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Mercy: A Dark College Romance (Somerset University Book 3)

Page 6

by Ruby Vincent

  “What about Thursday?” Kendra asked. “I don’t have anything on that night. We could cook together.”


  “Thursday’s good.”

  “Good for me too.”

  I flicked down to my son. “What do you think, Adam? Does Thursday work for your busy social schedule?”

  “Yes,” he said very seriously. “I want to cook with you.”

  “Thursday it is, guys.”

  We stayed for a bit longer, planning other things for us to do, and syncing our schedules. An hour later, I carried Adam to the car and he sugar-crashed in the backseat. I rode up the drive to Shea Manor and parked in our second six-car garage.

  Adam snoozed on my shoulder as I brought him inside and climbed the stairs to his bedroom. Voices floated out of his door.

  “—back wall. We’ve got a spare bedroom we can turn into his playroom.”

  “We’ll ask Val what she wants to do.”

  “Knock knock,” I said softly, stepping into the room. “What are we asking Val about?”

  Caroline, Ryder, Olivia, and a complete stranger turned at my voice. The new woman was a sight to behold in red stiletto heels, a black pea coat, and a pen tucked behind her ear. I wasn’t certain why this glamourous creature was in my son’s room, but she stepped forward with a pleasant smile on her lips and her hand extended.

  “Hello. My name is Daphne. You and this little guy must be my new clients.”


  Caroline spoke up. “We were talking about this just the other night, Val. Adam is starting to get too big for this room, the race car bed, and building blocks wallpaper. I hired Daphne to give his space a makeover.”

  “We were talking about this the other night because I was mourning him getting too big for his room.”

  She patted my cheek. “Embrace it, dear. I’d have kept my Ryder a roly-poly baby if I could, but he insisted on growing up. Think of this as a fun project we can do together.” Caroline pressed a soft kiss to Adam’s forehead. “We’ll go so he can take his nap.”

  Caroline, Olivia, and Daphne swept out of the room, continuing the conversation about his new playroom. I gave Ryder a look.

  He smirked. “Like she said, Val. Embrace it.”

  “How about you embrace me. Twenty minutes. Your room.”

  “Now that I can do.”

  Exactly twenty minutes later, I was lying on Ryder, my chin propped on his bare chest and my toes tapping a rhythm on his ankles. We often decompressed like this. Just stealing a moment out of the afternoon to talk.

  A band of light streamed through the window, falling over his silver eyes. One arm draped over his forehead. The other absentmindedly trailed up and down my spine, popping goose bumps on my sensitive skin.

  I stroked his jaw. “You’re just too pretty, you know that? Mere mortals go about their daily lives doing the best they can, and then they see you, a deity in a pair of designer slacks, and they wonder what’s the point?”

  His laugh shook me. “Should I feel guilty?”

  “You wouldn’t even if you should.”

  “True.” The reply would be arrogant coming from anyone else. Not Ryder Shea. “How’d the game go today?”

  “Maverick killed. He did so well, Aiden tried to convince him to join the team.”

  “Sawyer was there too, right?”

  I nodded.

  “How does he act around him?” Ryder moved his arm behind his head, lifting up to look at me. “Sawyer’s backing up Aiden’s lies, but some animosity has to be bleeding through for the guy that had him taken.”

  “If it is, he’s hiding it extremely well. Sawyer voluntarily invited Aiden out to eat with us the other day. If you secretly hate the guy, why let him crash in on your free time?” Something Aiden said whispered through my mind. “Aiden taunted me once. Saying it was possible that Sawyer didn’t come back because he liked it where he was. Maybe Sawyer isn’t acting like he hates Aiden... because he doesn’t.”

  “I doubt he had him thrown in the back of a van and taken to a year-long bachelor party,” Ryder said. “None of this makes a lick of fucking sense.”

  “Agreed.” Scooting up, I dropped a kiss on his lips. “Sawyer is on the robotics team and Aiden is roping Maverick into football. I’m breaking my promise to forget all of this craziness too. Teagan and the other sisters staying on campus want us to hang out this summer. I can’t be around her and not wonder where she truly went.”

  “If you’re going to hang around the sorority, you need—”

  “Please don’t say bodyguards.”

  “—a security detail,” he finished. “Val, you just said they’re sucking you back in.”

  “It’s four girls wanting to get together for food and Theo James movies. I don’t need protection for that. And I’ll let you in on a secret, I suggested martial arts training as a physical requirement so that I or one of the other girls could defend ourselves if a Leighton-double appeared to take us away. I’m not giving up on my normal summer.”

  “How stubborn are you going to be about this?”


  The corner of his mouth quirked up. “The usual, then.”

  I flicked his nose. “And don’t have them covertly tail me or put any trackers on my phone, Ryder Shea. You don’t want to get in trouble for that again.”

  “I promise,” he said, holding up two fingers.

  “You’re lying through your teeth, aren’t you?”

  He almost lost it. “There’s that stubbornness. I’m in trouble even if I agree with you.”

  “Chalk it up to how well I know you.”

  Ryder expelled a breath, his grin melting away. “I just want you safe, Val.”

  “I know you do,” I whispered.

  “If anything happens to you, Maverick, Ezra, Jaxson, and I will burn that sorority down with everyone in it. Can’t have our story end with triple life sentences.”

  I kissed him—slow and sweet. “No, we can’t have that.”

  “Look. We said we wanted to put this aside for the summer, so let’s do it.” Ryder flipped us over, laying us on our sides, and brushing his nose against mine. “Forget the Sallys. Tell me where you want to go on the surprise vacation I’m taking you on in two weeks.”

  “What? Are you serious?!”

  “I’m told I don’t joke, so I must be serious.”

  “Just the two of us or everyone?”

  Ryder snuggled me tight to his chest. “Just the two of us. I plan on locking you inside the bedroom and not letting you out until we break the world record for chain orgasms, and to that end, don’t pick a place you’ll be tempted to explore. We’re not doing any sightseeing.”

  “Unless the major sights are at the end of your cock?”

  “Now you’re getting it.”

  Giggling, I kissed his jaw and nose. “Sign me up for a cabin in the woods.”

  “I’ll book it now.”

  Ryder got on his laptop.

  I draped myself over his shoulder, laughing and messing around with him while we looked for a place to stay. We decided on the Kana Kura cabins in Costa Rica. Our own piece of jungle to relax, reconnect, and screw each other’s brains out.

  “This is how you spend a summer,” I said. “It’s almost time for dinner. I’ll check if Adam’s up and get him ready.”

  We kissed like we weren’t about to see each other in a few minutes. Leaving his room, I poked my head into Adam’s and landed on an empty bed. I went to Caroline’s room to search for him and found it empty too.

  He must have woken up and latched on to one of his dads. Jaxson is at work, so...

  I pushed into Maverick’s room and there they were. All three of them.

  “We’ll keep her comfy.” Maverick packed more pillows around the dog. “Should be any day now.”

  “Why am I walking into every room today feeling like I’m missing something big?”

  Maverick, Adam, and the blue heeler lifted their
heads at my arrival.

  “Hey, babe. I went to see Mom today and she sent me off with an extra.”

  I joined them at the foot of our bed. Maverick had made her a fortress of blankets and cushions. The pup dropped her head on my hand as I petted her soft, fuzzy head.

  “Is she sick?”

  He shook his head. “Mom’s been looking after her for a friend who is out of town. Said friend never got her fixed and this little madam made a break for it several weeks ago and gave it up to whoever was offering.”

  “Maverick,” I hissed, laughing even while I nodded at Adam. He didn’t need to learn about her Jezebel-ing ways. “You’re telling me she’s pregnant. Ready-to-pop pregnant?”

  “I was just telling Adam she should have the puppies any day now.”

  “I see,” I said slowly. “And is she having these puppies in our bedroom?”

  “’Fraid so. Mom signed up for one extra dog. Not a new mother and a litter of puppies. They’re our problem now. At least until her friend gets back from vacation.”

  I stroked her swollen belly. Her tail wagged, basking in the attention. “What’s her name?”

  “Nala,” said Adam. “Mommy, can we keep the puppies? Please, please, please.”

  “They’re not ours to keep. Plus, we already have a cat.”

  “Cara is Cara’s,” he said, matter-of-fact. “The puppies will be mine.”

  But somehow the boys and I will be the ones taking care of them.

  “We’ll see.” I picked him up. “Come on, baby. Let’s get washed up for dinner.”

  We left Nala to ponder the life choices that left her spitting out puppies on a stranger’s bedroom floor and went down to eat. After dinner, Ezra and I got Adam ready for bed and curled up next to him until he fell asleep.

  “I hear Ryder’s whisking you away to Costa Rica.” Ezra shut Adam’s door behind us. “I’m starting to think you and I are due for a vacation.”

  “I like you thinking that.”

  “My dad wants me to visit over winter break. Come with me. We’ll get a hotel and I’ll visit them during the day and explore you”—he hooked my waist and spun me into his chest—“at night.”

  My breath ghosted over his lips. “I hear your proposition and raise you a stopover in Paris. I’ve always wanted to visit during wintertime... and get frisky under a certain landmark.”

  His growl rumbled from the pit of his chest. “I accept your terms, Valentina Moon.”

  Ezra and I parted at Maverick’s door. I wanted to check in with him and the newest addition to the Shea home.

  Maverick was where he was most nights—sitting up in bed bent over his laptop. He was also dressed in his usual bedtime attire. Soft knit pants and a sleeveless tee that showed off what his regular clothes did little to hide, but concealed enough to be criminal. The dips and ridges of his sculpted body turned simple pajamas into sinful seduction.

  My thoughts threatened to veer X-rated if it wasn’t for the black and white dog chilling on his ankles.

  “I don’t think so, Nala. You want someone to snuggle up with, find the one that knocked you up. This man’s mine.”

  Maverick burst out laughing. “You’ve got four of us. Maybe you could share just this once.”

  “Nope.” I jumped on the bed, bouncing them both. “Where did you put her bed?”

  “In the closet. It’s bigger than the average two-bedroom apartment, so she’ll be comfortable. With me, you, Adam, the guys, and the housekeepers running in and out of here, she needs a quiet place to be with her puppies.”

  “You know all about this stuff.” I mimicked Nala’s position, resting against his thigh. “How often does your mom stick you with pregnant dogs?”

  “We had a lot of pets growing up mostly because I kept bringing home strays. We had enough room and money to take care of them, so my parents felt bad about sending them to a shelter. Even so, they made it clear whatever I brought through the door was my responsibility. Including the pregnant Labrador retriever I rescued when I was twelve.”

  Maverick threaded our fingers together. “It was good for me to have them. When... it was happening... there were times when my dogs were the only thing that could make me smile. When you’re small and helpless, someone should be there for you.”

  I wasn’t sure if that final comment was about the dogs or himself. I brought his hand to my lips, kissing his knuckles. Maverick didn’t speak about this often and I knew he didn’t want to speak about it now. I just held him in silent support as he caressed my palm.

  He cleared his throat. “Anyway. Were you serious about considering giving Adam one of the puppies? Depends on what the real owner wants to do with them, but it might be good for him.”

  I heaved a sigh. “I don’t know if my pampered prince needs a cat, a horse, and a dog. Not to mention we have so much going on right now.”

  “If it helps, I’ll pick up the slack. I miss having dogs. And cockatiels. And my turtle.”

  “You’re working us up to the full menagerie, aren’t you? The puppy is just the beginning.”

  “Got me all figured out.”

  I laughed which roused Nala and earned me a cheek-licking. “Thank you but kisses won’t sway me to share my man either.” I reached over and rubbed her belly all the same. “What are you working on?”

  Maverick turned his laptop for me to see. The endless stream of data belonged to only one thing. Aiden’s file.

  “Maverick, you’ve been through that a dozen times.”

  “I check regularly to see if he’s updated it. Who knows when he’ll write something we can use?”

  “He’s too careful for that—which you know. And his updates will be more stalker data—which you also know.” I swung my feet to the floor, towering over him. “You also know that we’re taking a break from all things freaky, weird, and Aiden.” I crossed my arms and gripped the hem of my shirt. “The penalty for this is clear.”

  Maverick tensed. Every muscle of his hard body tightened beneath those innocent pajamas. “If I have to be punished, then I have to be punished.”

  I slipped my blouse over my head, tossing it on top of his. “I’m starting to think you’re doing this on purpose because you know the result.”

  Licking his lips, glazed eyes followed my slow path to the button on my jeans. “A guy’s got to get it any way he can. I’m no better than the deadbeat that got Nala in trouble.”

  “You’re way better than that deadbeat.” My zipper made the most satisfying sound splitting the metal apart and revealing the lacy treat underneath. “I’m not letting you get away.”

  Maverick reached for me. I smoothly slid away.

  “Uh-uh.” I motioned to Nala. “Gotta put the dog away before we commence to the second part of the evening.”

  He was up and off the bed in a flash. Gently, he lifted the dog and disappeared into the closet. I heard him murmur something that sounded suspiciously like sweet dreams. Maverick was my two-ton teddy bear and I was the one fortunate to see inside to the real him.

  I stripped out of my bra and panties and draped myself on his pillows. Maverick’s gaze raked me from head to toe, suffusing my flesh with heat. I loved that look. It made me powerful. Like I was a mythical beauty tantalizing him to the watery depths. Drowning in me was his one true desire.

  Maverick rounded the bed, fixed on me, and then he backed away. I rose up as he moved toward the couch and took a seat. “You should draw out my punishment a little more, gorgeous.” He patted his lap and the hard ridge straining in his cotton pants. “Tease me.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I stalked across the sheets and slid to the floor, getting on my hands and knees. “That’ll really make you suffer.”

  “It’s no more than what I deserve.”

  Reaching him, I gripped his ankles and trailed a slow path up his legs. Maverick opened wider for me, letting me between his legs. I didn’t stop at his waistband. My hands found their way under his shirt. I followed their path, gliding over his
chest, my nipples skimming over the rippling flesh and hardening to points.

  I bunched up the shirt and slipped it over his head, leaving his arms trapped inside. Maverick gripped my hips and rocked me on his hardness. A breathy moan escaped my lips.

  “Jaxson says you dance for him. Will you dance for me?”

  I knew they traded stories.

  It wasn’t like it mattered. I was completely open with my guys. We didn’t have secrets and that included the myriad of freaky things I got up to with them. Once I went a few rounds with my vibrator for Ezra’s viewing pleasure. Ryder came in halfway through and stayed for the show.

  “Only if it teaches you the error of your ways.”

  “I’ll troll that shit’s files every night,” he swore. “I promise.”

  Laughs bubbled out of me. “In that case...”

  Turning on his lap, I bent over, touching the ground, and came up slowly, hips twisting. I grabbed hold of his knees and dipped, brushing his ridge and earning a sharp intake in response. He wanted this drawn out, but the punished don’t set terms and I was wet and weak-kneed for him.

  I dropped down, freed him, and swallowed to the hilt, earning another satisfying grunt. His length hit the back of my throat. I hummed, knowing how much he loved that. Another win for me, Maverick ran his fingers through my hair and gripped, guiding me up and down.

  I played with myself, making moans that vibrated around him, and tightened his hold on me. Still, he let me set the pace. Maverick wasn’t one to push or hold down. All these years later, he was still my sweet jock handling me like porcelain.

  His breathing picked up, grunts rippling heat under my flesh, telling me he was close. I pulled away with a “pop.”

  “Why?” he cried.

  Giggling, I began backing toward the bed. “You said to tease you.”

  “Teasing over.”

  “You missed the part where you’re in trouble.”

  Maverick vaulted off the couch. Squealing, I made a run for it and was swept off my feet almost immediately. He tossed me on the bed and then himself on top of me.

  I was humming with anticipation. Maverick was my sweet, gentle one... until I pushed him over the edge and dangled him. My teasing was a game we played to let the hunter out.


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