Decker (Torey Hope: The Later Years #1)

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Decker (Torey Hope: The Later Years #1) Page 7

by A. D. Ellis

  Katie shook her head, “It’s not for me to share, Decker, just remember that you love him no matter what.”

  Decker huffed out a breath, “You know, I’m starting to get a little pissed that you seem to know this secret, and I don’t. Why do you know more than his twin brother?”

  Katie smiled sadly, “I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now, no more plying me with drinks and getting information from me. This is all I’m drinking tonight, and I’m done talking about Sawyer.” She was saved by their order arriving. Glancing at Decker over the food, she could tell he wasn’t completely satisfied, but he’d taken the distraction.

  Halfway through her burger and fries Katie glanced at Decker and caught him staring at her. “What? Do I have something on my face? Why are you staring at me?” She blushed as he smiled at her.

  Shaking his head, he just continued to smile. “Nothing’s wrong. You’re just...I don’t even know how to explain it…you’re just you, and I can’t stop looking at you. I love that you’re eating a real meal and not acting like a salad and water is filling. I love that you ordered what you wanted and didn’t wait to see what I’d get. I love that you’re drinking an amaretto sour. I love that you’re acting the same way with just me as you’d act if my brother and cousins were here.” He reached for her hand across the table, but after a gentle, warm squeeze he let it go, she knew he was still tempering things because of Sawyer. She had half a mind to call Sawyer and tell him to text Decker the all-clear so they could see where things went tonight, but that wasn’t the purpose of their trip, so she wouldn’t call.

  “Well, Mr. Morgan you’re really going to love me when I order dessert and take you on the dance floor.” She smiled at him and perused the dessert menu. “Perfect! We can share apple crisp with ice cream. Yum.” After ordering the dessert, she turned to him, “Want to dance now or after dessert?”

  He shook his head. “Nope, that’s where I draw the line. Dessert, yes; dancing, no. I don’t dance. As in, I don’t know how. Never have, never will.”

  Feigning shock, Katie put a hand to her chest. “Why, Mr. Morgan, I’m shocked at you! Don’t you know that dancing is like foreplay with clothes on?” She was pretty sure she’d read that fact in a magazine somewhere; she definitely didn’t know it from first-hand experience.

  Groaning, he leaned in toward her, “For the love of God, please don’t talk about foreplay.” He was saved by their dessert arriving. Although, watching her eat was almost as bad as talking about foreplay. Oh, how he longed to be her spoon.

  “Come on, Decker, let’s dance.” She squinted her eyes at him as he shook his head, “Fine, you party-pooper. I’ll go dance by myself. See ya later, chump.” She poked at his chest and sauntered toward the dance floor. “Wings” by Little Mix came on as she reached the dance floor. She found the beat and fell into step with a couple other women and three guys. After shaking her ass and doing some fancy steps, she turned her gaze toward Decker. His hooded eyes took in every move she made, knowing she was dancing just for him. His teeth and fists were clenched by the end of the song as he had to watch the men taking turns dancing up behind her. Maybe he should rethink his stance on dancing.

  Katie rejoined him at the table when the song ended and slurped down her water. “Whew! I haven’t danced like that forever, since high school probably. I’m spent; are you ready to head out?”

  Decker paid the bill and they walked out into the night. “Want to walk a bit before driving back? You worked off the dessert with your ass-shaking, but I need to walk off that meal.” He smiled at her and offered his hand.

  Glancing down at his hand, she smiled and let her own slide into his. She’d never really held hands with a guy. Sure, in grade school and high school, but not since being an adult; the dates she went on never usually went past one or two times and she never felt comfortable enough to hold hands with those men. Having her hand in Decker’s felt like fitting the last piece of a puzzle together. His hand was warm and strong and seemed made just for her. The electric jolt of awareness that traveled through their bodies when their hands met was strong enough to cause goose bumps. “Ass-shaking? That was dancing, not just ass-shaking. One day, I’ll get you to shake your ass with me.” She smiled at his vehement refusal as he shook his head.

  “Negative, there will be no dancing.” He winked at her; teasing her felt natural even though he was pretty sure he’d never teased a girl in his entire life. Maybe he’d teased his sister, Abby, or his cousins Aly or Zoey, but teasing a woman he had romantic feelings for had never happened. Probably because he couldn’t remember a time when he’d had romantic feelings toward a woman. Angela had been convenient, she didn’t take him away from his business pursuits, she was there when he needed a physical release, but she didn’t demand his time. Looking down at his hand holding Kate’s, he thought he’d like nothing more than for her to demand some of his time.

  As they neared a small picnic area, Decker veered off the sidewalk, pulling her with him. He walked to the backside of a large, old oak and gently pushed her against the tree. “Kate, this thing between us was never in my plans. I never thought I’d have the time or the desire for romance and relationships. I figured I’d never marry, or I’d marry someone to benefit my business pursuits. That woman and I would be equals like you and I are, but I didn’t expect desire and feelings. Then you came into my life and all I’ve ever known was tipped upside down. I may have to apologize to my brother for this later, but if I don’t get my mouth on you soon I might go insane.” Without waiting for permission, but seeing heated agreement in her eyes, Decker let his hands roam up her arms until he was cupping the sides of her face. As their eyes met, his voice husked out, “Know that there has never been a woman in my arms that I wanted to kiss as badly as I want to kiss you; I ache for you, my brain short-circuits around you, I lose all control. I don’t lose control for anyone, but then you waltzed in….” Without finishing, his face inched closer. Kate felt the warmth of his breath on her face; the beer he’d had with dinner mingled with a mint he’d popped at some point on their walk. Just when she thought his mouth would claim hers, he pressed his forehead against hers. “Give me a second, Katie-did. I’m afraid I won’t stop once I get a taste of you; I need to get control of this.”

  Katie tilted her head until their mouths were only a whisper apart, “Decker, shut up and kiss me.”

  Her words jolted his brain into action and his mouth met hers, lips whisper soft, testing, caressing. The moan that slipped from her zinged straight to his cock and all bets were off. Pinning her hips against the tree he ground his length into her and his tongue demanded entry at her lips.

  The kiss was more than she had ever experienced; heat from his body engulfed her and her core ached with a molten fire. When Decker moved a thigh between her legs, she groaned as it connected with her center. The need to rub herself against him was almost more than she could handle. A mewling sounded around them and penetrated the fog surrounding her brain as she realized it was her making the noise; breaking the kiss she pushed him away slightly.

  “Wow, that was….wow. Um, in order to keep our clothes on, maybe we should keep that walk going?” He smiled at Katie’s words and obvious shaken reaction to their kiss. Truthfully, he’d never felt his body react like that to a kiss. Even as a horny teenager, he’d enjoyed making out, but his body had never been as on fire as it was when he kissed her.

  Holding his hand out to her again, they resumed their walk.

  “I feel guilty; if I find out my brother still has feelings for you, I’m going to need my ass kicked. This isn’t me, I don’t make moves on the girl my brother likes.” Caressing her thumb with his, he whispered, “You make me crazy, Katie-did.” He pulled her into his body and they approached his car looking very much like a couple in love, enjoying a stroll.

  Once settled, she turned to him, “Decker, you know that if I thought Sawyer felt anything for me, I’d never have let you kiss me like that,
right?” She didn’t want him to think she would betray his brother that way.

  “Let me kiss you? I’m pretty sure you demanded I kiss you.” He flashed her that perfect lopsided smile and grabbed her hand; bringing it to his mouth he brushed a kiss along the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist.

  “Semantics; you were going to kiss me either way, I just nudged you along in your decision.” She shivered at the warmth of his mouth on her skin.

  A short drive later, they pulled into the hotel parking lot. Brief panic skittered through her; she needed to let Decker know that she wasn’t all that experienced.

  “Hey, Decker, after I shower, I need to tell you something.” She quickly grabbed her bag from the bed and locked herself in the bathroom.

  “What is it with everyone needing to tell me something?” Decker sighed deeply and laid down on the bed. With the vision of a naked Kate sliding soaped up hands along her body in his head, he reached down to rub the ache in his cock. After a moment of sweet relief, he sat up and rubbed his hands across his face. “Damn it, Morgan, get it together. You can’t have her walking out here to find you stroking yourself.” Walking to the bathroom door he knocked and smiled at her yelp of surprise. “Hey, I’m going to go get some ice, okay?” He hoped a walk to the ice machine would cool down all parts of his body.

  She had dried her hair until it was just damp when he returned. Her tank and flannel pants were modest, but did nothing to deter his desire for her. Quickly grabbing his bag he groaned silently as he walked into the steamy bathroom for his own shower. Climbing into the steamy jets of water he knew he needed to take care of his problem before he went back out there to share a bed with Kate.

  With the scent of her body wash and shampoo surrounding him, he soaped up his hand and gripped his shaft firmly before he began a strong, slow pumping action. Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply and recalled the touch of her lips on his. His release came quickly and he fought to contain his groan. Turning the water as cold as he could stand it, he finished his shower and tried to keep his mind from straying to her.

  Usually the type to sleep in just his boxer-briefs or nothing at all, Decker donned a pair of basketball shorts out of respect for Kate and survival for himself. The more layers between them tonight the better.

  She was laying on the left side of the bed, Kindle in hand, looking sexy as hell. His mind flashed to them, married, sharing a bed, and the nightly activities they could take part in. Yeah, best keep those thoughts on the back burner, Morgan. Just get through tonight.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and contemplated sleeping on the floor. Deciding against it, he climbed under the blankets and turned to face her. “So, Katie-did, what did you want to talk to me about?”

  Her pretty cheeks blushed pink and she laid her Kindle down on the nightstand. Taking a deep breath, she fumbled her words, “Um, I’ve never, I mean, I’ve done some things, but I’ve never been with a guy.” Her words weren’t registering with him and he waited for her to continue. “I’ve kissed quite a few guys and made out with some, but, um….”

  As dawning filled his expression, his voice, like fiery hot gravel, gruffed out, “What are you saying, Kate?”

  “Sex! Sex, Decker. I’ve never had sex.” She didn’t hang her head, she wasn’t ashamed; she stood strong in her conviction of waiting for the right guy. But getting the words out was still difficult.

  “I’m going to need another fucking cold shower…” Rolling to his back, rubbing his hands over his face, he blew out a deep breath. “I’m not sure if that bit of information makes sharing a bed with you tonight easier or harder.”

  “I’m not going to apologize for being a virgin, Decker.” She felt a bit irritated at what she read as annoyance from him. She slid down in the bed and turned to face him, propping her head on her hand.

  Rolling back to his side to face her, he sighed, “I’d never expect you to apologize for that. I’m not mad or frustrated. I’m not sure I can even explain what I’m feeling because I’m not sure I even understand it.” His eyes pleaded with her to just let it go.

  “Can you try? I feel like you’re mad at me right now.” Katie frowned a bit at him.

  “I feel out of control here. I don’t like that feeling. I’m sharing kisses and a bed with a woman I consider a friend and partner while not being 100% certain that my brother is over her. I’m jacking off in the shower to control the need to spread your legs and bury myself in you. These things aren’t me, I don’t react this way to women. Then you tell me that you’ve never done any of what I want to do to you, and any control I thought I had on this situation flies out the window. I’m glad you’re a virgin. It means that I get to show you a whole new world; it also means that nothing will happen tonight because I’m most definitely not taking you for the first time in a cheap hotel room. Plus, I’m sort of scared of your grandma.” He ended a serious conversation on a humorous note and leaned in to kiss her nose.

  She laughed out loud and his heart swelled with feelings for her. Sobering a bit, she spoke shyly yet directly, “I’m grateful that you’re willing to protect my virtue tonight, but could you give me a little preview of what’s to come?”

  He wasted no time rolling her onto her back, settling himself between her legs. “I’d be happy to give you a bit of a sneak peek.” Leaning in, his mouth captured hers; her sigh warmed him and threatened to send all rational thought straight to his cock.

  He let his mouth travel down her neck as his hand slid up her torso and filled with her breast. The caress of his thumb over her nipple sent warmth flooding her body and she arched against him.

  Decker pulled her to a sitting position and removed her tank, his breath whooshing out when he realized she wore no bra. Pulling her up farther so she was on her knees, he slid his hands under her waistband and cupped her perfect ass in his hands. Pushing her pants down, he sat back on his knees to take her in; chest heaving, nipples pebbled and begging for attention, proof of her desire soaking the fabric hiding her center, he’d never seen anything more beautiful. Raising himself up on his knees, “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he whispered reverently as he cupped the back her head and kissed her thoroughly. His lips and tongue traced a path down her chest until he reached her nipples; taking one in his mouth and another between his thumb and finger, he pushed at her gently until she lay back against the pillows.

  “Oh, God, Decker, that feels so good.” Her words panted out as she writhed under him.

  Determined to keep things fairly tame, he let his hand travel down her stomach; teasing at the top of the lace, he tested her willingness as he slid a finger under the band. When her hips thrust upwards, he allowed his hand to slip the rest of the way under the patch of lace until he found her warm, wet center. His mouth longed to follow his fingers, but he knew he needed to take things slowly. Circling her most sensitive part, he captured her moan with his lips against her mouth as he slid one long, thick finger inside. Feeling her stretch for him, he added a second finger and drew them in and out in a slow, strong motion.

  “Decker! Oh, God, please don’t stop.” Her fists clutched the sheets and he watched, enraptured, as his fingers entered her body over and over. Flicking a thumb over the bundle of nerves, he felt her body begin to clench around him.

  “Let it go, baby, come for me.” He whispered in her ear and increased the speed of his fingers and the pressure of his thumb.

  With an arch of her back, she moaned deeply as her body contracted around him.

  As she rode out her release, he thanked his lucky stars that he’d taken care of business in the shower earlier. He reached down to adjust himself; her hand joined alongside his.

  “Let me play, Decker. I’m not ready for anything else, but I want to touch if that’s okay.” Katie spoke with a look of relaxed bliss on her face.

  As her hand gripped him, she whispered in his ear. “Someday, soon, I’m going to let you spread my legs and slide into me.” His cock jerked in
her hands and he knew he wouldn’t last long if she kept talking like that. “I’ll be tight around you and I’ll cry out as you slam into me over and over.”

  “Fuck, Kate!” He growled as his release rushed from him. Less than two minutes and she had him going off like a gangly, pimply teenager getting his first hand job.

  “Damn, Katie-did, where did you learn to talk like that?” For someone with no experience, she knew the exact right words to say to him.

  She held her hands to her flushed cheeks. “Decker, I’ve never spoken like that to anyone. It was just what I felt. Was I too dirty?”

  “Baby, you can talk dirty to me anytime.” With a kiss to her nose he slid from bed to clean himself up. Returning, he knew it would be better to keep to his side of the bed, but he wanted to hold her. Gathering her in his arms, he whispered in her ear. “Katie-did, if Sawyer says he still has feelings for you, I’m going to be shredded; I don’t know if I can let you go after tonight.” They both drew in deep breaths and sighed contentedly as they drifted into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 11

  “What the fuck, Decker? The one girl I have real feelings for and you steal her from me right under my nose?” Sawyer spoke with unbridled anger.

  “Sawyer, no, it’s not like that. I never meant to fall in love with her, it just happened. I didn’t steal her from you. We can fix this man. Please.” Decker pleaded with his brother for forgiveness.

  “Decker, you made out with her, you slept in the same bed with her, you’ve fallen in love with her. There’s no way to fix this. You aren’t the man I thought you were. I no longer have a brother.” Sawyer’s eyes filled with tears as he turned and walked away.

  Decker fell to his knees, head in hands, tears pouring down his face. The nightmare of it all was that he had lost his brother, but his heart still beat for the one girl he wasn’t supposed to love.


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