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Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

Page 16

by Tiece

  Zay immediately woke up out of his sleep and headed in the bathroom already asking, “Are you alright, babe?”

  “Damn,” she whispered figuring that she was about to ruin his next surprise. As he stepped inside the bathroom he walked over to her, leaning down a little to rub her on the back. He felt bad for her. “Babe, you think you drank too much last night?” He questioned.

  “I don’t know, babe. Can you reach over by the sink and wet my wash cloth for me.”

  “Yeah,” Zay said, and then grabbed the wash cloth. He turned on the bathroom water and then stuck the rag under it. As he rinsed it out, something on the counter caught his attention. He leaned over to get a good look at it. A big, bright smile appeared on his face as he saw a pregnancy test sitting there. It clearly read the words: Pregnant

  He looked back at Olivia as she faintly smiled, feeling exhausted. “I woke up earlier this morning and took the test. I had a feeling that something wasn’t right, because I’d not seen my period this month. Plus, last month it was really spotty, kinda like it was trying to tell me something.” She said.

  Zay leaned down and hugged her. This had to be one of the best feelings of his life. “Babe, why’d you drink all of that wine if you thought that you were pregnant?”

  “Because it was just a hunch and if I found out I was then at least I can say I enjoyed myself before I stopped drinking. Hell, forty weeks is a long time without drinking. Although, honestly I think I’m around six or seven weeks now. I can remember ovulating around that time. You know I mark everything down.” They laughed and shared a sweet hug. Both of them had no doubt that the baby was his because she’d completely left Mark alone, at least three months prior & hadn’t looked back since.

  Zay’s phone started chirping in the background, indicating that it was mom messaging him. “Don’t tell her,” Olivia called out as Zay exited the bathroom to see what his mom wanted. He laughed out loud upon reading the message. “What?” Olivia called out.

  “She just messaged me saying that she dreamed about fish last night.” This caused both of them to laugh out loud again. “Guess there is nothing to tell her if she already knows.”

  “Guess you’re right.” Olivia said with an elated shake of the head.

  Chapter 16

  The next morning, Mark had put on his clothes and was getting ready to leave Felisha’s house. He’d had enough of not loving her the way that she wanted and needed him to. His feelings were to leave town and start fresh somewhere else.

  “Where are you going?” She asked as she sat up in the bed.

  “I don’t know, but somewhere from around here.”

  “Here we go,” she said getting out of bed half naked, looking pitiful. “Why do you always do this? You have no reason to act the way that you’ve been acting. Your divorce is final and you should be able to move on past it. Don’t act like you don’t want to be here. Otherwise, I wouldn’t see you at least five times out the week.”

  “The only reason I come around now is because this whole thing has been quite complicated for Rome lately.”

  “Don’t act like it’s about Rome. Hell, you’re already gone most mornings when he wakes up. You’re just here to tuck him in most nights.”

  “That’s better than nothing since you haven’t gotten the balls to tell him what the real deal is, yet.”

  “But, that’s because I’m gonna look like that bad guy not you.” She said.

  “Well, I’ve stuck around in hopes that we could just tell him, but I guess since you haven’t, I will now. I’ll go ahead and get it over with.”

  “No you won’t.” She said, standing in front of him to block him from leaving out of the room. “I think this should be something we tell him together and I’m not ready. You already don’t want to be here with us. Don’t you think that hurts enough? Now, you’re talking about leaving town for a little while, but you want to tell my son that you’re his father. For what, just to disappear on him?You sound like a damn fool.”

  Mark stood there staring in her face. He was done. “Look, I can’t please you no matter what I try to do. You’ve known my feelings for years, yet you stay in denial about every fucking thing. Do you know why you still have your business? It’s because I pushed for that in that stupid ass divorce I got from my ex-wife. Do you know why I asked for that fifty grand in pain and suffering? It wasn’t because she’d caused me no muthafuckin’ pain and suffering. If anything, I’d caused her that shit over the years. However, it was because that money was going to Rome in a bond account until he’s old enough to get it. I did things to still try to please you, but the only way you’re fully pleased is if I’m with you.” He said disappointedly shaking his head. “And, God knows that I don’t want to be with you.”

  Felisha was hurt as she stood in front of Mark with tears in her eyes. “What is wrong with me?”

  “Nothing is wrong with you. You’re a beautiful woman with a banging body, not to mention that the sex is great. But, my heart is not with you. I don’t love you the way that you love me.” He sincerely said. “Even with Olivia out of the picture and knowing that she has happily moved on, I still can’t fool myself like this is what I want.”

  “Mark please,” Felisha cried. Everything she’d hoped to gain from this divorce had nothing to do with her getting Mark. No matter how much she cooked for him, rubbed him down, sucked his dick, and stood by his side; she couldn’t make the man love her if he just didn’t have it in him. “I have something to tell you, though.”

  “What do you want to tell me, Felisha?” Mark asked with an irritable shake of the head. “You can beg, or even say how much you love me. You can tell me how important it is for me to be here for Rome or that you’d do anything in the world to make this work. Believe me; I’ve heard everything you could possibly say to get me to stay.” He gently grabbed her wet face from her crying. “Look at me. You are a beautiful woman. Some man will make you happy one day. That man just won’t be me.” He said, grabbing his wallet and his Rolex timepiece off of the nightstand. “When I figure out where I’m going, I’ll call you. Until then, just let me be in peace.”

  Felisha tried to grab at his shirt, but she missed it as he kept walking for the front door. “Mark please!” She cried. “What about me? What about Lil Romeo?”

  Mark’s eyes filled with water, because there was a part of him that felt sorry for her. He couldn’t stop her from feeling that way about him, but he wished he could so she would finally let go. He continued on out the front door and didn’t stop until he was inside of his car. He didn’t have a clue where he was going, but he was going somewhere. As he put his car in reverse and backed out of Felisha’s driveway, his cell phone alerted him of an incoming text.

  “Felisha, when will you give it up?” He questioned, and then looked down at his phone. He opened up the envelope and raised an intriguing eyebrow. He hadn’t seen a message from this chick in a few weeks.

  Don’t you think it’s time for that rain check? Angel

  Mark thought about it for a moment then without further hesitation he messaged her back.

  I believe so. Mark


  Later in the day, Olivia walked inside of Zay’s penthouse, closing the door shut behind her. She was relieved that her doctor’s visit went according to planned. Just like she figured and the test results had displayed, she was definitely pregnant. She and Zay had some things to discuss concerning their soon to be little family that they were about to have. No sooner than she could get relaxed good, the doorbell rang. Olivia got up and headed for the front door. She peeked out of the peephole to see Zoe standing there. Quickly, she opened up the door.

  “Hey Sis,” Olivia spoke while giving her baby sister a warm hug around the neck.

  “So, what is the good news that you just couldn’t wait until later to share with me?” She asked standing there with her hands behind her back.

  “You’re talking about my good news. What’s this good news that you can�
��t wait to tell me?” Olivia asked with a giddy smile on her face.

  “You first,” Zoe said.

  “No, you first,” Olivia said.

  “Okay, since you insist.” Zoe said with a smile. She dangled her finger in Olivia’s face.

  “Noooooo,” she said. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Kinda sorta,” Zoe said. “It’s not exactly an engagement ring, but it’s a promise ring that we intend on keeping sacred and within a year he’s going to propose in the most romantic way. Girrrrl, that’s what he said now.”

  Olivia was so happy for her sister that she hugged her tightly around the neck. “That ring is something serious. What is that, about three or four carats?”

  “It’s actually three and a half carats.” Zoe said. “I know in my heart that I’ve met my prince charming.”

  “Aww, isn’t that sweet. I feel the same way.” Olivia said in a cheery tone. “Congratulations!”

  “Thanks! So, what’s your good news?” Zoe asked. “Don’t tell me that Zay proposed and beat Dillon to it.” She teased her. “Let me see your fingers?”

  Olivia laughed out loud. “No silly girl,” she said. “But, you are going to be an auntie.”

  Zoe’s eyes widened. “Say what now? I’m gonna be an auntie?” She blissfully asked.

  “Yes, you’re gonna be an auntie!”

  Zoe hugged Olivia so tight. That was some really good news. She was finally going to be an auntie. “How do you know? How far along are you?”

  Olivia finally sat back down with Zoe sitting next to her. “Well, I took a pregnancy test this morning at home and it showed that I was pregnant. So, I went to the doctor and it was confirmed. I’m actually right at seven weeks pregnant.” She said. “I pretty much knew, right down to the dates because I keep up with when I’m ovulating.”

  “And, I’m sure you keep that black book, writing down every time you and Zay sleep together.”

  “You know what to say,” Olivia grinned.

  “I bet he’s ecstatic.” Zoe said with a smile on her face.

  “He’s overjoyed,” she responded. “How about his mom messaged this morning talking about she dreamt about fish.”

  “Well hell, you didn’t need a doctor after she’d messaged. Those are for sure indications from the older folks.”

  “Tell me about it.” Olivia said.

  “Have you told mom and dad, yet? They are going to be super happy!”

  “I already know. I’m gonna call them later. Knowing mom, she’ll probably get dad to ride with her up here just to make sure that I don’t need any help.”

  “You’re right. She’s gonna be like, Make sure you stay off of your feet so much.”

  “Lord, I can hear her now. She’ll keep her ass in Atlanta trying to check on me.”

  “Or, she’ll talk you into moving back home.”

  “That shit ain’t gonna happen,” Olivia stated as they laughed out loud.

  “Well, I hope it’s a girl.” Zoe said.

  “I just want a healthy baby. I don’t mind what gender.”

  Zoe smiled. “I can’t wait to tell Dillon.”

  “Well, you know Zay will probably beat you to that one since he called when I was on the way here. They were meeting up at the gym as he and I was talking.”

  “Damn, he is gonna tell him,” Zoe said. “Oh well, we’re going to spoil this little one so much. No telling, we may be next.”

  “Yeah right,” Olivia said with a slick side eye.

  Zoe burst out laughing. “You’re right, Sis. We’ll just claim your baby and when we get tired of him or her, we can just return that lil ass back home to you and Zay.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see,” Olivia grinned.


  Five months later, Olivia got out of Zay’s Bentley and headed inside of The Oceanaire Seafood Room. She was craving seafood and so was her man. She was now seven months pregnant and glowing beautifully. Since Zay had already made it home and she was still out and about after just leaving Zoe and Dillon’s house, she decided to go pick up their takeout. As she walked through the parking lot to get inside of the restaurant, the winter wind in early January was blowing strong and hard. She had on a double buckle, fur trimmed collar coat by Emilio Pucci. The sleeves were just below her elbows, but she had on a pair of elbow length leather gloves that matched perfectly with her stretch leather pants and black Givenchy pumps. The entire outfit she had on was a gift that Zay had brought her just the week prior for her birthday. She only wore it, because they had dinner plans to go out, but at the last minute she wasn’t up for it and just wanted to stay in for the night with her man. Finally, she stepped inside of the toasty feeling restaurant. The wind that was cutting across her face was now gone and just that quickly her body had begun to warm back up.

  Immediately she headed over to see if her food was ready. “Dubois order,” Olivia said as she stepped up to the counter to get her food.

  The take out cashier read off the ticket. “You ordered the Black and Blue Pacific Swordfish, the Old Fashioned Fried Jumbo Shrimp, Shrimp and Grits, and a Wild Alaska Red King Crab.”

  “Yes, that’s it.” Olivia said rubbing her protruding belly. Just hearing the order read back to her made her mouth water.

  “That’ll be $157.03,” the take out cashier responded with a pleasant smile on her face.

  Olivia dug in her wallet and pulled out her credit card, and then swiped it. Once she’d paid, she signed the receipt and smiled at the lady.

  “Okay, I’ll be back with your order. Let me see if it’s ready.”

  “No problem,” Olivia said then just as she was turning to have a seat behind her to wait on her order she bumped right into Angel.

  Angel was shocked to see her after so much time had passed. She’d heard already through the grapevine that she was pregnant, but it was nothing like being able to see it for herself.

  “Hey,” Angel spoke, all wrapped up in her Just Cavalli Paisley rabbit fur-trimmed jacket.

  “Hey,” Olivia bitterly spoke. She still didn’t like Angel since that night that they’d fought in the hospital over Zay.

  “I see you’re pregnant.” Angel said trying to make small talk. “Congratulations. Zay must be a proud poppa since this is his first one.”

  “Yeah, I’m twenty-eight weeks.” She said. “And, Zay is over the roof happy.”

  Angel forced out a smile. “Wow, seven months now. You don’t have long to go.”

  “No, I don’t and I can’t wait until it’s over.”

  “I’m sure can’t.” Angel said, just as the woman came back with Olivia’s bags of food.

  Olivia grabbed her bags, and then looked at Angel before exiting the seafood restaurant. “Have a good night,” she said then walked out.

  Angel just looked at her and said, “Yeah, you too.”


  Ten minutes later, Angel had made it back to her car as she unlocked the doors on her E-Class Mercedes Coupe. Once inside the car she let out a sigh of relief. She was more than glad that the encounter with Olivia was over. Nothing made her happier than for them to stay out of each other’s way. She then picked up her phone, while opening up her coat to get a little more comfortable before driving off.

  The phone rang twice then the caller on the other end answered. “What’s up, babe?”

  “Hey love,” Angel spoke. “I just want you to know that we’re on our way home,” she said rubbing her protruding belly. What Olivia didn’t get to see was that Angel too was pregnant, but definitely not by Zay. She was only seventeen weeks along and in her second trimester.

  “Are you okay?” Her lover asked.

  “Yes, I’m good. I’m in my second trimester now so I’m starting to feel better. I guess when you’ve lost a baby before it sticks with you, but the doctor said that at seventeen weeks everything is just perfect with our baby.”

  “Well, get home so you can get off of your feet. We’ll eat and cuddle up afterwards.”

Angel loved to hear that they’d be cuddling up later, but before she hung up she said, “Babe, I love you. I know we’ve only been together for a few months, but you complete me.” She sincerely said.

  “As do you for me,” Mark responded. “Be careful on the way home,” he said and with that, they ended their call. He never thought that Angel would’ve turned out to be the woman that got him back on the right track. She was smart, witty, definitely sexy, and he could totally be himself with her. In just that strange turn of events, he and Olivia had switched mates and it seemed to be working out for them both. He hadn’t heard much about her, but the truth was that he didn’t want to know what she was doing or what she had going on. He’d been working on himself and that definitely didn’t include her anymore.

  He sighed looking down at his phone. It was Felisha messaging him. Even though he’d made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want to be with her, she still would message from time to time for him to speak with Lil Romeo. He hadn’t seen either of them since the day he left Augusta, GA but that was his way of trying to help her get over him and focus more on her business. In a sense, it seemed to be working, because she’d only call if she needed something.

  Chapter 17

  Two months later, at the Northside Hospital in Atlanta, Olivia lay in the hospital with a big smile on her face as she held her and Zay’s baby girl in her arms. She was beyond happy and thankful that their little bundle of joy had all ten fingers and toes, a cute button nose and rosy cheeks with the cutest pouty lips that were every bit of her.

  Zay stood right by her side the entire time. He even helped her with her breathing and the pushing of the baby out. He didn’t do the pushing personally, but he had to admit that he was the best coach that she could’ve ever had to cheer her on. He leaned down to kiss two of his favorite girls in the world. He kissed Olivia softly on the lips and baby Chloe, softly on the top of her thick, straight head of hair that seemed to have just a bend on the end of it like a partial curl.


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