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Seducing the Virgin (Sold to The Billionaire #1)

Page 7

by J. L. Beck

  “Don’t second guess yourself,” I spoke out loud to myself. Confidence was never my strong point, and I had struggled with it for as long as I could remember. I wasn’t skinny, or super model gorgeous.

  I had curves, and thighs, and I really enjoyed eating a Culver’s Butterburger whenever I got the chance. My hair was a dull brown with a red tint to it, and my eyes were a simple green that reminded me of my father’s. They seemed to be the only thing I got from him. Then again, I wouldn’t know because he had passed away too soon.

  Ding. My computer chimed to life, signaling an incoming email. I blinked, reaching for the mouse to open the damn thing. I clicked on the email and it popped open, taking up the whole screen.

  Hello Whitney,

  Your credentials are excellent and it seems to me that you have a lot of wonderful things going on in your life, so before I set anything up with you I would like to know some of your future goals. I would also like to know if you have children of your own, and if you do not if you plan to? You didn’t explain if you’re married either, so if you would like to divulge those things, that would be great.

  I look forward to hearing from you,

  Mr. Foss

  I sucked in a breath, and then another, my hands shaking as I stared at the computer screen. There was only one man that I knew of that went by the last name Foss and he lived right across the street.

  “Oh fuck…” I was on the verge of hyperventilating. The man was like a Greek God in my eyes. How the hell could I respond to this email knowing exactly who he was? Not to mention he fact that the questions he asked were so personal, so revealing. Of course, he have the right to know if the person that would be caring for his daughter had children of her own.

  I tapped my fingers idly against my wooden desk. The way I saw it I could respond back to his email answering his questions as thoroughly as possible and set up an interview with him, or I could forget the email and go back to searching for another job, one that wouldn’t have me lusting after the person who cut me a paycheck every week.

  I bit my bottom lip, but I wanted to work for Liam. His daughter was adorable, and adored by the whole neighborhood, which was obviously enough convincing for me, because I was responding to the email before I could even think about it.

  -Mr. Foss,

  Thank you for your fast and kind reply. I am currently single, with no children, but have my future mapped out and hope to have children one day. I’m a realist so I only set goals that I feel I can meet in a timely manner. As of right now, I’m looking for a job, then a husband, and eventually I would love kids, so there you have it-my future.

  I love children and would be honored to work for you.



  I hit send and backed away from the computer slowly. I should have been pouring myself a glass of wine or even calling my mother and telling her how the sexed-up-single-dad across the street is considering hiring me for a job but instead, I grabbed my purse and slipping my feet into a pair of sandals. I needed to get out of here before I did something crazy like walk over there and tell him the woman he’s really emailing is me, and that I would love to do nothing more than watch over his pride and joy all day, while my ovaries exploded on the side.

  I slipped out the front door and jogged to my car, feeling eyes on me the second that I was outside. I didn’t even bother to glance at Liam’s house because, one- I didn’t want to draw attention to myself, and two- I was trying my hardest to not be nosey. Still, my eyes got the best of me, and right before I opened my car door, I shot a glance over my shoulder.

  My heart thudded against my ribcage, and my lungs deflated. There, in his front yard, shirtless with smears of black earth on his chest, while his sweet baby girl played on a blanket, he planted flowers.. It didn’t get hotter than that, or maybe it did and I just didn’t get out enough.

  Stop staring. Get in the car. Drive.

  All those things filtered through my head but I didn’t move. I wasn’t even sure I blinked. Was it possible to be frozen in time from a simple look at someone? Forcing myself to move and stop staring, I got in my car and slammed the door shut, the spell he had over me snapping like an elastic band. The way he made me feel was insane. I didn’t need a man, not at all, but if I could choose one, it would be single dad, Liam Foss.

  And I’m sure any other single woman in the world would agree with me. I adjusted my mirror, placed the key in the ignition, started the car, and pulled out of the driveway. Space would help this, right?

  It had to, because if he did happen to email me back letting me know he wanted to do an interview, I wasn’t sure how I would make it through it, especially after my reaction to seeing him do some simple yard work.

  Chapter Two


  I wasn’t dumb, in fact I was far from it. Someone like myself didn’t get to the top of a multibillion-dollar company by being stupid. I knew who Whitney was, and exactly what she could do for little Emery and I. Yeah, I needed a nanny but more than anything I wanted a mommy for my sweet little girl. And Whitney, well, she was perfect.

  “Are you ready to meet your new mommy?” I cooed at Emery, who gave me a toothy grin as drool dripped down her chin. I had waited for this day since I adopted Emery, now all I had to do was convince Whitney that we were the perfect match.

  The ring of the doorbell vibrated off the walls, getting Emery’s attention, and mine. I plucked her up off the toy covered floor, and we jogged to the front door to welcome our newest guest.

  Grabbing the doorknob and twisting it open, I realized how nervous I was. No woman had ever gotten under my skin like my next-door neighbor, Whitney, and after watching her for a few months I knew she would be the perfect woman to complete my family.

  I licked my lips, opening the door, and taking in her curvy form. She was wearing a yellow sundress that brightened up whatever space she occupied. It accented her green eyes and brought out the red highlights in her dark brown hair.


  “Hi. This is Emery.” I introduced my little girl first and foremost because if things didn’t click with her then all of this was for nothing. Emery looked at Whitney with curious eyes, and as soon as Whitney reached out to hold her hand, Emery’s eyes lit up, and a big grin appeared on her face.

  “Hi, Emery. I’m Whitney.” The way Whitney spoke to her, so soft and caring, yeah I couldn’t lie and say the desire to kiss her wasn’t there, just scratching the surface of desire.

  “Welcome. This is where you will be staying while you work here. Emery is on a pretty regular schedule with only a hiccup here and there.” I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face, and my happiness seemed to ease some of the tension in the room. Whitney walked over the threshold, and into the living room taking in the place she would call home, hopefully for the rest of her life.

  I closed the door and followed behind her, watching her with amazement. It was way different watching someone from afar and then seeing them in person.

  “Your house….” She paused. “It’s beautiful.” I could tell she was nervous because her voice wobbled as she spoke. I wanted to nip all the business shit in the bud and get down to the real stuff.

  “Thank you. I bought it before I decided to adopt Emery so a lot of baby proofing had to take place, but I think it looks great now.” I placed Emery back on the floor letting her play while I discussed things with Whitney.

  “You’re a good dad, Liam,” Whitney said, her voice meek. I guided us over to the leather sectional so that we could get to know each other better.

  “I try to be. I’m not perfect, though. As you know with your background and degree, having children is a trial and error kind of thing. You never really know what’s going to work and what isn’t.” She nodded, truly understanding all that I was saying. Emery was my pride and joy, my blue eyed, blonde haired beauty and if she fell in love with Whitney then I knew I would.

  “I’m more than certified for this job. In fact, I woul
d say I’m the perfect fit for it. I love children and honestly, I live and breathe whatever work I do.” I loved her enthusiasm but honestly, that was one thing that I already knew. I knew a lot about her, far more than I truly wanted to say.

  “If you weren’t you wouldn’t be here. I only give my daughter the best, and I know you’re the best, Whitney.” Her pale cheeks blushed a soft red. She didn’t like being the center of attention, and that made me want her more.

  “Thank you, Mr. Foss, that mean’s a lot to me.” She was shy around me and that needed to change.

  “Call me Liam as you did just moments ago. Yes, you work for me, but you aren’t one of my businessmen. You’re like the mother to my child now and I’ll give you the same respect that you give me.” Her eyes slipped from mine and went straight to Emery.

  I watched curiously, waiting to see what would happen next and was completely surprised when Whitney got on the floor and started talking, and playing with Emery.

  Down boy. My cock was rock hard and only seemed to get harder as I watched her interacting with my world. Nothing turned a man on more than watching a woman that had the potential be a good mother interact with his children.

  “Is that your baby doll?” Whitney asked Emery, and her blue eyes lit up with excitement. She crawled across the floor at lightning speed and pulled herself up onto Whitney’s lap. Emery had just met Whitney yet I could see the love she had for her shining in her eyes.

  The thought of needing a woman never crossed my mind, not until my mother mentioned that she wanted more grandkids and it occurred to me that though I loved Emery as my own blood it would be nice to have a son.

  “What’s her schedule like?” Whitney asked, pulling me from me from my dreamland.

  “Breakfast. Play time. Nap. Then lunch. Play time or interactive activities. Snack. Then we do stories, or cuddles, even a movie some days. Then dinner. Bath time. It varies some days. I just like to keep her on some type of schedule.” I smiled my eyes flicking up to the clock on the wall. It was time for Emery’s morning nap, which was perfect because I wanted a little time to get to know Whitney.

  “That sounds great. Keeping her on a schedule is a wonderful thing. You’re doing amazing at this, Liam. I’m not sure why you even need me.” Whitney spoke softly, letting Emery snuggle into her chest.

  “I need you for the same reasons you need me,” I said, trying to spark some curiosity in her. I wanted her to come out with the fact that she wanted a baby and wanted me to be the man to give it for her.

  “I don’t really know what you mean. I don’t need this job, I could work anywhere else, so I don’t get how I need you.” The bite in her words made my blood sing. She was feisty and beautiful, and everything that I could’ve ever asked for.

  “Let me put Emery to bed and I’ll explain just what I mean,” I smirked, plucking Emery up off the floor. She protested a little bit but then melted into me. I took her down the hall to her bedroom and placed her in her crib, covering her with her favorite blanket and giving her a pacifier. Then I shut the lights off and closed the doors, making my way back out into the living room.

  Whitney was still sitting on the floor, her gaze swinging to me as soon as she heard my footsteps against the wood floor.

  “I could have anyone, Whitney.” I prowled towards her, the need to be close to her almost consuming me. “But I want you. Not only because I think you would make an excellent Nanny, but also because I could see myself being with you.”

  I didn’t want to scare her away, but I needed to tell her exactly what it was that I was feeling for her. I had watched her and knew for a fact that she was watching me too. If she said she wasn’t interested in my offer, then I knew she was lying.

  “Being with me?” Shock resonated from her words.

  “Yes, with you, physically and emotionally. I’ve been watching you and I knew when I put the ad out that you would be the perfect match for Emery and I. I hoped like hell that you would apply and when you did I knew it was a match made in heaven.” I crossed the space the separated us, taking her hand and pulling her up off the floor. Once standing, she pressed her chest against mine and I inhaled. The smell of jasmine and lily’s filled my nostrils, and my body shook as I rubbed a hand up and down her arm.

  “I….” She stuttered. I could tell from the look in her eyes, and the way she was reacting to my touch that she wanted this; she just needed a way to believe that it was true. Knowing that I was taking a chance I leaned into her face, cupping her cheek, and placed a soft kiss on her full lips. The warmth of her lips against mine sparked something inside of me. A battle that I wouldn’t give up until I had her in my bed, with a baby in her belly, and a ring on her finger.

  “Oh God,” She mumbled. gripping onto my shirt with eager hands. I couldn’t help but smile, knowing we were both in the same boat of helplessness.

  “I know you want this… I know you’ve been watching me and I know you want a baby, and a family and I can give you all of that.” I leaned my forehead against hers staring into her emerald green eyes. I wasn’t letting go, not ever, and especially not after having just tasted her lips.

  “I do want a baby, and a family.” She sucked in a breath as if she was trying to calm her nerves. I could feel the beating of her heartbeat against my own and wondered what it would feel like to place my hand against her bare skin and feel the life pumping throughout her veins.

  “I can give you that then. I can place a baby deep inside you. I can provide, and take care of you. All I ask is that you be the mother Emery deserves and needs.” I knew without a doubt that asking Whitney to be the best mother she could be wasn’t even necessary, she was already the best, and would always strive to take care of our children. She was a perfect woman and would be an even better mother.

  “Are you sure? I mean, we don’t even know each other. Not like others do before they get married and start a family.” I hated how apprehensive she was and knew I needed to do whatever I could to keep her here with me.

  “I’m more than sure, Whitney. I’ve wanted you since the day you moved in. I’ve watched and waited and now I want you, and I’m not going to take no for an answer; not when I know you want this too.” I pulled away and swooped in, placing feather light kisses against her throat. She could say with words all she wanted that she was worried that we were moving too fast, but her body would betray her every single time.

  “Ahhh. Your lips feel so good on my skin,” She moaned, melting further into my touch. Our bodies were snug together as I brought us down onto the leather couch, pulling her into my lap. Whitney let me explore her face, neck, and upper chest with my lips, all while my hands tried to map out the sweet body she was hiding underneath the soft fabric of her dress.

  “Say yes, Whitney. It’s crazy, I know, but I’ll never let you go. I’ll never let you down. Never.” I promised with each sugary sweet kiss I placed on her skin. She tipped her head back, exposing her neck more for me and I gobbled her up, my tongue trailing over her skin gently. I wanted to nip, bite, and suck. I wanted to devour her, and I would as soon as she gave me the word.

  “Yes, Liam. I want those things with you, and if you can promise me that you won’t let go, not ever, then I’ll give you my all, my heart, my body, my mind, and my soul.” I gripped her tighter to my chest, cradling her, and never wanted to let go. This would work, there was nothing, and no one, that would stand in the way of Whitney and I having our very own happily ever after.

  Chapter Three


  One Week Later

  It was safe to say I was crazy. No, I was more than crazy. I had lost my ever-loving mind. Still, in my defense, when a man like Liam Foss came into your life and made you an offer you couldn’t refuse, well you took it and ran.

  I couldn’t get over the giddy feeling he made me feel. Every time I was around him it was like riding a roller coaster and my emotions showed it. I was elated and excited, but at the same time I was nervous and filled with anx
iety. In all honesty, I was a hot mess.

  I told Liam I wanted to go home and think about what he had offered me when, truthfully, I knew for sure what my answer would be. Looking at his daughter and knowing she needed a mother and that I wanted kids and a family myself, I couldn’t say no to him. That and he was gorgeous, had a good paying job, and no criminal record.

  “On a scale of insane to insane how crazy would you assume me to be if I got pregnant with my new boss’s baby?” I asked my sister as I FaceTimed her. The look on her face said she was going to come to my house and beat some sense into me.

  “Well, first, I have to ask you how much wine you’ve drunk today since that’s a hysterical question and I would assume you would be wasted to even ask me that?” She frowned. “Then I would ask you what the hell is wrong with you, and are you seriously considering this?”

  Layla was my big sister and my rock, so it was no surprise to me that she assumed I had lost my mind when I told her what I was doing.

  “He’s a CEO Layla, not to mention a single dad. He’s sweet, sensitive, and he makes my heart beat out of my chest. When I’m with him I feel like there is so much more to this life I’m living.” I wasn’t lying. Liam really made me feel all those things and the fact he had a daughter and was an amazing father was all that mattered to me. People didn’t have to know each other a lifetime to know if they were meant to be. They just had to be compatible.

  Layla shook her head, “All those things make him the perfect fit to be the father of your children?” I sucked in a breath.

  “Yes. He’s more than qualified and I think that if I open myself up to it, I can see an entire future with him. He’s more than just my employer and I’m more than just a nanny to him.” I didn’t know why I was trying to justify Liam and I being together to my sister, let alone my family. If I wanted a baby then I would have a baby. If I wanted to get married I would get married. Love, in my eyes, has no boundaries.


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