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ZetaTalk: Government

Page 14

by Nancy Lieder

  Ho Ching, a 52-year-old woman at the centre of the tightly knit elite that runs Singapore. Temasek,

  the secretive investment arm of the Singapore Government and 100 per cent owner of PSA, the ports

  group that has been stalking P&O for a year. PSA was finally roused to action by an audacious

  pound stg. 3.3 billion ($7.7 billion) agreed bid for P&O by Dubai Ports World, a rival shipping

  group owned by the Dubai Government. Last week P&O revealed that it had received a conditional

  pound stg. 3.5 billion counter-offer from the Singaporeans.' [Note: not the top offer, but Dubai wins

  the British bid?][2/5/2012 11:41:34 AM]

  ZetaTalk: UN Immunity

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  ZetaTalk: UN Immunity

  Note: written during the July 13, 2002 IRC Session

  The US, taken by coup in the Presidential elections, is being steered like a rogue ship lately. First, as the chief

  planetary polluter, the supposed cause of Global Warming, they excuse themselves from the Kyoto Treaty. Reason?

  Corporate interest and profits would suffer! Then, in the week before 911, they walked out of the South African global

  meeting on racial issues, civil rights issues, with Israel. Reason? Israel is not to be questioned, and the US views

  themselves in a similar light. Then, they demand an exception from criminal liability, during a time when they are

  without doubt committing crimes against other countries and their citizens, the exception in the whole world. Reason?

  They are big players now, spreading their troops all over the globe, with economic treaties dependent upon their

  presence in various countries, and hold these many countries by the short hairs in this regard.

  Where this appears to be a victory by the US, look deeper. They have utterly lost respect in Europe and Russia,

  become the laughing stock in fact. They are riding on past prestige, not creating this, and this is a commodity that is

  finite, not infinite. Spend your capitol this way, and you end up with nothing. They have no allies in their planned

  distraction with Iraq, and would enrage Europe if starting a conflict so close to their homelands, while ignoring their

  counsel. The Stock Market is about to crash, already so soft it can barely get up in the mornings. US Corporations are

  held is disgust, worldwide, and the revelations just starting. So where will the US be, shortly? Watch its falling value, over the next few weeks and months, to see how far stock value can fall in a hurry!

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:41:34 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Terror Alerts

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  ZetaTalk: Terror Alerts

  Note: written during the Feb 8, 2003 IRC Session

  US terror alerts, which routinely result in nothing of merit, are a distraction. Bush falls on his face with his Powell

  presentation to the UN, and his reaction is to try to turn the tide of public opinion to his side, by reminding them of

  911. Does the public have access to the "chatter" his ops supposedly heard? This is all classified, so one must take the

  word of the White House, which even the US public has taken as suspect. And where is Bin Laden, the terror network

  supposedly eradicated? Alive and well, as we stated shortly after 911 and whenever rumors of Bin Laden's death are

  reported. In fact, Afghanistan is not under control, nor the Taliban eradicated, and this is indeed the home today of Bin

  Laden and his immediate staff! What is termed terrorism is reaction to incited violence, insults to the Muslim world,

  repression of Palestinians, and carefully orchestrated media reporting.

  How much does the world hear about the Australian Aborigines, and their plight, and their personal means of dealing

  with the daily insults they receive? This is not headlined, the cases where a hated white man is lead to his death, at the

  hands of nature, by Aborigines, as it server no agenda, and the Aborigines hold no oil! How often are cases where the

  oppressed black man in Africa has vengeance upon the corporate greed that feeds upon that country? Corporate

  officers, or agents, are infected, deliberately, with AIDS or worse, but no mention in the media, and why? Because

  this would counter the press to conquer and control the assets, make those sent forth into this country reluctant, and

  because those having their vengeance control no oil! The crises with the Muslim world, from the Israel/Palestinian

  conflict down to plotting Iraq and Iran against each other during the Bush Sr. administration, are because of oil. Open

  the Alaskan oil fields, push into Nigeria, but the real pools of oil, already tapped and in operation, heading into the

  presumed pole shift moment, are in Muslim hands! Thus, when you see the terrorist issue presented as

  Christian/Muslim issues, or Iraq the monster with North Korea excused, look to this issue.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:41:35 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Terrorism?

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  ZetaTalk: Terrorism?

  written July 11, 2004

  Officials: Bin Laden Guiding Plots Against US, Ridge: Terrorists' Aim is to Influence Presidential Vote

  [Jul 8] A plot to carry out a large-scale terror attack against the United States in the near future is being

  directed by Osama bin Laden and other top al Qaeda members, senior intelligence officials said Thursday.

  Bin Laden and his top lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri, are overseeing the attack plans from their remote

  hideouts somewhere along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, according to senior intelligence officials.

  Arrests of terror suspects in Europe and the Middle East resulted in the new warning, said Homeland

  Security Secretary Tom Ridge. Another senior intelligence official said authorities are concerned about

  polling places being targeted during the elections, and they are trying to come up with a protection plan.

  Conspiracy buffs have for years pointed out that FEMA was postured to become the means by which the New World

  Order would impose Martial Law in the US, a series of Executive Orders having been signed over the years. Staffed

  by political appointees, and designed to negate the democratic processes such as Congress and the Courts during a

  crisis, FEMA would direct all activities with a stroke of the President’s pen. The hang-up is, of course, getting FEMA

  to give the country back, as it becomes the de facto Executive branch, and thus a threatened leadership such as the

  Bush Administration would not take this route.

  On the ropes over the Iraq war and lack of the purported WMD, oil buddies such as Ken Lay of Enron finally indicted

  after years of delay, Cheney emerging under investigation for Halliburton war profiteering, and incompetence in

  responding to the 911 emergency exposed via Moore’s block buster documentary film, and exposed as anything but

  promoting democracy during the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, this group fears the collective sigh of relieve over any

  change in leadership, and thus would not casually relinquish control. Planet X, arriving during the Clinton era, might

  have found FEMA engaged as the emergency management as Clinton was truly concerned about the people,

  emotionally engaged. Planet X arriving during a time when Gore, the elected President, might have been in office

  would likewise have found FEMA being used, as well as a more open education process about potential cataclysms, as

  Gore is honest as well as concerned. But under Bush,
complete control approaching a dictatorship is the model desired,

  and thus Homeland Security, answerable only to the President as a Cabinet position, and the Patriot Act, emerged.

  Enter the Puppet Masters, annoyed lately with their US Puppets in the Bush Administration as they are reluctant to

  assume their newly assigned role of scapegoat. The oil grab in the Middle East gone sour, poorly managed? The fault

  lies with the Bush Administration. Martial Law in the US unable to be imposed without firm dates on when Planet X

  will begin twirling and halting the Earth’s rotation? The Planet X cover-up lies with NASA, responsible ultimately to

  the President, once again. Selection of the best workers into work camps and extermination of the rest by shelter-in-

  place directives in locations scheduled to be poisoned or to drown, no longer possible without a firm date? The failure

  to educate the populace on what is coming, so that strong survival communities emerge, the worker base of the future,

  lies again with the inept Bush Administration. None of this has anything to do with terrorism, so certain to be the

  trigger for Martial Law as terror attacks could be insited or arranged. FEMA, not implicated in the scandals that have

  pummeled the Bush Administration emerges during natural disasters, where Homeland Security does not.

  Homeland Security evolved as the replacement for FEMA, with all the agencies and state and local cooperation still

  assigned to FEMA in an emergency now tied to Homeland Security. They are thus competitive. Informed that

  educating the populace on the likelihood of Planet X is to begin, with this education process moving toward open

  discussions on timing and events much like the daily weather and Stock Market reports the public receives, Homeland

  Security became insecure. What will their role be? Displaced. Negated. Irrelevant. Pit bulls defend their turf, and

  Homeland Security will not go down easy. As fireballs explode and thud to Earth, seen over wide ranging territory,

  several states or provinces wide, and as Planet X inches closer to the Earth, heading toward the Earth’s orbit in its[2/5/2012 11:41:36 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Terrorism?

  trajectory, Homeland Security has stepped up their warnings and rhetoric. Are there substantial threats, more than the

  usual chatter, to justify the media coverage and warnings? No. Why would terrorists seek to disrupt an election where

  the Bush Administration is likely to lose? This is something they would desire, not want to prevent. This assertion

  alone, by Homeland Security, proves the warnings and projections ludicrous.

  Approaching Debris in the Tail of Planet X[2/5/2012 11:41:36 AM]

  ZetaTalk: OperationTopOff

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  ZetaTalk: Operation Topoff

  Note: written during the May 10, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session

  The past week has been a week of events, some natural, some political. Weather and quakes extremes have increased

  to the extent that they have become undeniable, to any not brain dead. As we predicted, droughts and deluges, and

  lineal increase in quakes to the extent that they would be more than subliminal tremors but noticed, has occurred. At

  the same time, the unaided eye sightings occurred on schedule, as well as the Second Sun sightings, all registered on

  photos for the public unable to get clear skies or a solid view to see. Nancy has, within the US, been given broad

  coverage recently, on C2C and Gentile, on local radio stations, and beyond the interviews word of mouth is like wild

  fire on the issue. As we have repeatedly stated, when ZetaTalk has success, the push back increases to meet this

  success, a reason for allowing Nancy to stumble on occasion on minor issues like the Beatles, and to be so broke as to

  be assumed unable to function by the arrogant rich who consider her a prime threat.

  The issue came up last Saturday in chat as to whether the White House took credence in the May 15 to June 1 [Note: see

  2003 Date explanation] time frame for serious rotation stoppage and pole shift to occur, and our answer was that they did not. So what changed, this past week, that

  1. a May 4 announcement of the TopOff exercises, mobilizing 100 agencies nationwide and into Canada, and

  2. a May 5 NASA web site article listing Nancy Lieder by name as well as Nibiru, debunking the issue of a

  passage soon.

  If one wanted to debunk, why not leave her name out of it, as undoubtedly the readership would locate the ZetaTalk

  web site in Internet searches. Is this Good Cop/Bad Cop on the issues, both denying the truth while putting the spot

  light on the prime spokesperson, Nancy? Yes! And what has occurred that this situation was quickly scrambled forth?

  It has often been presented that human astrophysics simply does not consider the speed of approach of Planet X that

  we have always asserted is possible, and that an orbit such as we have described from the start would occur. Yes,

  NASA and JPL located the brown dwarf in 1983, estimated its size and distance, and then fell to holding their breath,

  as they viewed any approach as outside of their lifetimes. Up until 1995, it was virtually in place, dithering at the

  midpoint. When it began to move, the uptick was slow at first, then increasing in the last year or so to zoom into the

  outer edges of the solar system. This was much ridiculed on sci.astro, as the rule is that any object approaching a solar

  system at that speed would reach what humans call escape velocity, and never return. Since this was purported by the

  ancients and geological evidence to be a repeater, they assumed such a speed would not occur, but it did.

  When the speed was noted, the orbit was then clung to as a hope that a close passage would not occur, as human

  astrophysics does not consider the Repulsion Force to exist as we have described it. Thus, they computed a straight

  line through the solar system, far afield from a close passage to the Earth, and went about grabbing the oil fields in the

  MidEast and other such more pressing issues. Recently, they have lost visibility, losing probes such as the Pioneer and

  distracted by the loss of the Columbia. Other probes also were lost, unknown to the public. When the dust of

  distraction cleared and fresh astronauts were placed on the Space Station, they set about triangulating again to examine

  the orbit of Planet X. To their horror, its orbit was assuming what WE have always asserted! Thus, the sudden

  adjustment to a possible May 15, or shortly thereafter, occurrence of severe panic in the populace was done.

  In other words, if we have been right about the orbit and the speed, then we might be right about the date!

  What adjustments were to be made, then, in an arrogant group of elite who assumed they had months to secure the

  MidEast oil fields, to arrange to blow up bridges so the underclass in large cities would drown or die in quake and not

  escape, and to block roads throughout the nations in this conspiracy to rule the world as kings afterwards so that only[2/5/2012 11:41:36 AM]

  ZetaTalk: OperationTopOff

  desireable workers survived to be enslaved.

  Should they call Martial Law, in order to enforce blockades? This would be problematic IF our date proved

  wrong, as Martial Law cannot be sustained for long in countries not used to these restrictions.

  Should they fake terrorism attacks, as they planned to do on the anniversary of 911, or plant evidence as they

  hoped to do prior to the invasion of Iraq? This has been so consist
ently stymied, by ourselves and others

  working with the Council of Worlds, that they feared failure, another embarrassment like the faked nuclear

  material memos provided to the UN prior to the Iraq invasion.

  What was left? An exercise, to mobilize the agencies, the troops, and broad enough in scope and time that any

  city finding roads blocked or troops about could be placated by the announcement that this was only part of the

  exercise. After all, exercises must contain some unknowns, or the agencies to be exercises are not exercised!

  They are not simply walking through a script, the actors are to be given surprises, and thus they might have to

  go to LA to break up a terrorism cell, or Miami.

  If no other clue that the Earth changes we have been predicting since 1995 are true, the timing of these exercises is a

  loud announcement that they are considered true by NASA and the White House.

  So, given that, why is Nancy suddenly being given publicity, albeit negative publicity? As we have stated in the past,

  repeatedly, ZetaTalk is the single source of a positive message about how to survive, and live afterwards. Other sites

  have been attempted, and only resulted in people clutching to each other, small group formation. ZetaTalk has, under

  the democratic hand of Nancy and those who have worked with her on Troubled Times, developed a set of survival

  guides, including Energy, Food, Shelter, and Health needs, that the public can consume quickly and research readily.

  Nancy has never failed to mention how one can survive, the simple steps, and where to go for the information, on her

  interviews, and acts as an information officer for the site on email, pointing to the TOPICS the anxious correspondent

  needs to find. Put yourself in the shoes of the White House, in shock that the date might be soon, and not sure how the

  mobilization and control of the populace might play out. How to dampen panic? Give them solutions! And thus, we

  have Nancy in the wings!

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