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ZetaTalk: Government

Page 51

by Nancy Lieder

  other similar reasons.

  Because, over the years, Presidents have tried to prevent the incoming President from knowing about and using MJ12,

  it has increasingly been cut away from the White House and became an independent arm. MJ12 has been populated by

  various civil servants, in the intel organizations to some extent, and some individuals who have never had any

  government service but who were pulled into MJ12 service due to their expertise or their position to help on a

  particular issue. All of the approximately 2,000 people who entered MJ12 and became members agreed, and signed an

  agreement, to allow MJ12 to assassinate them should they begin leaking information or financially gaining from

  information they learned from their MJ12 association. So it wasn’t a large group, and the governing board of 40 was

  certainly not a large group, but the governing board in particular was very independent. The President could not pull

  their strings. The Vice President was a member, but not a member of the governing board.

  Because of the distress the governing boards of MJ12 felt over what they were certain were plans to misuse the Zeta

  travel service, they disbanded themselves. This happened in December, after the election, and they allowed a two week

  closedown. During that period there was a reforming of a new group composed of MJ12 members who had no

  association with the government in their past or present, because this was deemed to be a loyalty problem where they

  could be pulled in more than one direction.

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  ZetaTalk: Misuse

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  ZetaTalk: Misuse

  Note: written on Jan 15, 2001

  Over the past few years, we have enjoyed working with MJ12 as it has become a group of solidly positive and good-

  hearted people in the governing boards, due to the serious nature of the alien presence and the work that MJ12

  performed. When an assignment came to replace someone who was exiting due to ill health or death, a life member of

  the governing board, those assigning a new member would select the best person they knew rather than some political

  hack. They chose serious minded people who were invariably spiritually mature. Consequently, MJ12 developed to be

  better than 50% solidly Service-to-Other oriented, a much higher percentage than the Earth’s population at large,

  which is closer to 27% Service-to-Other at present.

  So we had begun to do some very good work with this group, and would have been loath to break this relationship, but

  we would be driven to this if our commitment to provide a travel service to MJ12 were to be misused by the

  Bush/Cheney crowd.

  This crowd is not what it seems, as the public face is a front for a group which is not as benign as either Bush or

  Cheney would appear to be. Do not be misled. This is a group intent on serving themselves and not the public it is

  supposed to be serving. So in viewing this potential, and knowing the background, and knowing the individuals behind

  the scenes who pulled the strings to take the election away from the popular vote, which quite clearly went to Gore,

  MJ12 was distressed. The Zeta travel service in particular offered potential for misuse, as it allowed a cloaking of any

  MJ12 member who could be transported anywhere, and dropped into any home or business, teleported behind closed

  doors so that there were no locked doors or secrets or safes or people who could not be kidnapped from their beds.

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  ZetaTalk: New MJ12

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  ZetaTalk: New MJ12

  Note: written on Jan 15, 2001

  The members of MJ12 who formed the new group have in almost all cases physically disappeared so that you could

  not find them in the phone book or locate them. The government cannot hack at them. They don’t have relatives or

  children so they cannot be harmed in that way. They are free agents. The new MJ12 group has determined an agenda

  and course of action.

  To prevent disinformation and misinformation from ruling.

  Not that it cannot be spread, but it cannot prevail as the only message the people receive. They want

  the public to receive the truth. They will arrange to have cover-ups exploded and leaks to occur and

  countering information to come up from unusual sources.

  To maintain the democratic ideal.

  They do not want to see democracy completely bite the dust and martial law imposed so that people

  become literally serfs of the wealthy or powerful at gunpoint of the military. This new group is not

  restricted in the same way the old group of MJ12 was, in that the old MJ12 had rules. There was a

  need-to-know basis between the various intel organizations and arms they utilized, the CIA and

  FBI. In many cases these agencies had no idea they were doing an MJ12 service. So MJ12 had full

  access to the government bureaucracy and agents, but they had many rules, such as not assassinating

  somebody who was in the public eye. Therefore, someone in the public eye could get away with

  maneuvers and thumb their nose, so to speak, at MJ12, knowing they were a public figure and

  therefore could not be taken out. This group does not have such restrictions.

  To retaliate against the initiator, not the agents.

  They are carrying forward an earlier MJ12 routine, which was to attack the instigator of an action,

  rather than any agent. In other words, if a high level executive of a corporation desired to have

  something blown up or someone killed, when this was against MJ12’s rules, they would punish the

  person setting off the bomb or person carrying the gun. These people would be stopped, but the

  person to be retaliated against would be the person setting this in motion, in this case the executive,

  who would be tortured in front of his compatriots or killed. This stopped a lot of nonsense in that

  those who would create chaos tend to live in fear of having this come right back at them in their

  front door, like a type of karma. So this new group is continuing this and going right to the top to

  the person who has perpetrated the crime, rather than to punish the agents and it is remarkable how

  effective this is.

  This new group is very effective and has been functioning for some weeks at the time of this writing. The group has no

  name. You can call it the new MJ12 if you wish, and if and when they decide on a name they will announce

  themselves through ZetaTalk. In such a group as ours, a close-knit group, working effectively together, where there

  are human telepaths who communicate with us as Nancy does, pretty effectively, names are not necessary.

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  ZetaTalk: Aftertime MJ12

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  ZetaTalk: Aftertime MJ12

  Note: Written during Dec 8, 2001 Live ZetaTalk IRC session.

  The new MJ12 will be the least devastated during the coming shift, in terms of communications capabilities and travel

  and a safe and secure place to live. These individuals who formed the new MJ12 are with us, being to a one highly

  Service-to-Other. They are living on the surface of Earth, in 3rd Density, with a group of Zetas who do likewise in

  order to live with those humans who have teamed with us as a result of pr
ior association with MJ12 and the necessity

  of our being present, so to speak, at all times. Just where these living quarters are is not something we care to

  announce. They are, to facilitate travel and pickup, of course wearing implants. None of these folks, nor we, have any

  time to lose. Their travel is via the means offered to the old MJ12, with our space ships and the cloaking they can

  effect, so they are invisible. Their agenda has changed little since we announced the formation of this group.

  Their communications are highly telepathic, as there are a number of telepaths employed formerly by the old MJ12

  among them. We boost this capability so this communication means by these humans is enhanced. The old MJ12 had

  40 members on 2 boards, but no females. Due to the nature of the old MJ12, there are few females in the new MJ12.

  But there are a few. This group is likely to grow, over time, after the shift, as conscious awareness of the alien

  presence is all that qualifies for initiation. That, and a strongly Service-to-Other orientation, of course. The count today

  of the new MJ12 member is 57, but this in no way compares to the old MJ12 which had approximately 2,000 member,

  of which President George W. Bush was one, and Cheney.

  How will matters change for this group, who have left human society in the main, after the shift? They will find

  humans more open to their message, having suffered the shift as ZetaTalk has predicted. They will be busy helping

  Service-to-Other communities become aware of the wider world and universe, no small deed in that introduction to

  alien lifeforms may indeed be made with the new MJ12 being ambassadors. They will be busy continuing their agenda,

  which is to block and frustrate Service-to-Self human groups from having their way on the new Earth. Thus, they will

  be busier than ever, as will Nancy and some of her human acquaintances.

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  ZetaTalk: Only the US

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  ZetaTalk: Only the US

  Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

  In spite of wild rumor to the contrary, no other governments outside of the United States have an agreement with alien


  The US was targeted early by ourselves for several reasons, but primarily because our hybrid program was to be based

  in the US. The US, as a melting pot, has a broader genetics pool than any other country. Where it has been reported

  that the US government granted us permission to abduct their citizenry, their permission was not required. The hybrid

  program is conducted with volunteers, and the US government is not consulted. Period. A secondary reason we desired

  an alliance with the US government was due to their position of leadership in the world, a position they still hold. The

  US is the signal democracy, which was assisted in its birth by many aliens in the Service-to-Other responding to The

  Call, and has more than met the expectations of those who assisted. Both the government and citizenry of the US

  expect leadership of themselves, and are tolerant and supportive of innovation because of this. The US is head and

  shoulders above the rest of the world in innovation, bar none. This environment was perceived by ourselves to be the

  most fruitful for Zeta/human alliances in Service-to- Other activities during the Transformation, and is meeting our

  expectations in this regard.

  Thus, because we and others in the Service-to-Others wished an alliance with the US government, the Roswell

  incident was staged in order to initiate discussion. And it was because of our desire to contact the US government that

  those in the Service-to-Self rushed in to do their best to ruin our plans. Activities at Area 51 and Dulce are not our

  activities, but are the dying remnants of games by the Service-to-Self designed to drive a wedge between ourselves and

  the US government. They did not succeed, and the games are now in a mopping up phase, closing down. Those in the

  Service-to-Self have not contacted other governments because there was no party to spoil. It's as simple as that.

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  ZetaTalk: Russian MJ12

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  ZetaTalk: Russian MJ12

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1999

  MJ12 as an organization exists only within the United States, but the US has used it's relationships with other countries

  to extend it's reach. Of course, such a matter as the alien presence being real, and the approach of the coming

  cataclysms, makes friends of enemies. Details were shared, without ever leaving any proof in foreign hands, so that

  allies and enemies alike were stunned and shaken, and thereafter cooperative with any plan. It has long been suspected

  that Russia and the US almost pretended to be enemies, so as to push an agenda that would save the earth from alien

  invasion. This is true, but is more easily accomplished than would be imagined. It is not difficult, where a conflict

  exists, to continue it, as those in charge of continuing the conflict are kept ignorant. These are pawns, to be

  manipulated by those very high up, who know the larger truth.

  Thus moneys were spent on military matters, which were a good cover for the work of saving the planet from a

  supposed alien invasion. This invasion of course could not occur, as anyone reading the Rules section of ZetaTalk

  would understand, but this has only recently been understood by those at the highest levels of the major powers in the

  world. Of course, in most countries so included in the inner circle of such knowledge, an organization similar to MJ12

  would spring up, to handle and manage the programs. However, they do not have the alien contacts that MJ12 does, as

  they were not deemed as important in world influence as the US.

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  ZetaTalk: US/Russian

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  ZetaTalk: US/Russian

  Note: written during the Dec 28, 2002 IRC Session

  The US and Russia were not enemies when Reagan and Gorbachev met in the capital of Island Reykyavik,

  where at the press-conference Reagan said as a joke, ‘If aliens will come down on earth then the US and

  Soviet Union will join in a union to fight these aliens’. It was one of the long discussed issues between the

  Soviet Union and the US. They spent a few hours talking about it.

  #zetatalk channel

  It has long been rumored, due mostly to Reagan's tendency to have lose lips while dealing with early senility, that high

  level discussions about aliens, and Armageddon, occurred among heads of state. Reagan was rumored to be obsessed

  with Armageddon, the End Times, talking at length about this to visitors to the White House. Reagan was known to

  have made the statements, publicly and on film, that were the Earth to be invaded by aliens from outer space, that all

  countries would band together, put their differences aside. Were there such high level talks, in particular between

  Russian and the US during Reagan's time? Indeed there were, and they went beyond talk. Agreements were signed,

  locked away in the places the secret governments of both countries maintained in those days, not to be available to the

  public who was being misled utterly about the alien presence.

  Like the rumors about Martial Law about to be imposed in the US, papers signed, FEMA put into control
, and the

  ultra-right in the US trying to start this process early by the OKC bombing and the TWA800 missile attack. These

  rumors have a solid basis in truth, but what is not understood is how difficult it is for such secret agreements to

  become law, accepted by the populace. One day Russian and the US are enemies, on all fronts, and the next they are

  working as partners? Never mind what you were told yesterday, your emotions engaged, all manner of exaggeration

  given to enflame your emotions, today it is all different. This simply does not fly, and the public figure trying to work

  such a quick-change viewed with suspicion. Perhaps they have gone mad, been taking drugs, had a stroke, or

  otherwise lost it. They are discounted. In like manner, should the Bush Administration, by general agreement or forced

  to do so, decide that Martial Law should be imposed, the public would hardly just go along. The reluctance would be

  so disruptive, passive aggressive at the very least, that the nation would come to a standstill. This would not simply be

  the public, assumed to be pushed around by guns, but the gun holders, the military! Such quick-change, without

  explanation, ordered from above, does not succeed.

  What was the agreement the Russians and the US signed, back in Reagans day? As stated by the senile President

  Reagan to the public, all guns would be pointed outward, all information shared, with neither joining into an agreement

  with the aliens. It has been rumored that Russia has its version of MJ12 as well, and this is true. A secret government,

  aware of the alien presence, and ambitious for alien technology. Where the US had possession of alien ships, which

  they could not reverse engineer or control, the Russians were only allowed to participate on the good graces of the US

  military, who was very jealous of their possessions. What was clear to the Russians, however, was that the US was not

  succeeding in gaining any technology, and thus these talks fell by the wayside. The truth of the matter became

  apparent, that no technology would be made available to humans, and no invasion was pending.


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