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Target: A Military Romance (Unwanted Soldiers Book 1)

Page 20

by Aden Lowe

  A century later, she nodded.

  A mortar round went off in my chest, and my knees sagged. "Why didn't you tell me?" The words came out in a hoarse whisper, emotion taking my voice.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. "You didn't want me. I wasn't going to use a pregnancy to trap you into something you didn't want."

  "Fuck!" A second explosion. "Lauren, I love you. I wanted, still want, you."

  She swayed a little, and grabbed the back of a chair. "You…you love me? Then why…"

  Enough. I couldn't do it any longer. I strode to her, swept her into my arms and devoured her mouth. I drew back, both of us breathing hard. "I was fucking terrified. Still am. But I'm done letting fear keep you from me."

  She melted into me, her softened curves fitting perfectly to my angles. I kissed her again, my hand resting gently on the swell of her belly. My baby. My child, our child, started from my love for her, grew there, safe and sheltered from the world.

  Her hand covered mine, and she moved it in easy circles. "He likes to be rubbed. It calms him."


  Her smile lit the room. "I don't know for sure yet, but my heart tells me it's a boy. Handsome and strong like his father."

  Those words fucking gutted me. My legs gave out, and I dropped to my knees before her, both hands on her belly. With my mouth close to her, I spoke my first words to our baby. "Listen up in there. There will be times I can't be here to look after you and your momma. But don't you ever doubt I love you both."

  When I looked up, Lauren tried to smile through her tears. "Will you let me love you?"

  She wiped away some of the tears. "What if I said no?"

  "Then I'll spend the rest of my life convincing you to make it a yes."

  "It's a good thing it's already a yes, then. I'd hate for you to waste all that time." She dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around my neck, her face suddenly serious. "I can't play games, Trick. I will fight for you, for us, but it has to be real. I can't survive you turning away like that again."

  "I can't survive it either." I leaned in and caught her lower lip gently between my teeth. "You're mine, Lauren, now and forever. I don't know how, but I'll make it work." I kissed her, deep and possessive, owning her, then got to my feet and scooped her. "Where the hell is the bed in this place?"

  Following her breathless directions, I finally found it, and lowered her to the floor. "Take that sexy dress off for me." I stepped back.

  She followed orders, reaching behind to unzip the dress, and then letting it fall to the floor. Her bra and panties followed, without prompting.

  I stood there, in helpless awe of her beauty. Her skin fucking glowed. Her breasts were fuller, nipples already hard for me. Her waist had thickened slightly. And the sight of her rounded belly sent a hard surge of desire through me.

  Sick of wasting time, I stripped. The first touch of her silken skin against mine took my breath. I took my time, lowered her gently to the bed, and kissed every inch of her. She cried out my name as she came on my mouth and fingers, then clutched at my shoulders with impatient fingers as I moved up her body.

  "Now, Trick. I need you inside me, now." The ragged whisper threatened my sanity.

  I held back. "Listen to me, Lauren." I waited until she opened her eyes, and the desire faded just a little. "I fucking love you. I love our baby." I waited, trembling, holding my breath.

  "I love you, Trick."

  Fuck! I slid into her. She whimpered as I moved, her body straining against mine, needing more. And I gave it.

  When her body clenched around me in her orgasm, I followed quickly. The third mortar round went off in my chest, baring my soul to her. No matter when, or where, this woman owned me, heart and soul. All I could do now was spend every moment I had showing her how much I loved her. Just like that, I had a different sort of target.

  The following morning, I wanted her to stay in the bed, let me make love to her yet again, but I was afraid of pushing too hard. She needed time to process everything, to adjust to having me in her life. So I made her breakfast, made love to her in the shower, helped her dress, and sent her off to work.

  As soon as she left, I started planning. With her family here, and work she enjoyed, Lauren would want to stay in the area. My place could be a vacation home, or whatever. It didn't matter, as long as I was with Lauren, and she was happy.

  Every day I walked her home from work, and did my utmost to spoil her. After almost a month, I met her as she came out of her classroom. "Get dressed up when we get home? I have something special to show you."

  She asked a billion questions, but followed directions. We made it to the restaurant just in time for our reservation. The delicious dinner made her smile, but my Lauren wasn't easy to fool. She knew there was more.

  Afterward, I drove us to the outskirts of town, and pulled into a curving driveway. A canopy of oaks blocked the summer evening, until we came out the other side. Lights glowed inside the renovated farm house, and several cars were parked at the end of the drive.

  She was puzzled. "Who lives here, Trick?"

  "You'll see in a minute. Come on." I helped her out of the car and led her up the broad steps to the front door, which opened easily under my touch. We stepped inside.

  "Welcome home!" Her parents, her sister, and several friends from work smiled as they welcomed her to our new home.

  Lauren turned to me, tears glistening in her eyes. "You did this?"

  I nodded. "There's more." Staring into her eyes, I lowered myself to one knee, pulling the small box from my pocket. My hands shook with fear. What if she said no? I rushed to say it before doubt made me wait any longer. "Lauren Johnson, will you marry me?"

  One hand flew to cover her mouth. "Trick?"

  "Please, Lauren?" I wasn't above begging.

  "YES!" She tugged my hand, trying to pull me to my feet, but I stayed on my knee, and slid the ring onto her finger. Then I stood and took her into my arms to kiss her, to mark her as mine forever.

  Her family and friends interrupted, eager to give their congratulations. Smiling, I tolerated the interruption. They loved her, and wanted the best for her. I might not be that, but I was hers. I could wait.

  Finally, the champagne was gone, the food eaten, and everyone left us alone. Lauren started to clean up, but I stopped her, pulling her into my arms. "This can wait."

  I carried her up to the already-furnished master bedroom, and undressed her, kissing and teasing her into a frenzy of desire. Having her there, in our king-sized bed, in the home that belonged to us felt so incredibly right.

  She must have felt it too, as she cried out my name and came, calling for me to come with her. She didn't have to ask twice.

  Afterward, we lay there in the quiet night, sated and content. "Trick, can I ask you something?" The hesitation in her voice made me pull her closer.

  "Of course."

  "What's your real name? I know it isn't Mike Ross. And I'm pretty sure it's not Maleck Gibson."

  I laughed. Why had I not thought to tell her? Probably because it seemed so far in the past, not even real anymore. "Michael Kirkpatrick."

  She snuggled closer. "Lauren Kirkpatrick. I like it." She pressed a kiss to my chest. "But how did you get the name Trick?"

  The fond memory came with a world of hurt. "I went into basic training straight out of high school. My drill sergeant liked to yell at us, and he had an odd way of saying my name, putting all the emphasis on the last syllable. Pretty soon, it was shortened to Trick. It just stuck." I couldn't let the past come back to haunt me, to ruin this perfect night.

  When she might have asked more, I leaned in to kiss her, and concentrated on distracting her. There would be plenty of time to tell her the rest later. "I fucking love you, Lauren."

  "Mmm. I fucking love you, too, Michael Kirkpatrick."

  The sound of the dirty word on her beautiful mouth nearly undid me. Half-hard again, I slid back inside her and let passion carry us both away from harsh realiti


  Seven months later

  I sat on the side of the hospital bed, in absolute awe, as my wife held my newborn son to her breast. The tiny boy suckled eagerly for a while, then let go, and stared up at Lauren. The connection between them was palpable as they looked into each other's eyes. I was the fucking luckiest man on Earth. It had been touch and go there for a while, but thank God I made it back in time for this.

  Lauren broke the spell, and glanced up at me. "Want to hold him?"

  Oh fuck. "Are you sure it's okay? I don't want to hurt him."

  "I'll help you. It'll be fine." She adjusted her hold and placed him gently in my arms, showing me how to keep him close to my chest, and support his head.

  Hazy midnight blue eyes stared up at me, searching for the connection. I looked into his eyes, and I was fucking lost. This tiny, perfect being held my world in the palm of his little hand. Everything that had gone before, and led up to this moment, was worth it. Everything.

  Michael James Kirkpatrick wrapped his tiny fingers around my thumb and held on tight until his eyes closed.

  Lauren smiled up at me. "Thank you."

  "Baby, you did all the work." I kept my voice down, not wanting to startle the baby. "I can't believe he's so fucking perfect."

  "He is. But thank you for loving me, and for making him with me."

  I leaned down to kiss her softly. "I love you, Lauren."

  A soft tap at the door alerted us to visitors. "Come in." Her parents must have finally made it.

  Instead, Flag stuck his head in the door. "Everyone decent?"

  Lauren laughed. "Of course. Come on and see him."

  My best friend came over slowly, placed the huge bunch of flowers he carried on the table, then leaned close to see my sleeping son. "Fuck, he's tiny."

  She laughed again. "Eight pounds and three ounces is hardly tiny!"

  Flag chuckled. "Well, when you put it in those terms, I guess not." He glanced at me. "Dude, you're lucky, he looks more like his momma. I was worried he would be ugly as you." His grin faded. "Lauren, can I borrow your old man for a minute? I promise I won't keep him long."

  Lauren smiled up at both of us. "You two get out of here. I want to get a nap while I can."

  Flag said his goodbyes, then I kissed my son's head and placed him carefully in the little bassinet, then followed Flag outside. "Man, I hate to take you away from that, but I need some advice." His serious tone concerned me.

  "What's up?"

  "I got offered a job, and not sure if I should take it. Wanted to get your take on it."

  "Okay. Tell me." This was unusual. Normally, we just took the jobs that appealed to us and turned down anything else.

  "Well, it's not really a job. A girl I used to know contacted me out of the blue. She doesn't know it's me, thinks she just contacted a random mercenary." He stopped to light a smoke, telling me how important this was.

  "Go on."

  "People around her are dying in what look like random accidents, or natural causes. But she thinks it's all connected to this guy she knows. He's been almost a stalker for over a year, turning up everywhere she goes, asking her out repeatedly, sending extravagant gifts, stuff like that. The police think she's imagining things. A private detective she hired found nothing. She's terrified enough to take extreme measures, and hire a merc."

  It sounded pretty serious. "What are you going to do?" Flag knew as well as I did how dangerous contact with anyone from our old lives could be, so I didn't bother to mention it.

  "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. My gut says take it, fuck the consequences."

  Shit. "This girl important to you back in the day?" That seemed like the only explanation.

  He nodded. "We dated off and on through high school. I always thought I might go back."

  "I don't know what to tell you, man. You know I got your back, though." The smart thing for him to do would be forget he ever heard of the job, but I seriously doubted he could do that.

  "Yeah, figured you'd say something like that." He dropped the cigarette butt and stepped on it. "Guess I'm going home. I'll get word to you or Rufus if I need backup."

  We exchanged back slaps, and he climbed in his truck and drove off. I watched him out of sight, then headed back inside the hospital to my wife and son. Flag would be okay.

  And so would I. When I got dragged into the Unwanted Soldiers, kicking and screaming, I lost everything. My entire past melted away in that one stroke of a pen, a decision made by a stranger. My parents had been notified that I was dead. They were even given a closed casket to bury with full military honors.

  Any attempt to contact them would mean their deaths. They, and no one else, could know about the Unwanted Soldiers, or the kinds of missions we were sent on. They would never know their grandson existed.

  For a moment, grief tightened my chest and burned my throat. My son would grow up not knowing his grandparents on my side. Thank God he would have Lauren's family.

  In the end, though, none of it mattered. Little Michael was healthy, he had two parents who loved him beyond words, and he had a future. I sat in the rocking chair in the hospital room, watching my wife and son sleep, and dozed off.

  Dear Reader,

  As a man, as a husband, it pains me to know that some people are harmed by the ones who are supposed to love and protect them. Does he say things that make you feel bad about yourself? Does he threaten you? Does he hit you? Demean you? Know this: You deserve to be safe and happy. You deserve respect. You deserve good.

  Sometimes, it takes a while before a person is ready to seek help, and that's okay. Not realizing it, not telling, not leaving…none of these is a reason to feel bad. Abuse is NEVER the fault of the victim. Ever. The moment he begins to abuse you, it's all on him. Never doubt your strength and your value. Remember, a person with true strength will not abuse another. They use their strength to provide, protect, cherish.

  When you're ready to reach out, there are a lot of resources out there. This website is a good place to start.


  I hope you enjoyed reading Target as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you have a moment, please consider leaving a review. Read on for a Bonus Book, Kellen's Redemption, Book 1 of my Hell Raiders MC series!

  Praise for Kellen's Redemption:

  "…The book has so much going on it was disappointing when it ended. I could have read on and on, I was completely engrossed.

  A sexy read that leaves you with the promise of so much more to come in what I anticipate will be an amazing series. …" – Books Laid Bare

  "… Aden Lowe knows how to write a love scene that will scorch your panties then next thing you know there is a battle to take care of in which you will be so in tune with these characters you feel your one of them. …" –Book Boyfriend Heaven

  "I am a new lover of MC books and I must say Aden Lowe didn't disappoint at all. Kellen's Redemption is a wonderful read with romance and lots of action. From the start this story never slowed down for me. …" –Reviews From The Heart

  Kellen's Redemption


  Aden Lowe

  A Hell Raiders MC


  ©2015 by Aden Lowe. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Aden Lowe or his legal representative.

  Thank you for purchasing an authorized copy of this book. By doing so, you say NO to Piracy and support authors so they can continue to bring you the books you enjoy.

  Author's Note: This book contains adult situations and language, violence, and sexual activity. Mature readers only.


  A lot of people made this book possible. First, my wife, Elyse. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement, and your faith in my abilities. Mom, thanks for the occasional smack
to the head to knock some sense into me. Ashley Wheels, my Assistant/baby sister…what can I say except thank you for being you. You put up with my weirdness, keep me focused and on track even when it means ten-minute check-ins for hours on end, and you constantly encourage me to do my best. You handle all the frustrating details, put my marketing plans in place, and contribute ideas and suggestions daily. Thank you. Team, remember?

  Aden Lowe's Huntresses are the BEST Street Team on Facebook or anywhere else. Thank you ladies for your enthusiastic support. I'm still amazed that you're willing to spend some of your precious down-time helping me. You kick ass.

  The Lowe-Down – the Official Aden Lowe Fan Group… Thank you ladies. I rely on you for laughs, opinions, and help promoting my books. You constantly excel in all categories.

  I sincerely hope you enjoy reading Kellen's Redemption. This book is one of those rare ones that just happened. After you read it, I hope you'll take a moment to leave an honest review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

  If you enjoy Kellen's Redemption, you might also like my Hunted Love series:

  Big Game: Hunted Love #1-

  Bounty : Hunted Love #2-

  Captured: Hunted Love #3 -

  If you like Kellen's Redemption, you might also like my other books:

  Hell Raiders MC Romance Series

  Kellen’s Redemption (Hell Raiders MC Book #1) –

  Dixon's Resurrection (Hell Raiders MC Book #2) -

  Trip's Retribution (Hell Raiders MC Book #3) -

  Prizefight (Hell Raiders MC Book #4) -

  Fabio's Remorse (Hell Raiders MC Book #5) -

  Chapter One - Two Weeks Ago

  Kellen came awake fast and pushed away the sweaty sheets. Fucking smokes were too far away. He sat up with a groan, squinting against the monster head-ache eating his brain. Finally got the cigarette free of the pack, in his mouth and lit. The JD Black bottle beside the bed still held half a mouthful, and he snatched it up in relief, swallowed, then wished for more. Considered falling back into bed and sleeping the rest of the day away. No, he had business to handle.


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