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The Highlander’s Witch

Page 22

by Jennifer France

  “Ye will stay put.” Aiden frowned at the way she seemed to cower.


  “Nay, ye will stay here.” He crossed his arms not realizing just yet how it scared her.


  “Nay, Skye.” His voice softened and he reached for her. “I will brook no argument over this.”

  He pulled her close and held her next to his chest, concerned at the way her body was shivering.

  “Tis fine, lass.” He smoothed his hands down her tangled hair and kissed the top of her head, frowning when his body responded to her nearness.

  He settled her into his bed and removed his clothing watching her watch him and fighting his body’s reaction.

  Quickly slipping under the covers, Aiden curled an arm around her waist, drawing her back against his chest, thankful for her chemise and pledging to let her sleep the night without him disturbing her rest.

  “I shall be here to keep ye safe.”

  The dream still fresh in her mind kept her jaw clenched as she lay there stiff in his arms.

  She was angry and knew she had no right to be, it was all just a dream, but she could not seem to help herself. He had shut the door and let the zombies attack her. She had felt that baby drop on her belly!

  Her breath caught at the memory and she shivered.

  “There, lass.” He soothed, hand running over her shoulder and down her arms. “Mayhap twould help ifn ye told me of yer dream. Ye be thinkin about it, might as well go over it.”

  Skye bit her lip, embarrassed that he would find out she was mad at him over a dream, but she was never one to keep things held in for long.

  “I was in the forest and I heard scratching noises, then there was Anna and she was bleeding all over the front of her dress and she wasn’t pregnant. I was trying to get her to tell me what happened but my hands got cold and I started burning her and when I let go, I found myself with Rory and he was trying to tell me something when this rat came out of his mouth.”

  She started shaking and Aiden turned her around and held her tight to him, her head on his chest.

  The rest of the dream came out in a rush as she pushed herself to her elbows and looked at him.

  “And then you shut the door in my face and let those men attack me. I kept feeling weighed down but it was when they dropped the baby on me that it felt so real.”

  “Twas just a dream, leanabh.”

  He looked into her eyes, his heart hammering at her story and the horror of her capture that she was reliving.

  “I know, Aiden. I do. I just remember when that man said he was going to cut the baby from—”

  She couldn’t continue, instead she lay back on his chest and held him tight.

  It had felt better to share the awful experience and she laid there listening to the pounding of his heart and feeling warm as her anger at him slipped away.

  “I think I ken why ye felt the pressure on yer belly.” Aiden said after long moments of silence.

  Skye frowned and pushed herself back up to look at him. “What?”

  Aiden brushed her hair behind her ear and smiled in understanding.

  “I see the faces of the men killed in me dreams. There be times that I call out in anger, rage, or fear and me wee beasties pounce on me chest when they ken this be happenin to wake me.”

  He pulled Skye back into his. “Seelie was in yer room, Skye. She reacted with ye as she does with me.”

  Aiden felt Skye tremble in his arms and his heart ached.

  “What be it, lass? Why be ye cryin over that?”

  Skye burst out in a laugh and pushed herself up to grin down at him. “I was laughing. The poor puppy! I probably scared the shit out of her when I woke up screaming and flailing around”

  Shaking his head in amazement, Aiden looked at the girl in his bed and wondered at her ability to accept things and get over them so easily.

  “What means this word ‘shit’?”

  Skye snickered and cuddled closer not bothering to hold back a yawn.

  “Just a term I use from time to time. It doesn’t mean anything.”

  * * *

  Skye felt Aiden get out of bed the next day but was too exhausted for anything more than a smile when she felt his kiss on her cheek.

  When the door closed behind him, one of the dogs jumped on the bed to lie against her back legs as she dozed not waking until the drapes where pulled away to let in the sun.

  Moaning, Skye put a pillow over her head and readjusted herself.

  “M’lady asks that ye join her in her chambers.” A gruff voice filtered through the covers.

  Skye twisted around and saw Mairi moving about briskly after setting down a new dress for her.

  Sighing, she got out of bed, knowing the girl didn’t like her much, she thought it best to keep her mouth shut.

  Dressed and awake, Skye headed to Elizabeth’s chambers with Seelie tagging along.

  “There ye be!” Elizabeth rushed over to hug her while Anna waiting patiently for her turn. “And the gown fits so wonderfully!”

  “I have never been through so many clothes in such a short time.”

  Skye’s grin went from ear to ear and when she hugged Anna next, quickly checking on her to make sure the baby was all right.

  “Och, he be kickin too much for me to be worried over him, but still, tis nice to have ye here makin sure.”

  Elizabeth urged them to sit as all but one maid left. She sipped tea and smiled at the aroma then looked at Skye.

  “I met your sister and I must say you look very much alike.”

  Skye grinned then her smile faded.

  “Thank you. She was supposed to contact me days ago. I am very worried.”

  Anna reached over and patted her hand. “I am sure she be alright, mo caraid.”

  Elizabeth nodded her agreement. “We shall try to contact her after the evening meal when there is less activity in the castle.”

  “Thank you.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “The children have missed you.”

  “Brian! Oh, how is he? And the man that—”

  “They be well. Have no worries, luv. I can bring ye to Fergus, if ye like. I am sure Glenys would be happy to have ye see what ye can do to hurry along his healing.” She winked.

  “I am so glad. I didn’t have much time to heal him proper and I know it was a very serious wound.”

  “Aye, a deadly one. But he is on the mend. Ye took care of the hard part and Glenys has been hovering over him like a mother hen, something Fergus is very happy with, I might add.”

  A mischievous twinkle entered the older woman’s eyes as she leaned closer to share a secret. “That man has been after Glenys to wed him for a number of years but she told him she was too old to marry a stubborn man sech as he.”

  She leaned back smiling as she took another sip.

  Anna added to the story. “Brian be his grandchild, his parents lost to illness when he was just a wee lad. If ye ask me, Glenys has been more mother to him than anyone else so it makes one wonder who the stubborn one be, does it no?”

  All three women laughed as Elizabeth motioned her maid over and asked her to retrieve Brian, if the boy could be found.

  They were finishing their late breakfast, since Anna had slept in as well, when Brian came in with the maid.

  Skye looked at the boy and fought to control herself from crying, not understanding why she felt that emotion.

  “Tha mi duilich.”

  “What do you have to be sorry about?” Skye asked in Gaelic.

  “I be so s-sorry fer no bein able to s-save ye.” The boy stuttered.

  Skye shook her head and held out her arms. Brian came flying into her arms and squeezed as tears silently coursed down her face. She pressed her cheek into the boys head and hugged him tight.

  “You did well.” Skye assured him in Gaelic lifting him up to sit on her lap and reached for a biscuit, putting a spoonful of jam on it she handed it to him.

  When he shook his
head, she smiled through her tears.

  “Did I not ask you to find someone and tell them where we were going?” She asked gently.

  When the boy nodded, she nodded too. “And did you not do just that?”


  “No, Brian, there are no ‘buts’. You did what I asked and you did it so fast, I am so proud of you.” She squeezed him again. “And because of that, we were found.”

  Skye turned him so he could see her face. “Can you imagine how much longer Anna and I would have been prisoners had it not been for you?”

  Still he did not take the offered sweet.

  “Do you know how many boys would have just ignored me thinking it wasn’t important that we were going berry picking? But not you! You listened to me when another would have gone off and played instead.”

  “Simon an Norman Brun laughed at me when I told them what I be doin. Said I was a bairn fer doin a girl’s biddin.” He looked at her and frowned. “They be big lads, too.”

  Skye squeezed him. “See? If it weren’t for you then no one would have known what had happened to us. I am proud of you, Brain.”

  “I be proud of ye too, Brian.” Anna and Elizabeth agreed.

  The boy sat up straighter and took the biscuit making the women smile.

  “Tapadh leat.”

  “You are so very welcome.”

  Aiden had just left Riona’s door after she had told him she was not presentable and to return when she had finished her toiletries. With Riona, one could never tell how long that would take so he decided to check in on his mother and sister.

  He stood unnoticed at the entrance to the chambers, his chest swelling with pride at Skye’s kindness towards the distraught boy. The sight of her holding him also brought to mind images of how their children would look on her lap.

  He stiffened, silently commanding his cock to settle down before he was embarrassed.

  “Aiden! What a wonderful surprise.” His mother motioned him in.

  Skye looked up and smiled, her heart racing at the ruggedly handsome man who entered and went over to his mother, placing a kiss on her proffered cheek.

  “I see ye be entertained an doona need me company.” He grinned down at his mother.

  “Pashaw. I always enjoy yer presence, Son. Now, have a seat and join us.”

  “Actually I have been lookin for Aiden to speak privately with him in the study.” Collin announced as he too entered, heading for his wife and planting a kiss on her lips, leaving her to blush as he took a pastry from the tray and winked at Skye when she laughed.

  He reminded her of Doug in that moment.

  “Is it—?”

  “Doona worry yerself, mo ghaol.” Collin smiled, kissing Anna again before heading to the door.

  Aiden glared at the man for winking at Skye before sobering himself and patting his mother on the shoulder.

  “Another time.” He kissed her cheek again and headed off with Collin but stopped at the door and spoke to Skye. “I need to speak with ye. When ye be done breakin yer fast, I wish to see ye in me study.”

  Skye swallowed and nodded over Brian’s head, her belly doing a flip-flop at his somber features.

  “That sounded serious.” Anna said.

  * * *

  “I doona ken the why of it.” Collin said exasperated.

  “I told ye already.”

  “Me thinks ye be a fool.” The man scowled at him. “The lass be perfectly capable of dealin with our ways.”

  “I will speak of this no more with ye.”

  “Fine, be an ass.” Collin stormed off and ran into a nervous Skye. Turning back, he glowered. “Here be yer chance now.”

  Aiden looked up and gritted his teeth before he made a comment to the other man. He ushered Skye in and closed the doors, making Skye even more uneasy.

  “Have a seat, lass.”

  “Is it that bad?”

  “Be what bad?”

  “Whatever you’re going to tell me that I have to sit down for.”

  When Aiden didn’t say anything but took his place behind his desk, Skye bit her lower lip and took a seat nearest the desk.

  “I spoke with yer sister.”

  She jumped up. “My sister? Oh, my God! Is she okay, is the baby okay?”

  Aiden raised his hand to stop her. “She be fine, so be the bairn. Have a seat an I will tell ye what I ken.”

  He told her of his conversation with Sarah then sat silently while she digested the news.

  “I am so thankful everything is all right.” Skye sighed in relief. “She had a boy?”

  “If that be a ‘tyke’, then aye.” He shrugged.

  Skye laughed and relaxed. “She had her baby.” She shook her head in amazement and smiled. “No wonder why we haven’t heard from her, not like they could start a fire in the hospital.”

  “Ye need to go home, lass.”

  Skye laughed excitedly. “All I have to do is get a hold of her through fire. Your mother said we could try tonight when the castle isn’t so busy—”

  “Nay, lass, tis no what I mean.”

  She looked at him in confusion, her heart sinking.

  “Then, what do you mean?”

  “Ye need to go home.”

  She stared at his hardened face and the silence that went with it.

  “You want me to leave.”

  It wasn’t a question. She knew by his look, he was telling her to go.

  She wanted to ask him why but her pride kicked in. She wished she had walked up sooner to find out what he and Collin had discussed.

  Maybe then she would know how to fight back.

  She stood and looked at him, willing him to say something, anything, and when he stared back at her unmoving, she walked to the door feeling like this was one of her cheesy romance novels where the two never said what they meant because they were too stupid to read the signs and never knew how the other felt.

  That caused her to stop.

  Aiden clenched his aching jaw, refusing to give in to his needs when he was doing this for her own safety.

  When she got up and walked away, he watched her for a bit before lowering his head into his hands, trying to rub out the tiredness that seeped into his body.

  Knowing he wasn’t alone, he looked up to see her standing before him and once again hardened his features, refusing to speak for fear his desires would show.

  She looked at him, feeling the blush rise from her neck to her ears and silently demanded to let go of her pride so she would not regret this for the rest of her life.

  “I love you.”

  When he continued to stare at her, she took a deep breath and repeated it in Gaelic.

  “Tha gaol agam ort.”

  When still he did not say anything, Skye swallowed and worked hard at not crying.

  “Right then.” She nodded. “I just needed to tell you that before I left.”

  Aiden kept his face unreadable as he digested what she just said.

  Even when she repeated it in his language, he still had a hard time believing it, even if his cock did not. He adjusted his position to try to ease the pain but nothing could ease the agony in his chest when his study doors closed softly behind her.

  Skye pulled the doors shut hating the finality of the sound. Ignoring her battered heart as much as she did the man following her, she went to her room. It had never been large enough for a fireplace so she had placed candles in a drawer near her bed. Removing a few, she carefully placed them on the table knowing she was going against everything in her by contacting her sister to do as Aiden wished.

  Running his hand through his hair, Aiden stiffened his spine.

  There was no other option to ensure Skye’s safety. He left the now oppressive room and went to speak to Riona.

  Once allowed entrance into the guest chambers, he found Riona reclining in decadent lingerie.

  Raising an eyebrow, he looked at her perfect features.

  “I would have thought ye to be done by now. I c
an see I be wrong.” He turned to leave.

  “No, please, doona go.” She smiled beseechingly at him. “I couldna decide what to wear an ken ye to be a busy man so, please, stay an join me fer tea.”

  Again, his eyebrow went up. “What of yer reputation? Would no be wise of me to stay with ye undressed.”

  Riona’s face fell and she gracefully rose to her feet gliding towards him. When she was mere inches from way, she looked up from lowered lashes.

  “What reputation? It be in shreds.” A tear slipped down the curve of her porcelain skin. “I have already heard the whispers as I pass an only await the return of me brother to take me from here so I doona ruin yer happy reunion. Tis why I stay cloistered in me chambers.”

  She reached out a hand and lightly touched his arm.

  “There shouldna be whispers about yer innocence in me keep. Ye tell me who has been sayin sech an I will ensure it stops.”

  Riona smiled becomingly up to him. “Ye be ever the hero, Aiden, but no even ye can stop gossip.”

  Aiden watched her in silence, wondering why he felt she was hiding something more than the possibility of her being English.

  Riona lowered her head as if in shame.

  “Since it seems I have nothin to protect any more, I want to tell ye that I have always wished to be taken in yer arms.”

  Both his eyebrows went up.

  He always believed Riona had wanted to pursue a relationship with him, and there had been a time that he had considered it, but she always seemed untouchable. Too perfect to hold in the manner he enjoyed, and he was not a man to hold back that which he craved.

  “Please, Aiden; there be no reason to deny our desires.” She whispered as she undid the ties of his shirt.

  Aiden returned his focus to the girl before him and purposely removed her hands.

  “Be ye English?”


  “Be ye English?”

  Riona stared at him in shock for a moment, then she stomped her foot as heat mottled her skin.

  “I be professin me feelins fer ye an . . . an this is what ye do? Ye accuse me unjustly!” He arm shot out and she pointed to the door. “Out! Leave me to bury me shame alone!”

  “We will talk about this, Riona—when ye be properly attired.” He assured her before he stepped out the door, angry at the woman’s wily ways and feeling she was hiding something.


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