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The Left Behind Bride

Page 20

by Mahrie G. Reid

  Fashions & Games of the 1920s and

  The 1920s and 1930s Catalogues,

  The Origins and Growth of the Canadian Customs Preventive Service Fleet in the Maritime Provinces and Eastern Quebec, 1892-1932, David J. McDougall

  Funeral History

  Other Acknowledgements

  Victoria General Hospital, Rules for Nurses Homes, Victoria General Hospital School of Nursing Archives, Halifax, NS, Stephens, Gloria, VGH Archives Manager, VGH GRAD – CLASS 1953

  Niford, Lucy (Mosher) (age 95), Interview facilitated by Cane, Wanda, Riverport Memories,

  BY Authority of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Book of COMMON ORDER, Oxford University Press – Funeral Reading and Interment

  An avid reader, Mahrie often read twelve books a week. Her second love was the history of her home province of Nova Scotia and this, her fifth books gave her the opportunity to write a story inspired by her mother and set in Nova Scotia in 1929. She is pleased to have this, the tenth book in the Canadian Historical Brides Collection published by BWL Publishers.

  Her Caleb Cove Mystery Series has four published books: Came Home Dead, Came Home to a Killing, Came Home too Late, and Came Home from the Grave. She’s also published articles, poems and short stories, belonged to writing groups and presented conferences. Currently she offers workshops in the Calgary area and mentors newer writers.

  She lives north of Calgary, Alberta with her hubby and a cat called Kotah.




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