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Loving the CEO (bundle of five romance novels)

Page 89

by Noelle Adams

  Kaya licked her lips as her gaze slid down the wide chest to his stomach. She’d heard of six-pack abs. Bryce had eight. Divinely ripped and corded. She lowered her gaze to his hips and the turbulent root of his sex in its half-awakened state, surrounded by a thatch of curly dark hair—hair that had tickled the waxed area of her groin as they made love. She shuddered and swallowed when his sex jerked against his thigh in anticipation and excitement. How in heaven’s name had she taken him into her little virgin body last night, and enjoyed it so thoroughly at that? It must have been a miracle.

  Kaya had never seen a real live naked man before. But she was wise enough to know that they could not all possess the same generous virility as Bryce Fontaine. There was an awful lot of him. He’d definitely broken the mold. No wonder she was sore. And no wonder he hadn’t allowed her to see him or touch him last night, because honestly, she would have run from his bed screaming. But now…

  “Your bath is ready,” he said looking her over seductively. He knelt on the mattress and scooped her up in his arms.

  Both of their eyes became riveted to the dark stain on the duvet. His body tensed, and feeling a sense of embarrassment, Kaya nuzzled her face into the warm comfort of Bryce’s neck and looped her arms about his shoulders. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he said, carrying her from the room. “It’s normal.” He knelt beside the Jacuzzi—strategically positioned under a low window overlooking the lake—and lowered her gently into the warm water. “I sprinkled some baking soda into your bath. It will help soothe your aches away. Got the idea from Grannie,” he added with a grin.

  “Oh, this feels good,” Kaya murmured as the jet streams immediately began massaging her body. She hadn’t realized she was so achy, like a big truck had run over her. Well, one had actually, she thought, taking in the look of contentment on Bryce’s face. He’d run over her and right through her, forging paths on the uncharted terrain of her body.

  “I’ll leave you now,” he said.

  “You don’t have to go.” She enjoyed looking at him. She liked having him close. They’d been apart for so long on so many different levels that she was afraid that if he left, he wouldn’t come back.

  “Oh, yes, I do.” He traced a finger across her eyebrows. “If I don’t leave, I will scoop you out of this tub and take you back to bed. But we do need to wait. I want your next experience to be even more fulfilling than last night.”

  Kaya didn’t think that was possible, but only time would tell. “How long do we have to wait?” Her own eagerness surprised her. She’d never craved anything this much.

  “A couple days at the most.” He paused. “I have to pick up Alyssa and Anastasia. And I’m giving Haley the day off. You, the girls, and I will spend the day together. Would you like that?”

  She nodded on a smile.

  “Close your eyes, relax, and enjoy your soak. I’ll see you downstairs when you’re ready.”

  “Thanks, Bryce.”

  “No, thank you.” He leaned in and kissed her lips, then pushed to his feet and left her.

  Kaya nestled into a more comfortable position, rested her head against the spa pillow, and closed her eyes. A smile graced her lips when she heard the shower in the His bathroom.

  A day with Bryce and the kids sounded splendid. It would be the first time that they would spend time together like a true family.

  Dear Lord, she’d told him that she loved him.

  Had he heard her?


  Kaya’s heart swelled with a sense of fulfillment as she watched Jason, Alyssa, and their friends trek through knee-deep snow to toss snowballs at each other. It was hard to believe it was only two months ago that tragedy had crushed their spirits and taken away their will to live.

  With lots of therapy from Samantha, love and patience from her and Bryce, and constant interaction with friends, they were back on course, behaving like normal children again. Even Anastasia was thriving, she thought, glancing down at the baby nestled in the crook of her arm, gnawing away on a frozen teething ring and drooling from both corners of her mouth.

  Thank God she was finally sleeping through the night. Even though she had a live-in nanny, Kaya’s maternal instinct propelled her out of bed each time Anastasia awoke in the night.

  Kaya placed her feet on the ottoman in front of her and glanced around the four-season porch off the kitchen. Large potted plants from her Palm Beach apartment were scattered about, giving her a sense of connection to the place where she’d grown up, the place she no longer called home. This place where children frolicked in the backyard snow was now her home. For the first time since she arrived in Granite Falls, Kaya felt a sense of belonging with the town, with L’etoile du Nord. She could safely credit her growing assimilation to what she and Bryce had shared last night and the amazing day they’d spent together.

  After her soothing soak in the Jacuzzi, she’d dressed and come downstairs to find a lovely bouquet of white and yellow orchids—that Bryce knew were her favorite flowers—waiting for her, and a card that read: Thank you for last night, and for listening. Yours Always, Bryce.

  Kaya tingled from the memory of the “thank you” kiss she’d given him in return. If her body could have handled him, she would have definitely taken Bryce upstairs to her room where they would have spent the rest of the day. But he said they needed to wait a few days before indulging themselves in each other.

  After a cereal breakfast at home, she and Bryce had taken the girls to Pine Forest Petting Zoo in the neighboring town of Evergreen, where they’d run into Libby who was babysitting her niece, Courtney. Since it was a sunny, pleasant day, they’d all taken a horse and buggy ride around the farm until Alyssa and Courtney cried “hungry”. Realizing that Alyssa was having such a good time, Kaya had asked Libby if Courtney could spend the day with them. Her sister was happy to oblige, and so was Libby who wanted to spend time with Steven.

  Upon leaving the zoo, they’d driven into town and enjoyed a leisure lunch at Marble Pond Terrace, then walked through the mall window-shopping. Of course Alyssa had battered her eyelashes at Bryce and dropped ‘a one hundreds of kisses’ on his face until he caved and bought her a new doll. Now that she understood why he was such a pussycat when it came to that child, Kaya forgave him and allowed him to buy her a diamond bracelet from Forsythe Jewelers on Main Street.

  Kaya extended her arm and stared at the pink diamonds sparking against her tan wrist. She smiled as she recalled the stares and attention they’d received from the other customers and passersby, who’d done double takes when they recognized Bryce.

  She and Bryce had spent time in public with the kids before, but today had been exceptional. Today, she didn’t have to pretend that she was happy. Her smiles were real. Unpretentious. And for the first time since she became Mrs. Bryce Fontaine, Kaya didn’t give a damn what people thought of her marriage. She’d flashed her wedding band with pride instead of trying to hide it, as she’d done in the past. She’d melted into Bryce when he put his arms about her and kissed her openly as they strolled along the Esplanade that ran along a portion of the Aiken River. He’d lingered for the benefit of Lester Cobbs, a relentless local reporter who’d been following them around town. Kaya had no doubt she and Bryce would be the talk of the late-night gossip.

  On their way back home, Jason had called to ask if Precious and Ethan could come over for the afternoon. How could she say no when Alyssa had Courtney?

  As she watched the children, Kaya couldn’t help but fantasize about the little ones she and Bryce might have one day. They hadn’t used protection last night. They hadn’t spoken about children or any of the important issues normal couples discussed, but she was sure that if he were opposed to the idea, he would have taken precaution. Neither one of them had expected to end up in bed together last night, but there were other methods of birth control that he could have practiced.

  A smile ran away with Kaya’s face. Two months ago, when she was thinking of marryin
g Jack, she’d had no desire to have children. Fate had given her three, and here she was, dreaming of another—maybe two or three more with Bryce.

  “A penny for your thoughts.”

  She glanced toward the kitchen slider, where Bryce leaned against the frame with Webster in his arms. He’d left her alone on the porch to make some business calls. It was Saturday, and although he didn’t have to go into the office, it didn’t mean he was free from his responsibilities as CEO of Fontaine Enterprises. Kaya was grateful he’d turned off his cell during the day to give her and the children his undivided attention.

  “That’s all you’re willing to pay?” she threw back at him. “Word on the streets is that you can afford a lot more. My thoughts aren’t cheap, Mr. Fontaine.”

  “Don’t believe everything you hear,” he said, pushing off the door and coming to sit in the chair next to her. He settled Webster on his lap and continued to pet the cat. “Were you thinking about me?”

  “You’re so full of yourself.” She transferred Anastasia to her other arm, so the baby was facing him.

  Anastasia immediately lit up and started kicking her arms and legs in excitement when she saw Bryce. He had that effect on women, Kaya thought as his nearness began to have a drugging effect on her.

  “I’d rather be full of you, or more precisely, have you full of me.” He curled his fingers around a lock of her hair and played with it.

  “Excuse me. Child present. Don’t listen to your Uncle Bryce,” she said, placing her hands over Anastasia’s ears. “He has no morals.”

  “It’s nothing she hasn’t heard or seen before. Her parents were extremely amorous in front of them. They let their love show, so to speak.” He leaned in and brought his face close to hers. “Like this.” He moved his lips on hers in a warm kiss, filled with passionate promises that transported her back to the mattress on the floor of the master suite.

  Her whole body trembled with memories and anticipation.

  Finally, reluctantly, he released her. His eyes were warm as he gazed into hers. “I had an excellent time today. It was nice being out with you, holding your hands, watching the smiles on your face,” he said in a voice husky with emotion. “I enjoyed all my women, even this cranky little one.” He bent his head and kissed Anastasia on both cheeks and nuzzled his nose in her neck before capturing Kaya’s gaze again. “For the first time since we’ve been married, it feels like a real family.”

  “For me, too.” Kaya’s heart fluttered.

  He sighed, sat back in the cushioned chair, and stretched his feet out on the other ottoman. He stared at the kids as they competed with each other to make the most perfect snow angel. “They seem like normal kids again,” he said, his eyes sparkling with contentment.

  Kaya’s heart ached for him. He looked like a man who was appreciating the moment, but who nonetheless teetered on the threshold of his past and his future, uncertain about which to embrace.

  They hadn’t talked about his living arrangements, whether or not he would remain at Hotel Andreas or move into L’etoile du Nord. They hadn’t talked about the four words she’d whispered just before she fell asleep last night.

  Why the heck had she told him she loved him? Because you do, the voice in her head replied. It was foolish of her to bare her heart like that.

  Kaya still wasn’t certain Bryce had heard her. She was too afraid to ask. If he hadn’t heard her, asking would open up Pandora’s Box. Embarrassment kept her from bringing it up. What if he’d heard her and simply decided to ignore her? He might lie so she wouldn’t feel rejected, but then the matter would be out there and they’d have to deal with it. Awkward.

  Yeah, he’d talked to her about Pilar, but that didn’t mean he’d automatically stopped loving his late wife and started loving his present one. It just meant he trusted her, felt comfortable with her. It didn’t mean he loved her. It was best she pretended she’d never spoken the words.

  Kaya turned her head as the patio door burst open. A blast of cold air and five very loud, very wet children came rushing through it. Webster leaped off Bryce’s lap and bolted into the house.

  “Oh, no you don’t!” Bryce sprang to his feet as the children started to go after Webster. “You’re all stripping down to your clothes before any of you take one step inside.”

  Kaya smiled with amused wonder as the children began making a hasty pile of boots, mittens, hats, scarves, and gloves on the granite floor, all the while keeping one eye on the stern-faced giant towering above them. She’d be scared, too.

  “I need help.” Alyssa tugged at the laces of her boots.

  “Me, too.” Courtney fidgeted with the strings on her hat.

  Bryce slid to his knees to help Courtney and Alyssa while the three older children who were done divesting looked on impatiently.

  “We want some hot chocolate,” Courtney said.

  “And a cookie,” Alyssa added, stepping out of her snowsuit.

  “And what’s the proper way to ask?” Bryce enquired, with a playful twist of his lips.

  “Pleeeeaaaassseee,” they yelled in unison, jumping up and down.

  “I’ll go make the hot chocolate,” Kaya said, transferring Anastasia to her shoulder.

  “I can do it, Aunt Kaya.” Jason smiled at her. “You just stay out here with Uncle Bryce and enjoy the view.” He extended his hand toward the thawing lake and the clear blue sky. “I’ll make it just like you taught me.”

  Kaya frowned. What was he up to? Enjoy the view?

  “I can help,” Precious said. “My mommy taught me how to make hot chocolate, too.” She walked over to Kaya and gazed at Anastasia. “You’re so pretty. You’re so pretty,” she chanted as she started tickling Anastasia’s tummy.

  Anastasia squealed with delight and tried to grab handfuls of her hair. Kaya had learned to keep her hair out of Anastasia’s reach. The kid had a killer grip.

  “She’s my sister.” Jealous Alyssa rushed over to stake her claim. She threw her arms around Anastasia and started showering kisses on her face.

  “My mommy is gonna have another baby. I hope I have a sister. Boys are yucky,” Precious said, stepping back.

  “Don’t you love your little brother?” Bryce asked her, rising to his feet.

  She sat on the edge of the ottoman, her brown eyes shining with affection. “I do, but he’s annoying, and he bites. See.” She pulled up the sleeve of her sweater and pointed to a red bruise on her upper arm. “He bit me because I wouldn’t let him have Bradie.”

  Kaya had met Bradie, Precious’ rag doll that was as dear to her heart as Snoopy was to Alyssa’s.

  “He’s just trying out his new teeth,” Bryce consoled her. “And he bites you because you’re sweet.”

  She rolled her eyes. “That’s what my daddy says. But he’s still yucky.”

  “I’m a boy. I’m not yucky,” Ethan declared, stepping into her face. “You’re yucky.”

  “Hey, don’t talk to her like that.” Jason placed himself between Precious and Ethan. “She’s a girl. You’re supposed to be nice to her. You never yell at girls.”

  Ethan glared at Jason. “We never hung out with girls ’til she moved back up here. Now all you do is talk about Precious all the time. It’s no fun playing with you anymore.”

  “He talks about me? What does he say?” Precious placed her hand on her heart and flashed her eyes at Jason.

  “He says—”

  “Hey!” Jason cut Ethan off, his grey eyes flashing angrily at his friend.

  “Okay guys, you all need to calm down,” Bryce said, walking up to the trio.

  Wow, Kaya thought, Jason really had it bad for Precious. And why not? She was an adorable little girl. So this is what her future would be like if she and Bryce had kids? She loved the sibling and friendly rivalry going on around her. She never had that growing up. She never had friends—only Jack, and he was as protective of her as Jason was with Precious.

  Too bad Jack didn’t stay that way.

  “Are you
and Auntie Kaya in love?” Alyssa wrapped her arms about Bryce’s legs and peered up at him.

  Kaya held her breath. “Why do you ask, Alyssa?”

  “Jason says you are. ’Cause Uncle Bryce gave you flowers and he was playing with your hair.”

  “Yeah, we all sawed it.” Courtney nodded perfunctorily, as she wiped a red, wet nose.

  “Oh, you all sawed it, huh?” Bryce pinched her nose.

  “They’re gonna have a baby,” Precious announced out of the blue.

  “What?” Kaya blinked several times. “What are you talking about?”

  “You were kissing. And that’s where babies come from,” Precious stated in a voice of authority.

  “Babies don’t come from kissing,” Jason corrected her.

  “Yes, they do.” Precious dug her heels in. “That’s how my brother Erik was born. Michelle and my dad were kissing, and Erik started growing in her tummy. And then my daddy and Michelle got married and she became my new mommy.” She threw her hands in the air. “They’re always kissing and now she’s gonna have another baby.”

  Kaya thought Ethan looked dazed and confused before he said, “You know, she might be right. Ever since my dad came from England to live with us, he and my mom are always kissing. And now I have two brothers.”

  “See, I told you.” Precious swung her head causing her long thick curls to bounce off her shoulders and down her back. “That’s why I don’t let boys kiss me. I don’t want a baby.”

  Kaya stifled a laugh as Jason rolled his eyes in boredom and impatience. “Can we just go make hot chocolate, please?” he asked.

  He was such a serious little boy, a trait she’d come to recognize over the weeks. He didn’t talk much, but he observed everything and everyone around him. Bryce had told her that he took after Michael in that aspect.

  Kaya had been as naïve as Precious and Ethan at this age, but something told her Jason knew exactly where babies came from. She applauded him for demonstrating restraint and not educating his friends about a subject matter that was best left to their parents to explain. He was a wise little boy, and Kaya loved him with all her heart.


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