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Sweet Evangeline (Moon Magic Book 2)

Page 22

by Sable Hunter

  “Yes,” Nanette answered. “It has been preserved.” The ancient piece of cloth lay in the same safety deposit box that had held the diary.

  “Destroy it, and you are only one step away from breaking the curse.” With those few short words, Eric started to jump to his feet.

  “Hold on, sweet boy. We’re not through.” Nanette restrained the anguished young man.

  “Grandmother Genevieve, if we burn the sampler, what else is there to be done?” Nanette was afraid they were about to hear a directive that would be hard to fathom.

  The words she spoke were filled with a bitterness that not even two centuries could obliterate. “A sacrifice must be made.”

  “What kind of sacrifice?” Jade asked, afraid.

  Nanette held her hand up to quite the men. Pissing off an ancient witch was not the smartest move they could make. “Grandmother, this request is not made lightly. This world is not the same one you left. Women are protected by the law, now. There are many men who truly treasure their wives, as these three do. I beg your mercy; please help us break this spell. I lost a man that I loved dearly and both my daughters have lost a husband. You alone can help us, please find it in your heart to change the destinies of these good men.”

  The spirit hesitated, and Eric was afraid she would just disappear and leave them without hope. As if considering, Genevieve bowed her head. Slowly, she began to speak. “Events have already been put into motion. The very fabric of time and space is about to be torn asunder.”

  “What does she mean?” Tyler was as anxious as any of the rest of them.

  “What can we do to fix this, Grandmother?” Nanette spoke, once again, to the spirit.

  Looking at each of the men in turn, she shocked them with her next revelation. “The three of you can change the future. And destiny will be changed for two of you,”

  “What does she mean?” Eric looked at Nanette.

  Genevieve did not wait for another question. “All of you must promise and agree that you are willing to give up everything to save your family.” The men looked at one another. This was a given.

  Nanette prompted the spirit. “You didn’t have that kind of love, did you? Your husband wasn’t willing to put you first. The husband of your daughter wasn’t willing to put her first. That kind of devotion and willingness to sacrifice is hard for you to put your faith and trust in, isn’t it?”

  “It is not something that I am familiar with,” the spirit was honest. “The three of you can destroy the sampler and when you do, make a solemn vow you will give up your very life for your wife and family. Do this together, and do it during the dark of the moon. In your solemnity, shed your blood. Then, return to your beloved and value every day that you are given.”

  “That promise will be easy to make.” Jade assured her.

  “Yes, the promise will be easy to make, but one of you will be required to keep it. Soon, you will be tested. The storms of destiny are churning and your world will be turned upside down. One of you will be required to make an impossible decision.”

  “Which one of us?” Eric asked, his heart in his throat.

  “That I can’t tell you.” Genevieve Romee looked at each one of them one last time. “I wish you well.” Then, she faded from sight, returning to the shadow realm from which she had come.

  For long moments, they all remained at the table. “What did she mean?” Jade finally asked.

  “The Lord only knows.” Nanette put her head in her hands.

  Angelique was the first to stand up. “Gentlemen, this is what we know. You can break the curse. Go with Philippe and retrieve the sampler. Bring it back here and destroy it together. Then, the three of you must combine your blood and make a vow that you will be willing to die for your beloved if fate requires it. Are you willing to do that?”

  “What are we waiting for? I’m ready to go home.” Eric looked at the other three. “I know none of you has a problem with this. Let’s go.”

  “Wait.” Angelique wasn’t through. “We have no idea what Genevieve meant. But, understand…something is coming and we may not all survive it.”

  “Well, then we better make good use of the time we have left.” Tyler spoke for all of them.

  Philippe wasted no time before he retrieved the ancient sampler from the bank vault. With great ceremony, Eric, Jade, and Tyler burned the scrap of cloth that had been woven with poisonous herbs and unshakeable hate. With the dissipating smoke, they had drawn blood with Nanette’s athame and vowed with clasped hands to protect their families, even at the cost of their own lives. None of them considered it a sacrifice at all. Knowing the future was uncertain only made the present more precious, so after the ceremony, they wasted no time in returning to their hearts’ desires. Jade’s plane was ready and waiting and all during the brief plane ride, Eric planned the words he would say

  * * * *

  Evangeline ran her hands over the cold, lifeless sculpture. She pressed her lips to the still, hard chest—reliving in her mind the warmth of his skin, the strong beat of his heart. How could she go on? Every moment she lived without him was soul-wrenching torture. Sinking to the floor, she laid her head against the muscled leg—the creation of her own hands. There were no more tears to cry, she had wept for days and now exhaustion and weariness were her constant companions. There had been no word from New Orleans, and to Evangeline, no word translated into no hope.

  She had to have hope. There was simply no choice. There was more than just her and Eric to worry about now. Last night she had created a new sculpture. A tender rendering of what should be. And one day soon, she hoped to present it to Eric as a tangible, visible, proof of her love.

  In her mind’s eyes she relived the joy of her time with Eric. She daydreamed in order to experience again the excitement of their initial meeting. Eric had been shocked to find the nude figures of himself at the charity benefit. Evangeline ran her hands over her arms, imagining the feel of his touch, the warmth of his embrace. Shutting her eyes, she saw again the wonder and excitement, the sexual interest, when they had both felt the demanding attraction that had overwhelmed their first encounter.

  Huddled alone on the floor, she relived their lovemaking; she replayed their whispers and their tender declarations of love and longing. How was she going to live without him? Was this punishment for her chosen lifestyle? Was she so evil that she deserved a lifetime of regret and loneliness?

  And this was the way Eric would find her.

  * * * *

  The house was empty. Eric searched every room, shouting her name. There was no evidence she had been in any of the rooms at all. Panic tore through his thoughts. Then, looking out the kitchen window, he saw a light shining on the porch of Evangeline’s studio. Racing out the back door, the crescent moon hanging high and bright overhead, he bounded up the steps and pushed the wooden door open.

  There was no sound.

  There was no light.

  Afraid to breathe, Eric allowed his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

  And then he saw her.

  She lay on the floor at the feet of the statue she had named Angel – the statue she had carved of him. One hand was curved protectively around the bare foot of the stone piece, as if preserving a tenuous connection. His eyes devoured her. His Evangeline. His precious Evangeline. His sweet Evangeline.

  Lowering himself to the floor, he molded his body to hers, troubled to find she was completely chilled. Almost immediately, the warmth of his presence brought a subconscious reaction from her. With a jerk, she turned over, melting into him, seeking his warmth and his strength. He gathered her to him, sheltering her, engulfing her against his powerful frame. Eric realized she was still asleep; her reaction to him was instinctual. Brushing his lips over her temple, he whispered to her, “Sweetheart, wake up. I’m here. It’s over.”

  Deep in the throes of slumber, Evangeline reacted to his voice. She whimpered his name, still in her dream world.

  Her lips found his throat.

nbsp; Tears dampened both of their skin.

  Her voice tore at the moorings of his heart. “Oh, Eric. I miss you so. I can’t live like this. I don’t want to live like this.”

  “Wake up, sweet baby. This isn’t a dream. Open your eyes, darling.” He held her face, his fingers at her jaw, tilting it up for his kiss. Gently he moved his lips over her closed eyes, soothing her, waking her tenderly.

  Evangeline’s whole body came alive and Eric absorbed the frantic movement. “Precious baby, I’m with you. This isn’t a dream.” She pressed herself impossibly close to him, forcing one of her legs between the two of his, massaging the muscles of his back with her palms. If she could have climbed into his skin, she would have.

  “Eric, my Angel. Are you real, or did I conjure you?” The familiar words made Eric want to cry.

  “I’m real baby. Look into my eyes.” The faint moonlight that illuminated the room was enough for her to see his face. Framing his face with both hands she covered his lips with her own, breathing his breath, inhaling his words of comfort and endearment.

  Then, abruptly, she pushed backward from his embrace—panic replacing the joy. “Eric, are you sure? I can’t hurt you. I won’t hurt you.”

  “Quiet, love. It’s over. Nanette and Angelique contacted the spirit of Genevieve and the curse has been lifted.” He would explain the rest of it to her, someday. Maybe.

  Her body sagging against his in relief, she began to cry. “I love you, Eric. I love you so much.” Eric stood and picked her up, holding her as close to him as humanly possible.

  “Let’s get you someplace warm, baby.” He strode out of the studio, across the yard and into the house. He lay her down on their bed, adjusted the thermostat and began to undress. Her eyes never left his.

  * * * *

  “Hurry, Eric. I need you, so.” Her gaze ate him up. As if seeing him for the first time, she marveled at the perfection of his gorgeous body—the breadth of his shoulders, the sculpted magnificence of his pecs and abs. The sheer, unadulterated sexiness of his biceps and the leanness of his waist—that graspable, enticing ass and that mouth-watering, panty-wetting beautiful cock that made her thighs quiver in anticipation.

  But above and beyond all of that, he was so beloved, so precious, so dear to her heart that she rose up on her knees, reaching for him. “Let’s get you naked, baby. I’ll keep you warm.” Their hands clumsily clashed over the buttons on her shirt, the snaps at her waist, the bit of fabric and lace that covered her privacy. But, finally, they were both divinely nude and he drew her to him, relearning the shape of her breasts, the dip at her waist, the swell of her hips, the creaminess between her legs. “God, baby. The time we’ve spent apart seems like an eternity.”

  “Love me, Eric.” He needed no encouragement. “Show me the way you’ve dreamed of loving me. While we were apart, I’ve relived every moment of every time we made love.” He knelt on the bed beside her, his massive erection nudging her belly.

  “Just to have you back in my arms again is an answer to a thousand prayers. Turn around baby, let me show you one of my favorite ways of loving you.” She let him guide her down, her back nestled against his front. One hand cupped her head, turning it so that he could drink from her lips. The other big hand covered first one breast and then the other, shaping and molding them, rolling her nipples between his fingers, pulling and plucking them into luscious red berries of desire. Her breath came in short, excited pants and her hips pushed back against him over and over again, letting him know that he was all she would ever desire. Letting his hand slide down her body, he boldly caressed her mons, her labia, seeking out the heat that pooled there, waiting just for him. “God, Evangeline, I have to be inside you, baby.” She lifted her rear, just enough, and spread her legs, just enough to welcome him right where he wanted to be.

  He filled her, stretched her, thrilled her, completed her. She gasped with a mixture of relief and hunger. Lifting both arms, she reached over her head and touched his face. He kissed her hands, her wrists, her palms. “God, I’ve missed this—I’ve missed you,” she moaned.

  As he pumped into her; he ministered to her clit—his fingers circling, petting, touching her in such a way that made her forget to draw oxygen into her lungs.

  Eric buried his face into her neck, eternally grateful to be making love to her once more. “I love having you in my arms like this, I can pull you close, I can run my hands up and down your body and all the time, I’m buried to the hilt in your hot, sweet softness.”

  His tender words coupled with his talented fingers were fast bringing her to a much needed orgasm. She had been so hungry for Eric. The possibility that she would never know this joy again had only made her more starved for it. His hips bucked wildly. She bit her lip, holding back the scream of ecstasy that threatened to escape her lips. “Eric. God, Eric. You feel so good. Harder, baby,” she urged him.

  He needed no further encouragement. He was always careful not to hurt her. Evangeline’s body was small and delicate compared to his and he would rather die before ever hurting her. But when she encouraged him to move harder or faster it just freed something wild in his soul. Holding her tight, he pistoned into her, lifting her body from the bed, impaling her in mid-air as he loved her with everything in him. She climaxed a second time and this time he joined her with a shout of triumph and thanksgiving.

  Coming down from their emotional and sexual high, he held her close, cradling her with exquisite tenderness and devotion. “I love you Evangeline. I love you more than life itself.” Pulling himself free of her, so that she could turn around in his embrace, she pressed herself as close to him as physics would allow.

  “I never want to be separated from you again. The thought that we would never be together like this again, was sheer agony.”

  “I’ll never let you go. Whatever demons we have to face, we’ll face them together.”

  The next day dawned bright and clear. And the cloud that had hung over their lives seemed to be gone for good. Calls from the rest of the family began coming in, as everyone rejoiced over the fact that all of the couples had been reunited. Team that incredible fact up with the return of Aimee and the acquisition of Zak and the family felt that everything was just about as perfect as it could get. The neighbor that had been taking care of Tiger saw that activity had resumed in the house, so the kitten got to return home. But a thought kept niggling at Evangeline. Could they really be sure it was all over? Laying a hand on her middle, she knew there was so much more at stake than she had could have ever dreamed. A test had confirmed that. But what would Eric think when she told him?

  * * * *

  Eric took out the ring and looked at it. It was a symbol of their future. And what the future held—he didn’t know. He and the other men had agreed to keep their secret to themselves. Nanette had supported them in that decision. She had protected their knowledge with a cloud of magic that would not alert even Elizabeth’s sharp senses—after the baby was born, of course. They—all of them—were determined to be happy. Eric was convinced that the future would take care of itself.

  He smiled as he put the ring back in the box. Evangeline would love it; he had no doubt about that. And she loved him; that was another thing that he was absolutely sure of. She had already accepted his proposal; he hoped she hadn’t forgotten that. He had made reservations at the most romantic restaurant Austin had to offer and then he asked his baby out on a date—their first actually. That is, if you didn’t count the night they met.

  Eric had called the chief, his new job had been approved and he would start the following Monday in the Arson Investigation unit. On the whole, everything was looking up. That is, if Evangeline, accepted his ring. He knew her so well. And he knew without being told there would be hesitancy on her part—not because she didn’t love him—but because she wanted a fool-proof written guarantee that her loving him wouldn’t endanger his life. And there was no such thing as written guarantees. Not about anything important, anyway.

  “I’m ready.”

  He looked up and thanked God he had been born a male. “Damn!” Eric couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was wearing the sexiest little black dress he had ever seen, slim spaghetti straps and a back that was barely there. A little black stole hung from her fingertips. “You won’t need that scrap of material; I’ll be keeping you warm, tonight.”

  The Tuscan restaurant Siena offered elegant dining, fabulous food and privacy rooms.

  Evangeline looked so happy. They had held hands all the way over from Hyde Park. She had brought a little bag with her, one that she wouldn’t let him take a peep at. That was all right. He had a surprise of his own to share.

  “This place is so beautiful, Eric. Thank you so much for bringing me.” Love shone from her eyes like stars in the sky. It was hard to keep his hands off of her; he wasn’t used to sharing her with the public.

  “It’s about time we went out on the town.”

  She covered his hand with her own. “Eric, every moment we have spent together has been precious to me. And as much as I love being here with you, the important thing is just being with you. The location is secondary.”

  “True, but tonight is special—I have something to give you.” When Eric had made the reservations, he had ordered a bottle of their finest champagne and as he poured her a glass, he watched her smile waver.

  “I have something to give you, too.”

  “You do?” Tonight was supposed to be all about her, she didn’t have to get him anything. “Ladies first.” He wanted his surprise to wait. The best should be saved for last.

  She picked up the bag slowly. It took a little bit of effort; whatever was in it must be fairly substantial. “I hope this makes you as happy as it made me. Close your eyes, please Eric.” He did as she asked, and he heard the sound of something being set on the table in front of him. “All right, you can look.”


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