Target: A Circle of Justice Novel
Page 5
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. There was so much he’d kept from us.
“When I quit the Coast Guard and joined the FBI, Brad asked if I’d help protect his family. However, he knew I didn’t want to move you all to D.C., so I visited when he needed me.”
“Did mom know?” Ian asked.
He shook his head. “Your mother loved to worry. I didn’t want to add to her stress. She already hated that I was part of the FBI. Why do you think I started Chandler Enterprises?” My mother never did like violence. “After Brad was killed, it was one of the reasons I started the Circle of Justice.”
“Do you blame yourself for his death?” I could see the torment on his face.
He shrugged. “Yes and no. By that time, Chandler Enterprises was the main focus in my life. Brad accepted it. That’s why he stopped asking for my help. But ever since his assassination, I’ve kept in touch with Brina and her mother. It’s what he would’ve wanted.”
I was surprised Brina never said a word. “Brina has no clue about this, does she?”
He shook his head. “Some of the people I killed were targeting her. It’s my duty to keep her safe. That’s why I don’t want you to break her heart. Her father would never forgive me if I let you.”
I rolled my eyes. “She left me. I’m pretty sure her heart’s still intact.”
Ian snickered, while our father got up and headed for the door. “Now that you know the truth, I trust you’ll do the right thing.” With those final words, he walked out and shut the door.
My brother whistled. “He sure nailed you in the ass, didn’t he?”
I flipped him off. “What the fuck ever, asshole. What are you doing in town anyway?”
Grinning from ear to ear, he sat on the edge of my desk. “Duty calls. Turns out one of my targets arrived last night on business. Figured I’d pay him a visit. Want to join me? Looks like you could use a distraction.”
Leaning back in my chair, I closed my eyes. “You have no idea.”
Pulling into the shop parking lot, I was thankful there were at least a couple of cars. The slow economy was going to kill us. I’d thought after the election things would pick up, but they hadn’t.
Lexi swung the front door open as I hopped out of the car. “Did you have fun?” she asked, her grin wide.
“Why do you look like that?” I walked inside the shop and smiled as I walked past two girls looking through the clothes racks.
“Gee, I wonder why. Maybe because your face was the first thing I saw this morning when I opened the paper.”
Groaning, I turned around. I hadn’t had to worry about being in the papers for a long time. “Please tell me it wasn’t of me and Chris at the party,” I said, wishing like hell it wasn’t. When we broke up, the press had a field day. The last thing I wanted to deal with were rumors of us getting back together.
She bit her lip, looking sheepish. “There was one of you two. The others . . . not so much. It’s by the register. You might want to take a look.”
There was a time when I’d stayed away from newspapers and gossip rags. I never liked reading all the shit the media came up with just to drum up sales. I guess I’d made the mistake of thinking I was out of the public eye. Obviously not.
I walked up to the register and looked down at the pictures displaying my entire night. Shit. The article basically made me out to be a whore, and Wade a homewrecker.
“Please tell me you at least talked about the shop?” When she caught sight of my sheepish expression, she sighed. “Guess I can’t be too surprised. With a man like that, I probably wouldn’t have gotten much done either.”
“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I left before he woke up.”
She shook her head, pursing her pink lips. “You’re worse than a man.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “It was going to be too hard to talk business after the night we shared. I’m embarrassed. I acted like a goddamn animal. But fuck, Lex. You can’t blame me. The man was amazing in bed. No wonder he has a reputation with women.” I’d never gotten carried with myself the way I did with Wade.
She smacked my arm. “I am so jealous right now. I want a man like that.”
I scoffed. “No, you don’t. He probably didn’t even notice I left.”
“What does Chris say about all of this? It says in the article he didn’t appear too happy at the party.”
I looked down at my phone, surprised he hadn’t called. “I haven’t talked to him. Hopefully, he has nothing to say about it.”
She rolled the paper up and stuck it beside the cash register. “Do you think Wade will help, after you up and left?”
I was about to answer when the two girls came up and set a bundle of clothes on the counter. Lexi rang them up, while I pulled the newspaper back out, staring at the pictures of me and Wade. Will he still help?
Once the girls were gone, Lexi’s smile faded. “We need help, Brina. I know you’re stubborn and want to do this on our own, but we can’t. Please tell me it’s not too late.”
I grabbed her hands. “It’s not too late. I’ll take care of it. Like I said, he probably didn’t even care that I left. A one night stand isn’t going to faze Wade Chandler.”
Her focus landed on something over my shoulder. “Looks like it affected someone else though. Good luck.” She squeezed my hands and quickly walked away. I had no clue what she was talking about, until I felt someone behind me.
My breath hitched and I clenched my teeth. What the hell was he doing here? “Chris,” I murmured, turning to see his brown hair hidden beneath a red baseball cap.
He stepped forward. “We need to talk.”
“About what?” I asked flippantly.
Reaching out, he ran his hands down my arms. “Us, Brina. Us.” He pulled me close. The look on his face made my heart ache. “Why Chandler? He’s no good for you.”
Sighing, I tried to let his hands go, but he clenched them tight. “I’m so sorry, Chris. I didn’t do it to hurt you. I wasn’t planning on anything happening, and I certainly wasn’t expecting to be photographed.”
“Yeah, well it did hurt. I don’t like being made a fool of. Everyone thought we’d get back together after the election.”
I shook my head, my voice soft. “You knew we wouldn’t.”
Pressing his forehead to mine, he breathed me in. “I know, but I had hoped.”
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered. “You’re an amazing man. Everything a woman in her right mind would want.”
“Just not the one you want.” Stepping away from me, his arms crossed over his chest.
“I know it’s cliché, but it’s not you. I don’t want anyone. My life is too hectic right now. I need to concentrate on my shop.”
He nodded. “Why don’t you let me help you then? Why go to Chandler? There’s nothing he can do that I can’t, Brina. Please, don’t push me away.”
If he only knew my reasons. Eyes burning, I held onto his wrists and kissed him. His arms snaked around my waist and he kissed me back. “I’m so sorry. But it has to end here.”
Chris shook his head, eyes unbelieving. “If you let me go, I won’t be back.”
It killed me to say goodbye, but it had to be done. “I know,” I murmured.
A look of defeat marred his beautiful face. Collecting himself, he stepped away. “I would’ve done anything for you.”
“That’s why you’re going to make someone really happy one day.”
He let out a humorless laugh. “Goodbye, Brina. I wish I could’ve been the man you needed.” With those final words, he headed to the front of the store and out of my life.
Tears fell down my face and I rubbed my chest. I cared about him, but I wasn’t in love with him. We shouldn’t have ever gotten involved in the first place. Hindsight was twenty-twenty.
“Brina?” Lexi called from the back room.
“Out here,” I choked.
She appeared around the corn
er and I covered my face. “You okay, babe? I just saw Chris leave.” I quickly wiped my eyes, and the second she got a good look at me, she rushed over and pulled me in her arms. “Oh, Brina. He’ll be fine.”
“I know. I’m going to miss him though. And the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him.”
“I’m sure he’ll find a sexy socialite to take your place before too long.”
I laughed. “I hope so. He deserves someone to make him happy. I’m just not her.” Blowing out a breath and shaking my head clear, I knew what I had to do. “I can’t worry about any of that now. It’s time to buckle down. Our business needs help.”
Her eyes widened. “You gonna go see Chandler? Even after your disappearing act?”
I shrugged. “What other option do we have? Who knows, he might forgive me.”
She burst out laughing and winked. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to apologize.”
The list was longer than usual. Ever since taking over Chandler Enterprises, I’d given up the daily hunts, to focus on the more high-profile criminals. For the longest time, I’d been one of the top killers in the Circle of Justice. It was time I got back to it.
My phone rang as I hopped in the car. It was Preston Hale, member of the Circle of Justice, and the only one who beat me for highest kill rate. “What can I do for you, Hale?”
“Am I seeing things right? I go to hunt a certain someone on the list, only to find his name has been marked off.”
With a smile on my face, I sped down the road. “Does that bother you?”
He chuckled. “Not at all. Glad to see you back in the game. I was beginning to think your desk job pussified you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Eh, you’re just worried I’ll beat your numbers.”
“You can try.” He huffed. “Have fun, brother.”
My newest target was Tripp Padgett, a maintenance man at the local university, charged with three counts of violent rape. He’d stalked college girls on campus until he found the right opportunity to attack. I’d observed him for the past two days, as he watched students walking to and from class. The hunger on his face had made me sick.
Today, I would tag him before he left for work. Conveniently, his house butted up to a patch of forest, which was where I now waited. Rifle poised against the side of a tree, I watched Padgett through the scope as he locked the front door and walked to the driveway. It was only a matter of time before he went after another victim. Without hesitating, I pulled the trigger. Blood splattered across the side of his old van and he fell to the ground.
Another target marked off the list.
Making my way to Chandler Enterprises, I was on a high I hadn’t felt in a long time. I knew that made me fucked up, but I couldn’t help it. Killing was addictive, especially when the sick bastards deserved it.
When I got to my building, I parked and headed straight to the elevators. Chandler Enterprises occupied the top eight floors of one of the tallest high-rises in Charlotte, and the rest we rented out to various businesses.
I was almost to the top floor when the elevator stopped and opened, revealing a sultry brunette I’d had the pleasure of getting to know.
“Well if it isn’t Mr. Chandler,” she murmured, joining me inside. Her name was Rachel Long, a woman I’d fucked on more than one occasion. Once the doors closed, she bit her lip, rubbing her body against mine. My dick twitched. “It’s been a long time.”
“That it has,” I agreed, sliding a hand down her hip. She was sexy as hell, but not quite what I wanted. My tastes preferred a strawberry blonde with electric green eyes.
Rachel nipped my lip. “Been busy?”
“All the time.”
The elevator was about to reach her floor, yet it didn’t stop her from rubbing a hand over my cock, squeezing it in her fist. “Think you can fit me in around eleven?”
Nipping her shoulder, I pushed my dick into her palm. “Better be prepared to work hard.”
“Don’t worry, Mr. Chandler.” She tugged on my tie. “I’ll take whatever you give me.”
Once she was gone, I took a deep breath. The last thing I wanted to do was walk across my lobby with a hard dick. Luckily, I had good control. The doors opened and I walked over to Mrs. Marshall, who wore the brightest clothes I’d ever seen on a sixty-five-year-old.
“Good morning,” she greeted, smiling wide. “The schedule looks open today. It should give you some time to catch up on your paperwork.”
“Good deal,” I said, picking up my messages. “Make sure to block off eleven o’clock, please. I have a meeting with Rachel Long.”
She cleared her throat and nodded. “Will do. I’ll alert you when she arrives.”
“Oh, and please look up Craig Johnson’s number for me.” Grabbing the newspaper off the side of her desk, I started toward my office.
“On it,” she called out.
I laid my messages and newspaper on my desk and took off my jacket. Now that Chandler Enterprises had expanded, there were a lot of companies seeking our help. Unfortunately, I had to be particular with who I chose to invest in. If Craig Johnson was serious about selling the Carolina Cougars, I was going to buy them for myself.
The intercom beeped and Mrs. Marshall’s voice came over the speaker. “I have Mr. Johnson’s number for you.”
I grabbed a pen. “What is it?” She recited it off and I wrote it down. “Thanks again.”
Picking up the phone, I called the number. I didn’t want to waste any time.
“Craig Johnson,” he answered.
“Mr. Johnson, Wade Chandler. How are you?”
“Ah, I’m doing well, son. How ‘bout you?”
“Pretty good. I wanted to talk to you about the Cougars. I was told you’re interested in selling. Is that true?”
He sighed. “It is. I’m getting too old for all of the politics, and I want to make sure they fall into the right hands.”
“I’m glad I called then. I’d like to meet over dinner to discuss the details. Is that something you’d be interested in?”
“Of course, Mr. Chandler. I look forward to it. How about tomorrow night at seven?”
“Sounds good. Does Mason’s steakhouse suit you?”
He chuckled. “It’s my favorite place. See you then.”
I hung up and the intercom beeped again. “Mr. Chandler.”
“I have a Brina Carmichael here to see you?”
Out of all the things she could’ve said, that was the last thing I expected. Maybe she needed my help after all? “Did you say Brina Carmichael?” I clarified, sure I’d just imagined it.
“I did. She’s not on the schedule so I wasn’t sure what you wanted to do. Should I reschedule her?”
Opening my desk, I pulled out the note she left me over a week ago. It was fun. It sure as hell was.
“No, that’s okay. I’ll see her now,” I replied, completely intrigued. “Oh, and do me a favor and cancel my eleven o’clock. Doesn’t look like I’ll have time for it.”
Standing at the receptionist’s desk, I waited to hear the verdict. Would Wade see me or not? When I heard his answer, I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn’t want my stupidity to ruin my shop’s chances at success.
The receptionist smiled up at me. “You can go back now, Ms. Carmichael. His office is the last one on the right.”
“Thank you,” I replied with a smile of my own.
Pulse pounding in my ears, I walked down the hall to Wade’s office. I had a folder of my designs tucked under my arm. Hopefully, it’d be enough to persuade him. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on his door.
“Come in,” he called out, his voice making me shiver.
I hated how this man made me feel like that. It’d been over a week and I could still feel the way he touched every square inch of my body. I wasn’t a needy woman, but he made me want more. This is business, nothing more.
Head held high, I op
ened the door. Wade was at his desk, leaning back in his chair, all cool and confident, dressed in his expensive suit with his brown hair perfectly coifed. Definitely not a bundle of nerves, like I was. “Mr. Chandler, it’s good to see you again.”
His brows lifted. “Likewise. Although I’d probably believe it more if you hadn’t run out on me the last time.”
And there it was.
Biting my lip, I shut the door. I couldn’t tell if he was angry, or didn’t care. “Thought I’d save you the trouble,” I confessed. “We both had a little too much to drink that night. And let’s face it, it was either going to be me or you. And I prefer not to be the one left behind.”
“Neither do I,” he said in all seriousness. “So, what brings you here?”
I cleared my throat. “First off, I want to say I’m sorry about the tabloids. I didn’t know someone was watching us. If it makes you feel any better, they made me out to be just as bad as you.”
His gaze narrowed as he studied me. “I believe you. Unfortunately, the damage has been done.”
“I know,” I murmured regretfully. “Anyway, putting our past aside, I’m here to ask for your help, nothing more.” Heart racing, I waited for him to speak. He was completely different from the first night I met him, all serious and professional. It was almost as if I was talking to another man.
Wade pointed to the seat in front of his desk. “Have a seat and we’ll talk.”
“Thanks. I honestly didn’t know if you’d see me today.”
He chuckled. “Ms. Carmichael, I’m not the type who particularly cares about the women I sleep with. It was fun though.” He threw my words back in my face.
“Yes, it was,” I agreed, smirking slyly. If he wanted to be an ass, I could take it. “So back to business. Lexi and I have decided we need help getting the word out about our store. As you know, most surfers are men. We’re popular among the women in our community, but we want to expand our online store, maybe even branch out to the west coast. This is where you would come in.”
Heart racing, I handed him the folder of my designs. They were sacred to me and I didn’t just show them to anyone. It was like sharing a piece of my soul. He stared at each picture with an unreadable expression on his face. When he was done, he shut the folder and clasped his hands on top. The man’s facial expressions were as tight and locked up as Fort Knox. Why did he have to be so difficult?