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Gift of Flight

Page 21

by S. W. Gunn

  “You can stay here with us until you and Elyse figure out what you’re going to do.”

  Elyse squeezed his arm yet again. He felt a wave of relief splash over him. Not just for the offer of help but the change in attitude towards him. He decided right then and there that he would change how he treated his father. No more sarcasm or mistreatment.

  “I appreciate that dad. Its been a very interesting last few weeks. Between Tiberius Miramar, Grokmal, and Magial we’ve been through a lot. It will be nice to stop for a while. Plus Elyse wants to go to medical school.”

  His mother stated, “I know some people. She will have to do some testing first.”

  “Testing?” Elyse asked nervously.

  His mother laughed, “Not like that. Tests to see what level of schooling you have to start at.”

  “That sounds good.” Elyse said.

  “She’s very smart.” He told his mother.

  “I’m sure she is.”

  Elyse gave him a smile after the compliment.

  “And what about you?” His father asked him.

  “Honestly I have no idea. The only thing I’m good is piloting and with our situation I can’t leave Elyse for very long.”

  “I could see why that is an issue.”

  He nodded at his dad.

  While standing up his mother said, “It doesn’t matter. We’ll figure it out. For now this calls for a drink.”

  Elyse started to say, “I don’t.” but he cut her off with a light nudge on her side.

  “What was that?” His mother asked.

  “Nothing.” Jarron quickly commented.

  Once his mother was out of the room and in the kitchen she leaned in to whisper, “What was that for?”

  He tried to whisper back, “If you say no my mother will be very upset.”


  His father stood up and said, “Son come with me.”

  Jarron pulled himself off the love seat and walked over to his father. His father wrapped an arm over Jarron’s shoulder. He followed his father who used his arm to guide them out of the living room and into his father’s study. Once they were he released Jarron and shut the door.

  He had a very serious look on his face as he said, “You need to be aware that some very powerful people within the Union are very interested in the both of you. Even with my contacts I’m unsure how much I can do to keep them at bay. From what Drusilla described, that girl of yours can do is nothing short of stunning.”

  “I understand dad. I don’t know what else to do. We’ve been on the run for so long and at this point we just want to settle down.”

  “You know your mother is going to start in on you about grandchildren right?”

  Chuckling Jarron stated, “We’ve already started trying. Elyse wants children right away.”

  “Well I’m certain your mother will be happy.”

  He gave his father a nod.

  “Alright let’s go back. Your mother will undoubtedly want to toast your return.”


  They walked out into the living room to what appeared to be his very upset looking family. He was very confused by the facial expressions of everyone. Even Elyse seemed very upset.

  “What’s going on?” His father asked before Jarron could.

  Michael was the first to respond by pointing at the vid-screen against the wall.

  Jarron turned to look. It appeared to be some sort of news report.

  A woman’s voice on the screen announced through the screen, “To repeat. While the Premier of the Galactic Union was giving the State of the Union speech during a full Congress when a large group of women led by Tiberius Miramar, the President of Lucascorp, barged through the entire security system and has taken the Premier, all of Congress, and virtually every single senior leader hostage. He has stated that effective immediately that he was the new leader of Terra and its immediate withdrawal from the Galactic Union.”

  Chapter 21

  “He’s a madman!” Elyse exclaimed.

  Jarron had to agree. He must have figured out how Jarron being a focal point worked with people who have the Gift. Theoretically the GDF could just carpet bomb the Capitol building, although he doubted they would. His father started playing with his watch. He was probably communicating with people in the Galactic Union for information.

  Elyse stated, “Someone has to stop him.”

  Jarron told her, “With the entire Galactic Union and the might of the GDF I cannot imagine he could hold out very long.”

  “But if all those women are like me he could fend off an army.”

  His father turned back to them and announced, “Especially since Miramar seems to have hacked access to every defensive and offensive system to disable them. The GDF is out of the picture.”

  Jarron frowned. He could tell that everyone around him was just as unhappy as he was.

  Micheal asked, “How could he have done that?”

  “He is the lead defense contractor for the Galactic Union and the GDF. All of the weapons and defensive systems are Lucascorp. No doubt he had this planned for a very long time.” His father stated solemnly.

  It made sense. Tiberius did brag about his power and what he was saying about his aims left Jarron very concerns. The fruition of his plans seemed to be coming together. Jarron wondered if there was anything that could be done to stop him.

  “Jarron.” Elyse said nervously.


  “We need to stop him.”

  He frowned heavily before telling her, “I’m not sure we can. If it was only one I would say yes but that looked like most of the women that he had held on his base.”

  In a firm tone Elyse stated, “If we don’t stop him no one will.”

  “We couldn’t beat that many women with the Gift.”

  “There is no way he copied our bond. We have to otherwise he’ll win.”

  Jarron’s father added, “From what I heard of him he always gets his way. From what I understand even as a child he took control of Lucascorp and drove it to be the most powerful company in the galaxy.”

  Shaking his head Jarron stated, “Its suicide.”

  Elyse moved to stand directly in front of him before firmly stating again, “No one else can stop him.”

  “Alright. I guess our ten minutes of peace was enough.”

  She poked his ribs before saying, “Funny. Let’s go.”

  His mother seemed very upset but his father looked proud of him. It was an unusual feeling to have his father seemingly change his opinion of Jarron so quickly. He was unsure if he could get used to it but he decided to give it a try.

  They stood about silently for some time before Jasmine finally said, “Jar you better get going if you’re going to go.”

  Jarron was shaken out of the awkward moment before he declared, “Alright.”

  His father then announced, “You can take my conveyance son. It has priority access that should get you into the Government district.”

  “Good idea dad.”

  His mother hugged him tightly as she said sadly, “Please come back home safely.”

  “I will.” He told her even though he thought he was probably lying to her.

  Once she released him Jasmine gave him a tight hug. She said nothing.

  Michael offered a hand as he said, “Be careful man.”

  Jarron nodded at him. Elyse hugged both his mother and sister when his father gestured for him to follow. Jarron walked behind his father as he headed towards the front door of their home. Jarron stopped short of the door and dug into one of his bags. He pulled out his gun belt and his blaster. Wrapping the belt around his waist he holstered his blaster and headed out. Elyse jogged behind him to catch up. Once they were outside they walked up to his father’s conveyance. It was a new model anti-gravity unit that had all of the amenities.

  “I assume you can drive this thing through a pin hole somewhat like what you did with that refuse conveyance?”

  Jarron chu
ckled. The first time he swiped a conveyance it was a refuse hauler. He was chased for over an hour by security patrols before they finally clipped the engine. Over the next few years he stole a few more and every time was equally exciting. The last time, when his father kicked him out, was a famous athlete’s sporting conveyance. It even got him on the evening news. He made that conveyance perform so many insane tricks that it gave out on him before the security forces caught him.

  “Ya but I’ll take it easy dad.”

  Elyse then sarcastically stated, “Don’t trust him father. He’s an insane madman.”

  Her comment was exactly what they needed because it caused Jarron to laugh uproariously. His father and Elyse joined him in laughing for a moment.

  “Alright. The longer you two wait the worse things are going to get.”

  Jarron stopped laughing and nodded firmly at his father. Elyse was the first to respond. She gave his father a hug. He hugged her back.

  Once she let him go he told Jarron, “Come here son.”

  Jarron gave his father a hug.

  His father whispered, “I’m proud of you son.”


  His father let go of him before saying, “Alright boy get going before this gets too emotional.”

  “Alright.” Jarron responded before turning and opening the door of his father’s conveyance.

  Elyse climbed into the passenger seat and Jarron sat down before closing the door. His father waved at him. He waved back before starting up the conveyance and heading off. Jarron was quite impressed with it. His father clearly spared no expense. Kathmandu was his hometown and Jarron knew where the government district was. He pushed the wheel forward to send the conveyance off in the right direction. As he approached he spotted a hoard of GDF and security forces swarming around the Capitol building. It would have been impossible for most people to get too close. Jarron had forgotten how big it was. This building served as the center of the entire Galactic Union. It was an imposing building made of a material designed to appear like the old white Greek buildings with tall pillars. There was a few tufts of dirty gray smoke billowing out of a few windows.

  Suddenly Elyse instructed, “Put this thing down. We’re gonna have to walk to get closer.”

  He nodded before taking his father’s conveyance as close as he could. It was a bit of a distance because of the large crowd around the Capitol building. Jarron was still convinced that even with all of this he did not know how Tiberius was going to pull all this off after this point. Maybe his massive fortune was something he could use to manipulate enough to join him. Jarron guessed at best it would turn into a civil war. At worst Tiberius could end up ruling Terra, something Jarron thought would be bad for everyone. Once the conveyance settled down he climbed out and took Elyse’s hand. He felt nervousness building up inside him as they slowly walked towards the Capitol building. He was unsure if it was her or him because it was so strong. The crowd got thicker and thicker as they approached. He was not surprised once they got about fifteen meters away there was a wall of security and GDF forces. He glanced around looking for someone to talk to. Eventually he spotted an older looking man in a GDF uniform. He looked like he was senior to the others there and in charge.

  Walking up to the man Jarron said, “Excuse me sir.”

  The man had dark tan skin, brown eyes, black hair, and a round face. He seemed confused as to why Jarron was talking to him.

  “Kid we don’t have time for whatever game you’re up to.”

  “I need to go in there.” Jarron told him.

  He laughed before stating, “Me too but there’s a mad man and a horde of women in there who seem to have magic powers keeping people out.”

  Elyse declared, “We can stop him.”

  Jarron highly doubted it but they were going to try.

  The man laughed before saying, “Go away you dumb kids.”

  Jarron looked at Elyse, who turned to look at him.

  She shrugged at him before saying, “I guess we’re going to have to do this the hard way.”

  “I guess so.” He replied.

  Her powers flowed through him and then suddenly they both lifted into the air. He could hear the crowd below them gasping in awe. Elyse brought them up above the crowd and then forward before setting them down directly in front of the doors that lead into the Capitol building. Elyse let him go and immediately they strode through the battered doors. He could smell the heavy acrid smoke from whatever firefight there was before Tiberius and the women he had working for him. Jarron was very confused as to how he was able to convince them to help him. Money? Brainwashing? He had no idea. As they continued to skulk along the main corridor Jarron noticed several dead security guards laying awkwardly in various positions. He could feel Elyse’s revulsion to what they were looking at. Grimly he continued towards where he guessed the main area of the building would be. Knowing Tiberius he would hold court in the main room. He was nothing if not arrogant.

  “These poor people.” Elyse said sadly.

  “I know. We need to keep going.”

  “Where do you think he is?” She asked.

  Pointing towards the two massive doors in front of them, one of which was off its hinges and slightly askew. Jarron cautiously walked towards the door. He spotted someone watching them through the door. He sighed because it meant that there would be no sneaking for them. The person there, who he realized was a Terran woman, suddenly left. He took a few more steps before the two doors in front of him suddenly, and violently, flew open.

  A voice loudly echoed in the corridor, “Jarron I knew that you would come”

  He recognized it as Tiberius.

  “I hate that man.” Elyse stated.

  “Ya. Let’s go.”

  Elyse took his hand as they strode up to the door and entered. As they entered Jarron saw that the news story was not exactly correct. The number of women was much smaller but there was also a large group of armed men there. Those men were guarding a larger group of Terrans, Kalan, and Brumkin. Jarron guessed that they were probably the Congressmen. He realized that Tiberius had a lot more planned out than Jarron initially guessed. He really was not surprised. Taking a quick count Jarron guessed that there was about fifteen women. What was most unusual was the odd contraption that Tiberius had attached to his chest. It appeared to be a computer with several antennae attached to the side.

  Tiberius must have seen him examining the device because he asked, “Do you like it?” while pointing at it.

  He was curious so he asked, “What is it?”

  “It allows me to project at a wavelength that interacts with the brain waves of Terrans.”

  Glancing around them Jarron realized that all the women were indeed Terrans.

  Tiberius continued, “When women who have the Gift receive these wavelengths it interacts in the same manner as having a focal point nearby. One significant difference is that I am able to project enough to empower many at once whereas a focal point can only do so for one.”

  It seemed amazing to Jarron that he was able to figure all of this out during the brief time Jarron was trapped in his cage.

  “Impressive isn’t it.”

  “I guess.”

  Elyse then interrupted, “You have to stop this.”

  Tiberius laughed at her before declaring, “Why? I am on the cusp of complete success. It won’t be long until the Premier and Congress cede power to me. I’ve already take down the entire GDF, minus the ones who are under my sway. Those ones have taken control over several cruisers. Its amazing what one can do when one provides over ninety percent of all weapons and defense equipment. My influence spans the galaxy.”

  “The Kalan and Brumkin will not sit idly by.”

  Tiberius laughed yet again before confidently declaring, “I have a plan for them as well.”

  “How so?” Jarron asked.

  “I have been in contact with both the Magial and the Grokmal. They are such power hungry and foolish group of bei
ngs. So willing to leap into a war, even though they could never win. Each will attack the Kalan and Brumkin within the next day. With both distracted my reign will begin in earnest. I will use the power of Terra and the GDF to sway the battle in the favor of the Kalan and Brumkin in exchange for recognition as the rightful ruler of Terra.”

  Jarron did not want to admit it but it was brilliant. He wondered if Tiberius even really needed all these women with the Gift to even pull it off. Maybe he did all of this with them purely to ensure an even easier coup.

  Elyse almost yelled out, “Enough of this. Taking over Terra is wrong. You need to stop.”

  Jarron was a little surprised by her passion.

  Tiberius chuckled at her before looking directly into Jarron’s eyes before asking, “I do not suppose I could convince you and Elyse to join me? You both would make excellent partners with your skills.”

  Jarron shook his head. He would not serve under this man,

  “I was afraid that would be your answer even though I had knew deep down inside it would. You are a good person Jarron Moynihan and it hurts me to destroy someone so special but I must do what I must. Ladies, deal with these two.”

  Almost immediately Jarron felt Elyse’s power flowing strongly through him. The women around them began to walk towards Elyse as they gestured at various chairs and tables, which lifted into the air and then flew directly as her. Elyse simply seemed to wave away the various items, which sent them flying off into various walls around them. Jarron could tell than she was more powerful than the women attacking them. He guessed that perhaps the bond that they shared was something Tiberius could not emulate with his machine. Tiberius began playing with the machine strapped to his chest. Items began to fly madly around them. Elyse was handling the assault but slowly as the battle waged around them the items got closer and closer around her. It was probably due to the raw numbers of attacks coming her way. The amount of power Elyse was pulling was even more than at any time before. One of the tables that was coming at her spun around and slammed into one of the women she was fighting.

  “Keep at her! I will turn the power up.” Tiberius yelled.


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