ZetaTalk: Government
Page 24
Major Russian Armed Forces Exercises to be held in June [May 17]
http://newsfromrussia.com/main/2004/05/17/‘The Russian Armed Forces will hold major exercises
in June 2004, acting Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov told President Vladimir Putin.’
[and from another]
U.S. Troops Play War Games [May 18] ‘The Russian and U.S. military launched an unprecedented
six-day command post exercise in Moscow on Monday to train for conducting joint operations in a
third country.’
[Note: and the big guys coordinating, for what event?]
Signs of the Times #848
Revealed: London's plans for the 'very worst' [May 14] ‘The Government today issued orders to
councils across London on how to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people in the event of a
Doomsday strike by terrorists. The contingency plans cater for a mass exodus of people from
whichever area of the capital is targeted. Local councils will use transport including trains and
buses to get people away from threatened areas. And they have been instructed to post officials at
stations to shepherd fleeing Londoners to the designated shelters. In the event of a large scale attack
the Army would inevitably be called in to quell mass panic among those heading for the shelters.
Other plans for a mass evacuation of London are believed to include moving the seat of
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ZetaTalk: Ships Out to Sea
Government to a secure nuclear bunker in the countryside. Sites for temporary mortuaries are also
being identified. It is not thought there will be any mass leafleting of the public in the event of an
attack. Instead, authorities would rely on radio and television broadcasts to keep the public
informed of any danger as it arose. Ministers are keen that such broadcasts do not "over-
dramatise" the scale of the crisis thereby contributing to mass hysteria.’
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ZetaTalk: ISS Evacuation
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ZetaTalk: ISS Evacuation
written Dec 10, 2004
There was a live internet broadcast of a panel answering questions, which I watched. Expedition Team 10
arrived at the Space Station. Why would they not bring enough to last them? Not only that, but Russian
Supply Cargo ships went up there during Expedition Team 9's stay, not one time but twice. Why would
they still not have any food left over? And now, the video has seemingly disappeared. If you go to CNN,
who actually broadcast the video on-line, you'll find nothing of the sort. NASA makes no mention of the
breaking news on their website. All of the members of the panel displayed signs of extreme nervousness, of
worry and of masked sorrow. They were skittish and fidgety, which seasoned public speakers are not. They
could not look in one direction for long. They were lying through their teeth. So what's really going on?
Certain death on the International Space Station lies ahead for any who would remain there during the coming weeks.
This is the analysis, based on the current path of Planet X and its entourage of debris. If fireballs have been screaming
through the atmosphere and thudding to Earth during the past year, the ISS is scarcely immune. These fireballs have
been limply excused by NASA and their cronies as ‘space debris’ from human activity. This is lame excuse #1,
especially when many reports can produce, display, and offer for sale chunks of the debris. Fireballs tearing through
the roof to land in the basement, bouncing off the garage in full view of astonished home owners, zooming past the
head of a homemaker hanging out her wash to be found smoking and imbedded in the toasted lawn nearby. At first
broadly reported as the novelty they were, and then suppressed in the news as are all clues to the presence of Planet X
and its entourage, these fireballs are the reason for the need to evacuate the ISS, and soon.
How can the ISS be evacuated because of lack of food, when the shuttle to evacuate them could bring them food?
Lame excuse #2.
Those at the helm of the cover-up have not released those sworn to silence from their oath, so the news cannot be that
debris, or any hint of a reason that might point to Planet X nearby, is the reason. If the meteors and trash slinging by
the ISS cannot be mentioned, then what? Lack of toilet paper? A sick crew? Wear and tear on the ISS, causing
unexpected breakdown? Lack of food is the least logical reason, yet was chosen. The reason for this is that any other
excuse that might seem more reasonable had an association to the fireballs and meteor issue, which is a forbidden
subject. Yet another death by accident of a van full of JPL and NASA employees just the day before this
announcement was a reminder of what happens when the cover-up is treated lightly. A sick crew implies they are
worried, potentially, so the crew must be strong and happy. Mechanical problems implies the ISS has been beset by
unexpected stress, so despite a recent oxygen leak, the ISS must be in tip-top shape. What’s left? A food shortage,
lack of cargo space, with the astronauts suffering from malnutrition and needing to be returned, and no room on the
shuttle for both a replacement crew and food, so temporarily, the next shuttle up will simply bring the malnourished
crew back to sick bay.
Signs of the Times #1258
Russia Plans to Evacuate ISS Crew Due to Lack of Food [Dec 10]
http://www.mosnews.com 'Provisions for the current crew on the
International Space Station are running low. If for any reason the
cargo spaceship does not deliver containers with products into orbit
before the middle of the next month, perhaps an urgent evacuation of
spacemen working there will be needed. The next delivery is
scheduled for Dec. 24. A spokesman from Mission Control was
quoted by the agency as saying the members of the previous crew
overconsumed their provisions. The current ISS crew consists of Russian cosmonaut Salizhan
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ZetaTalk: ISS Evacuation
Sharipov and US astronaut Leroy Chiao.'
[and from another source]
Space Station Crew Forced to Cut Calories [Dec 9]
‘Food is running so low aboard the international space station that flight controllers have
instructed the two crewmen to cut back on calories, at least until a Russian supply ship arrives in a
little over two weeks. If anything goes wrong with the Christmas Day delivery, NASA will have no
choice, given the grounding of its shuttle fleet, but to abandon the station and bring the men home in
early January. The space agency, meanwhile, is drawing up plans to evacuate the orbiting outpost,
in case the Russian rocket carrying the cargo ship explodes during liftoff, or the ship cannot dock
two days later.’
[and from another source]
ISS Crew Redocks Soyuz Spacecraft [Nov 30]
‘The tenth crew of the International Space Station made a short spaceflight early Monday to move a
Russian lifeboat to a new docking port and prepare the station for a pair of upcoming spacewalks.
Monday's spaceflight marked the first time the Expedition 10 crew left the ISS unmanned since they
arrived at the station on October 16. Initially slated to be used as an emergency lifeboat for ISS
crews, Russia's Soyuz spacecraft are currently t
he only vehicles available for station crew
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ZetaTalk: Balancing Act
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ZetaTalk: Balancing Act
Note: written on Apr 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The major governments of the world are in a dilemma regarding the coming cataclysms. Their first reactions to the
news that another pole shift would occur and that there was nothing they could do to change it was self protective.
Don't tell the public or they'll never leave our door, and what can we do to provide for our own comfort and safety. As
the years have passed and those running for cover and to provide for themselves have begun to look foolish on a world
where the human residents are inevitably neighbors, many responsible people in these major governments in the know
have pondered just what they might do. Given that a defense cannot be mustered, and that earthquake and tidal wave
damaged cities will overwhelm the relief agencies, what's to be done?
Governments are used to assuming the parental role, and this is naturally the posture assumed when the citizenry will
be in need. Self-help is the last avenue considered, mainly because it tends to put the government worker out of work.
Sweeping solutions such as large tents in the countryside with rice and bean stands for all are considered. The hungry
would be fed for a day, and then what? As long as the emergency is months and years away, the debate can be
theoretical. Martial law, with chain gangs in the fields growing crops are considered by those coercive in nature.
Emptying the dwindling government stores to feed the hungry as long as it lasts are considered by others. None of the
solutions are practical, and none are anywhere close to being implemented.
This dilemma is only going to quicken as the time approaches, as food stores will dwindle and fear of panic in the
populace will be just under the surface. Increasingly, much as government workers resist this solution, offering self-
help to the populace looks like the best solution. Unfortunately, the public can't be led to adopt practices that will help
them through the crisis unless they are told of the danger! So a delicate balancing act has ensued.
Under whatever guise, gardens protected from the weather and home crafts are to be encouraged, as are low fat
diets leaning heavily to vegetarianism. This may be touted as fads or simply good for the health, but the
underlying motive in these campaigns is to get the populace positioned to live as they must in the Aftertime.
Under no circumstances will an announcement be publicly made that real estate and holdings will be devastated,
even when the Earth is slowing in rotation in the last days before the passage of the 12th Planet. The fear of an
immediate economic collapse and the distraction this will bring is too great. Therefore, bringing the approaching
danger to the public's attention must be done through unofficial means.
Bearing in mind that humans presented with danger run through a broad range of reactions from denial to panic
to silliness, the unofficial means must be such that it can be dismissed out of hand, as well as seriously
considered. Yes and no this is going to happen. Yes and no the source of information is reasonable and credible.
Yes and no there are alternative explanations for whatever the source is pointing to.
In order for the unofficial source to be tolerated long before being discredited, it must have a built in deniability.
The Farsight Institute issued absurd predictions for just this reason. Visionaries like Scallion are ridiculed for less
than 100% accuracy for this reason. Art Bell entertains theories that have little relationship to the scientific for
this reason. All these sources are popular, but if too accurate the anxiety level of the government rises. Thus it is
that ZetaTalk, with built in deniability in that the aliens talking to Nancy refuse to present themselves, is a
perfect vehicle for getting the word out.
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ZetaTalk: Balancing Act
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ZetaTalk: Spin Control
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ZetaTalk: Spin Control
Note: written on Oct 15, 2000
Where those in power positions around the world, what we refer to as the establishment, are firmly determined not to
have panic in the populace break out and will thus work to prevent any full disclosure of the coming pole shift, they
cannot prevent or suppress all word of this. At some point, the excuses of Global Warming or solar cycles or a
wobbling jet stream are too weak to explain utterly confused weather patterns and heightened volcanic activity. At
some point, the worry over the rising price of food causes hard questions about steps the government will take, and the
answers found oddly vague or the plan without substance. Has the government not noticed, or do they have plans not
yet revealed? Those who have formerly been distracted will begin to look, and ask questions, and the establishment
will find themselves in need of spin control. How to keep the public from being aware, yet answer the questions so as
to settle alarm?
Absolute Denial
Absolute denial is a ploy often used, and most often first used, by liars. The philandering husband finds that
absolute denial regarding questions about lipstick on his collar or that blond hair on his suit jacket settles the
wife back into her role as laundress and housekeeper. She prefers not to know, and will accept his firm statement
as a reassurance. Absolute denial requires two things in order to succeed - the liar and a desire to be
comfortable, to return to the daily routine, in those being lied to. Thus, absolute denial is the first ploy that will
be used by the establishment when faced with the need for spin control. There are no crop shortages, in fact there
is a boom crop in this or that part of the world or country. There is no increase in the severity of storms, in fact
history tells us that climatic swings have happened in the past, so this is normal and when averaged out over
years or eons is not extreme. Those wanting the discomfort of anxiety removed will grasp at the reassurance
with a sigh of relief.
Stay Tuned ...
The populace, busy with their life and seldom having an opportunity to lift their eyes to the horizon and think
about what might be coming, relies on their government to do this for them and the media to inform them of
such trends and plans. Given rising food prices or disasters such as floods and droughts, they are encouraged to
feel certain that their government is taking steps. What they need, in order to continue in this facade, is
reassurance. Thus, as matters get worse, going into the pole shift, the public can expect an increasing patter of
announcements about studies, research, government programs, committees being formed, and all staffed by
experts well known to the public or with impeccable credentials. Those wanting to get back to their busy life,
relying on a parent figure to handle matters for them in the larger view, will make a note of this and put their
worries aside. Someone else is handling this, I’ll just stay tuned.
As all trial lawyers know, one has only to create an element of doubt in the jurors minds to counter the
��s statements. She was raped by Bruto there, and the doctors confirm sexual contact and bruises, but
she has, as reported by Buddy here, been promiscuous and have a liking for rough sex. Any argument, or
conclusion, can be countered by any statement casting doubt. If the oceans are rising, heating up from the
bottom up, this is because of Global Warming, and as the average man knows that warm air in a room will melt
ice cubes in a glass, he buys this. Unless one is highly logical and informed, with the capacity to balance and
mentally entertain many factors at once, this argument flies. If Global Warming is the cause, then why increased
volcanic activity, and is the increased temperature in the air enough to make the poles melt? The average person,
however, will accept that the statement has opposition, has been countered, and put it out of their mind.
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ZetaTalk: Spin Control
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ZetaTalk: Face to Face
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ZetaTalk: Face to Face
written May 27, 2006 on the live GodlikeProduction Radio show.
Any comment from the Zetas on the Blair Bush visit. Was it another face to face pole shift discussion?Fox,
from Mexico, was also there same time, as was someone from Israel. What were they talking about - all
those face to face discussions with Bush?
Indeed there are hardly any such visits, where heads of state meet, that the coming pole shift is not talked about,
especially among the countries that are aware of what is coming. We were questioned perhaps 2 or 3 years ago on who
the major players were, who was aware. In the past it was US and Russia, Britain and Germany, Japan and Israel as
strong partners with the US, and the other countries in the main simply not sure, speculating, having heard the rumors,
but not sure. In May of 2003, Bush called all heads of state around the world for meetings in France, all
simultaneously there, ostensibly there to mend fences over Iraq. The shocked faces coming out afterwards for photo