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Corviticus University: Family Ties

Page 20

by J. E. Cluney

  “They don’t mind… you know, sharing and being naked together?” she murmured, glancing around like one of them may pop up suddenly.

  ‘Tell her about Lucy,’ Lucas laughed into my mind.

  She’ll get a kick out of that,’ Skip chuckled, while I could feel the amusement from Marcus and Ollie.

  “Well, they’re comfortable being naked with one another. Besides, Lucas has this odd little habit of turning himself into a girl and having his fun with them,” I grinned, and Hayley shot up straight in her seat.

  “He does what?” she gaped at me.

  “Sleeps with the others as a girl sometimes,” I repeated, and even Natalie’s eyes were huge as she smiled with intrigue. I hadn’t told her that either.

  “That’s definitely one way to spice things up,” Natalie chuckled.

  “That’s…” Hayley just stared at me and shook her head, lost for words.

  I sat back, enjoying her shock as she reeled from this information, and Natalie was stifling chuckles at her daughter’s innocence being crushed.

  “What’s a vampire like?” Hayley finally asked, as if she needed something else to ease her mind from the shock.

  I sighed as I thought about Marcus’ teeth sinking into my neck, of the sweet love he would make to me, how cool his body was against mine.

  I told her about it, about the incredible bliss a bite would bring you, and even Natalie was asking more questions about it. She’d always been curious about a vampire’s bite.

  I was glad that they weren’t getting all uppity and disgusted by talking about my sex life. I guess with Dixon off with the boys, Natalie no longer felt the need to be restrained.

  I answered all their questions, and I felt the boys laughing in response, before throwing in their own little comments and remarks.

  I watched on as Dixon and the boys played a game of cricket in the late afternoon sun.

  I’d never been a fan of sports, but they were having a ball playing in two teams. Marcus had to be careful not to use his full speed or strength, which he was managing fairly well.

  “They really are like a family,” Hayley remarked from her seat beside me in the shade of the verandah. We were sitting on the back steps as we watched, while Trish and Natalie were inside making up salads for the barbecue that would get underway soon enough.

  “Really, dumbass?” Lucas scolded Skip when he hit the ball a little too hard, and it was sent soaring towards the top story of the house.

  A quick purple glow of his hand, and the ball arced back towards the game.

  “Be careful boys,” Dixon laughed as he tried to catch the falling ball.

  Ollie was crouched down behind the goals as the wicket-keeper, and he was grinning widely as Dixon ran for the ball.

  Lucas was the pitcher, and Marcus was off to the side in the field of play.

  “Never really understood cricket,” Hayley remarked as they played.

  “Same,” I snorted. I’d never cared much for any sport really.

  “Does it weird you out, having Walter inside you after everything?” Hayley asked softly.

  “No, not really. It did a little at first, but it wasn’t really him who did all that stuff. He was a doctor before his father turned him. I know some people will think I’m crazy considering he killed my parents, but I guess I’ve realized that that monster isn’t who he really is,” I murmured.

  “Still, must be a little hard, having him in your void,” she sighed as she stared out at the game while leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees.

  “Not really.”

  She smiled softly at this.

  Having Walter in my void wasn’t too bad. He was rarely there, and I didn’t feel any different.

  I did wonder how he was going in finding out about his father and the rumors. It had been hanging around at the back of my mind, and each time I focused on it, I got a bad feeling.

  I just hoped it was me overthinking it.

  ‘It is, Walter just wants to believe his father had more of an ulterior motive. It probably hurts him too much, the truth of his shitty father,’ Marcus murmured into my mind.

  ‘Everything is fine, Cupcake. Don’t let it bother you. Walter probably just needs a focus too, and that’s as good as any,’ Lucas added.

  I knew they were probably right, but I still couldn’t shake this uneasy feeling deep within me.

  Hayley spoke to me about her school friends and other werewolves, and I was able to relax and let go of that niggling worry as she spoke.

  She sounded happy in life, and completely head over heels for Daniel as she spoke about him again.

  She hoped I could meet him one day, but traveling to the States wasn’t in the cards for me anytime soon, not with my studies and work.

  The boys finished up their game and got the barbecue ready as Natalie and Trish came out with platters of nibbles and salads.

  We all sat at the table, save for Skip and Dixon, who remained over by the barbecue.

  Lucas offered everyone drinks and magicked everything outside, and I enjoyed watching the glasses and bottles of soft drink, juice, and cold water float out the back door in single file before serving in mid-air and drifting over to the requester.

  I sat quietly as Natalie and Hayley spoke to the boys about life, asking them all sorts of questions.

  Nightwood was brought up, and Marcus shot me a tender look before jumping into explaining the game to them.

  I sat between Marcus and Ollie, nibbling on some crackers and cabana with cheese.

  I smiled softly as Ollie found my hand and took it, giving it a gentle squeeze. I gave him a warm smile, staring into those gentle hazel eyes flecked with gold. God, I was beyond lucky to have all of them. Even right now, as they spoke to my family, I could feel their love and affection for me.

  Ollie leaned over to kiss my cheek, and my smile widened as I turned and pecked his lips.

  A little spark shot through us at that, and he bit his lip as he sat back.

  A glimpse into his head made me heat up. He was thinking about the joint fun we had scheduled for tomorrow night.

  I was already thinking about what tonight could be.

  Ollie growled softly into my mind at the thought, and the boys all looked to me as I distracted them from the conversation.

  An early present would be appreciated tonight.

  ‘What would our little pixie like?’ Skip asked sweetly.

  ‘I think she wants all of us,’ Lucas cracked a smile.

  ‘That’s more than possible,’ Marcus said, his smooth, suggestive voice making me quiver.

  I fought off the arousal that wanted to set in.

  My family were werewolves, I did not need them scenting that.

  Lucas’ laughter echoed in my mind with Skip’s, while Marcus smirked and Ollie averted his eyes.

  “Are you guys talking in your minds?” Trish mused, her eyes twinkling as if she knew what the conversation had been.

  “Still think that’s awesome,” Hayley added.

  “Sorry,” I apologized as I sent the boys a stern warning. No naughty thoughts until we were alone.

  Their laughter and amusement filled my mind, but they agreed just as Dixon and Skip got started on the barbecue meats.

  The smell of cooking meat thankfully would override any trace of my scent as we all continued talking, and I looked over at Lucas as he nibbled on some cheese and crackers.

  He was checking the time on his phone, as if he was waiting for something.

  A few minutes passed, and a cheery, familiar voice rang out.

  “Looks like everyone is having some fun this afternoon!” Emma beamed as she walked around the side of the house hand-in-hand with George.

  I lit up as I rose to head over to greet them, and Lucas joined me.

  “Happy birthday for tomorrow, Allison,” George smiled sweetly as Emma engulfed me in a tight hug.

  “Twenty years old, wait until your twenty-first, I’ll make sure that’s one h
uge party,” Emma gave me a toothy smile as she winked.

  “Of course, I’ll play a part in that too,” Lucas chuckled.

  “So this is your family?” Emma waved enthusiastically over my shoulder at my family members who were watching us.

  “Yeah, come, I’ll introduce you guys!”

  I led the duo over to the table and introduced them, while Marcus flitted inside for another two chairs for them.

  “Lucas told us to come by to surprise you,” Emma bounced a little as she turned back to me after saying hi to my family.

  “Aw, that’s sweet of him,” I murmured as I flicked a look to the said warlock. He just winked and gave me that gorgeous lopsided smile as he sipped his drink.

  “Drinks?” he called out to Emma and George.

  “Anything fizzy!” Emma shot back, and Lucas nodded as he fulfilled her request.

  “So, you staying tonight?” I asked, curious if they’d be around in the morning for my birthday.

  “Yep, apparently your family are staying here too. Lucas said since you became mated, he’s got more power, and can easily magic us some accommodation to stay the night now. Think the tents like in Harry Potter!” Emma said, her excitement bubbling out at the thought of such magic. I knew she had a deep love for the wizard movies.

  “Awesome,” I murmured, my mind wandering to the memory of the tents in the Harry Potter movies. They looked like small one-person tents, but inside, they were huge. Definitely something I imagined Lucas could do with ease.

  ‘I could’ve done it last time for your family, but they had booked accommodation already,’ Lucas informed me.

  “Sausages are ready if anyone wants some!” Dixon called out.

  Marcus flitted inside and returned with paper plates and plastic cutlery, while Lucas magicked out the tomato and barbecue sauce and bread.

  Marcus flitted inside again, this time returning with the bowls of salads Trish and Natalie had made up.

  “I’ll serve, Lucas will bring them over,” Skip called out.

  “I’ll take a sausage on bread with tomato sauce, and same for George, but with barbecue sauce,” Emma requested.

  Skip nodded and got to work, asking if she wanted onion too.

  Steaks would be done shortly for those who wanted them instead.

  I threw in my order next as I sat back down beside Ollie, and before I’d even finished the thought, Lucas had magicked the juice bottle over to refill my glass.

  Emma and George took their seats, and Trish leaned forward as she drew in a deep breath.

  “Witch/fae and… quokka?” Trish mused as she cocked her head at the pair.

  “Yes!” Emma beamed, delighted that someone had guessed George right. Many times he’d been mistaken for a wallaby.

  “I’ve only met one other quokka, an old fellow traveling to the States. Fascinated the shifters in the local bar. This was way back when I was just a young one, hitting bars and enjoying drinks while riding the bikes with Warren. Money was waved and eventually he shifted, still got my photo with the little guy with his adorable little smile. Always wanted to see the little critters in the wild,” Trish informed them as she leaned back in her seat, pleased that she’d guessed right. “Didn’t think I’d remember the scent, but as soon as you got close, the memories came back,” she chuckled.

  “Do you remember who it was?” George asked excitedly. “I had a grandfather who travelled to the States.”

  “Hmm, Jameson, I think,” Trish said after a moment of scrunching her face up in thought.

  “That’s him!” George lit up at the revelation.

  Trish looked mighty surprised by this.

  “Quokka’s aren’t a common shifter, and there’s not many in the wild either really, so we know most of the others out there, or their family lines,” he explained.

  “Well I’ll be damned,” Trish whistled before snatching her sausage out of the air and inspecting it. She’d asked for extra onion and tomato sauce.

  “Good job, Skippy. Might have even earned yourself a kiss,” she called over her shoulder when she was satisfied he’d served her up right and winked before laughing when Skip beamed at her.

  “Love your hair too, Emma. Suits you better than it suits me,” she laughed. Emma’s silvery-white hair wasn’t as dark as Trish’s grey, but Emma laughed at her remark before telling her she was gorgeous. This impressed Trish, and she fell into a conversation with the pair just as my sausage in bread floated over on a plate.

  I served myself up some of the potato salad and standard salad with cherry tomatoes and cheese squares before digging in.

  One bite from my sausage in bread and I was thrust back into the days of walking to Bunnings before school some days when I lived with my horrid Aunt and cousin just so I could get some breakfast.

  I’d take my gold coin and join the line for the sausage sizzle raising funds for some charity, and I’d be set until lunch.

  ‘You didn’t get breakfast?’ Ollie murmured.

  ‘Not always, and I had to learn how to steal money from her, just the odd gold coin here and there, just in case. Sometimes I’d snatch it from her purse or from the money jar on the fridge, just so I could get breakfast or lunch if she ‘forgot’ again,’ I answered mentally as I took another bite. Damn, I loved sausages in bread with sauce. I’d forgone the onion though.

  ‘I’m glad you left them behind,’ Marcus growled softly in my mind.


  I enjoyed the dinner as Dixon joined us with a plate of the now cooked steaks for anyone who wanted them.

  We laughed and joked around as we ate, and just as I was serving myself up some more potato salad, the wines and alcohol came floating out, met by a few soft cheers from Trish and Skip.

  Emma helped herself to the fruity red wine, which I grinned at when I realized Lucas had remembered my fondness of it at his mother’s so he’d bought it.

  I was served a glass as well, and I happily took a plentiful sip before leaning back in my seat.

  “So, Allison, when are you going to start helping with the investigations again?” Trish asked as she sipped a wine as well, giving it a pleasantly surprised look as she enjoyed the taste.

  The others had assorted beverages from beer to vodka mixes and Jack Daniel cans.

  “Soon, probably. I just wanted to get on top of my studies first and settle a bit more,” I said as I swirled my fruity red wine.

  I had considered it again, and soon I’d allow myself to contact Mr Brady for another case. I just wanted to make sure I was ready for such an emotional situation again.

  “Good, because you did a great job last time, sweetheart,” Trish beamed.

  “But only if you’re ready,” Natalie added quickly as she shot her mother a look.

  Trish nodded as she took another sip of wine, and Hayley asked Natalie what that was about, so she quickly filled her in about the case I’d assisted on.

  “Tomorrow is going to be so exciting, bet you can’t wait for your presents,” Emma waggled her eyebrows at me from her seat across the table.

  She knew I hadn’t really celebrated birthdays, ever. I might’ve had the odd friend gift me something small while growing up, but this was my first party, ever.

  “I guess so,” I murmured, feeling a little guilty that I wasn’t more excited. I’d told everyone not to worry about getting me anything, but Trish had given me a gobsmacked look before rattling on that it was tradition and they had to make up for a lot of missed birthday’s and Christmases.

  There was no avoiding it. I just hoped I was excited enough. I was always worried my reactions wouldn’t seem as legitimate as they wanted, and it stressed me out.

  ‘Relax, Bee Sting. You overthink too much,’ Skip reassured me.

  ‘We all love you here, trust me, no one will be hurt if you’re not a bubbly, bouncing mess like Emma when you get a present,’ Ollie laughed, and I broke into a smile.

  They were right, I was overthinking it, and the people with m
e today, they were my family. Everything would be perfect.

  The night carried on, and the sun had set just after we’d finished dinner.

  Lucas magicked us some glowing fiery balls around the verandah to give us some more authentic light, whilst magicking them to keep the bugs and mosquitoes away.

  Drinks had increased, and I felt airy and light as I laughed with Hayley as we joked about how adorable it’d be if Skip had a pouch and he could carry George around as a little quokka.

  This transformed into asking Ollie if he could shift into a female kangaroo and carry George, whilst George was nearly crying from laughter.

  Ollie regretfully informed us (whilst grinning and chuckling) that he couldn’t change his whole gender. That was a Lucas thing.

  Hayley spun on the warlock, and Lucas’ grin faltered as he was tugged from his conversation with my aunt and uncle to be questioned on what it was like to be a chick.

  I just laughed as I bobbed my head to the music Ollie had put on for us to enjoy whilst assorted easter treats had been brought out for dessert. Chocolate eggs and bunnies, some cupcakes Trish had made, rich white chocolate with white chocolate eggs on top of the icing.

  I helped myself to a few of them as Ollie collected up the caramello easter eggs from the platter and began popping them like pills.

  “Tell me, Lucas, can you make people fly?” Trish queried, grinning like a mad woman as she leaned a little too far forward.

  Natalie laughed at her clear drunken state.

  Lucas laughed as he answered positively, and Trish clapped her hands together in joy as she shoved her chair out from the table.

  “Do me then,” she demanded.

  I lost it, bursting into laughter along with Skip and Ollie, and even Marcus was laughing as he enjoyed the night.

  Lucas chortled and looked to Natalie and Dixon, the most sober of the group, for confirmation.

  “As long as she doesn’t float away, we’re fine with it,” Natalie chuckled as Dixon rolled his eyes.

  “Like in the Harry Potter movie where he blew her up like a balloon!” Emma laughed as she sat perched in George’s lap, his arms wrapped around her as she rocked with laughter.

  He was probably close behind Natalie and Dixon on the sober scale, although he’d had enough drinks to be a little tipsy.


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