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Dirty News (Dirty Network Book 1)

Page 41

by Michelle Love

  As hard as it was to think about, the only thing that would work was my original plan. A fake divorce. That would mean leaving Asia alone for a period of time. A thing I didn’t’ want to do.

  As I pulled up at my old high school gym, I saw people walking into the double doors that I barely recognized. “Fuck, we’re all so old.”

  “It’s only been ten years, Jett. You guys are still young. Come on. I can’t wait to meet your old friends. I bet they’ve got all kinds of stories to tell on you.” Asia got out of the car, looking excited.

  I got out, feeling depressed.

  We walked up to the doors, hand in hand as I prepared myself for what was to come. A girl I didn’t recognize but saw her name tag said Julie, was sitting at a small desk. “Hi, Jett. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. And this is your wife, I see. Sign in and fill out your names on the tags there and put them on your shirt, like I’ve done.”

  “Hi, Julie. How are you?” I had no idea who the hell she was. But I knew I had gone to school with her. I guess I was pretty self-absorbed back then too.

  After putting on our name tags, we headed through the next set of doors and found a bunch of people standing around in small groups. “Wow, so this is what a high school reunion is really like.” Asia looked around at everyone. “Kind of depressing how much it’s like when you were in high school, huh? Everyone is in their old cliques.”

  And they were too. My little group was gathered around the punch table. “Come on. That’s mine over there, sipping punch that’s bound to be spiked already.” I took Asia by the hand and led her to meet my old friends.

  “Hey, Jett!” the sound of a familiar female voice called out.

  “Fuck,” I muttered then turned around. “Sandy.”

  My old girlfriend was making her way to me. She’d put on the pounds and was followed by a man who was already going bald. “And she is?” Asia whispered.

  “My high school girlfriend.”

  “Oh, wow!”


  Sandy was all smiles as she came up to me, demanding a hug and leaving a kiss on my cheek. “Oh, Jett, you look so good.”

  “You too, Sandy.” With all the lies I’d be telling that night, what would one more hurt?

  “Thanks. This is my husband, Doug. And who’s this?”

  I put my arm around Asia. “This is Asia, my wife.”

  Asia gave them nods. “Nice to meet you, Sandy, Doug.”

  Sandy’s face fell. “I hadn’t heard you got married. When did this happen?”

  “At the beginning of summer.” I looked past her and her hubby to see my friends making goofy signs at me. I guess they thought my old girlfriend coming up to me was amusing.


  “Oh, so you two are newlyweds then?” Sandy asked as she smiled. “Well, congrats you guys. Doug and I’ve been married for years. I met him right after high school. We have four kids.” She patted Doug on the back as if he’d done a great job at getting her knocked up so many times. “We just love our family. Doug, take out your cell, show Jett our kids.”

  The dutiful husband took out his phone and handed it to me. “Dave, Donald, Davin, and Darla. That’s them there.”

  I looked the photo over then handed him his phone back. “Great looking kids you two have there.” I lifted my chin in gesture to my group. “Looks like my buds are calling me. Glad to see you and glad things are going great for you, Sandy.”

  “You too, Jett. Nice to meet you, Asia.”

  Walking away, I felt relief that was over. “She’s nice.” Asia looked back over her shoulder at Sandy. “What happened to end it?”

  “She tried to trap me into marriage by poking holes in my condoms.”

  “Oh, shit!” Asia laughed. “Wow. People really do that?”

  “She did. Lucky for me I caught on to what she’d done before anything happened that would’ve ruined my life.” I got to the guys I called friends what seemed like a hundred years ago. “Hey, way to help a man out, guys.”

  “What?” Josh asked as he laughed. “Sandy ambush you, bro?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I took the punch he handed me as another old friend patted me on the back. “Hey, Todd. How’re things?”

  “Like always. They’re going along as good as they can. And you? Is this your wife?” Todd handed her a drink too.

  “Oh, yeah. Asia, these are my oldest friends. That’s Josh, this is Todd, those two over there are Larry and Clyde. Guys, meet Asia.”

  She smiled at them all. “I bet you have great stories about this guy here. I’m up to hear them all.”

  Josh pulled his wife away from the punch bowl and her chatting with the other wives. “This is Tammy, Asia. My wife. She’s been trying to set Jett up for years. But she never came up with anyone as pretty as you are.”

  Tammy shook Asia’s hand. “It’s great to meet you, Asia. I don’t know how you managed to get this guy to marry you, but you’re one crafty woman. I couldn’t even get him to date, anyone.”

  “Yes, he’s very picky.” Asia ran her arm around me, and I ran mine around her then kissed her cheek.

  “I am picky. When I found her, I scooped her up and made her my wife as quickly as she’d let me.”

  Tammy nodded. “Any plans for kids yet?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “No,” Asia said.

  Everyone laughed, except me. I wanted a baby. I wanted one with Asia so bad it was nearly all I could think about. And she had shut me down about it. I wasn’t used to being shut down. I didn’t like it.

  Josh showed me pictures of his two kids and glowed with pride. The other guys all had kids too. I was the only one with a fake wife and no kids. I was pathetic.

  The lights went low, and music began to play. I swept Asia into the middle of the floor to dance with her and get away from the others. “You didn’t have to be so honest about the kid thing, Asia.”

  “Well, I’m sorry, it just kind of blurted out of me.”

  “Don’t you see how they all have wives and families and I have nothing? It’s embarrassing. Humiliating.”

  “You’re being dramatic. I’m sure some of the people here aren’t married with kids. There’s no rush to do all that, Jett.”

  “If there’s not then why do I feel like there is? Why do I feel as if I’ve been doing shit wrong my whole life? Now, I’ve missed out on things my friends have already experienced?”

  “You’ll get those experiences too, one day.” She leaned her head on my shoulder. “Time Jett, remember?”

  “Oh yes, how can I forget about the elusive time that you want so much of.”

  I was mad. Hurt. And feeling done.

  With what, I didn’t know. But I felt like I wanted things to be done. One way or another, I wanted things to end. The lie, the love, something needed to stop.

  Her hand moved to cup the back of my neck as she looked into my eyes. “We have one more thing to get through, Jett. Then you and I will sit down and figure out what we’re going to do.”

  I had no idea when I lost all control. But I had lost it. Asia was telling me how things were going to be. I was going through the damn motions.

  “Asia, I don’t like this.”

  “Me neither.”

  “No, I mean I don’t like you acting as if you’re in charge here. I’m still in charge.” I shouldn’t have even had to tell her that. “We still have a contract.”

  “Yes, we do. And I’m doing what you want me to.”

  A force was pushing me that I seemed unable to control. I took her out of the gym, away from everyone. Leading her out to the football field, I leaned her against the fence that surrounded it. “I might want you to get into another contract with me. One with more stipulations. This freedom thing isn’t setting well with me. I want you, Asia. It would mean more money for you if you agreed to one.”

  Her soft hands caressed my face as she looked at me with love in her eyes. “Jett, I’m not about to get into any more con
tracts with you or anyone ever again. You’ve taught me that I’m not the kind of woman who can live that way. I don’t want any more of your money. I want to be with you, but I want to be free. Free to be with you on our terms. Not some contract’s terms. Do you understand?”

  I did understand. I knew then and there, she was perfect for me.

  I didn’t realize it myself until she gave me the right answer. Asia wasn’t using me for my money. She wanted my heart, and that’s all she wanted.

  Holding her chin, I ran my thumb over her lips. “Asia, you’re the one, baby. You’re her.”

  She was perfect for me. I knew I’d do everything I could to make her mine in name. She didn’t stand a chance of not becoming Mrs. Jett Simmons for real.


  The night had been long, full of funny stories about Jett and his friends. I felt like I knew Jett a hell of a lot better after meeting the people he called friends in his younger days. I also felt like Jett wanted to move forward with me a lot faster than I thought was smart.

  Another thing I could blame on the fake marriage.

  As we made the ride back home the next day, Jett was in a rambunctious mood. “If I took you to the airport and we took off to Los Vegas what would you think?”

  “I’m not doing that today, Jett.”

  He looked at me as he pulled up to a stop light. “You know, there are tons of women who’d jump at the chance to marry a handsome billionaire.”

  “I do know that.” I ran my hand over his shoulder. “But you don’t love any of them. You love me. And I want to go slow.” My cell rang, and I saw my mother’s name on the screen. “It’s Mom.” I swiped the screen. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hey, baby girl Guess where your father and I happen to be?”


  “Harrison. We thought we’d stop by.”

  “Oh, I see.” I looked at Jett, and he just smiled.

  “Tell them we’ll be home in about thirty minutes and text them the address.”

  I could tell he was happy about their visit. “Mom, I’ll text you the address. Give us a half hour to get home.”

  “Sure thing. Bye.”

  I put my cell down and pinched the bridge of my nose. “I don’t like this.”

  “What? Your parents stopping by. I love it. It means they feel comfortable about us. Don’t you think so?” He ran his hand over my knee.

  “And now they’ll know how much money you have and how you’ve bought me a car and expensive clothes. Jet, this is bad.”

  I couldn’t see how he didn’t understand that. There’d be tons of questions, and all of our answers would have to be made up. On the fly too. We’d have to work to keep our answers the same.

  “It’s okay, baby. Just tell them the truth about things. I asked you to move in. I gave you a car to drive and some clothes to wear. You don’t have to tell them the house is yours.” He gave my leg a pat, much like one would do to a dog.

  Maybe he was right. Maybe they wouldn’t freak out too much. We already said we were spending the summer together. At least part of it was out there. But I had no idea how they’d react to Jett being filthy rich and me leaving all that out.

  They didn’t know we went to South Dakota in a private jet. The car Jett rented was just a typical small car, nothing fancy. We wore shorts and t-shirts, nothing upscale. I knew they’d be shocked.

  When they asked Jett what he did for a living, he downplayed it by saying he was in management. That might come off as lying to my parents. I guess we’d soon find out because traffic was light for once and we were nearly home.

  “My stomach hurts,” I whined.

  “It’ll be okay.” Jett chuckled. “If I’m nervous, you’re not and vice versa. That’s funny.”

  “Nothing is funny about how badly my stomach is hurting. I don’t know if it’s nerves or that damn jungle juice punch we drank last night, but it’s cramping pretty badly.” I held my poor tummy all the rest of the way home. I had to make a mad dash to the first bathroom, once we got there.

  Puking my guts up had me thinking it had to be the punch, not nerves. I rinsed out my mouth and went to find Jett putting our bags in the bedroom. “Your friends poisoned me.”

  “Here, lie down, baby.” He came to me and made me lean on him as he took me to the bed. “Did you have a headache that you didn’t tell me about? You know, signs of a hangover?”

  “No. It just hit me all of a sudden. My stomach doesn’t hurt anymore. I feel a little weak, but other than that, the cramping is gone.” I ran my hand over my stomach. “Maybe I just had to get it out of me.”

  “I guess so. I’ll go get you some ginger ale. That might help.” He walked away, and I sat up as the bell to the gate rang. He smiled at me. “They’re here.”

  I sighed then got up. No time to rest and get back to feeling a hundred percent, I guessed. “Crap.”

  Jett ran his arm around me. “That’s no way to feel about your parents coming over. Should I call in? You know, have some lunch delivered?”

  “I guess so.”

  “I’ll do that while you entertain them. Show them all around.” Jett gave my shoulders a squeeze. “Invite them to stay over tonight.”

  “Are you sure about all that?” I shook my head.

  “Of course I’m sure. I want them to feel at home here.” We walked to the keypad in the living room, and he punched in the code to the gate then opened the front door.

  We stood there, waiting to see my parents old Buick come up the drive. “If they freak out, then I’ll tell them that’s why we didn’t tell them that you’re rich. There, I feel better about it all now.”

  “Good.” He hugged me tight and then his arms went loose. “Fuck me. It’s my parents.”

  Right behind the BMW Jett’s parents were in was my father’s old car. “Fuck me! Jett, what the fuck are we going to do?”

  “All that comes to mind is, run.”

  “Why the fuck did we come to the door? We could’ve hidden inside from them. We’re totally fucked.” I couldn’t take in any air. My heart had stopped beating.

  I looked at my hand and realized we still had on our wedding bands. There was only one thing to do. It would be hard to do, but we had no choice.

  There wasn’t time to think, to plan, to hightail it out of there and run to Canada where they’d never find us. So I took a deep breath and waved with a happy smile on my face. Then I took Jett’s hand in mine and stepped off the first step. “Follow my lead, Jett.”

  “Okay. Shit, I hope you have something great planned.”


  Each step we took toward the people who knew different stories was excruciating. My ears were ringing, my gut was twisting, and I couldn’t think at all. But it seemed Asia could.

  She took my hand and led the way as well as the plan that came into her head at record speed. My parents got out of the back of the car. “Hi, OMG! What a surprise, you guys.” Asia let my hand go and hugged my mother. “Okay, I have a confession to make.”

  My knees went weak.

  What was she doing?

  Mom’s brows went up. “About what, dear?”

  “The people behind you guys are my parents. And I made Jett lie for me. I’m really sorry.” Asia held my mother’s hands. “I know we told you that they knew about our marriage. They don’t know a thing about it. I’ve been too afraid to tell them.”

  Mom smiled. It had worked. My mother loved being in the know about things. “I understand, perfectly. It was rushed and quite unexpected.”

  “Thank you for understanding. It means the world to me.”

  I was relieved and could finally take a breath. I watched Asia’s parents get out of their car and jogged up to greet them. “Hi there. We have a couple of surprise guests today. My parents dropped in as well. You’ll all get to meet, the way you wanted.”

  Asia brought my parents along with her to make the introductions. And I had to hand it to her parents, they weren’t freaking out about the lavish
home. Her mother looked around. “This is very nice, Jett. You’ve done well for yourself, haven’t you?”

  “Well, my parents can give you the run down on why we’ve become successful.” I turned to take Asia’s hand as she came up beside me.

  She grabbed my right hand with her left and held up our clasped hands. Her rings caught the sun, glistening and making me nearly choke. Then she said something that made me feel lightheaded. “Okay, we’re busted. Mom, Dad, Jett wanted to tell you guys right away, but I wouldn’t let him. I was afraid of how you’d react. He and I were married In Vegas on the first of June.”

  “Asia,” I hissed. “No.”

  She looked at me with a smile. “It’s okay, Jett. I’m ready to let them in on our secret. No more lies will come out of me.”

  I looked from her to her parents to find them slack-jawed and wide-eyed. Her father cleared his throat and looked at my father. “Did you know about this?”

  My parents nodded, and Asia’s looked at one another. Her mother nodded. “Okay, okay. You were right, Asia. We most likely would’ve overreacted.” She fanned herself.

  Moving quickly, I headed toward the house. “Come inside. Sit down, I’ll get you something to drink. I know you must be stunned.”

  They were probably just about as stunned as I was. I couldn’t believe what Asia had done for me. It was too much.

  Asia made sure everyone got inside as I went to grab some wine and hard liquor. I needed a drink and fast.

  Gulping down a glass of Scotch, I refilled it then took the wine and some glasses to the den where Asia had settled everyone. I found Asia showing her parents the wedding rings and smiling away as she told them that she also lied about how we met, a thing she also made me do. “You see, I’d snuck away with Joy to Los Angeles. I didn’t want you guys to know I did that. And I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t think about what I was doing. I don’t know why I thought the truth would never catch up to me, but I didn’t. Can you guys ever forgive me?”

  Her father looked at me with a frown. “In the future, could you please help our daughter to be more honest with us?”

  I fell on the sofa and nodded as I took another drink. The guilt was trying to take over. I wanted to tell everyone it was me who was the huge lair. Asia was an innocent victim in my scam.


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