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Corviticus University: Family Ties

Page 12

by J. E. Cluney

  “So Marcus eats, I still can’t get my head around that. He’s been in here a few times to get some of Heather’s treats. And Ollie’s curse has lifted. You truly were a perfect gift for them,” Gina beamed as she helped load the coffees into a takeaway tray.

  I just smiled as Henry called her over for help with some food orders. There was much less time for our once usual chit-chat now.

  I handed the two trays of coffees to the group, and put on a bright smile for the next young woman in line.

  She was a blonde girl, only a few years younger than me, and she was giving me a look that I’d come to know all too well.

  Like she was trying to read me, scrutinize me. Those who were not happy about my relationship with the guys tended to look at me like that. Like they were trying to figure it all out.

  “Hi, how can I help?” I said cheerily, ignoring the way she was watching me closely.

  “You’re Allison Smoak?” she asked, eyeing my name tag.

  “Yep, that’s me,” I nodded, feeling a little strange about her behavior.

  Who was she?

  I glanced over her, taking in more of her appearance. She was roughly my height, maybe a little shorter, and she had a light sprinkling of freckles over her nose.

  Her green eyes were curious, but I saw something else flicker in there.

  Annoyance? Anger?

  Whatever, I was used to getting different looks from people now. I was learning to just brush it off with ease.

  “You’re dating Skip Connors?” she asked, suddenly realizing just how badly she was staring at me and averting her eyes.

  Great. Probably some girl who crushed on him. I did not need this drama right now.

  “Yep, I am,” I sighed.

  “Right. Interesting. Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. Won’t lie, I used to crush on him, was curious who’d won his heart,” she smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  There was something off about her. Clearly she didn’t like me.

  “Okay,” I said as I looked at the customers pushing through the door. I had work to do.

  “Sorry, I’ll just grab a chai latte for takeaway please,” she said quickly, noting my displeasure.

  I nodded, punching the order into the cash register and taking the coins she dug out of her purse.

  The new customers were still checking the board and investigating the cabinet of treats, so I got to work on her chai latte.

  She didn’t cast me any other glances, and I brushed aside her weirdness. Maybe she just felt awkward. I knew crushes could be hard.

  But it did make me feel weird that she’d brought it up.

  I finished up her order quickly and handed it to her, and she gave me a broad smile before rushing off.

  Strange girl.

  I shrugged off the encounter, focusing on work and the customers who were now ready to order.

  I didn’t have time to worry about some girl who crushed on one of my mates. She was no threat, and I didn’t even know her.

  By the time I got home, I was ready to shower and relax. Even though it had been the afternoon shift, it had been hectic, especially on a Sunday.

  But as I entered the house, I knew that we had guests.

  Lucas had invited Issac and Richard over, and he was wanting to have a good night to forget about the strangeness of the morning. He hated the feelings he was having, but he was also happy about his mom.

  I paused, debating whether to go say hi to them, but decided the shower came first.

  I headed upstairs, peeking into the minds of my guys. They were all home, and they were all in the games room enjoying some drinks and games of pool.

  I sighed, gathering up my pajamas and heading into the bathroom.

  I wondered how Walter was.

  I just scoffed to myself and shook my head.

  To think the wendigo was now a part of me in some weird way. Why? Why had my banshee side taken him in? I’d tried to seek answers from her in the void, but her whispers told me nothing, just that he was no longer of any harm to me.

  Hell, my banshee side was me. And I had no idea what the hell was going on.

  A quick feel in my void revealed Walter had not popped back in. He was still off in the spirit world doing whatever it was he wanted. Studying, learning, finding truths.

  I undressed and turned the shower on, still mulling over this.

  Maybe she took him in to help with investigations. Maybe, somehow, she knew he’d gain access to the spirit world. That he could help me uncover the truth behind some of the cases Mr Brady wanted me to work on.

  Maybe that was why he was here.

  To redeem himself and to help others once more.

  I pondered over this as I showered.

  He could be a big help actually. But I was still unsure about how soon I wanted to jump into investigations. I did want to help, but it was a big ask, and it would take a toll on me at first.

  Not to mention I had my studies and my life to focus on.

  I tried to shut off my mind, wanting to relax after the afternoon at work.

  Pizza from the wood-fired place in Maleny was the plan for dinner, and I was definitely excited for it.

  I joined everyone in the games room, greeting Issac and Richard before plopping down on the lounge with Marcus.

  “How was work?” he asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

  I sunk into his side, loving how perfectly we fit together.

  “It was work. Busy,” I mumbled as I turned my head to watch the game.

  Ollie and Skip were on the stools by the bar, Skip with a beer in hand, and Ollie holding a can of Woodstock. Ollie was giving me a contented smile, and I opened myself up to feel the sheer delight he had in just seeing me.

  I gave him a smile before moving my eyes to Lucas as he smashed the white ball with his cue.

  His face was rather expressionless, but I could see the slight frown lines in his forehead.

  He was trying to mask his emotions and avoid them, instead focusing on the game against his friends.

  ‘He’s been a little quiet. I think he’s still processing this morning,’ Marcus murmured into my mind, and I knew he was blocking out Lucas. I seemed to be the only one incapable of it, whereas the boys could block out one another somewhat, but not me. Whatever. Despite it being me who bound us together, I seemed to have the weakest mental block. Or maybe that was how it was meant to be.

  I didn’t think anything back, not wanting to upset Lucas. Hopefully he wasn’t listening in to me anyway.

  “You’re drinking a Woodstock?” I noted as Marcus reached for the can on the coffee table.

  “Yep, it tastes good. Zero effect on me though,” he sighed.

  “Expensive if you’re only having it for the taste,” I said, scrunching my nose up at him. Those cartons cost, like, fifty dollars or something. It was ridiculous.

  “True, but I’m only having the one,” he gave me that small smile that I loved.

  “So, things have changed, I hear ye a banshee, ain’t dat interesting,” Issac mused as he moved over to stand near our lounge.

  “Lucas tells us you killed a wendigo, that’s impressive. I’d heard rumors there was one running amuck,” Richard mused.

  “Don’t ye worry. We won’t tell ye secret. Lucas says it’s a need-to-know thing. But we know ye, so it’s all good,” Issac gave me a broad smile.

  I’d seen them around the university on occasion, and I knew Lucas spent the odd afternoon with them. They seemed to be his closest friends apart from the guys here.

  Lucas gave me a soft look, and without even peering into his mind, I knew they didn’t know about Walter. Only Mr Brady and Sasha knew about him.

  Not exactly something that was casual conversation material.

  “How’s all your magic classes coming along?” Richard asked as he prepared for his turn of pool.

  “They’re going good,” I stated as Marcus stroked my arm tenderly.

bsp; “And ye vet classes?” Issac asked.

  “Also good,” I said with a smile.

  “So, we heard about this morning, Jane said Cathy was acting a bit strange,” Richard said as he moved to take a swig of his beer from the bar counter.

  Lucas stiffened at this before moving in for his turn.

  “Everything okay dere?” Issac asked carefully, watching Lucas with a cautious expression.

  “It’s fine, to be honest, it’s not really anyone’s business,” Lucas growled softly as he hit the white ball a bit too hard.

  I shot Marcus a distressed look before spying Ollie and Skip exchanging glances.

  Why did Richard even bring it up?

  “Well, Jane said Cathy was pretty confused, struggling with how she should feel about it. Apparently her mother said something that hit home. Wasn’t sure if it was important. Apparently even your father pulled her up when she mentioned it when he got home,” Richard shrugged. “Anyways, how’s the riding going Ollie? I hear you’re back into it and shifting again, that’s pretty wicked,” Richard shifted the conversation as he shot Lucas an uneasy look.

  Ollie was more than happy to change the conversation, but I pursed my lips as I opened myself up to Lucas’ emotions. He was confused, even more-so about his sister. He was thinking about how close they’d once been, and how nasty she’d become towards him. And his father had apparently pulled her up too?

  It was niggling at him, confusing him and filling him with a flurry of emotions.

  They continued their game, Issac and Richard talking with the other guys mostly. Lucas pitched in a few words here and there, but he was mostly quiet as he downed more drinks.

  When the game ended, he said something about snacks before heading out of the room.

  “I’m going to go talk to him,” I murmured, and Marcus just nodded and squeezed my shoulder.

  He agreed that Lucas wasn’t doing well, and he probably needed me right now.

  I stepped into the kitchen, finding Lucas staring at a bag of chips on the counter. He was completely lost in his own mind clearly, and I cleared my throat to inform him I was there before striding over.

  “How you doing?” I murmured as I stepped up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. He relaxed slightly at the embrace, and let out a deep sigh.

  “Still trying to understand this morning,” he admitted as he covered my arms with one hand and stroked them softly.

  “I’m sorry Richard brought it up,” I mumbled. I think Richard knew he’d messed up though, and he’d been trying to strike up new conversations with Lucas to lift the uneasy tension.

  “No, it’s fine. I know he was more concerned, he’s friends with my sister too through Jane, so he’s probably worried about her too,” he said softly.

  “Why? She’s the one who was being a bitch,” I muttered.

  “Yeah, I know. But she was molded this way by dad. She wasn’t always like this. And now, if what Richard said is true, with Dad pulling her up, she must be getting real confused about how she’s meant to feel. She’s always been his little girl, doing whatever she can to please him.”

  I tightened my grip on him as I felt the waves of pain and sadness rolling off him, mingled with confusion and frustration.

  I just wanted to help him.

  “You help just by being here,” he said softly as he squeezed my arm around his waist.

  “Don’t try to fight your emotions, don’t bottle them up. It doesn’t help. You’ve got me and the guys to talk to, we’re all here for you. I know it’s hard right now, but everything will be okay. Things have a way of sorting themselves out,” I said, doing my best to be helpful.

  “It’s a lot to deal with, I don’t know what to think or do, how to feel about it all. If Dad really pulled her up, then maybe he’s changing too,” he said, and his voice pitched a little.

  The thought of his dad finally accepting him meant more to him than he’d ever admit too.

  I just nuzzled his back, trying to push my loving feelings onto him. I loved him, and I wanted him to be happy, that was all that mattered to me. And I wanted him to know that beyond a doubt, he always had me. Nothing would change that.

  He relaxed and sighed, turning in my arms and wrapping his around my waist.

  “I know I’ll always have you,” he whispered as he stared down at me with those deep green eyes that glittered with emotion.

  “Everything will be okay, I promise,” I murmured.

  He gave me a grateful smile before dipping down to kiss me sweetly.

  “I know. As long as I have you, everything will be fine.”

  Chapter 10


  I sat on my bed after spending time with the guys in the pool room. Lucas had returned looking a little less frustrated and confused, and Allison had retaken her position on the lounge with Marcus.

  She’d helped Lucas feel a little better, which we were all glad for as he jumped into another round of pool after putting out snack plates on the counter.

  But my phone had lit up with an incoming call, and I’d headed out to take it.

  “What happened?” I groaned as my mother only gave me a vague rundown of what was going on. Apparently, my father needed help due to an accident.

  “There was a tractor accident, your father broke his leg. He’s got so much to do and even with shifter healing, he’s not going to be able to get it done. We could really use your help,” she said sweetly.

  I groaned inwardly as I rubbed my temple. They were always trying to get me back on the farm, one way or another.

  “I can come up next weekend and help him catch up, I can’t really leave with uni,” I said, trying not to let my frustration show in my voice.

  I heard her sigh softly.

  “I know. I know how much it means to you, and I completely understand. A weekend would be great, just so we can try to keep everything going. We need to drench the cattle and fix a few fences, but Jack next door is away for a holiday, so he’s got no help. And you know how he is, he won’t try to find help, he’ll stick to just trying to do it himself,” my mother groaned.

  I managed a small smile at this. Dad was always stubborn, stupidly so. But they also couldn’t afford to pay for help.

  “I can come up Friday afternoon, just try to get him to wait until the weekend and not do anything stupid.”

  “I’ll do my best, thanks Skip,” she murmured.

  She moved to asking about how things were, and I tried to keep the conversation short and sweet.

  Mainly work, my classes, and my housemates. She continued to ask about Allison, and I wondered if I should tell them how she was my mate when I finally saw them.

  They’d be happy, hopefully, but that could change when they found out I was only one of four.

  The call ended with her telling me she was grateful and looked forward to seeing me again soon.

  I knew she’d try to get me to stay yet again when I did go up. She always did.

  I stared at my phone, biting my lip. I know my mother missed me. She’d always told me having me around made life easier, because I was always nice to her compared to my father and sister.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  I looked up to find Bee Sting in my doorway, looking a little concerned as she leaned on the doorframe.

  “Yeah, just my family,” I sighed.

  “They okay?” she asked as she strode over and sunk onto the bed beside me. Her sweet honey and flowers scent touched my nose, and I inadvertently leaned closer to her to take in more of it.

  “My dad broke his leg, he’ll be fine, but they could really use a hand as he’s got a few jobs that need doing soon, and he can’t do it,” I told her.

  “You going to go help?” she asked as she began tracing an invisible pattern on my arm.

  I relaxed as her fingers caressed my skin in a soothing way.

  “Yeah, I’ll head up Friday afternoon,” I murmured, wanting to close my eyes and enjoy her soft touch. I’d noticed sh
e’d started doing it lately, touching all of us in small ways, running her fingers down our skin in such a calming manner. We all loved it.

  “You don’t seem happy about this. You don’t really want to go, do you?” she noted, even though her gentle touch was easing my frustration.

  I managed a small smile, feeling her reaching out to sense my emotions.

  “Not really. They’re my family, and I want to help them, but things aren’t always good with them. It’s mainly because mom asked that I said I would. She’s always been the nicest to me,” I admitted. Allison knew things could be strained with my father and sister.

  “I can go with you?” she offered.

  “You don’t have to. Besides, you have work on the weekends. Not even the guys have met my family.” My family rarely came to visit me when I lived with my grandmother while growing up, but not long into high school, they’d asked me to return home to help them on the farm, as my father was beginning to struggle with managing it.

  That had lasted quite a few years until Selena had died, and then I began to realize just how toxic my life was with them.

  “But I want to. I want to be there for you,” she murmured.

  The sincerity I felt from her, her desire to make me feel better and comfortable visiting my own family, it made my chest tighten. I reached for her, pulling her into my lap and hugging her tight. I drew in her sweet fragrance, letting it drift through me and relax my tense muscles.

  “Well, I guess it would be nice to have you there,” I murmured as I kissed her neck gently.

  “I’ll text Gina first thing in the morning, I’m sure it’ll be fine though,” she murmured as she caught my face in her hands.

  I stared into those soft doe eyes, brushing a stray strand of earthy hair from her face.

  “I know you’re worried about how they’ll take me, and how I’ll go with them. You deemed them too toxic so you came back here,” she sighed. “But it’ll be okay, I promise.”

  “I know,” I said as her fingers caressed along my jaw. I did want to see my mother again, but my father and sister I wasn’t too keen to see.

  I hugged Allison close, loving the feel of her body against mine, a perfect fit. Just having her with me anchored me, it put everything into perspective. She was my mate, and my family couldn’t change that. We loved each other, and there was nothing we wouldn’t do for one another.


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