on his forehead and shook her head. "I've never seen any conjuring so powe
rful. Someone wants Blain very badly. Whoever it is injured Pluck to get past him. Unless we find them, this will continue until Blain grows so ill he won't be able to move."

  "Perhaps that's what someone wants. Maybe they want us to stay put," Afton suggested.

  Shayla looked at Afton. "Explain."

  "Maybe we should try to wait here. See what happens."

  "We'll have to. Blain is almost unconscious," Hugh said, concern for his nephew thick in his voice.

  Afton turned and began to gather small stones to circle a fire and wood to fuel it. When she finished, she raised her hands and quickly had a bright blaze burning.

  "She's something. Isn't she?" Blain rasped as he watched Afton's efforts.

  "Shhhh, darling. Don't talk. Just rest." Afton knelt beside him and pulled his head against her shoulder. She stroked his long hair away from his face and kissed him tenderly. Nothing must happen to him. Nothing.

  "Good, Afton. Stay with him. Hugh and I will search the immediate area, but we won't be more than a short distance away. If you see anything, call us."

  "Be careful," she called out as they left.

  "Afton, I love you. You know that don't your' Blain opened his eyes to look up at her. His voice was no more than a whisper.

  "Yes, my heart. I know. I love you, too. Now, rest." Afton caressed his cheek and tried not to cry. He needed her to be strong

  "You're so gorgeous "

  "Hush, Blain. You have to sleep." He was weakening so much Afton wasn't sure if he knew what was happening or what he was saying any more. She could hear Hugh and Shayla as they moved farther away and pushed undergrowth aside. They were searching for anything that might give them a clue as to what was happening or who was doing this. Whoever it was, they'd have to kill her before getting to Blain. And she'd destroy whoever tried.

  Without warning, Blain opened his eyes and sat up. It was as though he'd been jerked into position. She saw him reach for the battle axe, and it appeared he was using his fairy powers to order up the very last dregs of his strength.

  "Get behind me, Afton!" He quickly got to his feet.

  "Blain, what's happening?"

  "Do it now!" Blain brought his axe up, ready to swing. His enhanced eyesight scanned the nearby tree line.

  Afton did as she was told, but only so far as to stand back and to the side of him. If something was about to happen, she'd add her strength to his. Blain wouldn't have to fight without her help.

  From behind a nearby tree, a strange mist appeared. It floated toward them ominously. Blain held his axe tightly.

  Afton watched as a fierce expression covered his face. "Shayla, Hugh," she called

  "Don't waste your breath, Afton. I don't think they can hear us," Blain growled. "Besides, I know who it is now." He could sense her malevolent presence. How could he not have known?

  "Recognize me do you, lover?" a voice whispered from the mist.

  "Show yourself, Rhiannon. Stop playing games," Blain demanded.

  "Rhiannon? What are you talking about?" Afton stared at him, convinced he'd lost his mind.

  "It seems your anemic little sweetheart doesn't remember me, Blain. But then we only met for a few moments."

  "Show yourself," Blain repeated.

  "All right. Here I am," the voice from the mist murmured.

  Blain backed away, pulling Afton with him. From the center of the mist a shape emerged. The clear outline of a woman formed, and Rhiannon stepped forward. She was wearing a long black gown. There was a bloodied knife tucked in her belt. The smile she gave Blain was menacing. He saw her lips curl cruelly, and he wondered how he could have ever thought her beautiful. She was an evil, grotesque aberration. He could feel her depravity like a disease surrounding him. His weakness was quickly dissipating. Whether it was because she had halted her torture on his senses, or because his anger was too great, he couldn't be sure. In one hand, she held a staff which had a crystal ball mounted on the top. Her palm gripped it until her knuckles turned white, indicating her fury. Blain watched her movements closely as he gripped the handle of his axe with equal force.

  "You almost killed a friend of mine." Blain glared at her and thought of Pluck's horrible wound.

  "What? That insignificant little toad?" She tapped the knife in her belt. "He was nothing. None of these rejects from a fairytale mean anything to me." She tilted her head and considered Blain in his fairy form. "Speaking of fairytales, I see you've joined Shayla's little band of merry men and women. Those wings are quite lovely. I think I'll mount them over a fireplace in the castle."

  "Don't even think about it," Afton growled. "And you're going to be sorry for hurting Pluck. He didn't deserve what you did to him, you savage." She would have lunged for the woman, but Blain held her back.

  "Ah, yes. I remember that night at Blain's party, and how the little white Druid showed her claws." Rhiannon paused.

  "Well, let's see how well she does fighting a woman with real power."

  Rhiannon raised her staff and pointed it toward Afton A beam of white energy shot from it and struck Afton in the chest. The force knocked Afton to her knees.

  "Afton!" Blain knelt to help her.

  "I'm all right. It'll take more than that to do me in," she bravely rallied.

  "That was nothing compared to what I'll do to you when I'm through dealing with Blain. He's the real reason I'm here." Rhiannon circled them slowly.

  "You're behind everything that happened at the farm aren't you, Rhiannon?" Afton glared at her. "Hannah Biddies was working for you wasn't she?"

  "It was actually the other way around. I worked for Hannah and actually called her Mistress. 1 tried to tell her what she was doing wouldn't work, but she was a fool. Just like him." Rhiannon motioned toward the woods, and Reverend Myers stepped forward.

  From the look on the man's face, Blain could tell he was under Rhiannon's power. His eyes stared into the distance, and he moved mechanically. Myers either couldn't or wouldn't make a sound. It was as though he was in some kind of zombie-like state from which he couldn't awaken.

  Rhiannon waved a hand in a contemptuous gesture. "Hannah's powers were really quite mediocre. All those stupid little hexes. She was careless, fell for Shayla's trap and got caught. And I used her just like I'm using the Reverend. I can make him do anything I want and never have to take the Blaine for his actions. He's not calling me names anymore."

  "I don't understand, Rhiannon. What's this all about? What do you want from me?" Blain tried to keep his attention on both Myers and Rhiannon. He didn't know what to expect from either of them.

  Rhiannon gave him a sarcastic smirk. "I could say I just wanted you for the wonderful sex. I'm afraid all good things come to an end sooner or later " She affected a sigh. "Such is life. But all that lovemaking was just a ploy to get you away from the house and your uncle so Hannah and I could weaken you. Hannah just wanted Shayla to come to your aid. You see, a long time ago, Hannah's older sister died trying to keep her place as Sorceress of the Ancients."

  "Freyja was Hannah's older sister?" Afton whispered.

  "That's right, little girl," Rhiannon derisively replied. "But when Freyja died, Hannah believed she should have succeeded her for control of the Order. She believed it was her birthright, but the Order chose to let a usurper be their Sorceress. Freyja had the right idea all along, though. The only way to rule is to make sure the laws are strictly obeyed. And the only way to make sure the laws are obeyed is through fear. That's how to truly to maintain control over so many magical beings. Any of the Order who breaks the law should die, and allowing factions to intermingle their blood is breaking the law. Freyja knew it, and Hannah knew it as well."

  "If Hannah thought she could do a better job as Sorceress, she could have challenged Shayla," Afton said. "That's one of the laws, too. Or maybe the only laws Hannah would have enforced are those she deemed worthy. She and Freyja wanted to keep the power in their bloodline. Is that it?"

  "That's the way it should be. Shayla has
no right to rule. She won that battle by cheating," Rhiannon angrily responded. "That's the only possible way she could ever have defeated Freyja. Hannah knew that, and she knew she'd be cheated in any fight as well. So she didn't challenge for the leadership." Rhiannon paused a moment, and then she continued. "The day that fight took place, Hannah saw Freyja would lose. She and a few others left the Order. Some of Hannah's cohorts altered the records of who died that day in all the fighting, so no one even thought she was alive. But all that was years ago. Now the Order has a weak, useless Sorceress. Shayla isn't feared as Freyja was, and members of the Order should fear the position of Sorceress of the Ancients. Whoever holds that title is a Goddess. She can make laws and enforce them as she pleases, and one of the laws that should have been enforced had to do with his parents." Rhiannon pointed at Blain. "Blood shouldn't be mixed the way his is. It defiles the Order."

  "You're not even arguing rationally. All you want is to have your way whatever the cost. You want to kill Blain the way Freyja and Hannah would have," Afton declared.

  "Actually, it was Hannah's idea to go after Blain Though it took her years, she used the black arts to find out where he and his family were hiding But she didn't want Blain to die quickly She wanted revenge His parents' resistance to the law is what eventually cost Freyja her position as Sorceress and her life When Syndra and Arthur defied Freyja and successfully hid themselves from her in the outside world, others began to resist Freyja's commands as well That was the beginning of the end for her "

  "That explains Freyja's and Hannah's actions, but what about you, Rhiannon? What has all this got to do with you?" Blain asked

  "Hannah wasn't just my Mistress, though that's what she forced me to call her. She was my mother. Jediah was my father." She shrugged "I, as Freyja's direct and only living descendent, should now be Sorceress Mother—Hannah— became too impatient, moved in at the wrong time and got herself killed Unfortunately, I have to finish the job here With Shayla's warriors all over the place, it will be much harder, but I will succeed "


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