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Liberty's Deception

Page 19

by Lora Thomas

  Easing out the window, she quickly scurried down the trellis and to the street. Hiding in the shadows of night, she made her way to Mr. Christopher’s house—which was no easy task. She had only been past his home a couple of times and that was during the brilliant daylight hours. In the dark, the streets and houses all looked the same. A dog barked, a glass broke, and a woman screamed. The combined noises caused Anna to jump. Hiking up her skirts, she raced down the street, hoping she was going in the right direction. Her relief came when she spied Sarah standing at the end of the walk.

  “It’s aboot time ye made it,” the Scotswoman said with worry. “Cameron was aboot tae come search fur ye himself. It took Joseph ‘n Chris both tae hold him in the bed.”

  “He didn’t reinjure his arm, did he?”

  “No. But it’s a thousand wonders how he kept fae doing sae.”

  Anna followed Sarah into the home. The lavish furnishings impressed Anna. The highly polished hardwood floors had elaborate oriental rugs cushioning the occupant’s feet. The walls were covered in paintings ranging from Baroque to Rococo. Elaborate crown molding accented the high ceilings and arched doorways. A noise from upstairs drew her attention away from admiring the décor.

  Anna’s eyes went to Sarah.

  “That would be Cameron. Follow me.”

  Walking up the stairway, Anna could hear arguing.

  “Get out of my way, damn it!”

  “Cam, Sarah will bring Anna here.”

  “She’s late. Something has happened.”

  The sound of scuffling caused Anna to race to the door. She thrust open the door and found Chris and Joseph attempting to keep Cameron in the bed.

  “Stop!” Anna commanded.

  Cameron stopped his struggles upon hearing her voice. His angry, worried features melted away as relief flooded his green eyes.

  Anna tilted her head sideways and gave Cameron a scolding glance. “You should not be up and about. You are still recovering.”

  Shrugging off his human restraints, Cameron sat back down on the bed. He glanced at Christopher, who gave him a humorous smile and left the room along with Joseph.

  “I was afraid that something had happened to you.”

  “So I gathered.” She removed her cloak and placed it on the chair by the bed. “But sometimes my departure is delayed. I am under constant watch.”

  Cameron reached over and grabbed her before she could sit down, bringing her into his lap. Her panicked squeal was muffled under the heated kiss he placed on her lips. She began struggling against him.

  Turning her head, she spoke, “Your shoulder.”

  “Is fine. But I have another part of me that is in far greater pain.”

  “Which would be?” Anna whispered.

  “I’ll show you,” he huskily whispered into her ear.

  Her hand traveled to his head and held him in place as he nibbled her ear. His lips made their way lower to the tops of her breasts. A soft moan escaped from deep within her.

  “You’re injured,” she hungrily panted.

  “I fear that only you can cure what ails me,” he huskily whispered as he cupped her breast.

  She captured his head in her hands and brought it up to her. Kissing him passionately, she stood, never breaking from his lips. Suddenly, she pulled away. He reached for her, but she slapped his hands away. Before he could speak, she whispered, “Shhh.”

  He watched her with sexual curiosity. She stood before him, just out of reach, tempting him. Her fingers slowly moved to the laces on her dress. She pulled the ribbon out teasingly, slowly, allowing the gown to stay closed but giving him a teasing glance of the insides of her plump youthful breasts. As she pulled the ribbon through the holes, she allowed her fingers to lightly brush against her flesh. When the last ribbon was removed, she allowed the dress to fall to the floor and stood before Cameron completely naked.

  His mouth parted with excitement. He reached out to her and gently kneaded her breasts. Her head tilted with pleasure and her nipples pebbled under his touch, begging to be caressed. Plumping one breast in his hand, he leaned over and licked the erect nipple. He hungrily teased the pink bud and finally took the entire bud into his mouth. Her hands clung to his head, holding him in place as he suckled.

  Her hands tore at his shirt, needing to feel his flesh on hers. His mouth released his prize only long enough to allow his shirt to be removed.

  Anna glanced down and noticed the extent of his injuries. “Your…they—”

  “Shhh,” he whispered, his hand traveling down her abdomen, sending quivers of pleasure through her body. “Right now I just need to feel you.” His fingers teased her inner thighs and then gently caressed the velvety triangle of hair between her legs. Her head tilted back as she moaned in pleasure. His fingers gently caressed her before he allowed them to enter her body.

  The sudden thrust of his fingers into her caused her legs to grow weak and she groaned with pleasure. Her eyes grew wide and she slightly parted her legs as his fingers explored her. A gasp of pleasure escaped her when he took her nipple into his mouth again and hungrily explored it with his tongue and lips. He could feel her heat, her passion as she moved her hips against his hand.

  “Not yet,” he whispered, sensing her release. Standing, he quickly removed his trousers.

  Her eyes had deepened with passion to the color of thunderheads. The sight of his engorged manhood excited her further. Her hand traveled to his member and lightly touched him, stroking his pulsating member.

  The feel of her fingers touching his manhood nearly caused him to jump from his skin. Never had a simple touch affected him so. He could have easily exploded from that one simple caress. Sitting back on the bed, he reached out and pulled her to him. She placed a knee on each side of him. Her breathing increased as she felt his shaft rise up to touch her.

  Slowly, she moved her hips, allowing him to rub against her. She allowed the head of his shaft to stroke her clitoris, her senses heightened from the pleasure. Her hips moved faster, as the stirring in her loins increased. Her gasp of pleasure echoed throughout the room when he pulled her down, plunging deep inside her.

  She sat motionless, unsure of what to do. Sexual encounters were new to her. She wasn’t sure how to continue. Sensing her uncertainty, his hands clutched her hips and ushered her to move. She did so slowly at first. Her movements were jerky and sporadic in the beginning. Cameron did not interfere. Her inexperience in the act of pleasuring a man—herself—aroused him. He allowed her to find the rhythm and pace that pleased her. Instinct took over and her hips began to move fluidly as she found her rhythm. Her hips rocked against him, allowing him to move in and out of her with a momentum that was hypnotic. Her eyes closed as she moved on him, finding pleasure that she hadn’t known existed. He lay back on the bed. Her hands went to his chest as her hips moved undiluted against him. The movement caused her clitoris to rub against him and the pleasure led her to move faster. Each touch of her most intimate area against him caused the most pleasurable sensations to coarse through her body.

  Reaching up he pulled her down to him, taking her nipple into his mouth. This action caused her pulse to race. Her insides quivered with such a desire that she thought she’d go mad. She could feel his hands push her back up, until she was sitting up straight. His hands traveled to her hips, urging her to move faster as he matched her movements. She did as instructed. A startled gasp escaped her when she felt his fingers begin to stroke her clitoris as he moved inside. Her release was explosive. A shockwave of pleasure caused her to shout his name and her insides to spasm with such pleasure that she thought she had reached the stars. Glancing down at him, she watched him close his eyes. He grabbed her hips and pushed them roughly against him. She heard his moan as he found his own release and felt his body tighten under hers.

  Breathing heavily, she collapsed on him. His fingers began to mindlessly rub her back. Neither one spoke. The only noise in the room was the sound of their labored breathing. When a shud
der ran down her back, he kissed her cheek and pulled her into the bed beside him.

  As he pulled the quilt over their bodies, she propped up on her elbow and looked at him. “You are hurt,” she scolded. “You could have injured yourself further.”

  The corner of his mouth twitched with humor. “I was hurt. I find myself feeling much better now after such a wonderful dose of medicine. Feel free to be my doctor anytime.”

  Color flooded her cheeks. A mischievous twinkle entered her blue eyes. “Well, then. Since you have made me your physician, I must prescribe a daily dose.”

  “Just daily?” he asked in mock-horror.

  “How often do you think you should take your medication?” she coyly replied.

  His fingers tenderly caressed her exposed shoulder as he gently kissed it. “Multiple times a day, I think. That should aid my recovery rather nicely.”

  Sighing with contentment, she snuggled closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. “That may be so but right now you need your rest.”

  A disgruntled groan could be heard. “You sound just like Sarah. I swear my arse has become attached to this bed.”

  “As it should be. You’ve been shot.” She stared aimlessly at the wall. Licking her lips nervously, she spoke. “I was at the encampment when you were captured. I saw how gravely injured you were.”

  He looked down at her. “What were you doing there?”

  “The major thought my presence would boost morale among the troops. When I saw you there, I pretended to be fatigued and then penned a note to Sarah.”

  “I heard about your encrypted message. That was very clever of you. I am grateful you saw to it. However, I do not want you to risk yourself for me again.”

  She shot up. “What?!”

  A concerned look came to him, and he tenderly stroked her cheek. “I mean it. I could not handle it if anything should happen to you, Anna. You are too important to me.”

  “Not just anyone can gather information straight from the major like I can,” she defended.

  “No. No more spying. No more notes.”


  “I mean it, Anna. It tears my guts out thinking that you have to endure his brutality, but should he catch you, you would be hung. And that I could not live with.” Before she could respond, he continued, “Leave him.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened.

  “Leave him. Come with me.”

  “Where would we go?”


  She looked into his eyes and could see the seriousness of his request. “I can’t.”


  “What you are doing here is too important. I need you, Cameron, but America needs you more. We would not truly be free until this country is free. Albert would hunt for us.”

  “Anna, I cannot bear the thought of you with that bastard.” He rose up to meet her gaze. “He could kill you.”

  “But he won’t.” At his confused expression, she continued. “My entire dowry will not be his until we are wed for a year and I return to England—safely. My father, as abusive as he was, knew that Albert would be far worse—”

  “Your father knew he was abusive?” Before she could answer, he continued, “Your father beat you?”

  “Yes to both questions. I cannot say I have grown accustomed to the beatings. But I tolerate them as much as one possibly can. I know how to handle the blows and how to fall to prevent further injury. I even know how to pretend my injuries are worse than they actually are in order to sway my husband’s heavy hand. My father’s heavy hand is why my mother died. He killed her when I was a child. Anyway, the estate here will be out of Albert’s possession until I have returned to England—alive.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “My father bought his allegiance to the Crown through me. I was not a prize to be had in England. The gentlemen there found me lacking due to my mother’s origins. Father thought to entice callers to me by increasing my dowry, which included his property in the Colonies. Rumors began to swirl that my father and I were sympathetic to the Colonial cause. In order to quell the gossip, he bought his loyalty by offering me to the major.

  “But the property means more to me than him. It belonged to my grandparents, my mother. I have a great-uncle that lives nearby who is fiercely loyal to the Colonial army. This is my home. However, if England should win, then we would never be safe. My husband would track us to the ends of the earth to get his hands on my entire dowry and estate.” She looked deep into his eyes. “I have to continue with our work, Cameron. The information is too important. What I gather could help win this conflict. Once America wins the war, then we can be together.”

  His jaw clenched with anger. Sensing his refusal, she continued, “I know what you’re thinking, Cameron. But if you kill him now, then I will be unable to gather any more information.”

  The determination in her eyes was resolute. He knew she would defy him if he refused to let her continue. “Fine. But if it becomes too dangerous, I will no longer allow you to gather intel.”


  He didn’t like it. Not one bit. When Anna first agreed to be a spy, he was leery because of who she was. He was afraid she would betray them. Now, he was afraid she would die. He had fallen in love with this little blond-haired infiltrator. He lay down and pulled her with him. He would be eternally grateful when this bloody war ended. Then he could be with Anna—the spy who captured him.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Anna gave a lazy smile, stretching, remembering the feeling of Cameron’s body intertwined with hers last night. Since the first time she’d visited him after his rescue a week and a half before, she’d slipped out every night to see him. During the visits, she would take command of his body. But when his strength returned, he made love to her. The past four days he intently caressed her body, intertwining in a seductive dance, as their bodies became one. A dreamy smile crossed her face. The pleasure he aroused in her last night surged right to her core. Every shuddering blissful spasm she recalled with clarity. And as she recalled the sensations he created in her last night, she could feel that same longing of arousal stirring in her loins now.

  The large clock in the sitting room chimed three. A frown settled between Anna’s eyes as she gazed upon it. Albert had returned early this morning and called the officers to meet today at three. They did not disappoint with their timing. As if reading her thoughts, a knock sounded at the front door. Peggy rushed to the door, opening it for the men.

  “Right this way, gentlemen,” she seductively purred at the authoritative figures.

  The second Peggy was out of sight, Sarah rushed into the study. Anna’s eyes lit up with excitement. Looking around nervously, Anna motioned Sarah to join her.

  “I’ll keep Peggy down here with me. You go upstairs and listen. See what they are planning.”

  “I can’t. I have been ordered to remain downstairs.”

  “By whom?” Anna asked.

  “The major.”

  “Damn,” Anna muttered. Suddenly her eyes grew wide. “Peggy is in there with them. I will hurry upstairs and see what I can find out before she notices I am missing and comes in search of me.”

  Anna jumped off the sofa and headed out the door. Sarah stopped her on the steps. “Here.”

  Looking down at what Sarah was handing her, Anna’s eyes smiled. It was the shawl Cameron had given her last night. She reached out to the object, as if touching a cloud, afraid it would vanish before her eyes. The pale blue material was so soft, almost like velvet. She pulled it to her and sighed.

  “How will you explain a new item of clothing?” Sarah asked.

  “I don’t know,” she replied dreamily, placing the shawl to her nose and sniffing. Cameron’s scent drifted to her. “Tell Cameron thank you.”

  “Shhh,” Sarah forcefully whispered.

  “I’m sorry, Sarah. He just makes me so happy. He keeps me alive. My outings with him are what keep me going. Keeps me sane in this marr
iage. His touch erases the feelings I get when the major looks at me. I am just thankful the major was called away and not home these past two weeks.”

  Sarah’s voice held a dire warning. “It’s dangerous now. Soldiers are everywhere—day and night. You must stop seeing him. If you keep seeing him—”

  “I can’t stop.”

  A noise in the foyer stopped the conversation. Anna clutched the shawl to her chest and hurried up the stairs to her room.

  Peggy escorted the men into the major’s study, purposely swaying her hips as she walked, to entice the officers following her. Should the major ever tire of her, she needed to make certain she would have gainful employment elsewhere. Keeping these randy old goats interested in her sexual prowess would insure that.

  Opening the door to the major’s study for the officers, Peggy escorted the men into the room. Major Stevenson looked up from the papers he was studying. He nodded his head in a dismissive manner, and Peggy turned to go. As she was leaving, she heard Major Stevenson speak.

  “Have you deduced how these Colonial peasants are gaining knowledge about our troop movements?”

  “Not yet, Major,” another man answered. Peggy left. They were not discussing anything she found interesting.

  Approaching the sitting room, she noticed it was empty. Voices in the hallway drew her attention. She crept along the wall and peered around the corner, towards the stairs. Mrs. Stevenson and that bossy Scot were talking in hushed tones. Peggy quickly ducked back inside the sitting room and rushed to the doorway adjacent to the stairs. Pressing her back to the wall, just inside the doorway, she listened to the conversation.

  Upon Anna’s admission of taking a lover, Peggy’s eyes grew wide as saucers as her mouth lowered in shock. No wonder Mrs. Stevenson wanted nothing to do with her husband. She had taken a lover.

  Pushing away from the wall, Peggy turned to warn the major. Her foot tapped the end table. A lamp started to topple over, but she caught it before it fell completely. However, the noise was loud. Turning, Peggy watched as Anna rapidly climbed the stairs to her room.


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