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No Remorse No Regret

Page 31

by Ian Worrall

  Melissa signed a full confession to the murders of the rapists as part of her immunity deal. Thank God there were no innocents killed.

  Snapping out of her daydream, there are eight heavily armed agents guarding her as she looks out over the Black Rock Desert in Nevada on the TV. She can take in a view of the outside world with the security cameras. The male and female agents are drinking coffee on the sundeck, keeping up appearances as a married couple in their vacation home.

  “Hey agent,” Melissa says to the one sitting in the kitchen.

  “Yeah, what?” he asks.

  “How about a beer? Or a shot of rum?”

  “Be thankful that all you get while here is juice or milk.”

  Melissa turns away from him, and turns the channel away from the security camera view of the sundeck to one on the driveway and then one to the back door of the house. Then back to the twenty-four-hour news channel. Other than re-runs it’s the only thing available here. Three months to the trial and this is what there is to look forward to.

  A desert location like this won’t be so bad to live in. I can see anything and anyone in all directions. No one can sneak up on me. With the right security system, maybe get a dog. Lots of women said a dog was better than a boyfriend. Loves you without expecting anything but to be fed, played with, and given head and belly rubs. Always good to plan for the future.

  They say the US Marshalls have never lost someone under their protection. But then there’s always a first time. Hopefully Danil and the rest of his people will all die in prison and never get to me. I will keep up my training somehow because the day might come when I need it again.

  She changes the channel and the first episode of Eddie Stiles’ TV show comes on. Looking down at the coffee table her eyes fix on the engagement ring Eddie had given her ten years ago. It was found in the trophies Colton had kept of his victims. As the tears well up in her eyes, she puts her head in her hands then bends over pressing her face into the table.


  D anil sits down at the prison phones. Opposite him on the other side of the window is Oleg, one of the few who didn’t get caught up in the raids.

  “Is she here to witness it?” he asks.

  Oleg shakes his head. “She’s in WITSEC with the US Marshalls. She has likely been told not to come to keep her identity a secret. We haven’t found her.”

  Today is the day that Colton Harris is to be executed by lethal injection. The victim’s families have all gathered around to see justice done.

  “We’ve got the plan to break you out,” Oleg says. “A chopper is waiting. Just give us the word.”

  “Find the little cunt first. After everything I did for her. Rescued her from death, trained her to strike back, and she puts me in here.”

  “Your holdings in Russia are still secure. Once you’re out.”

  Danil taps the glass, “Once I’m out, I have a plan to bait her to come to me. Maybe wait six months from now. After he’s dead, she might get complacent. But keep people on the lookout for her. She’s always liked skiing, so find a ski chalet in Aspen or Whistler. Either that or someplace close to a nice beach. Like any hot piece of ass, that girl likes to sun herself.”

  Oleg taps his fingers on the ledge.

  “See if you can find out which Marshalls’ office would have a live feed to the execution,” Danil says.

  “Already ahead of you. Every single one has one. They were one step ahead of us on this. A lot of them want to see that bastard go to hell.”

  Ironically, the two gangsters don’t seem to realize that is probably where they’re headed when they die. A lot of criminals seem to think they’re justified in what they do.

  * * *

  Melissa is sitting in her local US Marshalls’ office. She was brought in hiding in the back of the SUV driven by her handler. They had her hiding in the back because they figured that contacts in the Russian Mafia would be watching US Marshalls’ offices all over the country. Who knew how far a guy who could find and kill Melissa would climb in that organization. Although, with the gutting of the Russian Mafia thanks to Melissa’s testimony, it wouldn’t be difficult to climb the ladder anyway.

  In Arizona, there are not a lot of ski hills like she said she wanted to be relocated to. But on advice of the Marshalls, she realized that Danil’s contacts would be looking for her at places she had always wanted to go. With a ten-million-dollar bounty on her head for turning the state’s witness against Danil and the Russian Mafia, a girl can never be too careful.

  She is here to witness the execution of one of the men who made her into what she was. The Drowner is to die today. With the new Federal Expedited Execution Law specifically created for serial killers, he was never able to appeal his death sentence. She saw news footage of him begging for clemency. Funny how he begged for his life just like all his victims. Now he’ll know what it’s like to have someone have the power of life and death over him.

  She enters the meeting room where the thirty-two-inch TV is turned on with a live feed to the empty execution chamber. “Tell me they didn’t kill him already, did they?”

  “No,” one of the Marshalls says. “It will be another twenty minutes. Just waiting to see if the Governor of Florida is willing to commute his sentence to life.”

  Melissa looks around smiling about the twenty heavily armed officers. All decked out in the full combat gear. Helmets, assault rifles at the ready and body armor. She points to them. “All that for a little girl like me?”

  The Marshall laughs and waves his hand across the table as Melissa smiles at him. “All that for a ‘little girl’ who killed about a hundred people.”

  “Well, if you check my file, they were all bad, weren’t they?” Melissa counters.

  The Marshall shrugs his shoulders as he turns away from her. “Fair enough.”

  With that, the condemned man is wheeled into the execution chamber, still wearing the casts on his leg and arm from the fight with Melissa. He is lifted out of the chair as he tries to struggle against four burly guards he is no match for.

  “No, please!” he screams. “This is cold-blooded murder! You have no right to take my life from me!”

  Melissa grimaces. “Is this how the women you killed begged for their lives?”

  Colton Harris is placed on the gurney. The four guards hold his limbs down as a fifth begins securing the straps.

  He continues screaming at the medical techs as two IV tubes are inserted into his arm. He is then connected to a heart monitor. The saline drip is started when the prison warden nods his head to the technician.

  “Please, this is wrong!” he screams.

  The prison chaplain walks over to him, “May your soul come into the Kingdom of God tonight, my son.” Not believing that it will. “Make your peace with God. Do you have any last words?”

  The gurney is tilted so he can address the families of his victims.

  “Yeah,” Colton yells. “You can all suck my cock.”

  The chaplain turns away from him shaking his head. “Your soul will be in hell then.”

  The warden nods his head at the technician as Colton is tilted back down to lay flat. The technician starts the dose for the pentobarbital. Thirty seconds later, the condemned man is unconscious. Next, the pancuronium bromide is administered, stopping the breathing within another thirty seconds. At last, the final drug, potassium chloride, is administered and the heart rate monitor goes silent sixty seconds later.

  A medical doctor checks the now-dead serial killer and announces, “For the record, death has occurred at three forty-one p.m., local time.”

  “Better death than what he deserved,” Melissa says standing up from her chair.

  “That could have been you,” the Marshall says turning to her.

  “Yeah, but it wasn’t.”

  As they transfer Colton’s body from the execution table to a gurney and cover it with a sheet Melissa looks on stoically. Have I really accomplished anything in life? she asks herse

  Before she gets up from the conference table she pulls an envelope out of her pocket. The address is for Eddie Stiles. She hands it to the Marshall. “Can you make sure he gets his grandmother’s engagement ring back?”

  The Marshall nods as Melissa leaves with her escort.

  * * *

  Walking along the beach outside of Jackie’s apartment building, Ron leans down and kisses her on the top of her head. Jackie looks up and kisses him back.

  “So, your application to the FBI was successful?” he asks.


  “As was mine to fly for United.”

  Jackie stands on her toes to kiss him.

  “I want to cut to the chase. You and I are meant to be together and you know it.”

  He gets down on one knee and takes out a small box, opening it to show the ring.

  “Will you marry me?”


  Ron puts his arms around her waist and stands up, lifting Jackie off the sand.

  Get Melissa In Training for free

  I hope you enjoyed No Remorse No Regret. If you’d like to know how Melissa faired in the days after she was rescued, the two part story is available here:

  About The Author

  Ian Worrall lives in Nova Scotia, Canada. He enjoys training in martial arts, playing drums, has recently taken up archery as a hobby and he is one of the biggest Iron Maiden fans ever. Working different jobs with a dream of writing and publishing a novel. This book, No Remorse No Regret is his first novel.

  Connect with Ian here:


  Twitter: @scotiawriter





  Thank you for reading No Remorse No Regret!

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  Dedicated to my Mom and Dad, Carole and Brian Worrall, who supported everything I did. I wish you had lived long enough to see this goal accomplished.

  I would also like to dedicate this to all the struggling writers and anyone fighting to keep their dreams alive. I offer you this wisdom from Winston Churchill,

  “Never, never, never give up.”


  I would like to express my gratitude to all my friends who supported me in while I was writing the book

  My very first writing mentor Bruce McKenna, you really helped me become a writer.

  My editing team Monica Dennis and Julia Telfer and of course my friend Ja War who hooked me up with them on Facebook.

  All the Facebook writing and author groups that I am a member of:

  Self Publishing Mastermind Community

  Selling For Authors

  Indie Author Group

  Reach More Readers

  If I’ve forgotten anyone I apologize.




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