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Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

Page 4

by Tiece

  “Okay,” Lil Romeo said then handed Felisha the phone back as she looked at him and smiled.

  “Hey, go grab you some cookies. Your milk is already in your cup inside the refrigerator.” She said so that he could leave out of the room to give her a moment of privacy. Once he’d exited the room, she turned her attention back to Mark. “What have you done?”

  “I think I shot O’ and her lover tonight.” He said then started crying.

  Felisha’s eyebrows bunched together in absolute disbelief. “YOU DID WHAT?!”

  “I think I shot O’ and her lover tonight,” he repeated. Just hearing himself repeat it caused lump after lump inside of his throat. The words pained him, to say the least.

  “Okay, slow down. I’m confused.” Felisha said, trying to wrap her brain around what she’d just been told. “What do you mean that you think you shot them? Where did you see them at? Were they together?” Felisha was asking question after question, trying to make some sense out of this horrific news. “Talk to me, Mark!”

  Mark cleared his throat again. This time he was going to tell her the whole story from his point of view. He reluctantly started. “I was heading out of town tonight to clear my head. I just needed some time to breathe a little. I know I’ve not been perfect, but hearing of O’s deceit hit me harder than a brick upside my head. I can’t lie, I was hurt. Hell, I’m still hurt. So, I packed my things to leave Augusta for a week or two.” He said, and then he decided to fill Felisha in on his thoughts as he kept a close eye on his wife. “For two days, I sat back and just watched her. She’d been in one place and that was the hotel she was staying at. Then all of a sudden, I saw that she was leaving.”

  “What do you mean you saw her?” Felisha curiously asked. “Were you outside of her room watching her or something?” At the moment Mark sounded like a deranged psycho and Felisha didn’t like what she was hearing.

  “I admit that I’d put a tracker on her phone months ago. I never caught her doing anything. There was never any suspicious activity so I let it go. Then, she went out of the country and I couldn’t track her there, but when she came back I simply switched the application over to her new phone since we’re still on the same account and there you have it.”

  “Wow,” Felisha commented just above a whisper. “I didn’t think you’d be doing something as foul as that.”

  “Well, I did.” He confessed. “Lately, I’ve done a lot of things that I’m not proud of.” Felisha didn’t say a word, because she knew that one of those things was him doing her. “On my way out of town, I got an alert that O’ was leaving the hotel room. Honestly, all I wanted to do was see her from afar, because I didn’t know how to approach her. Yes I was pissed at her, but I was also pissed at myself. I’d started this sneaking around a long time ago, but couldn’t handle knowing that she’d been doing it too. Maybe a part of me wanted to apologize and see if we could get past it. Then another part of me didn’t want to say anything to her. I just wanted to focus on working on myself so that I could return and put it all on the table.”

  Felisha frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

  “I meant that I was going to come clean about everything.” He said. “I knew that she wouldn’t have wanted me back, but at least my conscious would’ve been clear. I would’ve tried to work my way back in her heart, somehow.” He said like he was trying to convince himself.

  “Okay, whatever,” Felisha cut in. She wasn’t at all interested in hearing about his love for Olivia when she’d been trying to get him to love her like that for years. “What happened with this shooting you’re claiming?”

  “Well, I followed O’ to where she was going. It ended up being at this club. At first, I just figured she was going somewhere to have a few drinks to unwind a little. However, as I’m slowing creeping in the parking lot, I spot her pulling up next to a Bentley. The same burgundy Bentley I saw that day at the hair salon.” Felisha’s eyes grew wider as she listened. “Then, the dude I met that day got out of it and he and O’ shared a kiss.”

  “They did what?” Felisha asked like she didn’t hear him.

  “You heard me,” he stated. “I don’t know what came over me as I sat there in my car watching them. They didn’t even realize that I was there until I swerved up on them.”

  “Oh my God,” Felisha whispered while holding her chest. “What’d you do, Mark?”

  “I got out of the car and I remembered looking at O’s lover in disbelief. I just couldn’t believe that this was the same guy that I saw at the hair salon that day. I mean, I shook hands with this dude and everything. At that moment, I felt like a fool. So, I don’t know.” He said feeling like he didn’t know where to go at that point. “From there the only thing came to mind was to ask her if we could work on our marriage or something and after that, she said no.”

  Felisha’s eyes widened with disbelief. “She said, no.”

  “She said, no.” He admitted. “After that I snapped. I already had my gun in my hand and I just shot at them. I wasn’t trying to shoot them, though. I don’t think I was.”

  “How the hell weren’t you trying to shoot them, but you shot at them?” Felisha pondered. “My God, this has gotta be a dream.”

  “I wish,” Mark said taking in a deep breath.

  “What time did this happen?” She asked looking at her alarm clock over on the nightstand. “I haven’t heard anything.”

  “Me either,” he regretfully stated. “I’ve called the hospitals, but no one will give me any helpful information.”

  “Well, what happened after you shot at them? You probably didn’t even hit them.” Felisha said, hoping deep down inside that Mark hadn’t done anything that stupid. Even though she hated to love Olivia in her own way, it was only because she felt like Olivia had stolen her life. But, she would never wish death on the woman that absolutely loved her son just as much as he loved her.

  “They both fell on the ground. I could’ve sworn I saw blood too, but I was so out of it that all I could remember after that was fleeing the scene.”

  Felisha was in awe as she shook her head and said, “Oh my goodness, Mark. What time did this happen?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it happened around ten or so.” He said, not knowing what to think about it himself.

  Felisha’s facial expression showed confusion. “Okay,” she said since Lil Romeo had made it back in the room with her. “Let me think for a moment. I’ll call around and see what I can come up with.” In her mind, if they didn’t give her any information at the hospitals then she wouldn’t know who to call. She’d already told Zoe that Lil Romeo was Mark’s son so she knew that calling her was out of the question. “Just uh, chill out. Don’t drive yourself crazy. I’ll call you back in a little while with some kind of news.”

  “Okay Felisha,” Mark said, feeling somewhat relieved that he may finally get some answers.

  “Remember, no news is good news.” She reminded him. “Talk to you later, but soon.”

  “Thanks,” Mark said, and then they ended their call.

  “Now who the hell am I going to call?” Felisha said just above a whisper. She looked at Lil Romeo and awkwardly smiled. “Mommy is gonna go in the living room and make a few calls. Sit tight and watch cartoon, okay.”

  “Okay mommy,” he responded as she nervously exited the room with tears in her eyes. Never would she have wanted for things to go this far no matter how bad she wanted her life back from Olivia.

  Chapter 4

  Dillon and Zoe stood outside of Zay’s room feeling relieved that their siblings were okay. Neither could believe what had happened and was still trying to wrap their minds around it.

  “So, how come no one is calling the police on Mark?” Zoe questioned.

  “When I spoke to Zay, he felt that it was best to just let it go. We could both tell that the man didn’t want this to happen. Luckily, no one got hurt to a point of no return.”

  “Yeah, he better be glad.” Zoe chimed in. “Or, his ass
would be up shit creek without a paddle.” Dillon grinned at her comical comment. “I mean, that nigga shot at them while hitting Zay. That bullet could’ve killed him.”

  Dillon nodded his head, agreeing. Nobody wanted to hurt Mark more than he did at the moment, but he respected his brother’s wishes to not involve the law or to get his hands dirty.

  Zoe folded her arms as a sign of being irritated. “No telling where his ass is at. He could be somewhere lurking, ready to finish what he started.”

  “His ass better not be lurking if he knows what’s good for him. Plus, my homeboy that owns the club called me and said that one of the bouncers had picked up the gun off of the ground that Mark had. He even put it up for me.” Dillon assured her.

  “Well good, but I still think that his ass needs to be locked up for this.”

  “I can agree, but my brother feels that with this hanging over Mark’s head, it’ll be easier for Olivia to get out of their marriage and for her to be able to finally move on. I also feel the same way.”

  “She was already done with his ass prior to this. Now, she’s really over his grimy ass.” Zoe said while smacking her lips with a light roll of the eyes.

  Just thinking about what Felisha had told her pissed her off even more. How could he try some shit like this knowing what kind of secrets he’s hiding?

  “I just think he got some nerves. If my daddy finds out about this, he’s going to look for his ass.”

  Dillon smiled inside. He didn’t want Zoe to see it and think he was picking at her. But, she was so cute with a mean mug planted on her face rocking a feisty attitude.

  “You are a sassy lil something,” Dillon said walking up on her as she stood there with her arms still crossed.

  She smiled at just the sight of his presence in front of her. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the neck then whispered in her ear. “What did you tell me earlier?”

  Zoe leaned back a little to look at him as she hit him on the arm. “Are you trying to be funny?”

  “No,” he said with a light chuckle. “I know earlier that I was caught up in my emotions, but you could’ve been feeling bad for a brother. Maybe you wanted to make me feel better. Maybe you said it out of-”

  Zoe cut him off before he could say another word. “I love you. There, I said it.” Dillon’s eyebrows raised a little since he was acting like he was surprised. Yet, he already knew it. “Quit playing,” she grinned as he stood there in silence, but wearing a handsome smile across his face. He wanted to just relish in the sweet feeling for a moment. Just hearing her say the four letter word made him giddy like a school boy flirting with his crush. “Well, you haven’t said it back.”

  “That’s because I don’t feel the same way.” He teased followed by laughter making her grin a little. She couldn’t even act like she was pouting, because he was always playing with her making her laugh. “I’m just kidding. You know I love you with your feisty ass.” He admitted then they shared a passionate kiss.

  “We need to go to a local store like a Wal-Mart and find you something else to put on for now. You need to come out of these clothes.” She said frowning at the spots of blood on his shirt and jeans.

  “I was thinking the same thing. I’m just going to get a room for the night. I’m sure that Olivia will be staying with Zay. Plus, our parents will be here in the morning.”

  Zoe was surprised. “Your parent’s are on the way?”

  “Yeah, and Zay’s ex.”

  Zoe frowned. “Zay’s ex, meaning his ex-girlfriend?” Dillon nodded his head with a blank expression. “Why would she be coming?”

  “It’s a story that I’d rather him tell.”

  “Well, I do think that my sister should have a heads up about her coming.” Zoe said with her lips tooted up.

  “I agree. Let’s go in here and tell them that we’re leaving for the rest of the night, too.” Zoe seemed hesitant. “Don’t worry; I won’t say anything about us. Not yet, anyway,” he added with a smile.

  Zoe followed Dillon inside of Zay’s room. He and Olivia were just talking with each other. He looked over towards the door. “What’s up, Bro? Zoe, are you alright now?”

  “Nothing much,” Dillon responded followed by Zoe’s response.

  “I’m much better,” she said with a soft smile. “Uh Sis, we’re gonna go ahead and leave. Dillon is going to take me to get my car.”

  “Yeah, plus I need to go by Wal-Mart, since it stays open 24 hours, and get me something to put on. Bro, I got your blood all over me.” He said to Zay while shaking his head.

  “I see,” Zay commented. “We’re blood brothers for sure now.”

  Dillon dryly grinned. “He is so corny. Don’t you think that he’s corny, Olivia?” He teased making Zay, Olivia, and Zoe laugh at his comment, too. “I’m just glad to see you doing well.” He added.

  “Me too,” Olivia chimed in with a smile as she looked over at Zay.

  “Thanks for being here.” Zay said feeling sleepy. “Aye, can you take this one with you, too. She also needs to change and pick up her car, but she refuses to leave.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Olivia quickly insisted. “I’ll leave in the morning once I’m sure you’re good.”

  “I am good,” Zay said.

  Olivia cleverly smirked. “No you’re not, because for the past ten minutes you’ve been complaining of pain in your side.”

  “I was shot, babe. Of course I’m gonna feel some pain.”

  “Just in case you can’t push the emergency button fast enough then I’ll be here to do it if something happens.” She insisted.

  Zay chuckled a little while holding his side. “You’re cute when you’re being all worried and stuff, but go change and get your car. Then come back.”

  “Nope, I’m not leaving.” She said.

  Dillon figured that he’d go ahead let them in on what was going on. “Well, I think you need to know that mom and dad will be here early in the morning.”

  Zay frowned. “You didn’t tell me that you’d called them.”

  “That’s because I didn’t. Angel called mom.” Dillon told him.

  “Angel,” Zay said with an unsure look of aggravation.

  Angel, Olivia thought while trying to hide the sour facial expression that desperately wanted to show.

  “How did she even know about this?” Zay quickly asked.

  “I don’t know. Mom said something about your name being mentioned during the incident. One of Angel’s former co-workers found out and called her or something like that.” Dillon nonchalantly answered. He definitely didn’t care for Angel and was hoping that Zay would finally cut her ass off.

  Olivia couldn’t take any more and so she cut in with her two cents. “Okay, so I understand that you’re known in your profession as a NFL sports agent, but what the hell type of work does she do that she can just get private information like that? We wanted to keep this as quiet as possible. AND, why in the hell is she so concerned about you?”

  “She’s not only concerned, but she’s heading this way, too.” Dillon added.

  “Well damn,” Zay blurted out still holding his side. Dillon was giving him too much information at the wrong time. And, Olivia was giving him a mean side eye as she stared at him.

  “Did you say that she was coming here?” Olivia asked as she looked from Dillon then back to Zay.

  “Uh yeah,” Dillon responded hating that he even had to break the news to them like that, but he wasn’t about to get any heat from Zoe later about not speaking up. “She called my phone after she spoke with mom and I told her not to come here. I tried to tell her that you were fine, but she wouldn’t listen to me.” Stupid ass woman, Dillon quickly thought.

  “Why would she be coming here?” Olivia questioned Zay. “I knew that she’d show back up from hearing her that evening when we were on the phone, but you never spoke of anything else going on with y’all after that.”

  Zay looked over at Olivia. He wasn’t in the mood for being que
stioned about no one; especially after he’d just gotten shot by her husband.

  “I think this is our cue.” Dillon said as he looked back at Zoe who hadn’t said anything about nothing, because she’d already figured that this wasn’t going to play out very well.

  “Were you and her still fucking around or something? I mean, she’s taking a three hour ride to make sure that you’re good.”

  “We can talk about this later.” Zay said, still holding his side. “I don’t wanna discuss this right now.” He pressed the nurses call button.

  “Yes,” the nurse answered.

  “Would you please bring me some more pain medicine?” He said, touching his head like he could feel a headache coming on from him and Olivia’s almost heated confrontation.

  “You know what? I will take that ride after all.” Olivia said as she got up to leave.

  Zay knew that she was pissed, but he wasn’t in the mood for that. “Aye Bro,” he called out. “Make sure you keep her close to you.”

  Olivia looked back at Zay with an unpleasant look on her face. “I don’t need a babysitter.” She quickly told him.

  “I got you, Bro.” Dillon said just wanting Olivia to leave the bickering alone so his brother could get a little rest. One thing for sure was that he was going to need it to deal with Angel when she made it there.

  Zay didn’t say a word as he looked from her to Dillon. What was understood didn’t have to be explained. Dillon nodded his head. “We’ll be back in the morning,” he said as they headed out of the room. “Tell mom to call me when she makes it here.”

  “Okay,” Zay said, and then laid back and smiled upon seeing the nurse come in. He was indeed starting to hurt for some reason and just wanted to take something for it. Hopefully, it would make him doze off and when he’d awake this will have all just been a bad dream.


  Later on, Olivia sat in the car feeling some type of way that Zay’s ex was coming to the hospital to see him at any time now. She hated knowing that once things were clear that it was over with her and Mark, now her happily ever after with Zay may not be. She’d been so caught up with what was going on in her relationship that she didn’t even ask him about Angel. She didn’t even let on that she knew about Angel showing up to his door. Even though it had crossed her mind, it was never the perfect timing to talk about it. It was probably because she was caught up in talking about her own problems that she’d had with her husband and her ex-bestie, Felisha.


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