ZetaTalk: Government
Page 47
Signs of the Times #1469
Fireworks likely when NASA blows up comet [Jun 26]
'Not all dazzling fireworks displays will be on Earth this Independence Day. NASA hopes to shoot
off its own celestial sparks in an audacious mission that will blast a stadium-sized hole in a comet
half the size of Manhattan. NASA guarantees that its experiment will not significantly change the
comet's orbit nor will the smash-up put the comet or any remnants of it on a collision course with
Earth.' [and from another source]
http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/deepimpact/mission/index.html The Deep Impact mission lasts
six years from start to finish. Planning and design for the mission took place from November 1999
through May 2001. In December 2004, a Delta II rocket launches the combined Deep Impact
spacecraft which leaves Earth's orbit and is directed toward the comet. After a voyage of 173 days
and 431 million kilometers (268 million miles), NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft will get up-close
and personal with comet Tempel 1 on July 4. Tempel 1's orbit lies between the orbits of Mars and
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ZetaTalk: Deep Impact Result
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ZetaTalk: Deep Impact Result
written July 6, 2005
In this day and age of special effects, were these photos and videos concocted in advance to show to the
public? How are we to ever know?
As we stated days before the July 4th show was scheduled to start, these fireworks were in the hands of man, as any failure or floundering would be theirs. And flounder they did. As we explained, the target was not a comet but the
Earth's Dark Twin, target practice against a dead world in preparation for another attempt to nuke Planet X out of its
current trajectory. The planned explosions from several nuclear devices, in keeping with the story being told, was to
occur simultaneously, a single flash, but what occurred was a series of flashes over an hour. Do dead, cold, dirty
snowballs, separating so the parts drift off into the void and vacuum of space, ignite? What is it that ignites? Frozen
water? Bits of dust? Ignition is from what man put there, bomb material, and the fact that several explosions occurred
are proof that NASA lied, once again, and had several bombs, not one, aboard. Earth based observatories and
individuals watching with their scopes saw several explosions, but official images from space based observatories or
the observing probe itself stopped after the prepared story and reality parted ways.
The animation prepared well ahead of time, to be shown as though it was from space based views, did not match the
result, nor did the scripted commentary that the stunned scientists struggled to relay during the well advertised event.
They had no explanation for the series of explosions, and stuttered into silence, not daring to venture a guess as it
might counter the eventual official explanation. Debunking the theories now being floated is easy. One popular Internet
theory is that electrical currents within the comet, lightning in essence, created the flashes. If comets were so
electrified, wouldn't they be flashing as well as outgassing, regularly, as they encounter the debris in the solar system?
The NASA explanation is that portions of the rocky interior of the comet were under pressure and exploded. Again,
we point out that in the void of space, where expansion is not constrained, the comet would simply have broken into
pieces, without an explosion. For an explosion, there needs to be either fissionable or flammable material, and the only
such material available for that is what man would have delivered.
So what did happen? The series of nuclear devices bundled together requires a precise impact at the tip of each for a
simultaneous explosion, and the bundling needs to remain intact. Should either of these fail, the simultaneous
explosion fails, and both failed. NASA's failure rate is not laid out before the public, especially since the Columbia
unexpectedly disintegrated upon reentry, so that funding will not be questioned. Something as simple as a faulty rubber
ring, an O-Ring, can create a shuttle disaster for NASA, such is their track record. The bundled devices, tumbling in
one of the spins man is forever discounting and refusing to understand as they smugly assume they know all the
factors involved and their math describing such situations flawless, did not strike point on as expected. Thus, the initial
impact broke the bundle, and sent each nuclear device bouncing on it's own. Ricocheting about, these devices exploded
on the surface of the Dark Twin over time, independently as each finally aligned so that the tip of the device was the
strike point.
There is more than embarrassment at NASA today, who must explain the unexplainable, as the true mission did not
succeed. Assuming that large hunks of rock can be nudged into new orbits or trajectories, according to all the math
man holds so dear and proudly brags put man on the Moon so it must be accurate, they found otherwise. No change in
position occurred, whatsoever, and the orbits continue as before. Could it be that something other than Newton's Math
rules the Universe? Something akin to the Sweeping Arms of the Sun and particle flows coming back into the Sun at
her middle such that the planets are held in these flows, swept inward toward the Sun but held at bay by the Repulsion
Force? We have patiently demonstrated that the Moon is too large, and moving too slowly, to be held up above Earth
by Centrifugal Force alone, an obvious fact met by ridicule by smug mathematicians when debated in the past. Tisk.
Those too arrogant to learn are doomed to failure, this fact demonstrated once again.
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ZetaTalk: Deep Impact Result
Signs of the Times #1475
Mission Accomplished: Probe Hits Comet [Jul 4] 'NASAś fleet of space telescopes, including the
Hubble Space Telescope, Chandra X-ray Observatory and Spitzer Space Telescope, and dozens of
ground observatories also viewed the impact.' [and from another source] Today in German PRO7
Evening News a representative of ESA (European Space Agency) mentioned that another objective
of this mission was to find out if it would be possible to hit an incoming celestial body. The science
team head said three times that he could not understand how their little impactor could have caused
such a large reaction. It was still outbursting a half hour after impact. [and from another source] A
Nasa scientist on the NBC world news tonight made the comment that we need to know if we can
change the course of a comet in case one is on a collision course with Earth. [and from another
source] During the BBC program the interviewer Graham Cox for the Open University BBC
telephoned Karen and asked her, what was her response to the rather long after glow of the deep
impact and she said something like 'well we don´t really know'. Karen was the one responsible for
coordinating 100 observatories world wide over six years to home in on Deep Impact. [and from
another source] I was listening to George Noory on C2C [Jul 5] with Hoagland and McCaney
discussing the strike on Temple1. They speculated the NASA was lying and that they saw two lights
one of which may have been a nuclear explosion. [and from another
source]http://www.rumormillnews.com/ NASA scientists were astonis
hed and expressed their
amazement on camera and in no uncertain terms: The blast was 'considerably more energetic than I
expected.' 'The big question is how did we make such a big splash.' 'I'm at a loss to explain it.' [and
from another source] NASA keeps showing the same things. Pre-impact photo, post impact photo
taken a few seconds after impact. Its been 45 hours! Where are the current images? [and from
another source]http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/ 'CFHT Image (Canada France Hawaii Telescope)
equipped with the Megacam camera, pre- and post-impact (image below)' [Note: analysis of the
background stars indicates the series of blasts moved over a considerable area in less than an hour.
This would be appropriate for a large black planet sized rock like the Dark Twin, but not for a
comet sized, object. See also Sign #1469.]
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ZetaTalk: Popular Vote
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ZetaTalk: Popular Vote
Note: written on Dec 15, 2000
What possible reason would there be to call out the US Supreme Court to defend a candidate that had lost the popular
vote, on all fronts. Gore had won an edge of 21 electoral votes, by some 300,000 popular votes, and was only 3
electoral votes shy of winning the Presidency. Gore also won the popular vote in Florida, a fact clear to even the ultra-
right Buchannan who admitted the 3,000 vote he received above what might be expected in the Jewish enclave of Palm
Beach were not his votes, but Gore's. The Florida vote re-count was stopped, repeatedly, by partisan loyalists of the
Bush family. Where this might have been expected in Florida, controlled by the Bush family, what would cause the
Supreme Court to break its long standing tradition of not getting involved in Presidential contests - a tradition that had
endured throughout its history?
The cry that every vote should count, echoed by the GOP lawyers when their behind-the-scenes efforts to boost their
candidate by illegal amendments to absentee ballots were exposed, were put aside when the Democratic opposition
presented the same argument. This familiar court-room posture by lawyers, whereby they contradict themselves from
one day to the next when trying to win the argument of the moment, could have been expected of lawyers. But what
would cause the Supreme Court, when stopping a legally called re-count and effort to examine every ballot for the
intent of the voter, to cast a blind eye to one group of voters while giving an irrational protection to another group?
The only difference appeared to be partisanship, that the judges themselves had been appointed by Republicans, as the
final vote was strictly along partisan lines.
But is there more to this picture? Did the Supreme Court not have more to lose, in this vote, in that the public looks to
it to be non-partisan and supporting the Constitution? Where talk of disenfranchised voters and a partisan Supreme
Court will die down, the shock that the citizenry feels at what is a betrayal of their voting rights will not diminish.
Often the larger the shock, the greater the stunned silence, so that the long-reaching and long-lasting effect of this
shock are not gauged by the smug winning party. Nevertheless, a deep distrust of the new administration will be the
result of this action, which will only be understood when attempts to win over the public for new initiatives seem to
fall flat. In disenfranchising the American voter, as well as the Florida voter, the Supreme Court did more than express
partisanship. They displayed, to those looking behind the moves, a cold and firm plan of the wealthy elite to survive
during the coming changes, at the expense of democracy and the people those in government service have sworn to
The banking industry takes precedence over the public.
The wealthy stock holder takes precedence over the investor with limited means.
The military elite requires sustenance to support the wealthy elite, in enclaves they will develop and stock with
taxpayer funds as the time draws near.
Martial Law is to be called when the public, which expects equal service with the elite from the government
they have supposedly elected and supported with their taxes, makes demands.
Did those at the fore of the GOP campaign, and voting to suppress the voter's right from the bench of the Supreme
Court, know of this ultimate plan? If not in full understanding of the circumstances which would call for such steps,
they understood that too little would be available to go around, and that choices would have to be made. In this, they
threw themselves in with those who were to be survivors, the elite, and deserted those they had sworn to serve. The
public can expect more of the same, over the few months and years left until the coming pole shift. The US
government will increasingly serve the elite, and will fail to give any explanation of their actions to the public. In this
blatant service to the elite they will become increasingly irrelevant - an administration serving itself, and not a leader
the public could respect or take seriously.
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ZetaTalk: Popular Vote
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ZetaTalk: Popularity Poles
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ZetaTalk: Popularity Polls
Note: written during the Apr 5, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session
The polls present an approval rating for the War of some 60% or more, but the actual support is in the 30's. The polls
present an approval rating for Bush overall of 60% or more, but the actual approval is in the 20's! What has gone right
for an American, since Bush took office? Loss off jobs, homelessness, medical care ignored, tax money to the rich, the
retirees neglected, the Social Security money spend on an unnecessary war, their 401 funds in the toilet. Thus, as most
suspect, the polls are so wrong that backs are turned when the numbers are announced. The cynicism of these polls and
the media runs deep.
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ZetaTalk: If Gore Had Prevailed
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ZetaTalk: If Gore Had Prevailed
written Sep 29, 2004
A good question for the Zetas would be how would the world be different if Al Gore was President?
With presidential debates pending in the US, and discussion of how the world might have been safer from terrorism
had a different approach been taken than the one Bush chose, the question is begged, how might the world have been
different if Gore had prevailed and the US Supreme Court not illegally entered into the fray, declaring a victor
contrary to the popular vote and before the votes had been legally recounted as the Florida courts had ruled. If Gore
had prevailed, naturally comes to mind, when considering how the world might change if Kerry assumes office. Would
911 have occurred, or was it, as we have stated, directed at Bush and his arrogance, not the US as a country? Would
the invasion of Iraq have occurred, or would terrorism have been treated as an international problem, as it was under
Clinton, to be resolved with close coordination with other countries, including Islamic countries, rather than alienation
of those countries as has occurred under Bush? And most compelling, would the cover-up of Plan
et X and the impact
of its imminent arrival have softened, leaked, and allowed the citizens of the world the opportunity to prepare, rather
than be shocked and devastated?
We have stated that 911 was assisted by European countries, and would not have succeeded without this assistance. It
was not, as the US public is told endlessly in the media, strictly an attack by Bin Ladin’s associates, anymore than a
hitman is the cause of an assassination. Bush Knew of the threats being made, with the US braced for this and practicing a response. Thus the delay in reaction to the actual attacks was confusion over whether this was an other
practice drill, or the real thing. Bush is not the master, but a Puppet, controlled by those with great wealth who literally
own not only US corporations but by the US national debt, the political process, as well. The Bush/Cheney arm of this
superstructure of world control had been letting their control of the US Military go to their heads, a restless and
arrogant Puppet that was brought to heel, after many warnings, with the 911 attack. Bush was even braced for an
assassination attack. How would this have differed if Gore had prevailed.
Gore, like Kerry, was well known to the Puppet Masters, and not a wild card. Liberal and Conservative alike,
Democrat or Republican, all those in key position of power, or heading there, are well aware of what the Puppet
Masters who control the world by their great wealth are desiring. There are open conferences, emissaries who deliver
messages, and daily directives. The Puppet Masters want to be positioned to control the World’s Oil supplies, should the pole shift predicted occur. Oil will be the next commodity, as all paper money will be considered worthless, and
gold and silver as a base thus worthless also. Worth must be a real thing of value, and as oil can run ships, fly planes,
fuel helicopters and tractors and formulate into fertilizer for fields, it represents growth in the future. Thus, had Gore
prevailed, he would have been pressed to guard and secure the oil fields, using the US Military in this service. How
does this differ from the situation under Clinton? In that the military was already guarding the no-fly zone, was there,