ZetaTalk: Government
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ZetaTalk: Muzzled
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ZetaTalk: Muzzled
Note: written on Feb 15, 2000. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
How can the discovery of a planet as large as the 12th Planet be kept quiet? Look to how often the public is
completely bamboozled even when they know the truth, have their finger on it, and have the evidence in their hot
hands. The establishment lies. How many people heard comments by the astronauts, as they were stepping out on the
Moon, that they were not the first, surprised at what they discovered there. Have we heard from the astronauts what it
was that they discovered? They were silenced. How many people were disappointed because the recent probes sent up
to Mars were not sent close to the Face on Mars and failed to take pictures at the right angle or with the scrutiny that
the public was yearning for? The Hubble is not feeding directly to the public. The probes are not feeding directly to the
public. The public pays for this, with their taxes, but they don’t get the information, and any hew and cry does not
result in more information forthcoming.
Information is edited, parsed out very carefully, and when NASA and JPL are caught in the act, other information is
dredged up from the archives, which they themselves have access to and the public does not have access to, to
disprove the accusers. How is the truth kept from the public? By omissions, and by other explanations. Should any
astronomer locate something that they believe is a body, influencing the outer planets and the like, they are deluged
with counter explanations from the experts who hold images and information the public does not have access to, so of
course the explanation cannot be countered. Likewise, there can be omissions from manuals. For instance, if the object
is an infrared object that was discovered in 1983, that object is simply omitted from the catalog. Therefore, if
astronomers find such an object, are likely to assume that it is a temporary blip from some object that was not formerly
there or riding that orbit.
How many people know of the 12th Planet? It doesn’t take many. In order to be certain of this, one has to have a high
security clearance, and in those cases the individual is a reliable sort to begin with, who allows themselves to be
muzzled. Look at the secrets that have been muzzled so far - JFK, where a single bullet was supposed to have traveled
through several bodies. Who believes that? Nevertheless this is the official explanation, and those who know better are
either silenced, kept quiet by their personalities and their sense of duty and their desire to be part of the structure, or
killed. And it has happened also, with Planet X that a number of people have been killed. And these kinds of deaths
ripple through the community that is aware of this, so it is a harsh reminder that they too should keep their mouth shut.
Only the large observatories, of which there are perhaps a half dozen, and NASA and JPL who reel off the Hubble, for
instance, are aware. The information that is noted by many is not analyzed except by a few who are under a muzzle
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ZetaTalk: Dead Astronomers
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ZetaTalk: Dead Astronomers
written Dec 9, 2004
The greatest fear a cover-up has is an uncontrolled unraveling. Spin control, as it is often called. There was a reason for the Planet X
cover-up, a valid reason, a reason that took into consideration saving lives and looking after the public good, concern about damping
panic that would have cost lives and dollars and done no one any good, and thus those perpetrating the cover-up were exemplary
citizens, leaders with great foresight, and should be thanked for keeping the truth from the public all these years. What they hope will be over looked are the real reasons for the cover-up in the first place, primarily a desire to use the passage of Planet X as an
opportunity to come out on top of the pile when the dust settles, to control of people and assets, to destroy opposition and seize
control, to place a restless public into a slave labor status during the turmoil, and thus, emerge as kings. At best, perpetrating the
cover-up was an inability to simply admit their inability to deal with the situation, to retain perks and status and pay for as long as possible. For many, especially as evidence of Planet X exploded on the scene, participation in the cover-up was a demand, expressed as a national security issue to damp panic and protect the public safety.
Caught in this group were many with good hearts, who longed to let the public know what they were privy to, so they could
understand the current weather and earthquakes and volcanic restlessness in a proper perspective. Did their neighbors and friends not
deserve to know? Did they not have plans to make and issues to settle ahead of time? If those in the know, the elite, were not in a
state of panic, then would not the common man, who deals with such stress in their everyday lives, not be able to cope with this
information just as effectively? These feelings, contrary to the purposes of those demanding the cover-up be maintained at all costs
until the bitter end, are often noted at the workplace or elsewhere, or when resentful participants might express their feelings over a beer at a bar or during a commute. A second class of participants in the cover-up are those who were promised safety, security, a
place in well stocked bunkers and a job working for those who would be kings after the pole shift. ‘ Go along, and we’ll reward you as a faithful servant’, was the message. But as the cataclysm precursors heat up, and those promised safety make inquiries, it is apparent that no such inclusion has been planned. ‘ Thanks for your help, sucker, now go stand in the cold rain and grub for bugs to eat’, is the implicit message.
Both these groups are a concern for those at the helm of the cover-up as it is about to unravel. The temptation is to eliminate them or at least send a message. Will this suppression succeed? In part, but not for long. When the real Earth changes begin, the admissions and hysteria and frantic ad hoc discussions will be like a flood of emotion, uncontrollable, among those who knew of the cover-up and
those only suddenly realizing it. Will spin control work, for those who were at the helm all along and trying to maintain control when
it is unraveling? Hardly, or will they kill all concerned, leaving NASA without staff, the observatories without staff, as a message to the concerned public trying to sort it all out. ‘ We did this for the public good, and that’s why we killed all who had knowledge. ’ Hardly credible. Those in the White House, in control of NASA, in control of time keepers in the Navy, rallying heads of state around the
world to participate in the cover-up, withholding funds from observatories that do not keep their astronomers in line, cannot run from
their liability. They can run from their roles, deny, but they cannot hide from the public, who will recognize them wherever they are
found in the aftermath of the pole shift, vulnerable, out among those they lied to all these years. True karma, pending.
Signs of the Times #1255
Caught in this group were many with good hearts, who longed to let the public know what they were privy to, so
they could understand the current weather and earthquakes and volcanic restlessness in a proper perspective. These
feelings, contrary to the purposes of those demanding the cover-up be maintained at all costs until the bitter end,
are often noted at the workplace or elsewhere, or when resentful participants might express their feelings over a
beer at a bar or during a commute. A second class of participants in the cover-up are those who were promised
safety, security, a place in well stocked bunkers and a job working for those who would be kings after the pole shift.
But as the cataclysm precursors heat up, and those promised safety make inquiries, it is apparent that no such
inclusion has been planned. Both these groups are a concern for those at the helm of the cover-up as it is about to
unravel. Those in the White House, in control of NASA, in control of time keepers in the Navy, rallying heads of
state around the world to participate in the cover-up, withholding funds from observatories that do not keep their
astronomers in line, cannot run from their liability. They can run from their roles, deny, but they cannot hide from
the public, who will recognize them wherever they are found in the aftermath of the pole shift, vulnerable, out
among those they lied to all these years. True karma, pending. [Note: new ZetaTalk: Dead Astronomers .] In the
Photos section, Mt Wilson photo on May 26, 2003, and on May 28.
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ZetaTalk: Dead Astronomers
Signs of the Times #1254
Three killed in NASA van plunge [Dec 8] ‘A commuter van from NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory tumbled 200 feet off a twisting mountain. The van was
carrying six employees of the lab in Pasadena, two contractors and two NASA
employees. The cause of the accident was not immediately known. Clouds and fog
shrouded the site, at an altitude of about 1,500 feet. Snow dotted flanks of the
mountain, but the road itself was clear.’ [and from another source] The Angeles
Crest Highway is a two-lane road, with many sharp curves and very steep drop-
offs (although there are guardrails). There is an obervatory, Mt. Wilson, up at the
top. [and from another source] There have been quit a few scientist killed over
the last 10 years. In fact the odds of so many of them being killed by accident
within such a small time frame is extremely remote. [and from another source] French cable car crash kills 20 [Jul
1, 1999] ‘The car detached itself from the cable, but the cable did not snap. Most of the victims were reported to be
employees of the observatory, which is run by French, German and Spanish scientists. The cable car was used only
for the observatory and no tourists were believed to be on board. The chief representative of the cable car union
said the cable car was built in the 1980s and had recently passed a safety inspection.’
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ZetaTalk: Deliberate Leaks
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ZetaTalk: Deliberate Leaks
Note: written on Oct 15, 2000
While frozen into paralysis and unable to tell the public the truth about the coming cataclysms, those in government, or
their associates, often leak the truth inadvertently or deliberately. Whether deliberate or apparently by accident, the
outcome is the same - the public sense some body of knowledge they are not being told about, some alarm, and begins
to think for themselves and to look about. There are two main reasons for such leaks:
1. the person leaking information is in agony over an uninformed public, and longs to divulge and to share the
burden with a broader base of concerned citizenry. They want action, and see none in those around them, and
hope to incite action by the leak. They often are restrained from informing even their own family, or taking
actions that might reveal their knowledge, and are tryingt break this restriction by making the information
generally known.
2. anger and bitter disappointment in a government that would fail to warn its populace of such a horrendous
occurrence about to befall it. The person leaking in this case is committing a type of suicide in their rage, risking
all in order to place the information out where it cannot be withdrawn or ignored. Often they are not harmed by
such a move, as this confirms the validity of the claim, but the risk is there nonetheless.
The first reaction by the government to a significant leak is to ignore it. This works more often than not, surprisingly,
as the public is watching the broad band of information thrown at it in more ways than one. Busy with their lives, and
concerned about multiple problems, the average person is flooded with more information than they can process. A type
of sceening exists, where a buzz level is watched, and only those news item that get a lot of buzz are actually listened
to or absorbed. If a news item is a curiosity, or of interest only to a few, then it gets little buzz. If a news item is
significant, it gets discussed repeatedly, with experts making commentary, and is perhaps talked about by friends and
co-workers. So ignoring a leak, as the Planet X discovery announcement in 1983, often makes the issue go away.
Where, as in the case of the Planet X discovery, it does not go away, it is because follow-on leaks or a persistent group
determined to get the truth out hammers away at the issue.
The second reaction is to counter the leak, most often by a set of counter arguments laid out by supposed experts
holding information the public does not have at their disposal, and less often by discrediting the individual responsible
for the leak. NASA is brought forth to proper priviledge Hubble images, bolstering their statements, while preventing
the public access to the Hubble archieves where the truth indeed lies in bold color. Discrediting the individual, creating
a rash of personal horrors supposedly committed by the individual, is more risky as this is most often a fabrication and
thus at risk of being discovered as such. If the individual backs off quietly, the discrediting often succeeds. If they
argue, or persist, matters can get brutal behind the scenes until a stalemate results, the dishonored one allowed to talk
privately about the unfairness of the treatment, but the public remembering the lies and smears.
The third reaction is to dilute the impact of the leak, particularly if an inadvertent leak made by a person or group in
agony. The agony of imposed silence is understood among those in the know, and thus some sympathy exists for
inadvertent leaks. Such a leak was make by Bob Dole when he announced with fervor in 1996 that the Star Wars
program must be re-activated by 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation], or in 2000 when the Russian government lamented about a string of disasters anticipated to hit the country in 2003. These inadvertent leaks cause an embarrassed silence,
hand over a red face, and then an attempt to dilute the impact by the same argument pointing to different time frames
or years. Unless one is looking for the pattern, and noticing the intensity of distress in the first message that includes
2003, the pattern is unlikely to be noticed.
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ZetaTalk: Curious Contractors
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ZetaTalk: Curious Contractors
Note: written during the Nov 30, 2002 IRC Session
As we mentioned during the Fort Brag murder/suicide spate, the military are not pawns without emotions, and break
when asked to do inhuman tasks. As we mentioned during the NASA leaks of the Face on Mars, probe images put on
the web prior to be doctored, which Hoagland secured, proving the cover-up re Mars. NASA employees, smarting
from being barked at by arrogant emissaries
from the White House and treated like servants rather than professionals,
were having a pay-back. There was a theft, as yet un-recovered, of some 400 laptops from a secure Pentagon war
room, and surely this was not an outside job. Because those laptops were not recovered, rules went out about frequent
and close inventory checks. Sensors installed, and the like, such that they could be located once used.
All this was to discourage employees, and up the track record on prosecution and recovery. However, those working on
the Space Station, as other NASA projects, see the true intent of these efforts, not told to the public. Only the elite, and wealthy, are to be housed, and escape, even the NASA employees and their families left behind like trash. And beyond
these plans, what horror unannounced to the public lies there, that such secrecy is needed. This contractor [Russell
Edward Filler], unable to satisfy his curiosity, slipped away with a laptop, to better explore this in the seclusion of his
home. Caught, or sensing this was eminent, he committed suicide, knowing the worse was awaiting him. Torture may
be illegal in the US, in law enforcement, but the CIA has long fine tuned methods that leave no marks, yet are as
unbearable in pain as broken bones and severed limbs. This is no secret among those likely to become victims, and
thus the utter secrecy that prevails. He was caught, frankly, in a horror of what must be coming for he and his family,
and the horror of being caught with the laptop.
Where we are accused of increasing suicide by talking about the impending danger, the opposite is the case. Those
who know what is coming, and can mentally and emotionally prepare, are far less likely to take the easy way out that
those who do not know, but suspect, a horror. Imagination is worse than facts, and that's a fact.
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ZetaTalk: NASA's Gambits
ZetaTalk: NASA's Gambits
written August 20, 2010
With no warning or explanation, the NICT magnetic simulator,