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Wanting Winter

Page 3

by J. L. Ostle

  “I think they aren’t used to seeing me being close with a guy.” She looks at me apologetically.

  “I don’t care what people think or say.” I entwine our fingers and she smiles up at me. “How do you feel about PDA?” I smirk at her.

  “I guess it’s something I can get used to.”

  I pull her towards me and kiss her, not caring that everyone is watching before I step back, smiling down at the dreamy look on her face. “You are so beautiful.” She shakes her head. I lift her chin up. “You are; don’t ever question that.”

  “Winter, you ready for our next class?” Candice walks over, looking me up and down with an apprehensive look.

  “Yeah.” Winter watches her looking at me. “We okay now?”

  Candice looks away from me to look at her. “Yeah, I'm sorry about yesterday. So, I take it this is the mysterious kisser from Saturday night? I'm surprised I haven't seen you around,” she says softly to me.

  “I transferred here last month.” Even Winter looks at me with that bit of news.

  “Well welcome to our little town. I hope I get to see more of you.” She winks at me before linking her arm with Winter. I’m not really liking this girl; I’m wondering how Winter is friends with a girl like this. I get a really bad vibe from her.

  “Winter,” I call out heading towards them before dipping Winter in a heated kiss. “Just to keep me going.” I give her a wink and she smiles at me.

  I watch as they walk away and when I'm about to head to class, when Candice turns and looks at me, her eyes trained on me before they round the corner.

  Yeah, that girl is going to be a problem.



  “I can't believe that is the guy you kissed. He is hot as hell. Of course, the first guy you show interest in has to be the hottest guy in school,” Candice goes on and on about Trent.

  “I told you he was gorgeous,” I laugh.

  “Yeah, but your definition of gorgeous is different to mine. You think that Jamie guy from Fifty Shades is hot, and he is not my cup of tea, but Trent, he is all kinds of yummy.” She fans herself. “Is he a good kisser?”

  I replay the kiss in my head and it makes my knees tremble just thinking about it. “Oh yeah.” I bite my lip and she looks at me with an expression I can't explain.

  “He may be the one to get you out of your funk.” We take our seats in class.

  A few guys smile and say a quick hi to Candice and I sit there looking at my phone. I am about to put it away when it vibrates in my hand. I see a number I don’t recognize has sent me a text. Opening it up, I smile when I see it’s from Trent.

  Unknown: Is it bad that all I'm thinking about is kissing you again?

  Smiling, I save his number and start to reply back.

  Me: No. I want you to kiss me again. How did you get my number?

  Trent: I have my ways. All you have to do is ask, and you will get ;-)

  Me: So… if I ask you to please me, you would?

  I tease.

  Trent: Yes.

  That’s all he says. I feel my body heat up by that one word alone.

  Me: Will keep that in mind.

  Trent: You do that. Meet me after school. I need to see you again.

  “Who you texting?” Candice leans over, reading through our messages. “He really is into you.” She sits back.

  “I hope he is.” I quickly reply back to him.

  Me: Okay.

  I send the message, putting my phone away. “I'm going to meet him after school,” I say in a happy, chirpy voice.

  “Do you think that’s a good idea, though?” Candice says quietly when the teacher walks in.

  “What do you mean?” My smile falters

  “You don’t want to be too clingy or needy. You know what men are like: if you make it too easy, they lose interest and you don’t want that to happen do you?” She gives me a look.

  I guess not. I can't explain it, but I really do like him, even though I hardly know him. There’s just something about him. “You're right,” I say in frustration. I am making it too easy for him.

  “You don’t have to listen to me, but you have seen what men are like around here. I just don’t want you to get hurt by the first guy you crushed on in so long.”

  “No, you're right. I'm going to say that I forgot we had plans.” I quickly grab my phone and there is a message waiting for me from him.

  Trent: Looking forward to it.

  I sigh while I type out my message.

  Me: Hi, I'm so sorry but I forgot that I made plans. Rain check.

  I put my phone back in my bag: I know that if I don’t put it away, I’ll keep checking to see if he’s replied. This guy has been in my life for a couple of days and already I'm turning into one of those girls—girls who only think about the guy and nothing else, who stops everything for them. I don’t want him to get bored.

  “Thank you,” I tell Candice.

  “You're welcome. You know I got your back.” She winks at me.

  “I know.” I squeeze her hand and start paying attention for the rest of class, but that stupid boy keeps entering my thoughts.

  For the rest of the day, I avoid my phone and keep myself distracted by talking to my friends and of course rumors are spread about me and the new guy.

  I head outside ready to get back to my apartment. I guess I could please myself again. I feel like today dragged. I just want to grab a hot bath and watch some Vampire Diaries; I'm sure Damon can cheer me. Walking towards the parking lot, I feel my arm being pulled and I am turned to face Trent.

  “Are you ignoring me?” His hands glide down my arms until his fingers entwine with mine.

  “Of course not; I’ve been busy with my classes.” Even hearing that out loud sounds stupid.

  “Uh huh. So what plans do you have?”

  I feel my face start to blush. “Honestly?”

  He nods. “Always.”

  “I'm going to have a bath and watch some Vampire Diaries,” I shrug.

  “You are blowing me off for a TV show?” He smiles at me, shaking his head.

  “Maybe,” I say frustrated with myself. “I just don’t want all this to fizzle out.” I look up at him and he looks at me intently.

  “I want to be around you, Winter. When I'm not with you, I am counting down the minutes until I am. If we start to get annoyed being around the other we will say something. Do you want to be with me right now?” He starts stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.

  “I do, but…” I don’t have a chance to say anything else as his lips land on mine, making every thought in my head evaporate, stopping me from saying another word. He pulls back, his eyes darkening.

  “What were we saying?” I mumble, causing him to laugh.

  “You are so beautiful.” He cups my face. “Well your plans do seem very important, but are you willing to have some company to join you?”

  “A bath and some Vampire Dairies? You want a bubble bath?” I chuckle.

  “Do I get to join you?” I stop laughing, my mouth going dry. My eyes go up and down his body, wondering what he would look like naked. “I was joking,” he says, filling the silence.

  A part of me was hoping he wasn’t. “I was actually considering it,” I smile innocently at him.

  “Were you now? If you want me to join you, to scrub you clean, I wouldn’t say no.” He pulls me flush into him. “If you asked me to do anything, I would.”

  I look up at him and see that he is being serious. “Let's go.” I step back, holding his hand and guiding him to my car. I stop. “What about your car?”

  “I'll get it later.” He kisses my lips softly. We get inside my car, and as I pull out of the parking lot, I notice Candice and Joshua leaning against Joshua’s car, watching us. I give Candice a little wave and she gives me one back.

  “They didn’t look happy,” Trent says once we are on the road.

  “Candice is the one who told me to play hard to get. She knows more ab
out this kind of thing than I do, so I guess she thinks I caved and am under the thumb or something now.”

  “Candice is the one who told you to cancel with me.” It wasn’t a question. “I think Candice needs to realize that playing games doesn’t get the guy.” He faces me. “If a guy likes you and wants to be with you, you just need to be yourself. Playing games makes men think you’re insecure, hard work and full of drama.”

  “Really?” Interesting. I’ll need to tell Candice that.

  “Yeah. I like you because you’re interesting and you are yourself. That’s sexy to men. What’s unattractive is women being too forward and thinking that men should bow down to them. Men will just look at them as nothing else but a quick lay, not relationship material.”

  “You like me?” I smile.

  “That’s all you got from that?” He laughs, and I laugh with him. “Yes, I like you, more than I should, especially only knowing you for the odd time here and there. Do you like me?” he asks me.

  I repeat his words back to him. “More than I should.”

  I pull up to the apartment complex, parking the car, and I look to Trent who is shaking his head, chuckling to himself.

  “This is funny.”

  I look at him like he is crazy. “What is?”

  “I live here.”

  My eyes go wide. “You live here?” I look at the building like it’s going to change. “What floor?”

  “Third. You?”

  “Second. I guess this is a small world.” I step out. He soon joins me, leaning against my car and pulling my body close to him.

  “Least it's not far to go when we have sleepovers.” He waggles his eyebrows at me, and I hit his chest, stepping back before walking towards the ten-floor building.

  “Already planning sleepovers?” We walk up the stairs to my floor.

  “I'm already planning a lot of stuff in my head with you.” I turn around and I notice his eyes are on my ass. He looks up smirking at me.

  “Oh really?” I turn around, looking down at him as I'm on the higher step.

  “Yes really.” He takes a step up so he's not as small.

  “What things have you got planned to do to me. I mean with me?” I smirk at him.

  He goes on my step on the stairs, his hands wrapping around my middle, pulling me in, slowly gliding towards my ass, lifting me so my legs have to wrap around his waist. He takes the last few stairs until he pins me against the wall, pushing his body against me. I am really starting to like him doing that.

  “I am going to do so many things to you, although some things I will have to keep as a fantasy.” He starts kissing from my jaw to my neck.

  “What fantasies? I'm quite open-minded,” I breathe.

  “Maybe one day I will tell you.” His lips go to the top of my breast and he bites down. I scream out into the vacant stairway, echoing around the walls. He sucks hard, biting me again before pulling away. His forehead goes to mine, his eyes closing. “Let's go.”

  “Okay,” I whisper. His fingers entwine with mine and I open the door that leads to the hall of a few apartments until we get to mine. Unlocking the door, I sigh in relief that my place is spotless, minus my coffee cup from this morning. Letting him in, I lock the door behind me and watch him walking around my home, viewing my stuff, looking at my photos on the wall.

  “These your parents?” he asks.

  Walking to where he is, I smile when I see the picture of my parents holding one another, smiling at the camera. “Yeah, that’s them.”

  “They look so happy.”

  “They are. Growing up, I told myself I wanted what they have. They have so much love for another, even after all these years; they are mad about each other.”

  “That’s great. I'm sure you will get that.” He takes hold of my hand again. “Tell me about the rest of your pictures.”

  I point to the ones of me when I was younger in high school. He looks surprised when he notices I was a cheerleader—which causes me to laugh—saying I'm too nice to be a cheerleader.

  His eyes go dark when he sees a picture of me and my ex. “Who’s that?”

  “That’s my ex-boyfriend, David.” I step away from the wall.

  “Why is he an ex?” His eyes are still on the picture.

  “He broke it off with me, and I found out a week or so later that he was with someone else.” I sit on the couch, bringing my legs under me.

  “Did you love him?” He faces me. “He must have meant a lot if you have the picture up on the wall.”

  “It's only a reminder that men can hurt you. At the time, I thought I did love him. He was my first boyfriend. It hurt, but I see now I didn’t.”

  He comes over and sits next to me. “He is an idiot for breaking up with you, but I'm happy he did as I would hate to think that you were taken.” He smiles at me. “Not all men are like him. I would never hurt you,” he says looking straight into my eyes.

  Please don’t hurt me.

  I clear my throat. “Yeah, if I were taken, you would have to be with someone else. Not like you don’t have any admirers.” I smile at him.


  I roll my eyes. “Oh come on. You must have seen how girls look at you. Even my friend thinks you’re hot.” I notice his body tenses a little.

  “Men notice you,” he says back.

  “Men see me as the campus challenge because I won't open my legs to anyone; they see me as something to win and not as a person.”

  “Men are dicks.”

  I burst out laughing. “You're talking about yourself then.”

  He shrugs. “I can be—I have been—but when I like a girl, and I mean really like them, I have to get to know them; it has to be more than physical—more than sex.”

  “How many times have you felt that about a girl?” I bite my lip.

  “About—” He looks up at the ceiling. “One.” He looks back at me smiling.

  “Me?” I ask.

  “Just you. I have never had any interest in being with a girl before. Until recently, I just enjoyed fucking women.”

  I know its past tense, but knowing he slept with other women gives me this funny feeling I can't put my finger on.

  He used to be a player.

  “You see me as more than a fuck?”

  “I do. Don’t get me wrong, I want to fuck you so bad that my dick is yelling out to you, but fuck me, just being around you is intoxicating.” His eyes pierce mine.

  “What if I want you to fuck me though?” My body starts to heat up, the atmosphere changing.

  “I wouldn’t.”

  “You would turn me down.” I sit closer to him.

  “Yes.” His eyes following my movement.

  “Even if I begged? You said all I had to do was ask.” I start stroking along my neck to the top of my breasts with my finger. “What if I touched myself in front of you, would you still say no?” I glide my hand down to my thigh, opening my legs a little. “Would you deny me, even though you want to please me?” I start rubbing myself over my pants.

  Fuck, I find myself turned on.

  “Winter.” His voice is hoarse.

  “Trent, don’t you want to be inside me?” I pant out. My eyes close as I start grinding against my hand.

  “Winter.” I hear him, but I don’t stop.

  I call out his name. “Trent.” I can feel the heat radiating from me through my clothes.

  Soon I am being pulled so I am straddling him, his hands on my hips, and he starts rocking me against him. Feeling his erection press against me is making me want to throw out all my morals and let this beautiful stranger, who I only met a few days ago, have his wicked way with me.

  I deserve this.

  He makes me feel good.

  Even if it doesn’t last, right now I know this is more than just an easy fuck for him. I start grinding myself harder against him. His fingers dig into me and I go faster; I feel that ache rising as our breathing comes in fast. I'm so close, but then our movements stop. I
open my eyes to look at him and he is looking down, his chest rising and falling fast.

  Why did he stop?

  “Are you okay?”

  “We had to stop. It was getting too far.”

  “I thought that was the point,” I tease him.

  He looks up at me. I see heat, but I also see something else. “I want our first time together to be better than a fuck on your couch. I want you Winter, but not like this.”

  I move myself so I'm sitting next to him. “You're turning me down?” I ask him.

  “I'm only saying not like this. Let's get to know each other.”

  “But you are attracted to me?”

  He looks at me like I’ve grown two heads. “Fuck, I'm attracted to you, I just don’t want to ruin this. Like you said earlier, I want to not let this fizzle out.”

  I nod. “But we get to make out?” I smile at him.

  I scream when he pins me down on the couch. “That we can definitely do.” He kisses me hard, his body hovering above mine. “There is no way in hell I could not kiss you.” He pecks my lips.

  “Good, because that would be a deal breaker for me,” I giggle.

  He smiles at me. “Good to know.” He kisses me again.



  I wake up smiling when I feel Trent spooning me from behind: he slept over last night as neither of us wanted to leave the other. I stretch a little and feel his erection press against my ass. Smirking I start rubbing myself against him until his hands stop me.

  “That isn’t very nice,” he says in a groggy voice.

  I smile. “I thought it would feel very nice.”

  I yelp when he turns me over, pinning me down. He starts grinding against me, causing me to moan out. “That feel good?”

  I moan again. “Yes, so good.”

  He continues grinding for another minute until he stops.

  I look at him, him smirking at me. “Why did you stop?” I pout.

  “Because we can’t finish. That’s what you did to me.” He gets out of bed and I sit up crossing my arms.

  All last night it had been one huge foreplay, and neither of us had had any sort of release. I know men can get blue balls, but can girls get it? It should be called blue clit or something. “You are so mean.” I stick my tongue out at him.


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