Loving the CEO (bundle of five romance novels)

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Loving the CEO (bundle of five romance novels) Page 27

by Noelle Adams

  Worn out with worry, a soft sob escaped Erin’s lips and then another until she was sobbing in earnest. What made it worse, the harder she tried to stop the faster the tears came. Where had the practical levelheaded Erin gone? Pregnancy had turned her into a mountain of mush and she didn’t like it, not one bit. But still she could not stop crying.

  “Erin, are you all right?”

  The sobs froze in Erin’s throat. Her head snapped up and she peered down at Dare who was still stretched out on the cloth but this time his eyes were open. Those wonderful gray eyes were staring back at her.

  “Dare,” she said, her voice breaking, “you’re back.” She scrambled to her knees and reached over to gather him in her arms. When he flinched she drew back. “I’m sorry. I’ll be gentle. I promise.”

  “It’s okay,” Dare said in a hoarse whisper. “I’m fine.” His eyes roamed the hallway. “How did I get here?”

  “I brought you out here,” she said gently. “You were about to step into Francine’s

  room when a flying board slapped you. It knocked you out cold.”

  “And you…brought me out here?” He looked around then slowly raised himself on his elbows. “But how?”

  Erin shrugged. “I dragged you out. On the blanket.”

  “You did what?” Dare’s eyebrows shot up. He struggled to sit up then swayed and put a hand to the back of his head. “I got clobbered real good,” he said with a groan.

  “Yes you did, so move slowly. Very slowly.” She put out a hand and gently held his chin then turned his head ever so slightly. She shone the flashlight on his head. There was a gash at the back of it but thankfully it was not as bad as she’d expected and the blood had already begun to dry, matting the hair to his scalp. That was good. It would stem the flow.

  Erin got up and held out both hands to Dare. “You’re soaking wet. We have to get you dry before you fall sick.”

  “I can get up,” he said, ignoring her outstretched hands. He put out a hand and, using the wall as support, slowly and carefully got up from the floor and stood looking down at her.

  She could see he was far from steady. Without hesitation she went to stand beside him and pulled his arm across her shoulders. Then step by step they made their way to the safety of Dare’s suite. There, Erin stripped him of every article of clothing then helped him into the bathroom where he washed away the grime from his recent repose in the pool of water on the floor.

  Erin felt no embarrassment at Dare’s nakedness. All such cares were swallowed up in her concern for him. With the dispassion of a nurse she toweled him dry then placed a robe around his shoulders and led him to the bed where she tucked him in.

  Dare leaned back into the pillows with a sigh then looked over at her standing by the bed. “Thank you,” he said. “You make an excellent nurse.” Then he waved his hand toward a huge walk-in closet. “There’s another robe hanging on the hook by the door. Why don’t you change? You’re all wet.”

  Erin didn’t need to be told twice. She’d begun to shiver and she knew it was because of the damp clothes clinging to her body. She got the robe then went back to Dare’s bathroom where she shed her garments and took a quick shower. Within a few minutes she was back at Dare’s side.

  The color had returned to his face and he was looking like his old self again, dark and deliciously sexy as the lantern cast its golden light on his bare chest. He’d pushed the robe away and now lay in the bed, naked from the waist up. And he was watching her. Those gray eyes like molten steel now bored into her, making her blush.

  Slowly, suggestively he licked his lips and her nipples tightened in response. She breathed in, her nostrils flaring, and she clenched her hands by her side. What in heaven’s name was he doing to her? Even in his wounded state he still had the power to seduce her. Without a word and without a touch he was turning her insides to jelly.

  And as the wind wailed its dirge outside Erin knew that at that moment what she wanted most was to be in Dare’s arms.

  Dare lifted his arms and folded them behind his head, looking very much like an overlord surveying his property. “What do you want, Erin?” he asked, his voice a bold and confident whisper.

  He knew. Heaven help her, he knew how much she wanted him.

  “Erin?” As he said her name he cocked an eyebrow, looking very much the rake.

  She swallowed. Then she decided to take the plunge. She wanted him. So why should she deny herself?

  “I want…you,” she said, her voice thick with desire.

  “Are you sure?” The look he gave her spoke volumes. She’d rebuffed him before and his look said he wasn’t taking any chances.

  “I’m sure,” she said, her voice a wee bit stronger. Her body was clamoring for him and there was no denying it the release it craved. Not now, when her blood surged with the heat of passion. Certainly not now as the wind swirled outside, making her shiver for want of those muscled arms around her.

  “Are you begging?” His eyes, glittering like diamonds in the light, danced with amusement.

  She lowered her eyes and bit her bottom lip to keep it from trembling with laughter. Then she lifted her chin and looked him straight in the eyes. “I’m begging,” she admitted and she said it without apology.

  Dare’s lips curled into a smile. He threw back the covers and held out his hands. “Come.”

  This time when Erin saw Dare’s nakedness she felt the heat rush to her face. The Dare she had bathed was very different from the one who now lay bold and bare in front of her, that special part of his anatomy standing straight and proud.

  After the trauma that the night had brought she needed him. And so, stifling the caution that would normally keep her in check, she climbed into Dare’s bed and into his arms.

  This time when they made love it was gentle and sweet. As she lay on her side in front of him he pressed himself against her back and wrapped his arms around her. When he kissed the back of her neck, sending shivers up her spine, she sighed and pushed back against him. When he cupped her breasts, now full and heavy in his hands, she arched her back and moaned until he pinched and rolled the taut nipples with his fingers, making her sweet spot moisten in response.

  When he slid inside her, so thick and firm, her body was ready to receive him. Then his hand slid over her belly and down to her center of sensation and he began to stroke so softly like the touch of a feather then faster and faster, until all the colors of the rainbow exploded between her legs and shot like fireworks to every part of her body, making her cry out in release.

  And as she reached her peak he pushed deep inside her, one long clean stroke, and then he was emptying his seed deep inside her.

  For a long time they lay there, joined as one as they fought to regain control. Then as their harsh breathing died down to the gentle rhythm of satiation Dare gathered her even closer and slid his hand up to stroke the smooth skin of her hip.

  And though the wind wailed and the windows rattled, Erin felt if there was one moment in life that defined her heaven, this was it.

  But then she remembered. The wind, Francine’s room, the plank flying through the air. She gasped and held Dare’s wrist, stilling his caress. “Dare, your head. What if I made you worse?”

  Dare chuckled into the back of her neck. “By letting me make love to you? You actually did the opposite. I’m cured.”

  She reached behind and slapped at his bum. “Be serious. You could have a concussion. I don’t think making love was a good idea.”

  “It was an excellent idea,” he whispered then kissed her nape, effectively wiping all thought from her mind and leaving her only with the feel of his body and his touch.

  Then he turned her to him and dipped his head to confound her even further with a kiss that left her panting.

  She lifted her hands and planted them on his chest. “Dare, no. I mean it. No more for tonight. Not in your condition.”

  He chuckled and leaned back and propped his elbow on the pillow then rested his chee
k in his hand. He gave her a boyish grin. “Or in yours.” He reached out and rested a big warm hand on her belly. “I hope I didn’t disturb little Mr. DeSouza.”

  “Or Miss,” she said, smiling back.

  “Or Miss.” He stroked her smooth skin then lowered his head to press his ear against her gentle rise. “I wish I could hear it,” he said, his voice soft with something akin to wonder.

  “Why don’t you say something?” she prompted. “The baby can hear, you know.”

  To her surprise, instead of speaking Dare began to sing, soft and low, his voice a melodic rumble as his lips tickled the skin of her belly. He was singing a lullaby to the baby inside her, a song welcoming the little one into the world.

  As the words of the song died away Erin blinked to clear the tears that had gathered in her eyes. It had been so unexpected and so touching. “That was beautiful,” she said and raised her hand to stroke Dare’s dark curls as he again pressed his ear against her skin. It felt so natural. “I didn’t know you could sing.”

  He lifted his head and chuckled. “I was part of a boy band in college. Bass guitarist and background vocalist.”

  “Wow,” she said with a teasing laugh, “you never cease to amaze me. If you hadn’t made it in real estate you would definitely have made it big in the music business.”

  “Yeah, right.” He slid his body up where he could nuzzle her neck. She knew what he wanted and this time she didn’t have the heart to stop him. Crack on the head or no, Dare - or more accurately the part of his anatomy now prodding her hip - was ready for another round.

  She sighed and stretched languorously then tilted her head up and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Just one more time,” she whispered, “but only if you sing me a love song.”

  “Are you begging?” he said into her ear.

  “No, that was an order.” She reached up and pulled his head down for a long, searing kiss that would leave him in no doubt as to who was in charge.


  Dare woke to a ray of light streaming in through a crack in the brocade drapes at the window. For the first time in weeks he’d slept through the night. He lifted his head off the pillow to look at his wife as she curled into him. She was still fast asleep and he used the opportunity to explore her body with his hand, sliding it over the fullness of her breasts then letting it come to rest in the curve of her waist. She was beautiful in her pregnancy, her skin a delicate rosy hue, her body blooming with his child. What could be lovelier?

  If nothing else, the hurricane had accomplished one good thing. Last night they had connected. For the first time since Erin’s arrival on the island there had been a harmony between them that he hoped would last. He would do everything in his power to maintain this newfound peace. He’d been a cad but going forward he’d show Erin he could be a loving husband.

  Slowly, so as not to wake her, he slid out of the bed and padded over to the walk-in closet where he grabbed underwear, jeans, a T-shirt and a pair of heavy boots. All kinds of debris would be strewn around after the storm, including broken glass and loose boards with nails sticking out. The last thing he needed was a puncture wound that would send him rushing to the hospital for a tetanus shot.

  A quick survey of the grounds revealed that the damage was not as bad as he had expected. Apart from the tree that had fallen onto the west wing of the house everything else was intact. Still, it was going to take a lot of work to clear the mess from the property. He’d have to get a work team on board within the next day or two.

  His priority, though, was the resort and the guests who were in his care. A quick call to the resort manager put his mind at ease - all guests present and accounted for and only minor damage to the villas closest to the beach.

  He went back to check on Erin and she was up. She’d put on his robe again and it swallowed her up, making her look like a child playing dress up in her parents’ clothes.

  As soon as she saw him her face lit up and then it clouded over with a look of concern. “How do you feel today?” she asked. She hopped out of the bed and came over to rest a hand on his arm. “Any headaches? Dizziness?”

  “I’m fine, nurse,” he teased then reached out and pulled her against him. “And how did you rest?”

  “Never slept better,” she said with a relaxed smile and then her face went pink and he knew she was remembering their lovemaking from the night before.

  And she’d soon have a lot more to grow pink about. Tonight he planned to give her even more of the same treatment. But now there was work to do. “You whip up some breakfast while I make some calls and get a work crew organized. It’s going to be a busy day.”

  “Not for you, it’s not,” she said, her eyes flashing. “Your first order of business is to swing by the hospital and have them check out that bump on your head.”


  “Not another word, mister. Go freshen up while I make breakfast. Then it’s off to the doctor for you.”

  Dare could only stare at her in amused surprise. Now where had this bossy spirit come from? There was a lot more to Erin than met the eye.

  As much as he wanted to get started on the repairs he realized the wisdom of her words. With a nod and a quick grin he yielded to his new boss and headed off to the bathroom.

  Later that morning with the permission of his doctor Dare made his rounds of the resort and ensured that competent staff was on hand to cater to the guests. Then he stopped by his office to make some important phone calls after the storm. He had to connect with his relatives back in Michigan to assure them he was safe and with his insurance company to arrange for an assessment of the damage. It was a good thing he’d included flood insurance and wind damage for all his properties.

  When he got back home late that afternoon Erin was nowhere to be found. He called her cell phone.

  “There was an announcement on the radio that the shelter got a lot more people than they bargained for. They’ve run out of blankets so I got Carlos to take me down here to drop some off.” There was the sound of static and then her voice came back on the line but weaker than before. “It’s really bad, Dare. Lots of damage-” The call dropped, leaving him clutching the phone to his ear.

  He tried calling back but only got a busy signal. Obviously, the hurricane had not only affected the electricity supply. It had messed up the phone systems, too.

  He just hoped she would hurry back. She was in no condition to be traipsing all over town trying to save the world.

  Within an hour Erin was back home looking flushed and eager. “They were so happy for the blankets,” she said, beaming. “We should take them some food, too. With all the people who turned up at the shelter I’m sure they’d appreciate it.”

  “Sure,” Dare said, taking her by the shoulder and leading her over to the reclining chair. “But not today. You need to put your feet up and relax. Remember what the doctor said about the swelling in your ankles.”

  “He said I need exercise, not pampering.” But despite her protest she relaxed into the chair and put her feet up, much to his relief.

  He could see how much it meant to her to have been able to render assistance. She was obviously a kindhearted soul and he loved her for it.

  Dare paused and looked up from where he was kneeling at her feet. Love. Now where had that thought come from? Unbidden, it had popped into his mind, startling him with how easily it had slipped in. Did he love Erin?

  If his actions were anything to go by then maybe it was so. Right then he was busy massaging her ankles, helping to stimulate the circulation and prevent swelling. It made him feel…husbandly, if that was a word. But he had to admit, something had changed. He still wanted Erin, that was for sure, but that alone was no longer enough. His feelings for her had blossomed into something far more than just the physical. Now his desire was for an emotional connection.

  That evening Dare made his specialty, stir-fried chicken with white rice, and he and Erin sat down to a quiet meal alone. They finished off with a cup of
herbal tea for Erin and black coffee for Dare. Then, for the first time since they’d met, he told her about his musical family. He talked about his dad, a country and western singer who had moved to Michigan with his young wife, where they’d performed in nightclubs across the city.

  As teenagers Dare and his two brothers often joined their parents on stage. Later, one of his brothers went on to a musical career while the other became a psychiatrist. Dare chose the field of engineering.

  “But the entrepreneurial spirit won out, I see.” Erin lifted her teacup to him.

  Dare nodded. “Never even got the chance to use my engineering degree, but who’s complaining?”

  They were both having a laugh at that when Dare’s cell phone began to buzz. He peered at the screen. “My broker. Calling me now? Weird.” He took the call and was on the phone less than two minutes when he hung up. He was all smiles.

  “Did you just win the lottery?” Erin asked cheekily. A man like Dare probably never wasted his time or his money on such slim odds.

  “Better. That was my insurance broker. He said they’ll be going out tomorrow to assess the property damage at that new resort I bought. It’s likely they’ll cover up to eighty percent of the damage.”

  “But why not one hundred percent?”

  “That would be the ideal but there’s that pesky little thing called the deductible they have to take out first.” He shrugged. “But the good thing is, Dennis went to look at the place and the bulk of the wind damage was to those villas I was planning to bulldoze anyway. They were too hollow to stand up to the hurricane.”

  “A blessing in disguise,” she murmured.

  “You got that right.” Then he gave her a naughty look. “To celebrate I’ll grant you one wish, anything you want.”

  “A massage,” she said with delight. “I want you to massage me from head to toe. Carrying this weight around is hard on the back and the legs.”

  He put on a disappointed look. “Nothing else? Just a massage?”

  “Yes, Dare,” she said, rolling her eyes, “just a massage. We’ve had enough fun for a while, don’t you think?”


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