Daddy's Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance
Page 23
“Sorry, that came out wrong. I mean, I just had it all worked up in my head as this big ordeal to have a girlfriend, but from what I've seen so far, it's pretty great. No complaints.”
I think for a minute. “Actually, that's not really accurate. It's fucking awesome being with you Katie. I'm so happy to be with you.”
“That's more like it,” she says, giving me a kiss.
“Sorry, I'm just your typical surfer dude who likes to play it cool. But seriously, this is way better than I ever expected.”
“Same here.”
Suddenly an old slow song from the 90s comes on, and Katie squeals. “I love this song! Dance with me?”
“I'd love to.”
I take her hand and lead her away from the table. She wraps her arms around my shoulders, and we begin to sway to the music. I move my hands over her waist, down to where the curve of her ass and hips start. She rests her head against my chest, and I pull her in closer. I love her sexy feminine body, and how her breasts are pressed against my torso. It feels so good that I never want to let her go.
And it's more than just physical desire, although right about now that is pretty strong. I also want to make her happy, protect her and keep her safe. Give her everything she wants.
I think about how it's sometimes hard for me to tell her what I really mean, like I'm afraid she's going to think I'm lame or stupid. But I feel that “too cool for school” act falling away. I can just be myself with her, and she still likes me.
She looks up at me, her green eyes deep like emeralds. I look down into those eyes, and everything feels right with the world.
Austin makes his way back to the table, raising his beer bottle to us.
“Next song is mine,” he says.
“Sure thing,” I say, and hold her tight for the rest of the music.
Chapter 51
The familiar ding of the elevator greets me as I step on. It's 10:30 am, the latest I've arrived at work in a long, long time. But hey, why not? I am the boss here. It's okay if I get to work a little late now and then.
I'm still a little hungover from our weekend in Cabo San Lucas, and mentally, I'm still on the beach with Katie. But it's still good to be back at work. I map out everything I need to do today, and picture it all going smoothly like the fine-tuned machine this company is. I'll spend the day checking in with the various teams, working on the feedback the clients have provided about our new product. It’s an innovative package of apps designed to increase productivity for small businesses.
We've built a really strong new product, and it's been doing well its first weeks on the market. Sales have been pretty solid, though they could be increased a bit. Tyler's teams will be taking care of that, I know. And the reviews and feedback have all been very positive. We just need to stay on track, and make sure everything continues to go well. And after being in this company for twelve years, I've learned how to hire people to make sure that happens. So I'm not worried.
And best of all, in just a few hours we have a rendezvous with Katie planned after work. Yep, it should be a good day.
The elevator whooshes open and, adjusting my tie, I step out. I'm surprised not to see Jessica, the front-desk receptionist there. Strange.
I open the doors to the inner suite of offices and I freeze. Something's very wrong. The usually quiet office is abuzz with people talking frantically with each other or on the phone. Jessica's talking with Bill, one of the sales managers, with a worried look on her face. My stomach twists in a knot of tension and I swallow hard.
“Austin! You're finally here. I've been calling and texting you all morning,” Jessica says, worried.
“The code crashed in the apps, Austin,” Bill says frantically. “This is not good. All my reps are taking calls non-stop. People are pissed.”
“And the investors...” Jessica trails off.
“Tell me,” I command impatiently.
“They're pulling out. Jumping ship.”
I run my hand through my hair.
“It's a disaster. They've been wanting to talk to you, Austin. I didn't know what to tell them. It's all been so awful!”
Jessica looks like she wants to be comforted, but I don't have time for that. I turn on my heels and head to my office.
Fuck! I'm steaming. I had trusted the engineers to make sure the programming was all good. I checked some of the code, but dammit, I didn't look at every single line. Holy shit, what are we going to do?
A million different disaster scenarios play through my mind, as well as vague attempts to blame this crisis on someone. But the truth is it's my own fault. I've been too distracted, like a damned teenager.
I take a few frantic breaths and try to formulate a plan. Where the fuck is Tyler? Of course even when I'm late, I'm here before he is. I send him a text telling him to get here now, and then I make a list of the most urgent things to do. Just in time, I hear a familiar tap at the door.
“I'm so sorry, Austin,” Katie says, coming into the office and closing the doors behind her, brows furrowed together in worry. “Tell me how I can help.”
I finally feel like I can breathe again. I hold out my arms as if to embrace her.
She hurries over to me and I take her up in my arms, holding her close, smelling her perfume. Having her close to me keeps me from panicking. I remember that it's not the end of the world. We'll figure something out.
“Katie, I need you to draft a letter to the investors. Tell them we're on top of the code glitches and we'll have the updated version to them ASAP. Email me a copy before you send it out.”
“Got it.”
“Ask Bill to put up a notice on the web page with an apology about the problems and a promise to fix them. While you do that, I'm going to start going over the code.”
“Sure thing. Anything else?”
“Yes,” taking her back into my arms again. “I need a kiss before you go.”
She presses her soft lips to mine, gives me a tight hug, and turns to go.
“I have faith in you, Austin.”
I smile and blow her a kiss before she opens the door to walk out.
Feeling much better, I pull up the programming script, and lines and lines of dense language flash before my eyes. I think for a moment how much like magic it is to be with Katie, then I dive into the code.
Twenty minutes later Tyler comes swooping into the office, red-face and flustered.
“I heard what happened.”
“Yeah, we're fucked if we lose a lot of clients and investors. What's the word outside?”
“It's not pretty. I'm going to go help the sales team with damage control. You making any progress with the code?”
“A little, but it's too much for just me. I'll have to go split this up with the developers. Fuck, that was really bad timing for us to take a weekend away.”
“The crash would have happened anyway. Let's just focus on what we can do now,” Tyler says, leaving my office.
I let out a deep sigh and try to set aside my anger and frustration. I'll have to sort that out later. For now, I need to get this code fixed ASAP.
Sometime around 11 pm, the developers and I fix the last bit of glitchy software. I send them all home, physically and mentally exhausted.
It's been a very rough day. The worst in the company's history. The code is fixed, but we've lost a lot of clients and investors. I don't know if the repairs to the software will be enough to smooth over their jostled nerves.
I'm wrapping up some last minute things in my office when Tyler comes in.
“Hey, good job on those fixes,” he says.
“Yeah, a lot of good it will do us,” I say with biting sarcasm. “Tyaus Technology is in ruins. We'll never dig our way out of this.”
“Don't you think you're being a bit melodramatic? It's far from over. We took a hit today, but it's nothing we can't bounce back from.”
“The investors are gone, Tyler! You know as well as I do that we had everything
riding on this new product. It's gone to shit, and no one will want anything to do with us now.” I bury my head in my hands.
“So we'll get some new clients, get some new revenue coming in.”
“With our reputation for shitty, broken software? You know this is going to destroy us.”
“What's going to destroy us is your shitty attitude, man,” Tyler says.
“What the fuck are you talking about, Tyler?” I'm getting really pissed now. “You're blaming this on my attitude?”
“I'm just saying if you weren't so gloom and doom you could get more done, think more clearly,” Tyler says.
“So now I'm supposed to take lessons in productivity from the Chief Executive Clown?”
“I'm just going to let that one go, Austin. I know you're exhausted. We all are. Let's just call it a day and get some rest.”
But my flared temper won't be calmed. “None of this would've happened if you hadn't whisked us all away to Cabo. It wasn't the best time to go, and you know it.”
“I didn't hear you protesting while we were there,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest. “You didn't have to go, you know.”
“And let you have a weekend alone with Katie? I don't think so. I know you're dying to have her all to yourself.”
“What's the matter, Austin?” he scowls. “Afraid she'll choose me over you if she spends any time alone with me?”
“I'm more afraid you'd traumatize her with your womanizing ways. Just by being yourself.”
“She'd be more likely to be bored to death spending any time alone with you,” Tyler huffs. “She doesn't want to spend all her time with a guy as stiff and boring as a corpse.”
That stings a little. Mainly because I know I can be too serious, but at this moment I'm sure as hell not admitting that. So I go for his jugular.
“What's the matter, Tyler?” I ask, sarcastically. “You upset because this is the first girl you want to spend more time with than a one-night-stand, and now you have to share her with me? You can’t deal with anything beyond sex. Why don’t you just admit you can’t satisfy a woman outside of bed?”
He takes a step forward, squares up to me. “Fuck you, asshole.”
I've never laid a hand on Tyler before. Never even come close to it. But right now, I'm seeing red, and I just want to bash his smug face in. And he’s just tempting me by standing in my face.
“Get out of my face, motherfucker. Now.”
“Stop it! Both of you!” We're both jostled out of a trance and turn toward the door to see Katie standing there, her mouth open in a gasp.
We both take a step back, and a deep breath. She comes toward us, her arms crossed in front of her, looking angry.
“What the hell is going on here? You guys are acting like a couple of children!”
I sit down and run my hand through my hair.
“Yeah, things got a little out of control... I didn't know you were still here, Katie.”
“Well, I am, and it's a good thing too,” she says. “Because I don't know what you barbarians would have done to each other had I not heard you raising your voices like that and stopped you from killing each other.”
“Yeah, I kind of went crazy for a minute there,” Tyler says, hanging his head a little.
“Same here,” I say, avoiding his eyes.
“What's this about anyway?” Katie asks, her mouth in a pout. “Are you guys fighting over me?”
“Um, not exactly,” I say. “It's kind of complicated.”
“What's complicated about it?” Tyler asks. “Dude, we were fighting over her.”
Katie looks at me as if expecting an answer.
“Yeah, I guess we were.”
“Well, I thought we already went over all this! I'm not going to choose one of you over the other. So if you want to be with me, it has to be all three of us together.”
We both look down, mildly ashamed of our juvenile fighting.
“You boys know how to share, don't you?” she smiles.
We both nod sheepishly.
“Good. Look, I know it can be challenging to have to figure this out. I know it's all very new for all of us. But can't you agree that when things are going well, we make a really good team of three? I mean, there's a good dynamic with the three of us together, right?”
I have to agree to that, even though I don't really want to, and Tyler does the same.
“So no more worries about me choosing one over the other. I want to be with both of you. And no more score cards or tally marks. My affection can't be 100% equal at all times. Just like you can't both be in my pussy at the same time, right?”
Tyler laughs. “Well, we could...”
“Um, no, we're not going there,” Katie says, laughing. “I think things are adventurous enough for me at the moment. But do you get my point? I like you both equally, but maybe some days I'll have more time with Austin, and some days more time with Tyler. We can't split everything right down the middle all the time, can we?”
“No, you're right, Katie,” I sigh. “I know I take things too personally and I tend to make a mountain out of a molehill.”
“Yeah, if she looks at me a second longer than you, you're steaming,” Tyler snaps.
“Hey! He's making an effort, Tyler,” she says. “That's great, Austin. So you're going to try not to take things so personally and to maybe relax a little when you think maybe Tyler's getting a tiny bit more attention than you occasionally?”
“All right,” I agree, taking a deep breath. It's hard to admit my faults.
“And Tyler, what can you try to do differently?”
Tyler takes a long moment to think. I know it's ever harder for him to admit his faults.
“OK, I guess I can try not to take the piss out of him so much,” he says. “I know I give you a hard time, man. And I know you hate it when I don't pull my fair weight around here.”
“Nailed it,” I say.
I look up at him, and most of the anger falls away. “We cool again?”
“We're cool, man,” he says. “Sorry about getting all in your face.”
“Yeah, sorry about calling you a motherfucker.”
He chuckles. “Water under the bridge. We've never fought like that before. I don't know what came over me.”
“I think it's because we both like you so much, Katie. I'm sorry you had to hear all that.”
“It's all right,” she says, giving us a hug. “It's been a terrible day all around and we're all super stressed. But hey, it's ending well, right? You fixed the software?”
“Yeah, but I'm afraid the damage has been done,” I say sadly.
“That's yet to be seen,” Tyler interjects.
“Yeah, I guess we'll see tomorrow,” I say. “But let's not worry about that now.”
I pat the seat next to me on the couch, looking at Katie. She smiles and walks sexily over, her hips swaying side to side, and plants her delicious ass next to mine.
“Did you need something else, Mr. Murphy?” she asks playfully, leaning over for me to see the swell of her breasts under her blouse.
“I think there's one more job for you before you go home tonight.”
“Anything you say, sir,” she says, leaning over to kiss me.
Chapter 52
Feeling Austin's mouth against mine is like an elixir after this trying day at work. All my worries, all the anxiety and fear, just melt away.
In a flash Tyler is behind me, rubbing my shoulders, pushing my hair out of the way, and nipping the nape of my neck. I get goose bumps as his mouth runs across my bare skin.
I'm overcome all of a sudden with the desire to have them both inside me. I want them to fill me up. I feel a warm wetness flood my underwear. I straddle Austin's thigh and press myself against his rock-hard, muscled leg. He unbuttons my shirt and moves his hands over my breasts. Hurriedly, as if to satisfy an urgent need, Tyler removes my shirt and my bra. My breasts bounce in Austin's face.
“You lik
e that?” I ask him, my eyes half-closed.
“Fuck yes,” he growls. “I love your tits so much.”
He holds them in his hands, moving them in circles and against each other. He makes circles around my areola and flicks his tongue over my nipples. I moan in delight.
Tyler is kissing the back of my neck. I reach behind me and grasp at his belt buckle, fumbling. He takes the hint and opens his belt, his fly, and takes his enormous cock out. I grab it, feeling it grow in length and girth by the second. He responds with a moan. I make him breathe heavy by rubbing it up and down its length.
With my other hand I run my hand down the length of Austin's big, hard torso, and begin to unbutton his shirt. With each button undone, I kiss the smooth skin underneath. His chest is broad and muscled. I run my hands over his shoulders, feeling the curve of his biceps and pecs. I feel the power in those muscles as they flex underneath my hand. He removes his shirt and I kiss his chest gently, moving back up to his mouth. I feel his stubble rub against my smooth cheek, rough and prickly. I smell his scent, the scent of his body mixed with expensive cologne and aftershave. It's an intoxicating aroma, and I feel almost drunk as I breathe him, all of him, in.
I again trail my hand down across his body, moving from his prickly, stubbly jaw, down his neck, his strong, packed chest and tight abs, and trace the line of hair from his navel to the waist band of his pants. I let my hand come to rest on his growing cock. I rub it through his pants, then start to undo his zipper and take it out. It stands at attention, long and wide. I cup his balls, rolling them gently in my hand, then grab his cock at the root and grasp it firmly.
Now I have one thick, long cock in each hand, and I smile at how good it feels, and how powerful I feel to give them both pleasure at the same time. I rub them both from the base of their hard cocks, up the shafts, and to the shiny, smooth tips, covering them with the palms of my hands. They press themselves into my hands, and I see beads of pre-come forming at the tips of both of their dicks. I lick both drops off, one at a time.
I stand up, lifting my hair up over my head and shaking my breasts in Austin's face, making him smile. Tyler unzips my skirt and pulls it down over my hips. I step out of the skirt, leaving me to stand in my black lace panties and high heels. He gives my ass a little spanking and grabs the flesh on my ass.