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Daddy's Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance

Page 16

by Juliet Woods

  I glance at Francesca Stone, who sits a few rows back from the front of the crowded church. She watches Masie with tenderness in her eyes, with a softness I never knew existed until recently.

  Three months ago, Francesca asked to meet Masie for the first time. Though my former mother-in-law had glimpsed Masie at Sara’s funeral years ago, she had never actually met her.

  I was skeptical of the idea at first, but it was Lily who convinced me to allow their meeting to happen. She was sure that Francesca had changed, and that she should have a part in Masie’s life. The meeting was short but friendly, and I’ve brought Masie to see Francesca two more times since. If things continue to go well, I’m open to Francesca spending more time with her granddaughter.

  Francesca asked to attend the wedding, and I agreed. She seems to have changed drastically the past few months. There’s still a hint of her old snootiness, but she’s dropped the evil villain mask she wore for so long. I still haven’t forgiven her for what she did to Sara, but it’s a start.

  We haven’t heard much from Vivian since the custody case was thrown out. I can only hope that she sees the error of her ways at some point in her life. But mostly, she doesn’t cross my mind at all.

  Judge Roberts was removed from the bench, and last I heard Paul Goldsmith was looking for some other line of work. But of course, they don’t cross my mind much at all anymore, either.

  The bridesmaids have made their way across the aisle, and the music changes.

  Then Lily appears and begins to walk down the aisle toward me, looking more beautiful than ever. Her face is open in a radiant smile; she looks confident and poised. We’re both free of fear. No more building walls around our hearts. No more hiding ourselves from life.

  I look down at the small bulge at her belly, knowing that she carries our new baby, and I swell with pride.

  When she stops by my side and looks into my eyes, time seems to stand still and everyone else in the church falls away. For now, it’s just me and Lily, saying our vows to each other. We promise to love and cherish each other, to support and respect each other.

  When we are pronounced husband and wife, I turn to see those blue eyes sparkling at me.

  “I love you,” she whispers.

  “I love you, too.”

  And as I kiss her, I feel the connection between us strengthening, growing deeper. I hold her tight in my arms. Our future together stretches out before us, as bright and shining as the morning sun.

  The End

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  Double Boss Me

  A Billionaire MFM Romance

  Chapter 34


  My heart is about to beat out of my chest.

  Sure, I'm in a job interview, and that always terrifies me.

  But the reason my heart’s racing is because my interviewer is the sexiest man I've ever seen.

  I cannot stop undressing him with my eyes.

  His massive shoulder muscles bulge underneath his expensive dress shirt, and I can smell his musky cologne. His piercing eyes gaze into mine. He's got this smart bad boy thing going on – the intense eyes beneath his glasses, the stubble on his face, his gruff, growling voice.

  I imagine him holding me in his beefy arms, lifting me onto his mahogany desk, kissing and licking my neck, moving down to my breasts. I see him pushing my pencil skirt to my waist, and burying his face between my thighs as I moan and beg for more.

  Of course this is insane, because Austin Murphy, the uber-professional and ultra-rich CEO of Tyaus Technology, is interviewing me to be his executive assistant.

  I really, really need this job.

  So I try to concentrate.

  But he's just too damned hot.

  I think about unbuckling his belt and reaching my hand in his pants to feel his engorged cock. I want to taste him, I want to feel him inside me. I want to be completely consumed by him.

  No! Stop it! I scold myself. You're being ridiculous.

  By sheer will, I tear my gaze from his chest and maintain eye contact.

  “So, Katie, tell me about your last job,” he asks, glancing up from my resume.

  I answer his questions confidently and professionally. I've been practicing for this interview for a week. The salary is much higher than my last job, and I really need the money. But I know that I'm ruining my chances by getting distracted by his incredible body.

  By some miracle I'm able to make it through the interview. I shake Mr. Murphy's hand and leave the office.

  I head home on the subway humiliated. I'm sure he knew I was ogling him, fantasizing about him. I expect to never hear from him again, and keep searching the job listings.

  To my surprise, the following week I get a call from Austin – “Katie, we'd be delighted to have you join our team.”

  I try not to drop the phone.

  What? He didn’t notice how distracted I was? How I was hypnotized by his shoulders flexing underneath his dress shirt? I can’t believe I got the job!

  I do a happy dance after I hang up.

  Maybe my schoolgirl crush wasn’t that noticeable.

  And after all, I have a great resume, good experience, and glowing references. I'm nothing if not driven and dedicated.

  I have to be, for my mom.

  My dad walked out on us when I was a kid, so it's been just me and her for a long time. She was a great mother to me, and I know she gave up everything for me.

  So when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis just before my high school graduation and she had to give up her job, I had no choice but to help out. Her disability income isn't enough to make ends meet, so I gave up all my plans for college and went to work. It's been a rough road, but I would do anything for her.

  Almost ten years later, and I've worked my way up in the high-tech businesses around town to become an executive assistant. This new job at Tyaus Technology is perfect – an up-and-coming business, good reputation, and excellent salary.

  But the exhilaration from hearing the good news about my new job soon turns to panic. If I couldn't control my sexual fantasies during the interview, how on earth will I be able to work around such a hot guy?

  The image of him in his tailored dress shirt and trousers flashes in my mind. His dark eyes brooding under his glasses as he looked up from my resume and into my eyes. His husky voice on the phone when he said, “I'm looking forward to working with you, Katie.” Everything about him screams sex.

  And I haven't exactly had much action in that department lately. After my last relationship ended in heartbreak, I’m not really looking to get wrapped up in any guy. Austin is the first person I've even felt attracted to for what seems like forever.

  Pacing back and forth in my room before bed, I decide to block out any unprofessional thoughts from now on. I won't be there to have fun and fantasize; I'll be there to work. I will be nothing but cool and professional. Austin Murphy is my new boss, nothing more.

  My incredibly sexy new boss.

  Chapter 35


  “Call me! – Mandy” is scrawled on my paper coffee cup in bubbly writing, followed by the barista's phone number and a heart.

  I look up from the cup into the cute blond's eyes and her naughty smile. I give her a quick smile, turn, and leave the coffee shop.

  After finishing my coffee – black, no sugar, of course – I toss the cup into a trash can on my way to my Porsche parked nearby. Mandy the barista is sexy, but I've got other things on my mind right now.

  I get in the car and navigate the distance to my office downtown. I'm going over everything I need to do today – meet with the developers about our new software product, discuss release plans with PR, and show Katie, the new assistant, around.

  Katie Jenkins. She is super smart, professional, and witty. She's worked at a couple of great companies in the Bay Area, and her f
ormer employers rave about her performance. And most importantly, there was a good dynamic between us in her interview – she understood me easily, and even seemed to anticipate what I was thinking. That's why I didn't let HR find an assistant for me. I need someone who gets me, and I think Katie will be that kind of assistant.

  So there were plenty of reasons to give her the job, but there's something different about her. No matter how hard I try, my mind keeps returning to the image of her sitting in my office in the interview. Her tight little skirt that hugged her curvy hips, the bit of cleavage just visible above her blouse when I shook her hand. Those deep green eyes and full lips.

  Yeah, so she's hot. I admit it. It’s kind of hard not to notice it. But that's definitely not why I hired her. She got the job because of her qualifications, not because of how scrumptious her ass looked in her little professional skirt.

  Yep, no doubt about it – our relationship will be strictly business.

  Tyler could be an issue, though. He's my partner and co-founder of our tech business – and my best friend since our college days. And, unfortunately, he has problems controlling himself around beautiful women. He's been known to sleep with employees at times, and it's never ended well. I made it clear he had to cut that out a couple years ago, though, so I think those days are in the past.

  I'll just have to make it clear to Tyler that Katie is there to work, and not to fool around with him.

  I park the car and head in the front door, greeting the security guard with a nod. Our company is a medium-sized business with a low profile. We demand a lot from our employees and treat them well. The company was a dream of Tyler's and mine since our undergrad days, and we're thrilled to be doing what we love.

  We've had some ups and downs with the technology industry, and especially this year we've taken some hits due to falling sales. But we're optimistic about the future. We've been working on a plan to develop some new software programs that should really improve the bottom line. Having a strong assistant like Katie is a crucial part of that plan, so I'm feeling good that things are on the up and up.

  We all just need to work hard the next few weeks to make sure our new products do well on the market, and it will take everyone's best work, so we've got to stay focused.

  With that in mind as I hop on the elevator, I push the image of Katie in her tight skirt, sitting in my office with her toned legs crossed, out of my mind. This is an important day, and I've got to stay professional.

  The ding of the elevator brings me back to the present moment as the doors whoosh open. And all my thoughts about professionalism are quickly forgotten the moment I step off the elevator and turn toward the office. There, seated in a chair outside the office door, in a fitted blazer and a tight skirt that reveals her unbelievably long, shapely legs, is Katie. And she looks so stunning I have to pause to catch my breath.

  Chapter 36


  “Please wait there for Mr. Murphy,” the front-desk receptionist says coolly, looking me up and down and indicating a plush seat with her French-manicured finger.

  Practically shaking in my uncomfortable shoes, I sit and wait for my new boss.

  Ever since his phone call offering me the job, I've been riding a roller coaster of emotions: optimistic joy at starting a promising new position, horny anticipation at working with a total babe, and panicked worry about how I will handle working with said babe.

  I've got to be vigilant against any unprofessional thoughts or behaviors. The last thing I want is him knowing I've got a schoolgirl crush on him. And I definitely can't fall behind in my work because I'm too distracted by his sexy physique.

  So I've decided to throw myself into this job, and to keep my mind on business.

  Finally, Austin walks in. For a moment I have to check to make sure my jaw doesn't drop open, because he's just that hot.

  Today he's wearing a tie and suit jacket, tailored and showing off the way his torso tapers from his broad shoulders to his lean waist. He's tall – taller than I remember – and walks in a powerful way. He's got this intense, masculine presence that I find irresistible.

  “Good morning, Katie,” he says, smiling and approaching me with his hand extended.

  “Good morning, Mr. Murphy.”

  I spring up from my seat and shake his massive hand, which engulfs my own.

  “Please, call me Austin. This is Jessica, our receptionist.”

  I shake the hand of the chilly blond, who gives me a forced smile.

  I follow Mr. Murphy into the suite of offices and he shows me around, introducing me to my new colleagues. The whole time, I'm struggling to concentrate on meeting all the new people, which is made even more difficult by being so close to Austin.

  I start to notice more details about him – the fine fabric his suit is made of, his dark eyelashes above his brown eyes, and his chiseled facial structure.

  “And so this is the programming team, and you'll need to communicate with them from time to time to work out some details,” he's saying.

  “Uh-huh,” I struggle to bring myself to focus on his words.

  At that moment, the front door opens and Austin's face suddenly changes to a look of annoyance as he looks up.

  I look to see who walked in. For the second time that day, I have to check to make sure my mouth isn't hanging open, because swaggering in the door is a bronzed god of a man. Just as beefy and sexy as Austin, but with a cocky surfer vibe. I may even be getting a little wet just looking at him.

  “And here's my partner, late as usual.”

  What? His partner?

  For a second I think I should just quit right there. Instead, I watch as the Adonis approaches us, slaps Austin playfully on the back, and extends a huge, strong hand for me to shake.

  “I'm Tyler Black. You must be the new assistant.”

  “Er, uh, yes, I'm Katie.”

  Austin gruffly interjects: “Tyler, the perpetually late co-founder. His office is beside mine, Katie, and you'll be reporting to both of us.”

  I guess my stunned look speaks to my confusion, because Austin says, “I hope that won't be a problem?”

  “Oh, uh, of course not,” I manage to stutter.

  Tyler pushes his light brown, sun-highlighted and chin-length hair out of his face, and smiles at me.

  “I take it Austin has been giving you the low-down. He's the hard ass of this operation.”

  I look at them both, dumbfounded and unable to think of a response. Thankfully Tyler laughs and breaks the ice. “Austin, don't overwhelm the poor girl. Katie, let me show you to your desk and you can get started setting up your workstation.”

  So I follow Tyler, who must be well over six feet tall, to my desk, and see some tattoos peeping out from under his rolled-up dress shirt sleeve.

  “We're a busy company, but it's not as serious as Austin makes it out to be. You'll do just fine, Katie,” he says warmly.

  He leaves me alone to set up my computer, and I'm relieved to have some time to catch my breath and cool off. This job suddenly got a lot more difficult, and more interesting. Not one, but two breath-taking, huge alpha bosses.

  Chapter 37


  I knew when I woke up this morning that today was going to be a good day. But I didn't know just how awesome until now, looking at Katie.

  Her polished little suit and skirt getup can't hide her amazing body, and her shyness just makes her that much sexier. Her sweetness and innocence make her just ripe for the plucking.

  And those eyes, those big, deep green eyes that I want to see looking up at me as she sucks on my hard cock. I feel it start to throb and grow just looking at her. I imagine how tight she’d be, and the little noises she’d make as I push my length into her tight, wet little hole.

  As I show her to her desk, I reign in my imagination. I have to resist flirting with her. I know that's not okay in the office anymore. Not after what happened with Jessica two years ago.

  Jessica the receptionist sta
rted flirting with me from the beginning. She made it pretty clear she wanted to get down and dirty, and who am I to deprive a woman of the biggest cock she’ll probably see her entire life? So it wasn't long before we were messing around. Soon she started wanting more from me – she wanted a boyfriend. And that’s just not the kind of guy I am. Especially not with Jessica. She's pretty much the definition of a high-maintenance drama queen.

  So when I ended things with her, there were some dramatic, tearful scenes at the office. It got pretty bad, and Austin was flipping out about how unprofessional it was. The drama with Jessica eventually died down, and since then, office hookups have been off-limits for everyone.

  Now, that's not to say that I haven't had lots of action outside the office. I can't really blame the ladies for throwing themselves at me. A handsome billionaire CEO in his mid-30s? Let's just say that I've had a lot of fun in bed the past few years.

  Hell, Austin gets almost as many advances as I do. But the difference is that I'm the one who goes for it. I don't know what Austin's deal is, if he's taken some kind of chastity vow lately, but I know he needs to get laid pronto so he can relax a little.

  Hopefully I can help things along in that department when we go out for drinks after work tonight. There are plenty of hot women in this city who would love to hook up with him, and he is in major need of some relief. If nothing else, he needs to get laid so he'll get off my case about work.

  My take on work is – we're rich, let's enjoy it. We've been working our asses off for a long time, and I say some rest and relaxation is in order. But it seems like Austin just takes the business more and more seriously, and gets on my case the more I party and goof off.


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