ZetaTalk: Government
Page 72
these exceptional abilities could bring a child under scrutiny.
This program is little known because it never went beyond peeping. No patterns of exceptional adulthood emerged
from these children, nor did the adults differ from the norm in any manner. High IQ youngsters developed as they had
in the past; athletic youngsters took advantage of their abilities as they had in the past; and those with precocious
musical ability were pressed by their parents into performing, as they had in the past. The surveillance program
essentially shriveled and died, though it was never formally closed, as is often the case with bureaucracies.
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ZetaTalk: Customs
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ZetaTalk: Customs
Note: written on Sep 15, 1995
Nancy accompanied her three children during an interview, where having passed the first phase they were taken to the
later phase of the interview process elsewhere in the Universe. As was our practice at that time, in accordance with our
agreement with MJ12, they were notified and allowed to monitor the exit and entry. Nancy will tell you the story in her
own words.
Begin Nancy's Hypnotic Recall
I'm trying to remember the circumstances of when we bought the tent and did some camping. I think I bought a tent
that had a blue bottom. The top was a dark green canvas. It had a blue plastic bottom. I remember how we folded it up,
and it would always be blue. It was a big tent. It was on sale, and then we got some sleeping bags. I know I took the
kids quite frequently not just in the summer but in the spring and the fall also, as long as it wasn't snowing. We'd go
for the weekend and set up the tent, and when it was in the spring or the fall there would hardly be anybody else in the
campground. Maybe we'd even have the campground to ourselves. Sometimes there'd just be one more tent down the
road, and of course there wasn't any way for someone to get hold of us because there was no telephone and the
relatives in the area weren't the type to come over and look us up anyway, they weren't that close to us. I'd make a fire.
I'd get some firewood and make a fire and cook supper. And if it wasn't in the middle of summer when the
campgrounds were full, the kids would just run down the road or go off into the woods or to the lake, which had a
small beach there.
It wasn't that we had any planned activities. The idea was to just get out where they could run around in the woods.
And in the morning I would make coffee. Everyone was still sleeping and I would go for a walk. Along the lake they
had a path that was paved through the rocks, and I'd go see the birds and the like. Very early, like dawn. We'd have a
fire at night. We'd roast some marshmallows or whatever, but generally we'd go to bed about dusk. Everybody had to
set up their sleeping bags ahead of time, before the light went down. We did have a Coleman Lantern, and I would
light the lantern. When we would go to bed, we'd all get in the tent and I'd put the lantern on the outside of the tent
since it would suck oxygen otherwise, create carbon monoxide poisoning. Then after everybody had changed clothes
and tucked under I would reach out of the tent and turn down the Coleman Lantern. Then it would be pitch dark, and
I'd zip everything up and we'd settle in for the night. So I'm trying to think if there was ever a time when we were all
camping, and we'd settled in for the night, if there was ever a time when I was with my children and there was any
kind of an encounter.
Well, I think I'm seeing something. It's dark out and I'm at the tent door. I'm seeing two or three of these guys coming
up through the shadows, coming up through the dusk toward the tent. They've very, very skinny gray bodies, and it
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ZetaTalk: Customs
looks like they're walking up a slight incline to where the tent is. The tent door is facing down the incline. They seem
in that position, like they're leaning forward a little bit, coming up the incline. I think one of them comes in the tent,
and he's got his finger to his mouth, saying, "Shush," that kind of thing, like a motion, like, "Don't say anything." I think they put their hands on top of the kids heads, and this wakes them up but they're walking up semi-sleepy. They
don't wake up with a start. They don't act alarmed. They're doing this shush motion again. They're motioning to come
on. We all have our little pajamas on. I don't think it's that cold out, because the door to the tent flap is back so that we
could get air coming through. We all trip out, sort of single file. One of the guys is leading in front, and then the kids
and I after him, and the last two bring up the rear. We walk down the hill in the direction that they came from, down to
the left, which goes into the woods down into a little clearing.
They have a ship that's not a 12 footer job, it's more 25 foot, the next size up. When we get there [oldest] kind of looks
back at me. I put my hand on her shoulder, indicating it's OK, and we just continue to go up into the ship and sit
down. They seem to have semicircular seating. It's smooth, so that it's like a curved bench, and it has little rounded
places for each individual ass. We sit down, and I feel a motion. [Youngest] is looking up at me, but I'm not giving any
facial expression of alarm. [Between] seems to be more curious. She's just watching what they're doing. They're across
the room over there, at some sort of controls. I don't seem to be asking any questions but they don't seem to be offering
any kind of agenda either, other than, "Shush," and, "Follow me." That's about it. Now it feels like we're arriving somewhere. I have that feeling like when a bus brakes, the motion that you were experiencing before is changing. It
seems like all three of them are gathered out in this room, like we're going to open the door and go down. One of them
reaches over and takes me by the hand and so we all latch up, and we all walk like so many elephants, trunk to tail. I
think [youngest] is reaching back, he wants a hand from one of the other guys. He's just little. We walk out and we're
all in a row. Everybody's holding hands in a line, tripping along in our pajamas.
It's a rocky area, and desolate. No street lights or anything like that. It seems to be a desert area. It's not paved. If
anything it's a little sandy. I don't feel that the ground is full of briars or branches or things like that. It's more sandy,
but there's big, big rocks behind, not any mountains, but chunky rocks and sand. Very, very dark. I don't hear any
sound of water, lapping motions or anything like that. Cool sand. It's very dark. Doesn't seem to be a moon-lit night. I
think the instruction is to sit down in the sand. I think there's something coming, a large ship, something with lights on
underneath coming down. We've got our heads turned, and we're looking. It has different colored lights on the bottom,
not any one color, maybe more white than anything.
I keep wanting to say, that people in uniforms come out, but that doesn't make sense because these people don't wear
uniforms. I mean, they all look like they have these little gray bodies, unless they're suits but you can't tell. It almost
seems like a tan, or moving toward light brownish kind of uniform. Half a dozen people, and they come out, sort of
two abreast, but not in a formal kind of structure. A little informal. They move around like they're talking to each
other. They don't
seem to have any kind of gold braid on or anything like that, but maybe some kind of insignia to
bespeak officialdom. I even want to say that these are people, that there are some people here, Homo Sapiens, three or
four of them in these uniforms. This is a twist. They're talking to each other and they seem to have flashlights in their
hands and they're walking over toward us, talking to each other. Not arguing exactly, but talking, maybe more in a
heated manner. They're not passive blobs. Discussing something, possibly arguing, it's hard to tell. One of them says,
"Oh, here they are," and the other one says, "So, what do we say to them?" The first one says, "Just follow
instructions." Hah!
"How do you do, Ms. [Nancy]," one of them says to me, "This is Lieutenant," oh, I don't catch the name, introducing the person next to him. "We're from MJ12." I'm trying to think if they're saying, "We requested this meeting" or "We were requested." I think they're saying, "We were requested to meet with you and explain a few things. This is
difficult, and I know this seems odd, but I was told you would understand. We want you to come with us. Don't be
alarmed." I'm saying something like, "It's OK." They say, "Bring the kids," or something like that. He's motioning to the kids. So now we're walking toward the larger ship, all sort of in a clump instead of hand-to-hand. [Oldest] and
[youngest] don't look at me for reassurance because apparently having people there makes them feel a little less
irritable, I think. We all go up into the large ship. I think it has a moving stairwell. It's enough for one or two people
abreast, rather than a ramp or staircase. When we get to the top of the stairwell there's just a corridor in front of us.
White, and lit, and we go down the corridor. I turn to the right at the end of that corridor, and into a room that has a
conference table or something like that.
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There's half a dozen of these guys in their little gray, skinny bodies. But these look like their bodies are a little thicker.
Maybe they're just bigger. Their heads are a little heftier, so they're not as small as the crew that came to get us. Now
the conversation has changed from verbal to mental activity. There seems to be a lot of mental charge in the air. We all
sit down in chairs at one end of the table, like in a semi-circle, the four of us. They're in a semi-circle on the other
side, maybe six of them, and the Homo Sapiens have disappeared, they didn't come in. I think I'm asking them, "What
do you want?" They say, "We want to interrogate you," or something like that. I'm saying, "Have at it." But they say,
"About your children, which ones we'll chose." I'm saying, "What do you base your choice on?" And they say, "Many things." I'm shifting back in my chair, leaning to the background, to let the kids talk, since that's what they want to do,
talk to the kids. There's three little faces, looking out across the table. I'm not sure what kind of conversations are going
on, maybe that's because they're not directed at me, but maybe I pick up side perceptions. What do they do with their
time. What they want. What they miss.
He's asking them if they'd like to, "Take a ride in the ship and go and see the Universe." I don't think anybody knows
how to respond. I think I hear [youngest] say, "I would." I hear engines humming, that kind of a sensation. Somebody
comes and says, "Come with me," and we go out the door, the way we came in. We go down the corridor the way we
came in, but this time we go to another room and sit down in some sort of a chair with a thing that goes over our
heads, like a helmet, an easy chair kind of thing with little arm rests. Everyone sits down, with this thing over our
heads, and it seems like I black out. I'm sleeping or something. The next thing I'm aware of is my toes moving around,
and my fingers. It's still black. My eyes are closed or the room is black. Then it comes into view, fading back in. I'm in
the same room but the kids are missing and my helmet's back. I'm looking around to see where everybody is, and
somebody sticks his head in the door, kind of leans in the door. I get up, not that I've been summoned or anything, I'm
kind of curious. I'm looking around. It's kind of obvious that I'm looking around for where everybody is. I'm walking
slowly toward him, checking around, and then the three kids walk back in the room. [Oldest] says, "Hi, mom." It looks
like she's had a good time. [Between] is more quiet and serious. [Youngest] just has a bland look on his face, slightly
curious. I'm saying, "Where are we?" [Oldest] says, "A neat place." [Between] says, "But they don't have any
swimming pools."
Then we go into the next room, and they have some sort of a buffet set up, but this buffet is very strange because it's
like a pile of vegetables or fruit combinations. I don't recognize anything, and you can take some of that in your hand
and eat it if you want. There's no dishes or eating utensils. I don't recognize any of it. It has a very bland taste,
whatever it is, but it's edible. I try a piece or two. Someone says, "We're going to take you home now, so you have to
go back to sleep." So we all go back in and we put our little helmets on and sit in our chairs. We all go back to sleep,
put our helmets on. Everything blacks out. The next thing I'm aware of is my stomach muscles feeling fatigued.
Instead of moving my hands and feet around I feel a sense of fatigue in my stomach muscles. I'm pushing the helmet
back. This time the three kids are there. Two or three guys are saying, "Good-by," and one of them is saying, "Come
this way." We walk back down the corridor. I don't think we're going down the moving stairway, I think it's like an
elevator drops down to the ground. We walk over to a little ship this time, one of those 12 footer kind, and sit on the
bench and take off. This time we were on concrete, not on sand.
We get dropped off right in front of our tent, more or less. It's dead of night. We go back in the tent and crawl in our
sleeping bags and settle down. But I do remember there was one time we went camping and when people asked me
what we did I was hard pressed to describe what we did, over the weekend. We hadn't gone to see horses or gone
swimming or climbed around the bluffs - we hadn't done anything in particular. So it was different, because normally
we would do some sort of activity to break up the weekend, but we didn't seem to have much to say.
End Nancy's Hypnotic Recall
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ZetaTalk: Mind Control
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ZetaTalk: Mind Control
Note: written on May 15, 1996
The dream of all controlling individuals, a category which includes the military hierarchy, is to create virtual robots
out of the population at the flip of a switch. Riot control, preventing resistance, silencing dissent, ensuring complete
adherence to orders or edicts - such are the heady goals of those who are control oriented. Humans use drugs, physical
restraints, and threats and bribes to gain these ends, but none of these methods are fail-safe. In human-to-human
encounters no one is paralyzed unless drugs or physical restraints are used, and likewise leaving a memory only in the
subconscious where it can act like a post-hypnotic suggestion is achievable only by battering and splintering the
conscious through trauma and drugs. The secret government, which in the early days was heavily influenced by the
CIA, longed to master what t
hey considered to be mind control techniques.
In fact, as we have stated, a human cannot be given a hypnotic suggestion they are not in accordance with, and during
visitations the human is in control and can terminate contact at any time simply by willing it to be so. Even the
paralyzed state, which makes use of an old portion of the human brain that is akin to a possum's brain, can be broken
at will by the human. Nevertheless, the CIA did a considerable amount of casting about, trying to discover how aliens
were able to paralyze humans and plant what they assumed to be post hypnotic suggestions. Needless to say, they did
not succeed, but their fervor and rumors of this activity inspired such stories as the Manchurian Candidate, where
humans, while unaware, are time bombs waiting to become absolute robots behaving in a preprogrammed manner.
This is all so far from what is possible as to be positively silly.
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ZetaTalk: Remote Viewing
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ZetaTalk: Remote Viewing
Note: written on Oct 15, 1996
Lest anyone be confused, what is termed remote viewing is simply telepathy, a natural and fairly common occurrence
among mankind and the animals who call the Earth their home. Telepathy is intrinsic to life, but only about 10% of the
human populace has enough native capacity to take note of it. Those with native capacity soon learn that they can
anticipate phone calls from friends, anticipate and guard against personal attacks, and seem to intuitively understand
what their loved ones need and want. The government has never failed to use telepathy to accomplish whatever they
might consider their ends, but after observing the seamless way aliens could work together, without a word spoken, the
issue got hot. As MJ12 was in those days heavily dominated by the CIA, they took up the topic and infected the goals
of the operation with their own twists.