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Dirty News (Dirty Network Book 1)

Page 54

by Michelle Love

  “You’re frightening me.”

  “You should be afraid, a little.” I closed the door, leaving her with an air of fascination. I was trying to seduce her to my ways. I was trying to make her into the woman I thought I wanted her to be.


  I got behind the wheel of my truck and headed to a ritual that would hopefully change her views on how things worked.

  “What museum are we going to?” she asked, looking at me. “You’ll see shortly.” I rubbed my thumb up her forearm and watched goose bumps form on her beautiful creamy skin.

  That was the best part of the initiation for me then, getting to forget about business and other problems that life throws at you. Whoever said more money means more problems was dead on. Even the FBI found their way somewhere in the mix just to let their presence be known.

  The FBI was a source of contention for me and my family. They always had been. I suppose when dealing in the weapons industry, that’s to be expected. But the fuckers were all so cocky and sure if they turned over just the right stone, they’d find a goldmine.

  Like burrs under my blanket, the people of the FBI irritated me to no end. There was no real threat as we did all of our business above board. They’d gone through our files with a fine-tooth comb only five years before and found nothing. I didn’t know why they were so determined to go at us again.

  Glancing at Natasha, I saw she was keeping her attention on the night lights and the beauty of the city. It seemed the city always looked beautiful at night no matter where you were.

  But in the beauty hid the madness and scathing villains, lurking in the crevices of the dark alleys. That is how I saw life. Beauty hid the sinister being who resided within.

  Some people were the kind who wore their hearts on their sleeves. You knew everything about them within hours if you spent any amount of time with them. I was part of a world full of people with layer upon layer of thick skin which had been made by troubles and turmoil not many know the likes of.

  Most see the rich as spoiled, and while some are, the people who actually work for their money are anything but spoiled. The need for a club like The Billionaire Bad Boy Club, a club for wealthy men of all ages, was seen by the founders. My grandfather was one of them.

  I should feel a certain amount of shame for that but I don’t. He and his cohorts searched their souls for how to really get away for a little while from the brutal pressure the business world puts on those who surf the huge waves of cash.

  Carnal pleasures have always been at the forefront of all activities that tend to take the mind away from troubles to a place where only two people, and sometimes more, exist. In that space of time, the body decompresses. Letting out steam in excess as you release your inhibitions and increase your chances of not dying from a heart attack due to stress.

  One could look at my grandfather and the other men like him as healing men. And with their many dollars, they could buy some fun. Some natural stress relieving medicine. Women!

  With that thought in my mind, I looked at the woman in my passenger seat, wondering how the young, impressionable, innocent woman sat naive to the evil which clung to her. I was like a mosquito, silently drinking away her blood, while infecting her with my disease.

  I couldn’t imagine the secrets and skeletons she must’ve had in her closet. I knew she had some. The way she could turn into another person told me that much. She was truly naïve but she was anything but innocent. There had to be a dark little thing in her past to make her that way.

  All of us who practice this lifestyle have a darkness that haunts us. We face the pain and anguish rather than hide from it. I have no doubt in my mind, my darkness came straight from my family.

  You don’t hear the things I’ve heard about myself and my poor mother, from the man who is supposed to be your hero, your keeper, your defender and not grow scars on your soul. I was severely scarred and what was worse, I needed to take a fresh, naïve young woman and contort her to fit my will in an attempt to curb some of that evil appetite I had.

  Her darkness was well hidden from herself but it was there and I was going to mine it until it came to the surface. Perhaps once that occurred, I’d be full of what I needed from her and able to move on. It wouldn’t leave her in peace, it would leave her in pieces.

  With a sultry stare at my intended victim, we pulled up to the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum, the old Carnegie Mansion. That is where the night would begin and the wonders of the world laid ignorant to the elite’s finest entertainment.

  It was yet to hit the air but lust would abound soon. And in that lustful rage, I hoped to gain my prize. My sweet, delectable prize.

  Everyone else was just getting there. Some of the richest and most famous people in New York were there.

  “Let me put this on for you.” I placed a lace mask on her face. Then I put on my masquerade mask and escorted her into the theater. Her icy-blue eyes darted around, her hand was tight on my arm as she clung to it. Everyone was masked, as usual at anything the BBC did.

  A gentleman with shoulder length dirty blonde hair and a tall dark haired woman strolled past us. Natasha leaned in, “Was that?”

  I stopped her with a finger to her lips. “We never ask that question.” Anonymity was a courtesy and one never stepped on common courtesies.

  Upon our arrival, I could see the Lord in Standing, talking with some of the other members. The only other newbie was with Jon X. She looked nervous with sad eyes as she looked upon everyone else.

  She and Natasha were the only newbies from what I saw. “Natasha, I’m going to step over there for a bit,” I told her. It was important she learn to converse with other females at those things. With that lifestyle, one could only confer about certain things with others like them. Building confidential friendships was important lest your mind went to a frazzled state. “Try and talk to this young lady here until I come back. Drinks and Hor D’oeurves are being served inside the ballroom.” I took her to the other young lady after she gave me a nod that told me she understood.

  As I went amongst the others I watched as she kept her composure and acquainted herself. I felt great pride as I watched her get along well with the other woman. She would make a wonderful slave if she let herself go with the darkness inside her.

  “She is gorgeous, Bill,” Jon. X. told me. “What do you think of my new victim?”

  “She looks a little sad,” I had to let him know.

  “She’s only sad that I am not near her. She can’t get enough of me,” he said with a growl. “And how’s it going with that vixen you’ve managed to find?”

  “You really don’t want to know that,” I said with a chuckle. “On account, I’d have to lie to improve upon what you’ve just told me about your new find. Mine is a diamond in the rough. She will need tons of polishing but I’m up for the challenge.”

  His grimace had my insides jittery for a second. “She’s having to be led into it? Not good. But I saw her before, at the warehouse. I’ve seen her there twice as a matter of fact. She has to be into it if she went there.”

  “The first time she was duped by her friend, Daniella Day, into coming. She was told it was a fundraiser and nothing more than that. But a delightful experience in the bathroom told me she has it in her to make a good candidate. The second time she was there, was for me. This is all new to her but she’s not running away, screaming.”

  “Like she probably should be,” he added with a foreboding chuckle.

  As I watched her from across the room, our eyes locked and she mouthed, ‘Save me.’

  My knees buckled and I couldn’t believe the stab I felt in my heart. She wanted me to save her and I was trying to do anything but that. I was taking her further into the dark underside of the world.

  A place where chains hung on the walls next to whips that were used to tame the spirit and kill the rebelliousness inside a person. Not all slaves are women. There are plenty of powerful women who have male slaves. There is no sexism in
our society, contrary to popular opinion.

  Her eyes still held mine as she wiggled her finger at me and I took a step forward, like some kind of fool. I shook my finger at her then mock-swatted in the air to show her what that kind of tomfoolery would get her if she kept it up.

  A smile flowed over her sweet lips and she blew me a kiss. A simple act it was but it made my heart skip a beat. I had to look away, back to my cronies and had no idea, Jon. X. had witnessed our little back and forth.

  His shoulder nudged mine as he whispered, “You had better watch out, old boy. That one may sneak up on you.”

  “Never,” was my fast reply.



  I watched as Nicholai walked over to the older group of members who were laughing and talking amongst themselves when we walked in.

  Everyone was dressed formally, making me feel as if I was dressed a little slutty in the dress I was wearing. I saw another girl there who looked to be just as new as I was. That was precisely who Nic steered me toward. He told me I should talk to her as he was going to speak with the men.

  I got the gist of what he was saying even though he wasn’t really saying it, ‘Make friends, be nice, make me proud of you.’

  Before walking over to her, I grabbed both of us a drink, hoping my nerves didn’t show as bad as hers were. “Here you go,” I said handing her a blueberry vodka and water mix.

  “Thank you,” she said, taking it from my hands almost immediately, then guzzling it down.

  “I’m Natasha, “I held my hand out to her.

  She chuckled a bit. “Oh! I apologize, I’m Trisha.” She shook my hand. Her palms were clammy. “So are you ready for tonight?” she asked, snatching a glass of champagne from one of the servers who was passing by.

  “I’m unsure what I’m ready for right now since I don’t know what’s going on.” I said, honestly.

  She gave me a mischievous smile. “It’s a ritual initiation celebration of a newbie. I will have mine in a few weeks.” She smiled widely. It took me by surprise as she was looking like she was on the brink of tears. “When is yours?” she asked excitedly.

  I almost choked on my drink. “Excuse me,” I said, wiping the corner of my mouth.

  “When is your celebration?” she asked again, confirming that I had heard her right.

  “Oh no, I’m not having one of those,” I said, laughing.

  “I thought you signed the bond. That’s why you’re here, right?” She gave me a confused look.

  I stood there for a moment as I knew there was no way I would even consider being a slave. Looking her in her dark green and very pretty eyes, I said, “No, I didn’t sign the bond as being a slave isn’t my idea of romance and love.” I looked over my shoulder to find Nicholai’s back turned toward me as he laughed at whatever was so funny.

  “You’re with Bill, right? I saw you on his arm when you walked in. He’s so handsome. I would think you’d be jumping at the chance to enter into a bond with him. Many of the women who frequent the BBC parties lust over him. He’s young and built like a brick shithouse.”

  Her candor was remarkable. “You do talk freely, don’t you? And who is your stud-muffin?”

  “The man yours is talking to,” she pointed out. “He is my master.” Her words sounded light and airy and not like a thing I ever saw myself saying about something like that. “It’s only a paper, Natasha. It’s just so you two can have amazing sex using amazing things to get you each off. What’s the harm in that?” she asked me.

  I downed my drink as I saw a waiter coming with a tray full of something else and placed my empty on it then took a fresh one. “The harm, my dear, is the degradation that document holds you to. He will do what he wants to you when he wants to. You will call him master, for the love of God!” I could only shake my head and take another drink of the purple liquid that tasted a hell of a lot like grape Kool-Aid.

  “Then why did he bring you here, I wonder?” she pondered out loud. “If you have no desire to fuck like that then why bother with you at all?”

  I looked away as she’d hit a soft spot then she wagged her finger at me and smiled as I said, “It’s not that.”

  “Oh! You do like to fuck like that! So what’s the big deal about the paperwork then? Do you have misplaced morals?” She took another drink as if we were having a nice normal conversation as she looked at me over the rim of her glass.

  “It’s the other stuff, the controlling stuff that I don’t see eye to eye with. I could have any kind of sex with that man that he’d let me, it’s not the sex at all. I want love though and by the few things he’s said to me, that’s out,” I told her, then took a drink to calm myself down a bit.

  “Love makes you weak and stupid. I know all about love. My heart’s been stepped on one too many times. So why not give myself to someone who likes what I like? And you’ll see tonight, you get to have a really dramatic show when you come out as a master and slave. It’s so erotic and sexual. You’ll see. If you’re still around, I hope you come to mine. It’s going to be Egyptian themed. I can’t wait!” she smiled and kind of jumped up and down a bit.

  I found myself looking back to see where my man was and I found him looking at me. I mouthed, save me, at him and he gave me this magnificent smile. Then I wiggled my finger at him and he looked as if he was going to come to me then he stopped and acted like he was paddling my ass in the air.

  Trisha talking had me turning back to her. “Just think of it as an experience. And you’ll have a friend as a sister slave.” She looked empathetic to my reluctance. Or possibly my pure ignorance of the entire comprehension of that lifestyle. “Don’t over think it and just enjoy the show. That’s all it really is, anyway. All of it is just an act we put on. It’s not all the time, it’s kind of like a hobby. One that’s very fulfilling.”

  Until the beatings began, I thought to myself and was about to say out loud. Before I could respond, though, I felt the warmth of his hand on the small of my back. “It’s time for us to take our seats,” he whispered in my ear, tickling the fine hairs on my neck.

  He took my hand and we walked through the hall filled with infamous art aligning the walls. I had never been there before due to the fact I never went that far out of the city. Although I loved the arts, I just didn’t think coming this far to see anything like this was worthwhile. But there I was, being proven wrong as it was art I’d only heard of or seen on the Internet and I was adoring it.

  We walked into a theater and took our seats. His hand still held mine and when he pulled our hands up and left a kiss on mine as he looked at me, I saw something in those dark eyes looking at me from behind his black mask. It was more than lust and less than love, somewhere in between the two things and I had hoped he’d come over to my side instead of trying to pull me to his.

  I looked to see a stage with a cage on it. “What’s that for?”

  His voice came from right behind my ear and it sent a shiver down my spine while simultaneously making me wet, “Shh, my princess, you will soon see. Prepare yourself. It is nothing like you have ever seen in your life.”

  I turned to look at him, as him calling me his princess was a sweet thing to say and I was unaware he knew any sweet things to say at all. My smile was lopsided as I leaned over and kissed his cheek which I knew wasn’t a thing a slave did without being told to but I couldn’t help myself. “I can’t wait. Thank you for bringing me here tonight, my sweet prince.”

  The lights went out and everyone’s conversations ceased as music began to play. I looked over at Nicholai who had an amused look on his face as I sat, watching the stage in excited anticipation of what was about to happen.

  Our hands were still clasped, sitting on top of his thigh. I squeezed it as a man with a skull mask began to glow with blue UV lighting. He wore a long black cloak and nothing else. I could tell that as he moved about, flourishing a black silk sheet.

  Bits of his well-muscled body made little glows as the blue light hit
his flesh. I was pent up with fascination. What would the almost naked man be doing and why was the cage empty?

  He tossed the sheet high into the air and like magic, it came back down, settling perfectly over the empty cage. I sat up a little straighter in my seat so I could see every part of the dark as night stage. When Nic’s lips pressed against my neck, I nearly came undone. “Relax, the best is yet to come.”

  I watched as the black silk sheet was pulled off by the cloaked man. A woman with wild blonde hair sat in the cage with shackles around her ankles, her wrists were also shackled and she had them wrapped around her knees. Her head was lying on them too, hiding her face.

  “Look at me!” the man’s deep voice thundered through the exquisite sound system.

  Her head raised slowly, then anther UV light hit her, a red one and it reflected off a metal gag ball that was strapped to her mouth. Hard drums and horns sounded through the speakers. The cloaked man cracked a whip as he made his way to the cage’s door.

  My eyes widened as I glanced at Nicholai whose eyes were fixated on the show before us as he held my hand tightly. His muscles were tense and I felt the adrenaline that was running through him with the intensity of what we were watching unfold before us.

  The red light illuminated the woman in the cage who wore a leather body holster that covered her nipples and private area but nothing else. A thin black mask, like the Lone Ranger used to wear, covered her eyes. Her lips were plump and stained with black lipstick. Her skin, which looked red in the UV light, glistened with oil. The way she was looking at him nearly made me cry.

  Her expression, fear mixed with hope, was apparent all the way to where I was sitting. His expression was of course, unknown as his face was covered by the mask.

  After he opened the gate, she stayed perfectly still. “Come to me,” he said with a sinister tone.

  She crawled to him on all fours as far as the chains, which were attached to the cage, would allow her to, her head bowed low.

  “Get up!” her master commanding and popped the whip for added effects. I gasped and Nic squeezed my hand. I saw a little smile on his face when I gave him a quick glance.


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