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Dirty Talker: A Single Dads Club Romance

Page 16

by Piper Rayne

  Garrett chomps down on another carrot ignoring Dane.

  “You’re too old for us.” I joke and swing my arm through Charlie’s, escorting her to the deck.

  “What’s with all the carrots, man? You half rabbit or something?” I overhear Dane making fun of Garrett as we walk through the patio doors to the deck.

  For the first time since Dane entered the room, I feel like I can breathe again.

  An hour goes by and Dane has been keeping his distance. Charlie and I sit next to the fire pit talking with some of the other guests, mostly all town people. Three guys who work for Marcus, and the new barista down at Steaming Hotties. I wish I could say I knew what the conversation was about, but I don’t because my eyes are constantly drifting to the windows, searching for Dane.

  A newfound worry begins to bloom as I wonder if he’s flirting with someone else in the house because why after an hour has he not sought me out?

  “I’ll be right back.” I place my wine glass on the wooden planked table next to Charlie and decide to use the bathroom. At least that’s the story I’m telling myself.

  I slide through the glass door, dodging some kids that are chasing one another as Marcus yells at them to stop and head downstairs. Toby leads the pack and disappears through a door, which I assume must be the basement.

  Marcus shuts the door, smiling at me. “I bet you’re longing for the quiet of the bakery right about now.” His beer is tucked between two of his fingers in a casual manner that, if he was anyone other than my roommate’s boyfriend, I’d find sexy.

  No one can deny that Marcus is attractive. Dark wavy hair that has that tousled and just fucked kind of look. He’s got a long and lean body and a swimmer or runner’s type build.

  “The quiet is nice, but a little more noise might make my bottom line better.” I laugh and Marcus doesn’t.

  Instead the corners of his lips turn down slightly. “I was meaning to talk to you about something. Every time I finish a boat, I usually include a gift basket with an assortment of things from Climax Cove. I’d love to include a variety pack of a dozen cupcakes. Is that something I should order ahead of time or can I just drop in?”

  “That’s very thoughtful of you. You can just drop in. I can either whip something up or we can take from the display case. I don’t think you’re rolling those boats off on an assembly line.”

  He chuckles. “Well, no, that’s true. I was also thinking…every year I go to a boat conference, and I’d like to hand out cookies with my logo on them. Could we do something like that?”

  I pat Marcus’ arm and he stares down at it for a moment before meeting my eyes. “Please don’t feel like you have to give me business.”

  “No.” His voice raises a few octaves. “That’s not why—”

  I shake my head. “You’re a sweet guy. I see why Cat loves you so much.”

  “Really, Ava, you’d be helping me out.”

  I meant what I told him, he’s sweet and I have an inkling Dane has put him up to helping me. Either Dane or Cat, but too many townies have approached me lately with business without someone handing them a flint to ignite the idea.

  “There you are.” Dane walks into the hallway. “People are falling to their knees over your cake. Go sell yourself.” He nods in the direction of where the table is setup.

  “I’m sure you’ve probably already done a good of job of it.” Marcus’ smirk tells me I’m right about my assumptions.

  Dane’s been the one walking over all town, pushing people to give me business.

  “What can I say? I love her cupcakes.” He winks and if my stomach wasn’t feeling like a firecracker just went off, I’d worry that Marcus saw him. Then again, the man felt me up an hour ago right in front of him.

  “That’s not all you love,” Marcus mumbles. “Gotta go find Cat, see you two later.”

  Marcus walks down the hallway, swigging his beer. He turns the corner and then Dane’s plants his hands on my hips, forcing me to take a few steps backward.

  Before I realize what’s happened, I’m propped up on a washing machine with Dane’s lips attached to mine while he feels around to lock the door behind us.

  His hands are fiddling with my dress, my fingers fisted in his hair. God, he always tastes so good. Our tongues glide together only to make us both more ravenous.

  “I need you,” he murmurs against my lips on the short break we take from mauling one another.

  My legs widen and I use one hand and untie my wrap dress so it swings open, revealing my bra and panties for him.

  His chest rises and falls as his gaze sweeps over my body, burning my skin with an invisible flame only he can ignite.

  While he’s busy drooling, my fingers unbutton his jeans. “Tell me you have a condom,” I say, my hand palming his dick.

  “Never leave home without them.” He digs one out of his pocket right before his jeans drop to the laundry room floor. “Boy scout, remember?”

  The fact he carries a condom around raises a red flag for me. I hope it’s not for anyone other than me.

  “Especially when I know you’re going to be within an arm’s distance.” One side of his lips turn up and you’d think he had a magic button to control me the way his one sentence has me grabbing the back of his head and smashing his lips to mine.

  Lost in the lust of Dane Murray, our hands grasp, our mouths devour and I barely take a breath before my ass is perched off the washing machine, his fingers are sliding my panties to the side and his dick fills me up. Keeping us connected, he circles us around so I’m on the counter.

  A moan escapes me and Dane swallows down my noises with a red-hot kiss, continuing to thrust in and out of me.

  In the laundry room of Marcus’ house, I lose all control, screwing Dane while people mill around eating my cake and small puff pastry outside the door. I wish I could say I regret it, but I don’t until a knock sounds on the door.



  I should’ve waited until I could have her at home because as I button up my jeans and shove the tied condom in my pocket, I watch her cover her skin up with that thin fabric and I’m wishing we had a little longer to go at it again.

  Knock, knock.

  Ava’s panicked eyes reach mine, her fingers tying her dress together and then threading through her long, dark hair.

  We both still and stand there in silence as the doorknob jiggles.

  We each point at the other one to go out first, but in the end, I figure I have to man up.

  Instead of walking to the door, I swing my arm around her waist, pulling her to me. Damn, I love the way she fits just right in my arms.

  My lips descend on hers, my tongue seeking hers immediately. She never denies me, and I can’t get enough of the fact she seems like she’s in a constant state of want for me.

  I catch my breath as my mouth parts from hers. Bending down to her ear, I whisper, “I’ll be driving you home tonight.”

  She shakes her head. “I have my car,” she whispers back.

  “We’ll say it won’t start.” My lips brush her forehead and I pull away before the person outside gets too antsy.

  A small smile covers her mouth and my eyes take their last chance to scan over her body.

  “Tonight.” I mouth and then unlock the door, and slide out.

  “Victor!” I say loud enough for Ava to hear.

  “Hey, Dane.” He moves to slide by me to walk in the door, so I quickly step in front of him.

  “What did you need?” I ask.

  He tilts his head skeptically looking at me. “The bathroom.”

  My heart immediately relaxes. This I can deal with.

  “That’s the laundry room. The bathroom is down this way.” I swing my arm over his shoulders, walking him down the hall.

  “Do I need to ask why you were in the laundry room?” Victor jokes, too familiar with my usual antics.

  “Just spilled something and was looking for some stain remover.” I stop him at the bath
room, thankful it’s empty so I can get Ava out of the laundry room while he’s doing his business.

  “Yeah, yeah. One day you’re going to meet a woman who’ll knock you on your ass.” He laughs while shutting the bathroom door.

  I pull out my phone, and text Ava that it’s free to leave. She slides out a second later and heads to the kitchen.

  Fuck, why do I feel like I’ve betrayed Victor? Ava’s a grown adult and as much as I wish I could stay away, there’s no way I can keep my hands off her.

  “Dad!” Toby yells and runs up to me. A few other kids circling around.

  I beeline away from the bathroom because that just seems creepy if I wait for Vic to get out.

  “What’s up, buddy?”

  “Can I spend the night?” He’s bouncing in one spot, obviously excited.

  Do we have some telepathic bond or what because in order for me to manipulate Ava every which way tonight, I need Toby somewhere else. Score.

  Then the usual guilt seeps in because I wonder if I’m a horrible dad needing some adult time and leaving my kid with someone else?

  “If it’s okay with Uncle Marcus, but I’m picking you up early and we’re going rafting.”

  He smiles from ear to ear, heading in the direction of Marcus.

  “My dad said I can raft category three by myself.” He brags to his friends and although I had my reservations about letting him try a harder category, he did excellent last time.

  “Really?” The kid next to him sounds shocked.

  I enter the kitchen and there stands Ava. Her face flushed and her hair not quite as perfect as it was in the beginning of the night. I’m about to set my course in her direction when Victor comes in through the other opening and greets her.

  “I had no idea you were here.” He kisses each one of her cheeks.

  “Hi, Dad,” she says, her eyes finding me over his shoulder.

  “Did you make this cake?” he asks, grabbing a pre-cut slice. Ava waits for him to fork off a bite and place it in his mouth. “One of your best,” he brags, and her face flushes more.

  “You have to say that. You’re my dad.”

  The two continue a conversation about the shop and how business is. I wait a few feet away, pretending like I’m struggling to decide which piece of cake I want to take, eavesdropping on their conversation.

  “I thought we could do something tomorrow.” Victor leans against the corner and Ava’s gaze shoots to mine.

  “What did you have in mind?” she asks.

  “Dane.” Victor spots me and I grab the first piece of cake on the table in front of me, seeing that it’s only a sliver of a piece. Who eats a sliver of cake? That’d be like me licking Ava’s pussy once. Never going to happen.

  “Hello again.” I raise the cake plate in the air. “Just grabbing a piece of your daughter’s scrumptious cake.”

  He nods, a tight smile on his lips.

  Shit, he must know something.

  It’s probably because I used the word scrumptious. When the hell have I ever used that word in my life?

  “Her skills are impressive.” He takes another bite of his and then sets the plate down.

  “I can’t disagree with you on that one.” Ava’s face grows even redder though I wouldn’t have thought it possible.

  Vic turns his attention back to Ava and I figure this is my opportunity to escape.

  I back out of the room, tapping my watch behind Vic’s back, mouthing to Ava that she has twenty minutes.

  Do I feel a little deceitful where Vic is concerned? Absolutely, but it’s Ava’s father and it should be her decision whether to tell him or not. Besides, that feeling will pass once I have her strapped to my bedpost.

  Two hours later, Ava is strapped to my bed.

  Not really, but her hands are gripping the bars of my headboard, as my mouth teases her sweetness from her body.

  “Dane,” she pleads.

  My tongue plays with her clit as my hand leaves her smooth thigh to get her off exactly how I know she likes it.

  I plunge two fingers into her fast and her back arches, her breasts push up and they’re so damn mouth-watering I’m about to leave her pussy for them.

  I stay on track and arch my fingers to her D-spot—that’s right I renamed it after myself since Ava admitted I’m the only one who has ever successfully found it—and suck her clit into my mouth, burying my face in her center.

  Her fingers thread through my hair, locking my head to her as she grinds against my face.

  “Oh. My. God.” I wait for her muscles to tense and then she collapses on the bed, her arms falling to the side.

  I slowly remove my fingers and inch up her sweat slicked body.

  “You’re...” her words trail off and her eyes fall closed for a moment.

  I miss the hazel eyes until she pops them open and licks her lips.

  Circling my hips, the tip of my dick teases at her opening.

  “Ready for number two.” I hover over her and her two hands reach behind me, grabbing my ass and I drive into her without thinking.

  Her warmth envelopes my dick and it’s never felt this good before.

  Shit. The condom.

  I’ve never been without a condom in my entire life. This is what I’ve been missing? Hell, I see why they have to preach so much about safe sex. The sensation of her coating me is out of this fucking world.

  “Shit, you feel amazing.” My body collapses on top of her, my hands reaching up her arms until our fingers entwine and I hold her to the mattress.

  “Dane.” She sighs and I remove my mouth from her neck to look into her eyes.

  No, no, no. Don’t lose yourself in her. You need to be the responsible one.

  “Condom,” I say and move my hips to slide out. I do not need a Toby two point O right now.

  Her legs wrap around my waist and she locks me in place. “I’m on the pill, and I’m clean. If you’re clean...”

  “I’m clean.” I quickly reply. “I’m on the testing route and I’ve never not used a condom, which you’re about to figure out if we keep this up because I’m about to come in three seconds.”

  She grinds her hips and I slow my movements, relishing the slickness of my dick in her soft flesh.

  I’d like to say it takes more than that to convince me, but it doesn’t.

  Leaning up, my hands explore her tits, tweaking and twisting her nipples. Her head falls back, and I circle in and out of her at an excruciatingly slow pace, but this moment is way too awesome to rush.

  Her hands run down the length of my chest, her short nails feeling every ridge. Needing to kiss her, I bend over, leading her by the neck up to meet my lips. Our bodies are aligned, and we’re slow and gentle.

  Never in all my life have I felt like I wanted to freeze time like I do right now.

  She clenches around me and I practically lose my load from how intense that feeling is without a barrier.

  “Ava.” Her name leaves my lips and it’s the first time I realize how weak I am for her. Now more than ever.

  “More, Dane. I never want this to end,” she whispers, closing her eyes as my right hand reaches around and grabs her ass, arching her hips, helping me get as deep as I can get.

  “Me either. You’re like heaven.” I slip in and out of her.

  “You too,” she says, inching up on her elbows and I grant her wish for a kiss, which leaves us chest to chest, my hand in her hair as my lips cascade over hers until I work my way up her jaw to her earlobe.

  No dirty words leave my mouth, no hard and fast movements between us, no nail scratching or ass smacking. Missionary sex turns out to be the best sex of my life so far.

  “God, Ava, I’m about to come.”

  She tightens around me again and I push back the orgasm begging for release.

  “Me too,” she pants. “Kiss me, Dane. I want to come with you kissing me.”

  I capture her mouth, our tongues gliding in a slow dance matching the waltz of our two bodies.
  The walls of her pussy clamp down on my dick so hard I end up losing my load in her.

  Both our tense bodies still until our orgasms fade and then her back hits the mattress, and I stay on top of her, not wanting to leave her body just yet.

  I cast kisses to her jaw and neck, and her fingers run down the back of my head.

  Once I soften I draw out and head into the bathroom to grab her a washcloth. When I return, she’s still in my bed, her breathing finally slowing.

  “Thank you.” She holds out her hand, but I wipe her up, trying my best to be gentle in case she’s too sensitive.

  After we’re finished, I hop into bed with her, bringing the sheet up over us.

  “Are you tired?” I ask.

  She nuzzles into my arms, her head in the crook of my neck and her smooth leg swung over mine. “Not really.”

  “You want to watch a movie?”


  I grab the remote off my side table and kiss the top of her head.

  Something feels different. Something feels like we’re moving out of the friends-with-benefits zone, but it feels so fucking good, I refuse to think too hard about it right now.



  I pry one eye open because of the stream of light peeking through his curtains. My entire body is at peace with where I’m waking up as I inhale the scent of Dane on my pillow.

  One side of me knows I’m being stupid—I know exactly where this relationship is going. Right in the dumpster along with my heart because I want more from Dane than these trysts. I’m beginning to form feelings for him. All right, I have formed feelings for him. The one thing I swore I wouldn’t do.

  He’s not the man I agreed to have a friends-with-benefits relationship with. That man was egotistical, self-serving, and a grade A asshole who thought with his dick and not his heart.

  I yearn for the side of Dane most don’t see. The one who wants to adopt his sister’s son, who tries to make sure I stay in business, who coaches his son’s little league games…the one who made love to me last night.


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