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ZetaTalk: Government

Page 63

by Nancy Lieder

ZetaTalk: Omnipotent Krlll

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  One of the first aliens in the Service-to-Self orientation to contact the United States government was a member of the

  alien race from Orion, who called himself the Omnipotent Krlll. He had studied human societies, or rather had his

  lackeys do this study, and concluded that a guttural name that sounded like a growl would most induce fear. Thus the

  concocted name. One should take note that it also sounds similar to the word kill, also not by accident. This alien

  greatly impressed the military officers who met him, in that he understood their need for order and hierarchy, their

  concept of command by the most powerful and well connected, and their willingness in the main to sell out sections of

  the populace for any gain in power and might they might attain. As he was firmly in the Service-to-Self, they were in

  effect speaking his language. He was at home.

  Krlll set to work disinforming the military as best suited his ultimate aim. As he wished to conquer them, he told them

  they were in charge. They bought it. As he wished their cooperation, he told them they would receive technology in

  exchange. They bought it. After all these years, not much has come from this vaunted meeting with the Omnipotent

  Krlll. His disinformation has been unraveled, bit by bit, so that any information he provided has essentially been

  discarded. However, there are still information pools formed essentially from this source that have not dried up. They

  refuse to be silenced, and repeat the same silly stories time and again. These sources have a life of their own, having

  sensed that the information comes directly from the government, having been convinced and even deliberately

  impressed with this fact long ago, so they are still infused with desire to get the word out. Attempting to counter these

  enthusiasts only seems to energize them. The story lives on like an echo that will not die.

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  ZetaTalk: Good or Evil

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  ZetaTalk: Good or Evil

  Note: written on Feb 15, 2002

  During the period between Roswell and the present, the alien presence has been variously presented to mankind as evil

  to good. During the early years, the predominant presentation was evil, intending to enslave mankind and dominate the

  globe, perhaps eating man as a snack. This view has migrated to the comic, as in the movie Men in Black, where a

  giant bug is fought off by good aliens and mankind as a team. This trend, of reporting the alien presence as evil, is

  based in large part by the perception of MJ12 that the aliens they were first dealing with were of this mindset. This

  perception was correct, as they were first contacted by the ilk of the Omnipotent Krlll. The extent of this group, during

  the time they had influence over MJ12, ran into many atrocities that the general public is scarcely aware of. However,

  Nancy, in her engagement with MJ12, encountered these atrocities, and fought to alert MJ12 that they could Just Say

  No, as we have stated. What were these atrocities? We will list a few.

  It has been reported that street people were picked up and delivered for experiments to evil aliens in underground

  complexes. This is true, and the experiments horrified those in the military assigned to deliver these hapless souls.

  These experiments, akin to those used by the NAZI during WWII, were to instill a feeling of hopelessness in the bums

  picked up on the street, so to drive their souls into the Service-to-Self orientation. Enslavement, the sense that one

  cannot resist, the sense that one should align with the strong and turn on the weak, are techniques used to drive souls

  toward the STS orientation. These experiments included maiming humans so their legs pointed backwards, or they

  could not stand up straight, but must assume humiliating stances. There was no end to the creativity of these Service-

  to-Self soldiers, who were specialists in these settings during Transformation times. In addition, the CIA, created in the

  main from the folding NAZI SS, were influenced to abduct and kill babies, in the theory that aliens might be

  inhabiting baby bodies as an infiltration means. These innocent babies, abducted in the 1940's, were killed in

  horrendously painful ways, the theory being that the aliens inhabiting their bodies would leap out and reveal

  themselves. As with Satanism, the only accomplishment was that the CIA and military assigned to assist them turned

  increasingly to the Service-to-Self orientation.

  Thus, even in 1994, when Nancy entered her engagement with MJ12, some of these actions were still in process. Thus,

  stories about street people reporting being taken underground, or about evil aliens lurking underground, have their

  basis. Nancy volunteered to meet, for instance, a Dino, which did his best to intimidate her. Suffice it to say that she

  gave him the finger, in challenge, with no repercussions. She likewise repeated this, going into the chambers where

  street people were maimed, inciting a rebellion among them when she demonstrated Just Say No. These chambers are

  now closed, as MJ12 realized they likewise could say no. There was a small segment of MJ12 which insisted the

  Service-to-Self aliens they had long had a relationship with should not be just rejected, out of fear. They argued that

  retaliation might result. Where they refused to provide human experiment subjects, they allowed these aliens to

  continue to live in underground chambers. Thus, until MJ12 disbanded upon the Bush election coup, there was contact.

  These aliens have since vacated, in that the benefit of rattling around down there was no longer evident. They were

  needed in the battle for Africa, which is heated at present, having lost the battle for the American mind, in essence.

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  ZetaTalk: Agreements

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  ZetaTalk: Agreements

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  In discussing our agreements with the United States governments, we are restrained by these very agreements, which

  include a promise not to divulge almost everything. However, we are literal, and we feel free to use our discretion in

  discussing points not specifically covered in this agreement. In addition, lately your government has lifted many

  restraints on us, freeing us from our prior agreement on certain points, in step with the current mood in Washington,

  which is to declassify much and leak more, thus speeding the Awakening.

  We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, have a formal agreement with the United States government. The agreement is verbal,

  but we honor it impeccably as to do otherwise would build distrust. It is in everyone's interest for trust to exist between

  ourselves and your government, as this deflects their need and desire to get in bed with the Service-to-Self crowd,

  which they were doing in the past. Our agreement is under constant change, based on regular weekly meetings which

  occur each Wednesday morning. The location or attendees are not something we can divulge. The scope of our joint

  activities also is under constant change.

  There are some items we can quickly mention which are not in the scope. Disinformation has been spread to the extent

  that we, the Zetas, are conducting cattle mutilations because we need the enzymes to live. This is totally false, as we

  manufacture what we need. Nor do we have an agreement b
y which the government stays silent about our presence

  while we abduct and run experiments on humans. We do not need your government's agreement to answer The Call,

  nor would a widespread awareness of our presence affect us one way or the other. The hybrid program would continue

  regardless of anything your government would do.

  Activities that are in the scope of our present agreement are a travel service, whereby we transport those members of

  your government to and from meetings on the alien presence, and for any other activities that MJ12 deems important.

  In this support, we do not interject our opinions on the use of this travel service. This offer, which we have steadfastly

  maintained for some decades now, was made so that your government would have an alternative to their association

  with the Service-to-Self crowd. Our foresight in the matter has paid off, as your government has recently begun to

  sever all ties to this alien orientation, and the pace is picking up. This was our fervent hope, and we are elated at this

  outcome. Another activity we are jointly involved in is an education program, whereby we introduce key members of

  your government to beings from other worlds, their cultures, and their philosophies. We also introduce them to some

  citizens who carry Zetan genetics, whom we consider to have joint citizenship because of this, by birthright. We have

  learned that your government in the main just wants to know, and not be the last to know.

  A most important activity that has recently begun is in the area of advancements in science and industry that will

  benefit all mankind. As we have explained, we do not give technological assistance to those giving The Call unless we

  are assured by the circumstances that the technology will not be misused. Due to recent trends, our confidence in this

  area has increased, and we are in partnership with your government on many projects which do not involve weapons

  and which can not be stifled due to establishment interests. We cannot give you all the details on this at the present

  time, as the familiar saying that a watched pot won't boil is so very true in this circumstance. What is developing

  threatens so many interests that the last thing these projects need is publicity. You would never guess where this work[2/5/2012 11:43:33 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Agreements

  is progressing, nor by whom. It is too improbable, and that is by design on our part.

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  ZetaTalk: Power Outages

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  ZetaTalk: Power Outages

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1995

  Following the Roswell incident the various alien groups in the Service-to-Other orientation were displeased with

  dialog that had been opened with the US Government. They found themselves not only held at arms length but also

  negated - treated as entities one need not worry about. Where Roswell had been staged, several aliens in the Service-

  to-Other sacrificing themselves in the crash so that the Military could feel they had the upper hand and thus be

  amenable to an approach, the aliens now found themselves facing a cocky group who treated them dismissively. One

  extreme to another. At this point in time MJ12 had also been approached by the Service-to-Self aliens, whom they

  treated with respect as this group had not presented themselves as crashed ships or dead and injured bodies. In the

  eyes of MJ12, who looked on the surface, the Service-to-Self aliens had their act together. We expressed, through the

  human translators assigned to us, that our capabilities were in fact superior to the Service-to-Self aliens they were

  giving preferential attention to, but were brushed aside.

  As the Awakening is overseen by the Council of Worlds, this matter was bantered about, and eventually the Council

  granted a spectacle that would not be lost on MJ12, the intended audience, but could be minimized to the populace at

  large. Prior to Power Outages there were several attempts to impress MJ12 with less drastic measures. Power Outages,

  after all, affect hospitals, little old ladies tottering to the rest room, and moving traffic. We wished to avoid this.

  Natural occurrences were affected first, having been announced well ahead of time. Unseasonable temperature

  variations, so that mid-winter would become positively balmy or mid-summer chilly, but this impressed no one and we

  were only credited with being good weather predictors. Light rays were deflected over broad areas, so that mid-day

  became night for a brief but very noticeable time, but as no disruption of activity took place, MJ12 was unimpressed.

  So it's dark outside, then turn on the lights! Thus, we determined, and effectively argued the case before the Council, to

  prevent the lights from being turned on.

  Power Outages were not unknown, and could be caused by any number of overload or mechanical failure situations.

  People would buy it, on the local level. At a national level, in smoke filled rooms and the corridors of power, the truth

  would be passed around and hurriedly suppressed. How do you suppose that MJ12 came to have so many corporate

  leaders in its broad membership? They were initiated during the panics. Suppress the press. Issue statements that had

  no relationship to the facts. Use the bully boardroom, and keep each other closely informed. When spreading a broad

  untruth, close communication and coordination is required. MJ12 was no longer a clique of the Military, it became for

  a time a clique of the establishment. Subsequent to the Power Outages, which did not sweep without warning over

  broad areas, we found MJ12 looking at us with new eyes. They now believed our explanation of the Roswell crashes.

  Their eyes had been opened. At this point the Power Outages were no longer necessary.

  A major factor in the success of this Awakening maneuver was the utter inability of the Government to stop the

  outages. Learning of our schedule, which was announced days ahead of the occurrence, they would arrange every kind

  of backup. All contingencies failed. Power flow was stilled for the length of time announced, and not so much as a

  flashlight battery worked. The mechanism used by us involved essentially irradiating the area with a countering force,

  affecting electron flow above a certain level. Thus, human thought or the winking of fireflies would not be affected,

  but human technology was at a stand still.

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  ZetaTalk: Government Song

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  ZetaTalk: Government Song

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

  Where we are concerned to reduce fear and anxiety in the Earth's inhabitants, there are those that would increase this.

  The Service-to-Self enclaves arrived early to your hapless planet and acted aggressively. They contacted your

  government, as they had contacted other governments in the world. They dangled baubles such as special treatment

  during disasters and technological advantages over other Earthlings. It is no secret to you how your government

  responded. The cat is out of the bag, as you say. If you have never heard a song, and you now hear only one song

  singing, you would be inclined to think there was only one song to be sung. We and other benevolent alien groups

  approached your governments so that they could hear a different song.

  Your government, as with your populace, is not mostly evil. In the main,
they wish to do the right thing by those they

  are bound to serve. We are attempting to help them get to this point. At a minimum, we are attempting to foil the

  original song they heard, so that at a minimum your government does not sing this song to you. Why was this done,

  you might ask, when this different song could have been sung to the populace at large. Of course, this song is being

  sung to the populace at large, in a manner that elicits the least fear and anxiety. It was necessary to sing a different

  song to your government because they are influential to those they govern. They control the media, to a far greater

  extent than you would ever allow yourself to believe. They therefore control what their populace is allowed to

  experience, consciously.

  Note: below added during the Jul 20, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Just before the time of Roswell, and just before the collection of the Earth Vote to determine the future orientation of

  Planet Earth, those in the Service-to-Self landed on Earth and contacted the US Military intel organizations. This was

  done by the Omnipotent Krlll and the like, with the intent of impressing this very influential element in Earth matters,

  that aliens were

  1. powerful,

  2. real,

  3. should not be resisted.

  The Service-to-Self aliens knew that upon the results of the Earth vote that such conscious contact would not be

  allowed, thus slipped in at the last minute with what they expected to be a coup. In that the balance had been

  disturbed, the Council of Worlds allowed Service-to-Others aliens to also initiate contact, which was done during

  Roswell. The Service-to-Others aliens did so via a means often used, to present themselves as weak, vulnerable, so

  humans would feel free to approach and converse. Thus, the story of Roswell, much based upon truth. This left the

  common man out of the loop, but balance within the US government, which in those days, and even today, is highly

  influential in world affairs.

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